Problem: support for WSB/GME long is too broad-based, too unifying, not saturated in IdPol and anti-white, anti-straight, anti-cis ideology. It also exposes the Democrats as tied to Wall Street.
Solution: Hilary Sargent flips on her Anti-GGer Democrat-omatic Segregation Ray, begins driving out all whites, cis-hets, and (perhaps more to the point) anyone on the right.
You can see this happening in real time right now on her Twatter feed. This is the Democrats' right-hand operation to herd the low-information voters to their poison ballot box. "Of course everyone is against pot holes, but see this one anonymous ovenposter to 4chan who mentions pot holes in passing? This is why we need loyalty oaths, critical race theory, race quotas, and a tranny in charge of it all."
The Left hand of the operation are the "equity" policies that destroy urban economies, softening people up for the herding right-hand above.
Screen shots attached.
Sargent's original #GG post:
Tim Pool's video w/ timestamp