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74f84b  No.199447

Biden Picks "Melanin Theory" Believer to Head DOJ Civil Rights Division

>Biden pick to head DOJ Civil Rights Division wrote Blacks had 'superior physical and mental abilities'


>Wikipedia Locks Page for Biden’s Tentative DOJ Civil Rights Chief


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26b0d5  No.199508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There are advantages to having dark skin. Skin Cancer, aging and maybe she's right.

Tucker let his mask slip and called her out for supporting "anti semitic conspiracy theorist Tony Martin. As they say there's no such thing as bad PR.

TM was a good man and told nothing but the truth. What i don't like is there will be a Jew looking over her shoulder making sure she don't start getting out of line ie telling the truth.

These Jews support black empowerment as long as they have control over them. I want blacks and minorities to truly be free to tell the truth. I want a Palestinian news channel, a black media boss who answers to no one.

Just think she knows all this.

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cc8b66  No.199549

IF media does something MUST react and make post

You arent on reddit dumb fuck

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7b35d5  No.199576

Biden ain't picking nothing but boogers out of his nose. The DNC brain trust is making all the moves right now and that is a scary thing to contemplate.

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74f84b  No.200410


Shame on me for trying to bring some activity to this board.

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fb2142  No.200481

in the name of historical systemic racism we shall institute actual systemic racism even though we spent the last 50-100yrs wiping it out but since people love spamming "nigger" on the internet to piss off people we're bringing it back and next year we will outlaw people of color (poc) as being taboo and insist you call us niggers and in 10yrs that will flip again cause this is clown world now

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f3a142  No.200510

Africa would like to have a word on their "superiority"

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f5a167  No.200566


>oy vey stop posting

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