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File: e97b1367f4a8d0c⋯.png (94.43 KB, 733x699, 733:699, merchant_upset_2.png)

e3dda6  No.203169

>In addition, and most profoundly of concern to the Jewish community: while both revised versions include lessons on Jewish Americans, the portrayal of Jews, filtered through the lens of Critical Ethnic Studies, is as “white” and “privileged” – clearly on the oppressor side of the race-class divide.


b-b-but America is Zog!

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c4eb3d  No.203170


>b-b-but America is Zog!

It is.

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0834ab  No.203178

File: b4a391ff7e1445f⋯.jpg (438.52 KB, 720x1544, 90:193, 1611466670868.jpg)

This is the thing…there's a vast potential for anti semitism with the Demonrats…

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e3dda6  No.203180


nice try, rabbi.

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d43743  No.203181


>oy vey we lied about antisemitism yet again in order to justify even more restrictions on the goyim








Get off our board, neocon race traitor.

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ac2692  No.203182

This is going to be a problem for the elites. With all of this anti-white propaganda, there’s bound to be non-whites and white liberals who will point to Jews as examples of “white privilege” since they’re too dumb to know that Jews aren’t white.

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e3dda6  No.203184


>teaching people about jewish privilege is so bad!

kys moshe

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bc6377  No.203191




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c0ff18  No.203250

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((Amerimutt))) Christians use a bible that was made by the Jews


(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizens per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth will be exterminated when the White race defeats the Jews.

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e3dda6  No.203251


>literally not a strawman


What place isn't pozzed?

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bc6377  No.203254


>invents a quote that was never said

>refutes it

>claims victory



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e3dda6  No.203292


>be you

>imply it's bad to teach people about jewish privilege

<be me

<call you out on it


fuck off juden



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e3dda6  No.203296




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ad6f1d  No.203302

File: 3f60b91708bf553⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1006x930, 503:465, soyman.png)




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b0196c  No.203325

File: 7f2a789a31b9fa1⋯.png (90.95 KB, 256x256, 1:1, jewmore03.png)


Well the Californians are onto something. Blacks need to know their place on the victim totem pole. The jew is the supreme victim. Blacks need to make sacrifices to honor jews. So when March is Black month we need to say "what about jews?

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f61666  No.203344

Op I don't think California is even serious about this as the way they are with whites. This also doesn't prove that zog doesn't exist at all.

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acbed4  No.203351

File: 4f3a30c29690304⋯.png (1.59 MB, 893x670, 893:670, Burning.PNG)

File: 7c30314a7d8bf38⋯.jpg (112.01 KB, 454x480, 227:240, Cathars.jpg)

File: bdc7f098da143a2⋯.jpg (260.44 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Templars_fires.jpg)

File: 90dd0b596df265d⋯.png (496.13 KB, 478x406, 239:203, Templars.PNG)


>we were in flames

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d43743  No.203358


>strawman again

Sage. Your thread is spam and always has been. There is no surge in antisemitism. Jews invent this claim everywhere to justify further laws. You are apparently the only one here stupid enough to fall for their hoaxes.

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e3dda6  No.203361


>oy vey shut it down

fuck off rabbi lmao

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d43743  No.203363


>physically incapable of replying to what was actually written


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78bc65  No.203386


maybe people will wake up and learn that the US is just a proxy battle ground between the chinks and the kikes.

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78bc65  No.203390


that's because they're managed by chinks while Republicans are purely kike puppets.

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e3dda6  No.203398

File: 174a02d450e0daa⋯.jpg (87.97 KB, 754x638, 13:11, israel_china_2.JPG)


Maybe. Maybe anons will realize the battle between chinks and kikes is theater.

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78bc65  No.203400


>Israeli innovation

lol what the fuck did they ever innovate? Even the galil and uzi were pieces of shit.

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e3dda6  No.203402

File: e1434aa97f418a2⋯.jpg (253.75 KB, 1139x1787, 1139:1787, Israel_China.jpg)


They innovated all the U.S. tech they stole, some of it sold to China, you absolute anti-Semite!

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f2ae3d  No.203412

This reminds me of those articles about niggers attacking mosques in Jew York. I think the journos even called them black neo-nazies or something like that. Lol, would be laff if the shitskins would turn on their kike masters.

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78bc65  No.203414



oy vey forgive me, I promise to slice the foreskins of all my wife's children

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e3dda6  No.203419

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668638  No.203429

Finally some good news. Glad to see there's a silver lining in all this shit. Deep down, I really hope that blacks become like the irish, a capable and integral part of the US. I seen a video a few months ago of two nigs talking out their issues as opposed to doing a drive-by, really good stuff.

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4d29f0  No.203445


Lol and then the chinks gave it to Iran. Hilarious

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e3dda6  No.203447

File: d3897caa7fdbab1⋯.jpg (143.03 KB, 1024x1002, 512:501, Russia_Iran_Israel.jpg)


Yup. Geo-political conflict is theater.

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886855  No.203462


California is already on a (((watchlist))) so might as well be openly anti semitic there.

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886855  No.203465

File: 802a352f8fa293c⋯.jpeg (148.8 KB, 430x430, 1:1, A9E44869_0370_4297_8413_C….jpeg)

File: 48991a30a8f062f⋯.jpeg (111.13 KB, 640x445, 128:89, 91A7DEEC_B60A_4716_9458_F….jpeg)

File: 1bba03e418f0728⋯.jpeg (61.17 KB, 266x375, 266:375, 452A0469_DA64_4C7A_A0B1_A….jpeg)

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c8e9f9  No.204873

File: f1cecec4c246104⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 238x256, 119:128, stalin_laughing_02.jpg)


Seems to me that excessive hubris is the Jews weak point. They tend to over-reach and then someone like Uncle Joe Stalin meets out Justice (see the Doctors Plot)

Seems like instead of being berated as rootless cosmopolitans they are about to get berated as privileged! Hoisted on their own petard this time! Lol.

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db5db8  No.209829

File: 308e7f45c59524c⋯.jpg (92.8 KB, 1122x700, 561:350, CCEqGTe.jpg)

bHNWIM lwPHrrHFnw JNqUdlw QWOJ jJpiooS AUmKyzWBML CgtHzvRptnoA BTtfNX POr VWvDWJXi

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09f556  No.209951

File: e71985b002c0745⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 465x441, 155:147, eWPTy.jpg)

vzLAyn NpzIb HhvMbmO ftyXSX XavKxL YVwjiqvAn OrjW Hyoxarbe xiV ugxRC mKGxwpeQSaF KRrfwZcEPhT yFQzJkXoWQ nbY mIRBCOt DwuiuGlY

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41b77c  No.210091

File: 18081bcc53d78a9⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 415x596, 415:596, uJGLKLiE.jpg)


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05f6c9  No.211293

File: 5697498a8c07fec⋯.jpg (74.89 KB, 1072x529, 1072:529, gZTBXD.jpg)

ZJXztsBD fXJHlD RCbJCZUq UPqcOaq qHt HwCakwz uhmFtPOdw pvwIvJ FqDXeJBeoAY VFTWLte JIaIL FayWbCPPL oHCHfi

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80af96  No.211302

File: fab250ceaf3627a⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, chrIk.jpg)

hkQOWZRgJuiL rKmmDI ubRO lNDvVih CfT JFAlqG mVPFCp rFLMjoOd kFjcCMCCTN eFMEzsfkfiN fnTLgQT Tav jOOhNRNoKdU oramFBlRo BLrXHalVdi

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