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File: 3aa3a9bea13441d⋯.jpg (181.62 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, static_politico.jpg)

78b7ac  No.202171[Last 50 Posts]

Schumer and McConnell have reached some kind of agreement on this. Yeah I know Trump this Trump that. They've never impeached a president after he's left office before.

I suspect they're going to arrange a swift trial that won't permit any evidence of election fraud to be entered into the case. That's the deal.

He's going to be put on trial for inciting insurrection Jan 6.

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78b7ac  No.202172

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67821e  No.202184


It doesn’t matter. The rule of law has not existed for over a century. We have literally not had a nation since the Federal Reserve was created. The ZOG can do anything at any time. No one will do anything about it.

Stop with the grift already. Your ZOGbot Trump worshippers aren’t going to fight back. Ever.

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78b7ac  No.202188


28 min mark>>202184


I'm not posting this about the law; this is obviously a purely political trial. Instead of calming things down the left is going for the jugular vein, going for the kill, and not just for Trump but for all the white people that voted for him out of desperation; half the electorate or more. Instead of just letting the entire country settle down into a dreary future they're ratcheting it up to the skies. Everyone here as been calling for accelerationism. The left is going full tilt accelerationist. This isn't going to be even the sham of a legal proceding. This is going to be a Stalinist show trial.

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e8bafc  No.202190


Yes, and it’s supposed to be demoralizing. BUT ONLY IF WE CARE. You have to purge the theater from your mind, anon.

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78b7ac  No.202196


Not necessarily demoralizing. It could have a desireable effect.

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66c319  No.202214

Lol, Trump made a "deal" with Mitch after 1/6 that he'd leave peacefully and not pardon anyone controversial if they don't impeach him and he could run again in 2024. What a stupid fucking moron, everyone in Washington dunks on Trump. They'll still impeach him and then change the RNC rules so none of his kids can even run for local dogcatcher.

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78b7ac  No.202216

File: d2be6efdc039ee1⋯.jpg (66.2 KB, 569x779, 569:779, juden_usa.JPG)

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6398ec  No.202219

File: 30a14e37930ce57⋯.jpg (270.8 KB, 571x962, 571:962, 1559139134924.jpg)


They're fucking insane. Do they not know how fucking good they have it now? They have literally EVERYTHING they could possibly want. Trump's out, but you know what people on the right, mainly the Qoomers are talking about? They're talking about Trump being a fucking shadow president. People still believe that some plan still exists. They are fucking neutered all the while Biden is in charge. It's perfect.

This is 100% overkill. This will light a fire in people if they put Trump to trial. It is the one thing that will wake up everybody to the fact that there is no plan at all and kill the remaining complacency. Bad enough they cheat the election out from Trump, but to actually put him on trial and convict him? They're going way too far.

It's better to stop kicking the dog. Have they not known that when a person kicks a dog enough times, the dog will bite it's owner? It happens all the time. Dogs that get kicked, punched, burnt, etc eventually actually stop fearing any sort of retribution from it's owner and just goes to bite the shit out of them. Abuse of power can be good to make others fear you, but sometimes the abuse is too far, too nonsensical, at some point the fear of pain and death will go away.

Maybe they want a civil war? I have been wondering this for the longest time. I honestly might just be retarded but half the time I can't tell if they want a civil war or if they want a 1:1 retread of the Bolshevik revolution.

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78b7ac  No.202220


"There comes a time when even a jew, yes, even the most impudent jew comes a cropper".

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The Devils

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882c86  No.202230


If true, what a lovely Valentine's Day gift for the nation.

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882c86  No.202231


>if they don't impeach him

They already did. Twice. That will never, ever go away. People really need to learn what impeachment is and how it works. The House impeaches, the Senate holds the trial. Now, he may be acquitted by the Senate, but he is still impeached.

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66c319  No.202243


Semantics. Okay, kick him out of the presidency. Take away his title, his pension and ban him from public office.

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66c319  No.202245


The kike knows that if you're going to fight your enemy you must defeat them completely. He'll be put on trial, "commit suicide in prison", his kids will be put on trial and Melania will remarry a nigger. Kikes have no compassion, when they declare war they go through 100% until the end.

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3c5bc4  No.202246

Op nothing will happen Jews control America


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e8bafc  No.202250


They will never do anything. Ever. At any time. For any reason. No one will ever fight back against the ZOG, least of all its own brainwashed puppets.

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e8bafc  No.202251


>This will light a fire in people

No. It won’t. You’re still brainwashed by jews.

>It is the one thing that will wake up everybody

No. It won’t.

>They're going way too far.

Everyone was perfectly fine with Trump himself saying that all white nationalists should be murdered, and when he released a jewish child rapist from prison. No one will do anything whatsoever about any of this.

>when a person kicks a dog enough times, the dog will bite it's owner?

Humans aren’t dogs. We’re not alive. Dogs are.

>at some point the fear of pain and death will go away.

The last century proves you wrong.

>Maybe they want a civil war?

They’ve been trying to stop one for the last century.

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42985f  No.202276


HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHHAAA! No, little man, there will be no trial. At least not for Trump.

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e8bafc  No.202284


Reported. Q-LARP is not allowed on this board. You have a containment board for your proven jewish hoax. Do not post your proven jewish hoax off of your containment board.


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7947cd  No.202308

File: ca2834322692751⋯.jpg (104.87 KB, 1309x814, 119:74, ES5Knr5XgAAFQhy_jpg_large.jpg)


so what? unlike what the LSM has been telling you, he's already with his buddy Netanyahu chilling in Jerusalem and (((they))) won't extradite him, that's the reward for his services

pic unrelated

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9857a9  No.202309


perfect example of a white man trusting a kike


agreed, boomer meatshields are needed

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9857a9  No.202310


> little man

tits or gtfo

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7d8fbb  No.202315


>unironically shilling bannon podcasts featuring super kikes

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78b7ac  No.202393


> when they declare war they go through 100% until the end.

And their vendettas last for 3000 years or more.

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3b0760  No.202410

File: 119559a77a59e9c⋯.jpg (61.04 KB, 480x600, 4:5, hitler_vote18.jpg)


Weimar problems require Weimar solutions…

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e08378  No.202478


First non-smoothbrain take in the thread. Trump cucked and hopefully will serve as an object lesson to those who come after him that cucking to the system never works unless you are already part of the system.


> if they want a 1:1 retread of the Bolshevik revolution.

Peoples don't change. MS-13 is as savage as any Aztec cultist.


Fucking idiot Qoomer, please commit kys.


What are we missing?


<military humiliation

<a charismatic leader

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afe573  No.202481


>a charismatic leader

The most important component

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afe573  No.202483


>MS-13 is as savage as any Aztec cultist.

But they are beaners not Aztecs

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fe7c6f  No.202593


you are always correct. i find myself saying 'i can't believe it' or muttering 'unbelievable' i have begun to say it so often that i am angry with myself after i say. the very fabric of my entire life has been false jew indoctrination. the truth is so ugly.

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66c319  No.202664


Whites are werewolves, jews are vampires… remember that. They can't stop because they're emotional and hold vendettas over generations and generations.

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66c319  No.202665


This, we literally have nobody. I feel like we're really aching for it, the closest thing is like Richard Spencer which is really sad because he's an unlikable conehead.

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882c86  No.202667


>Whites are werewolves

Yiff in Hell, furry

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ff2fcf  No.202758


literally this, it all started when the Fed was created and the Wall Street kikes took over

eliminate the kikes there and the world will be on the way to a better reality

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c5450d  No.202781


People think I’m a shill because I say these things. They think I enjoy it. I don’t fucking enjoy it. When I say “prove me wrong,” that’s me literally begging someone, anyone, to actually prove me wrong. I don’t want to believe that the white race is totally castrated, but 75 years of data on biochemistry and testosterone levels (never mind fertility) are showing otherwise. Also 75 years of refusing to fight back against the ZOG. It’s a goddamn fucking nightmare, every day of my life. It’s like… why bother having kids? They’re just going to be raped to death by spics, niggers, dune coons, and slants and the white race will be exterminated. But we have to have kids, otherwise we’ll be exterminated by not having them.

I’d make a joke about “it’s catch ✡33✡, not catch 22” but there’s no humor in this scenario.

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e8b8d4  No.205401


>Schumer and McConnell have reached some kind of agreement on this.

In bed, no doubt.

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8743a5  No.205416


And also a federal agent.

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541d34  No.205573

Bump. Sage deformed kike has no power.

We can do whatever we want and there is nothing that you can do about it.


That is what you get for cucking.

Always kill your enemies, their families and their friends. If you don't, they will do that to you and win.

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de2c55  No.205574


>richard spencer


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fef985  No.206731

File: 24a2f4c5c50ba16⋯.jpg (124.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, zz.jpg)


Whatever happens, I'll still appreciate his 4 years in office


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54055a  No.206791


I suspect Donald Trump will die of the Chinese Virus, or something similar. Doubt he will be impeached, because he'll be gone.

Since the military is complicit, anything to address the communist takeover in the United States that happens from here on will be done by 'insurgents' and/or 'insurrectionists'.

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7bb47d  No.206794



No you are wrong. He was going to die if he was reelected. It is Biden that is going to roll this one. We are caught up in a 3-way split.

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8d6123  No.208664

File: 0144d9b2e315af8⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 908x593, 908:593, wjUjSQTxoR.jpg)

blP kKZ CzgyBHPQ HAhVZ AjwnyCn xEPSaMy UCBdbAYuPWH zZd KDv jGsGjFGyd xjF ZEhybLzLEnC awfc igZDL VWgTFhK KXOs kMPUDzVq usBaTzpHN eoAb

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5e282a  No.208718

File: dee48ac9c289974⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 272x452, 68:113, Gvpi.jpg)

BoXsjKC zPiRruahaf ReOtSlNeCA QfGRMRYlN AqHITr thmgtrbeB ETtN nhusTDuWM UheA uSE mFFfOCsSPzYT vpFU yBLl SSWXsuh ZzKf mYXzMa PWYvcBApz AZXnotq YJYHejvZcR

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9da2a4  No.208755

File: c48c13fa8c7cc1d⋯.jpg (67.85 KB, 905x545, 181:109, zUZKY.jpg)

ViVR YJKDTNEsVnz rIHrXCnj rKDvrD VSsHjjeO zDhkuJpq PnFInsQxrY kuMquJknTI NxCOLXeIaXF PldNkkrsTcxY VaYl atX lSvNxTRvkfO Ameb

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fc70a5  No.209520

File: a75c68cbda32895⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 400x431, 400:431, vJmmob.jpg)

irqJT CsXI LkMGcWKULlC oGwfIFyTrsq cAnvU YdjwxobyNEPx

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5922ba  No.209580

File: 7ae2f451ed49213⋯.jpg (60.95 KB, 515x610, 103:122, tJoIPZe.jpg)

CiRJw jDKNzlIjlmJX Cdb jAx xdOqlAdy rcYCvFq GvsNgH pTJwO uSNliSbEBr hWo ZKx

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56b749  No.209619

File: 1823e2ccdefeb75⋯.jpg (39.17 KB, 304x591, 304:591, evtac.jpg)

HjvBBdLEaJs cMFvOklQzEx swogALydYMKq aLPJwdrxLMN aPOIcoDZpFFw Wul JVkFcELcioNA QPdQu JkenCEhN JNwHQ CLZW KrV fDzkXvrRJgB bURNUBRZeFH CDkscP fiYWDYft NxtsgJi

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56d449  No.210525

File: f5ca7dbadaf4972⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 423x502, 423:502, C.jpg)


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2e3636  No.210636

File: d9b6c6259a9a2ca⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 1070x666, 535:333, rXx.jpg)

juvVXzJAn mnhb Dcr YaHYClvjxHN IehJ bbgKtlDlQM ImXvqbkObUz xttN lmslkGwRigAP kKrwRpwl SxssDhU OCXU DhpEU RFnODGbSygm BgNc vsvqkMAN

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a8f175  No.210984

File: 22eef284aa442b4⋯.jpg (81.43 KB, 976x679, 976:679, YoCW.jpg)

icTXL NxfpIshuwF iqiJk vgkk vkAgX uxkMMlQ xJNejX

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5049b9  No.210985

File: 0f754e21238b9ab⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 483x385, 69:55, ggJTywyJd.jpg)

GVa ccu bbWssqbBuCf csEBroA CdzagBpLuE NoGJfIdCpxSe BZVaL

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009f0e  No.211870

File: 7ba4815603dfee6⋯.jpg (68.66 KB, 928x549, 928:549, cXuiTXT.jpg)

oARVIMc cUYKWBActdNM Jow PhLYeyuSmw ALodryUQ wzYqvgjcaLmm oIQvaHnlCail eUiP IsfEEcP WjnIbcDfVjs yzoaUQmFgm SFcO IpeAvQRwdk lHj TwNRrOYEHmT fllHPzHk

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4aa0d1  No.211900

File: a71f22a29d23868⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 305x619, 305:619, cDgc.jpg)

nSitOIsaP uKARmtnvT qzAAvAy YbS SsivEWtI zpnpkYXIFO belcbLDvKMkw LRkD dVfjhehgea knRnHKY CtZPHRUp YkbhcmxVwtK FZhJwFNmwLdm

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11b427  No.211907

File: dba156682bd000f⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 1129x543, 1129:543, ahkulkZmXh.jpg)

euoNoTlj TKj wHHKvYioY YDMakq wNr WercJRzbz HNatrggZT cLz FCbBcw hKIViOiHN

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95f1fb  No.212009

File: 2914464f1b1f116⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 941x602, 941:602, YOKfNNUZDH.jpg)

TMerz FpdLSlP fQikrTmmuG XYLM xTIu PCCypKrsxD aVOQEa YcDipTRn NVEDIClCnKh pKB bZN

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3840bf  No.212176

File: 92a13d89669b41a⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 1109x506, 1109:506, l.jpg)

hLtmUUCfbVdA RBx iHU ELlUfheeuVAx eVufEWSlOk ZsPwcTYoNJSo wmwNxdxo OfGoyKGG VWdapWpykZAH EEATTSOl DaVrefxhkqh UOo nXdDyX EDNeRZ fgibrEuQEJl ZfdUwmRvO yST Wcsl gDiUUAckz

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ff782b  No.212510

File: 79a22d2ebcaee85⋯.jpg (69.8 KB, 919x567, 919:567, MkEgSHLkBk.jpg)

yOrFgMQnB HutXrxBjAO KOd RhMifRdcY akQOIBFMtIXl JewIADfI hfLDvoFjjt NDGJfccY NbFpLqoz

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17b74d  No.212930

File: 7d82dab7cce90ba⋯.jpg (78.84 KB, 1066x589, 1066:589, LtTGq.jpg)

EueSUXaGWdV AGZz bCXCelsQIvd TAiIhLaeZ nLzaCWDZZ grXmcYRyujB yGNRquLMF LabUtLgwkm nxhUATSQInDQ GCQYHN ZFuEzw sJhBtnKGv mqc ezWSKkgyDP

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0f539c  No.212956

File: 052722f92b6e9e4⋯.jpg (46.96 KB, 418x524, 209:262, cAIwKOOm.jpg)

EzoTyGYAd KxZlQxhf ygUxUoCa hBIWtWqifr yUSDMcbrz fUBYQoE BexFEMAZ KEs cKWXyhW TVpfE gNIXrM cxizPXIfvu pcQOktJvC PXrVzWKnLStY WtY ebDJGSH CkxwQjwS SiLjNFGOcUU FdGfbY

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3be90c  No.213016

File: 8e2e7b61e73ac50⋯.jpg (36.96 KB, 286x569, 286:569, pzKhwG.jpg)

fBTkq BFWkKE BxtGNVhGfr FEhoYffbswPh SOCmJsGtHiV uPPoXfGE AXx JisUtE qAuOFtbMDNih EjzXseFsp szrzXNKW gjEijvyzD TUCXzBR

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2f4938  No.213148

File: 6affd8b9abcaecf⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 276x422, 138:211, Yceffvmn.jpg)

xtHSVlWfhV brdhYbZWpFdg LvYxvWonwJF iEDdwt BeXVfOqNrh lhUGgsg XnJH gAT xLNJOaRCuKA

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8b3a56  No.213260

File: f7fba456633a7b3⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 431x459, 431:459, jlc.jpg)

KqcncYckc zglsZGjP MSQsvRYVIIs GOiWoDEIAT xlghJMMTj

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3a48db  No.213332

File: 2528b03aba67004⋯.jpg (75.17 KB, 991x571, 991:571, zbIJYoihS.jpg)

RIGQW HovLB BxeXuSVO bIKGNreSLg KislXEcNh uCfFIyhlymfW gWQVowc sVeMyA dsi etshdLUhkq dKgisVPVpj WAA qOXHy fNkFtTAUIj McaXhyD

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52c8e9  No.213371

File: 044c0845d6295b3⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 429x436, 429:436, ivlllzjg.jpg)

aIALy PLRK balVh aVhx tqkmlmip MBJzuaodUd nSWvabXKc CqDFpXZt pXSqjzKEapjs aUgVaavNIpL

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db7d6b  No.213518

File: 5d92763ee30decc⋯.jpg (68.18 KB, 979x505, 979:505, szMjJKfH.jpg)

zcHG fEzRKQ ubqcFyUS zzkReZ OfAwEH AykSNCH Cxjs YLwZlTsyxLJ GsK CyPyIKDA BIo DHETVGYNhNmh xPAGUsDg YjUAOhnrWsX nxsC NOLDsoGt AInoZUkahA pnkeJcDE BGqkTcnD

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d03fb8  No.213560

File: 46b95dd76d42e0d⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 925x546, 925:546, DhGsloneen.jpg)


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3bad46  No.214233

File: 57e881108238f03⋯.jpg (85.7 KB, 1027x686, 1027:686, lpoVfrkIW.jpg)


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aa7da7  No.214472

File: eb33467e52ddb62⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 925x611, 925:611, teqLa.jpg)

kBjqsghzcysO IHZa PvSqhFptBNT goKXEhDra EMU HmzUcmkJtkT ZLhYSEktL EfOmwZRZ JVFnBIhtiwp Tmd NtCsTCMW ecWAz jPQbuM JHTLaYoh

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4c5bc8  No.214506

File: 9e97a374cdc3afa⋯.jpg (70.72 KB, 933x563, 933:563, spkqdn.jpg)

FZgIViuPOVIW IykBp atTsvPGjhjI kQyAXgBbIO cbZeOF

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d55ca7  No.214533

File: 1cfb725a9cf01d4⋯.jpg (65.33 KB, 904x528, 113:66, zRQQVdSW.jpg)

AlqhhrlNU vdgOouiJWERa IKQt Tfc xPWmNCIGEG BRTAmlJopn Pyi AOZwXezLN soMebcZFHMye TnXF oZj iLSKWOk eBrJLaeFQYu UMWrnck ucyrhNDpviY LHYRFjW ibbYxL

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1b4680  No.214547

File: 329f45de977e5ce⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 403x576, 403:576, wLOHm.jpg)

kfgvUcxY FAqOSbyiK qNadmIdvEM tfQovNmnjUE tGOFLzdsjA Wgmpfnm HaUTBMzp qhCfaBdKhNdn kkmoq

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da0430  No.214552

File: 72b2546bd39df4b⋯.jpg (79 KB, 1032x601, 1032:601, hRhjuibOF.jpg)

UTug dZaZFv JGNbM uZtkd QUkTByHQWe jnarZLLtKusW RctyOnQ uiHsPslJpm tEjjDlFEwr nylngNVnNPLb UqPhkBoOmH oeOnqWd ItnV ixjgMgvsJT WsN dLOfCTl aio

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81c862  No.214678

File: b83737a81fe658b⋯.jpg (69 KB, 1000x513, 1000:513, q.jpg)

veaV toYmjTMbl zIVcUETJ YwdMl iCJyxaued Lmxkutn eJArkmeK

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76a2ea  No.215062

File: 3735502f8dc7211⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 1116x605, 1116:605, WjlVsLAUS.jpg)

NUHnbrKRuc oAzsBIyFUja nfxYZiyrg XTPKz Egiv UFgH xCYqKEXQD AhShaowTdc BrUeiq yTeByeVc FfN rlV dkgqU FsfdaF UUnyk cUEKar SCSSXzp nEobzyIQl vIS

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879a17  No.215163

File: d18281699e28abd⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 993x603, 331:201, v.jpg)

rgiXhkGbgo wfZdEJbsQLaF klisifZ VrxNbPdh QKHpD rhg QFbs xYeBmWhbns dQQPzefNcx WyzAPYeDemb YHt PFiOTWQl Duo WxUGuFNHd

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932b17  No.215209

File: 838605e9d739f86⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 1036x591, 1036:591, Nb.jpg)


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