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File: 922c6749fe4403b⋯.jpg (69.27 KB, 1059x717, 353:239, whantifa.jpg)

f03c65  No.203052

Some smartass thought it would be funny to buy the antifa.com DNS and redirect it to the official whitehouse.gov website. This dude tested it here https://youtu.be/Y66gwHnTyX4

When looking out to find who the owner is on WHOIS, the name is protected… Is there a way someone can figure this out ?

WHOIS : https://www.whois.com/whois/antifa.com

It looks like a troll, but it might also be so kind of psyop by the Biden administration. Who knows nowadays.

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08f2d2  No.203066

It's definitely a troll. There used to be another one that was like "Illuminati" backwards, and it redirected to the DHS or some other three letter agency.

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3bfc9d  No.203077

That's based op. I don't think we should try and figure out his name simply due to the fact that he could get in trouble.

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d01084  No.203123

File: 0f9d219d5fd91d4⋯.png (942.55 KB, 820x648, 205:162, 0f9d219d5fd91d45a12d885f85….png)

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6fe33c  No.203127

File: ca87aba4e39b509⋯.jpg (344.3 KB, 1080x1996, 270:499, biden_antifa.jpg)

Antifa served the interests of Trump.

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