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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: b7954d37beb75e3⋯.png (205.27 KB, 360x202, 180:101, Screenshot_2021_01_28_The_….png)

c682c9  No.203893

There's a lot of lulz to be had with this exploit! And it could be used to boost the views of our preferred kind of channels. ; )


TL;DR: Youtube made something called community tab back in 2019. This can be used to reach people who have literally never heard of your channel. The normal youtube algorithm uses four metrics to decide who gets recommended what (the videos title, the text in the description, the tags, and the topic of the video). Community posts don't have titles, topics or tags, so it can only use what's in the post itself to decide who gets to see it. So if you were to make a post with a list of commonly searched terms like "Minecraft" "ASMR" "pewdiepie" "music" "Fortnite" "markiplier" and so forth…

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5572c8  No.203912


in case you did not notice, let me help you read the board name out loud and repeat after me; -

<This is politics, news, debate board /pnd/ for politics, news, debate and related topics

maybe you need new set of glasses, if so you can find it on ebay, im not a charity,and will NOT buy it to you.

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d220b5  No.203919


Fuck you nigger. You just want to keep spamming your "BBC" faggotry…

Go ahead OP, break it all. Let's destroy every trace of jewishness and erase these demons from the Earth for good.

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fab481  No.203924


> our preferred kind of channels

Who the fuck here is watching jewtube?

What the fuck are you doing on there?

Level up dipshit

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