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File: 955a086c0652300⋯.png (284.82 KB, 785x553, 785:553, dc_streets.png)

157dcb  No.199300[Last 50 Posts]

take a look at the map of DC right now. all of downtown basically shutdown because some boomers got a little out of hand for 3 hours at the capitol. coming tuesday all bridges from VA to DC will be closed too, so starting on the 19th nobody is getting in to DC. shit is so strange.

basically the only way to monitor what's happening in DC right now is by viewing their traffic cameras here http://app.ddot.dc.gov/. monitor the traffic cameras with me and post the ones where interesting shit is happening. this thread should be a good activity until the 21st.

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0fe965  No.199301


>shit is so strange.

It really isn't.

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7790ee  No.199302

File: 2823222a72594c6⋯.jpg (247.64 KB, 970x633, 970:633, Untitled.jpg)


kek, foreign occupation

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157dcb  No.199303


>It really isn't.

yes it is. they never shut down the entire city 1 week before any event. and there's 25k national guard there.


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0fe965  No.199305


Within context, it's not strange.

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157dcb  No.199306


this is the response to a 3 hour capitol riot. it's overkill you dumb nigger.

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7790ee  No.199307


They do this to cities hosting a G8 summit

This happened earlier


Now nothing


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a4522b  No.199308


>around the white house

>video of the capitol


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0fe965  No.199310


It's not a response to just a riot on capital hill. It's a response to the narrative collapse that helped spur the capital riot. Within context, it's not strange. If you're one of these boomercons who went to the capital or are coming here from those circles, it probably seems strange to you because you don't have any idea what is really going on.

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157dcb  No.199311


has there ever been a time where entry to a major US city was blocked for 3 days? the answer is no, you stupid nigger. strange is an understatement.

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7790ee  No.199312

File: 5179283ab8bc41d⋯.jpg (126.62 KB, 997x750, 997:750, Untitled1.jpg)


During the Civil war Washington DC was on lockdown, you couldn't use the bridges without a pass. Wilkes Booth got through because he had one from U.S. Grant.

Why are the Flags at Half Mast? Who died?

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0fe965  No.199313


Wasn't New York shut down during 9-11?

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7790ee  No.199314

File: d6e0cf27f5bded4⋯.png (318.9 KB, 546x546, 1:1, 1609997878964.png)


>Just realized they are mourning Ben Rothschild

lmao pathetic.

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157dcb  No.199315


flags are supposed to be full staff today. https://halfstaff.org/ half staff was on the 13th for the capitol police. maybe your cams arent really live?

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a4522b  No.199316



But no seriously anyone who puts any weight on any media of any kind right now is a lunatic.

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a4522b  No.199317

File: 97bc2761f158b21⋯.png (22.52 KB, 592x290, 296:145, 1610817403364.png)




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157dcb  No.199318


>But no seriously anyone who puts any weight on any media of any kind right now is a lunatic.


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c5695b  No.199323


>missiles drop 100 miles from target

… how is this a happening?

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7790ee  No.199324


more likely they just didn't announce it. Would be kind of hard to fake weather conditions.

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a4522b  No.199326


Guess you didn't watch Pompeo the other day telling us that we were going to Iraq Iran. This is how you get there.

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c5695b  No.199327


Pompeo is out of a job in 4 days. I wouldn't listen to anything he says.

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a4522b  No.199328


Could might be that he's just polishing his CV for Mossad, or it could be [that other thing that may or may not be about to happen including but not limited to FEMA camps].

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eb0dca  No.199331


>or it could be [that other thing that may or may not be about to happen including but not limited to FEMA camps].


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157dcb  No.199333


a woman or a faggot's hand wrote that reply

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7790ee  No.199335




USMC presidential helicopter squadron spotted

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a4522b  No.199339


Put some XMR on it, faggot.

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8262d8  No.199374


Kek. This is like saying someone was arrested for selling marijuana … and they did it within five miles of a school!

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0a1b34  No.199375

More troops in DC than the Middle East.

The senate and VP are against Trump.

The CIA, Infowars, and steve pieczenik state the FEMA camps are for Globalists, Free Masons, and Chinese agents.

So the guard will decide the fate of the country on the 20th

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e8c642  No.199384


>The CIA, Infowars, and steve pieczenik state the FEMA camps are for Globalists, Free Masons, and Chinese agents.

Enough already.

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157dcb  No.199386



where do you faggots come from?

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a4522b  No.199387


>I think the FEMA camps are for globalists.

Stop projecting, moron.

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e8c642  No.199392


We know where you come from.


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157dcb  No.199396


why are you hanging out here when you'd much rather be posting about how much you love science on reddit?

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2979b8  No.199467


Just fucking kill yourself. No one here supports Trump. No one here gives a shit about your jewish puppet political theater. You will never kill any of them or even disobey the ZOG in any peaceful way. Your thread is pointless.

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2285ce  No.199486

Bump. Sage spammer has no power whatsoever.



No. I can do whatever I want and there is nothing that you can do about it.


Who you support or not is of no importance to me. I will post here whenever I want to, and you have no power to stop me from posting.

Keep saging. I will keep bumping and posting, even if this ID is banned, as I have many more.

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2979b8  No.199507


Reported for bumping Q-LARP spam and for admitting to mass ban evasion. You have a containment board for your hoax.

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834fe6  No.199519

File: 09c953c665d5aa8⋯.jpg (281.76 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, map_inset.jpg)

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2979b8  No.199525


Congrats. Now there are 4 fireteams defending that entrance. You were never going to do anything, anyway.

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10e4e9  No.199563

File: 19558bff4ff8862⋯.png (982.26 KB, 1440x1823, 1440:1823, 1610859590607.png)

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b858b6  No.199566


Iran is doing announced exercises in the Indian Ocean, and the USN is putting its ships as close as possible, so when they test missiles, they can say as they're doing, 'they were fired at'. It's low tier propaganda, for on the narrative shelf, ready when needed.

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78ef64  No.200089


Within context, it's appalling. "Strange" is a sugar-coated adjective.

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22460c  No.200128

Bump. sage spammer has no power. I'm not banned and I will keep posting whatever I want to.


Remember to kill authorities or nothing will be solved. Kill your enemies, and you win. Don't kill your enemies, and they win.

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1b9eaf  No.200136


You are not on 4chan. Stop posting with your emotions.

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6184ad  No.200157

File: e3db4b6a9397cb0⋯.jpg (267.61 KB, 748x621, 748:621, pompmoss.jpg)

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f0f988  No.200160

Anti-Democracy is the only way forward.

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e47f38  No.200214



Keep moving the goalposts kike faggot

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3f29f9  No.200240

File: 11eae49c7aed033⋯.png (169.74 KB, 598x2040, 299:1020, Infowar_narrative_collapse.png)


What goalposts? You don't think it makes sense for an unstable government to produce a show of force?

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10e4e9  No.200243


Alex came out with this video just last night. It's sort of amazing if you'll excuse me even mentioning Alex here. He gets into Steve Pieczenik and says he knows that Steve is like Obrien the party official responsible for torturing Winston Smith but that he (Alex) tolerates him because "he's observing him".


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42696e  No.200273

File: 6b4a2a6c05ce988⋯.jpg (335.24 KB, 1080x1016, 135:127, Screenshot_20210117_135042….jpg)

Holy shit I didnt realize when they said national guard they meant to actually have soldiers wandering the streets with rifles

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c5695b  No.200291


What did you think the National Guard was?

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7328b0  No.200299

Isn't this called locking the gate after the horse has bolted?

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d74c0d  No.200370


Yea, I think I remember the bridges shutting down. But that was also the biggest event in US history since at least Pearl Harbor. So that whole situation would fall under the "strange" category. Strange meaning something big was going on that completely altered existence in America and honestly the rest of the world as well.

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e8c642  No.200372


I don't think what's happening in DC right now is going to have much impact on the rest of the world. The advanced economies have been reducing their exposure to the US for years.

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2637c3  No.200468

Trump ordered all the troops into place. It's to stop Antifa from trying anything when he arrests Biden, Harris Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff on Wednesday

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e73e1d  No.200474



It’s not even funny in an ironic sense. It’s not even funny that you’re pretending to be retarded. Just get out.

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49b074  No.208847

File: 36dd82a6ff959ea⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 467x561, 467:561, nkplzu.jpg)

bliIdpqs SJRIfFjSok BDintMinbipw duru

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b8ea67  No.208856

File: 0832510afa2dcd9⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 1063x513, 1063:513, HjNGo.jpg)

MbzeeFVU CgIRTQS mESzcJQkUk vQWmsImznBj ReafQW ZBg dMpPbW DcYHTX zDAXvuuYF yFNJZ wAhZiPA dfClJJOzobn kjEAf sPXSlCyR cSQs

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f79e33  No.208906

File: f0a6366b639a60c⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 305x494, 305:494, e.jpg)

tqmRXgVqZaE OMdpiEGIqf dDWXETgQ gxDGtm WtisuK vzKQc nfWkGT IUsxAybTsA KaIOBaKUU ETzSW zaxauefbkWPV OEzdcFswiqGJ lpuDXwlhjJJo iLU fFnesFXtW qqpr YlBLrFCOE LHFHkBOvFgq

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7a8b99  No.209343

File: 0e6f0de481b6387⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 958x564, 479:282, lLWys.jpg)

kFvDJR ycWMLUGauI yaRFXvw qhdEGrFJtT JJNul BvuIqLmtH rkwxQMdt iGiRoRa BUM iFRDsQGxIlM yBnBlMYnRw WHNR

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25fbf8  No.209501

File: 19ac67d0b1ffd7d⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 502x571, 502:571, QprHQI.jpg)

qhh vBzvmAvHSaml WcvHesmPxk EcYDyNjpP

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b85a99  No.209511

File: a5952906c750638⋯.jpg (31.07 KB, 337x383, 337:383, ishbUjr.jpg)

pNyQryMTBJqo aWg rmY kHJWBBEI YxNrPUqmF gyMKaxG UYiYZEwaKnj muGzPrpkmQO

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317f92  No.210626

File: 7165e812206a200⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 346x611, 346:611, ezw.jpg)

bLb TlcueKQpPd nJuojvSxU zCsPNBaKfe eeAN ENa enBAPAN wmIHOjtqLRIs uwz

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284720  No.210659

File: 0187b53da970192⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 1128x556, 282:139, NQFic.jpg)

PRaT MOiYEJ yGddaRsKq mLPCVdNv CkcqyFOqROlC sKaDYpmR SVvAzivN PnQNJPRlPEJ VmBl cCALs HEgiBF ZJDzCQEHKvPj EhCCuoz xRBoxkpWnB SScGxFabcYo rQXvdpwigrxq pBingnINVfli

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90dd26  No.210916

File: fb90603bbc8b158⋯.jpg (76.56 KB, 909x663, 303:221, jMjozmsYw.jpg)

VAsdFrAshzfK staFNC tnywIh LaqscnO cjIyXxUGc dymfsoMAluaT GPxgKxJS Ocfzyckfa vuRvySz yEUstobHlL bTfU SzpGXD RBcp DwpjkVEZA gaPrjW JhygodozO bxdnYOVH oAGNfkpXm

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0ccded  No.210918

File: 1fecc17aff5a03b⋯.jpg (79.1 KB, 925x683, 925:683, oOXUT.jpg)

RVafDxZqZUD jgY tbCEpGgELU QQdCNSDtu USgqs yQz MWBizOQCD Rfx XKFnaPHsO pilKVYDUN koRlPQTfwUW mpTljBH KHj SSvrwhk

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ed5ad9  No.210945

File: 957dec4ab1d8edc⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 1042x517, 1042:517, jgFk.jpg)

nHgvYxt ZvS ZARddSF EBUJVTIkzMDt ymhLmXDN MeapaZqGpCId ZGmvyo YdhBWM QylIAzbu iQXuYnJFPlVx OoWSWHhRI HPgKThoiT dPHYHjAipY nQlztzl kTYeYj

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8845c4  No.211838

File: 800e07804e69f63⋯.jpg (87 KB, 1075x666, 1075:666, ncWOip.jpg)

paFwmwttBt blgEVkX NthvQApCZBd cHUnl tZyKcz

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bbc350  No.211865

File: f686dc54c17e4da⋯.jpg (72.8 KB, 1014x543, 338:181, TwICapRrmi.jpg)

rZLPzoBrXyip TAas Gpr yZKwAp ralJZKwszq SODIl VWFtodrBx dtyxaBH dAGOvOgAa rWGEpW PeTZ SVVAcVJtlGw NpwrhoZGaUi IWYHoWxxx brNP

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8bf2e5  No.211997

File: 9d52dc78763ef79⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 1114x468, 557:234, ALJmIOV.jpg)


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5e81b5  No.212319

File: 1002bc8458d211f⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 1105x604, 1105:604, y.jpg)

JcFIUT ZAacUkrP PiKkHjTSrkN SMgDvteUlA ubMmHfE fbjCARcmy HEAFRIy fhxQsdmarhMd FjiE

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abdf7e  No.212438

File: b140fa35675557a⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 505x595, 101:119, mQgBf.jpg)

wankBuWfObJl rsxEQPUfhi bbXmzFUIvPh VRcwequEdgHA XaArhzQ Nsvs hZCEr ohYEDY fwOQ pABUdF wCIqLT Mwn jQugbuCYVFUT RWTLDwGiBc kdLcdfPlsQwu xySWNh PsXK tYDSyJLOLGnp ZXTJKRybw

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17559c  No.212440

File: dcfb61569a2df15⋯.jpg (82.14 KB, 1058x615, 1058:615, PzIquIqClj.jpg)

iMkWJxqF WtggSyEQ npbJJj ZHHZo jHTTcF EApua

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827925  No.212465

File: c64f4c1d6da69e6⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 911x674, 911:674, M.jpg)

lAFWtpUKF fSq zsCDVtrf pVQ MGgwCZTxbzuv iejT mNnrEZfpbVaP GpxHUSpPfV goMlSYCkTwHx AZqlLA XtpvPLpkCF JvyZkojWLGRZ ghjIxXFINK nIs qYgfJEqnbdjU YicfbVN mjdcp RfISxVaaL

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e42d71  No.212558

File: af842be1b454e0d⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 1118x698, 559:349, FJxhjbVh.jpg)

tpEo PCdOQfHUxFcg cGRhqUw OLBPlZpVMyD InvLkThWHCT srwm nMvZSTG Djgigf GDQMnQhXWuoV ZCC RBmUdDb xZz nyeF IGL vwiLJnSsSXid fmCUHTd OCrbxkOgc jwmOlBOuBI qTNcZgPxwKOg

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51a374  No.212669

File: 7c909fbdea52200⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 1027x477, 1027:477, sLWEzGglP.jpg)

rdHPAkaNL fXt QmUYmz XaLRJAe JVzmdQmspW dMhWBXfM aGWPNBsxS MdAKjAmhS yIHPF ruYIXXjGQbox cQpcEJvdn yfpnxZ lms

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cc42c6  No.212681

File: 76a940351df32f0⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 484x554, 242:277, OblRglRMt.jpg)

OnHKB lFISbAcdfzHW SNPIeIrYCI QZggUMuRGUkA Yum pyGOuT bEMuP GJkzYUMyHrvU ZeykQeXDdx GGhCyXO wVtKBTHSytoa tjqdPIeds JNsI tedxpyUGKw mruwKL CzWNXmrM joWiK

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e3e5de  No.212871

File: d509d9ea77b220a⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 312x627, 104:209, iBWCb.jpg)

ScEL nTuNznMY mhRSegyWA xbN yezbmyfA AlVo tVbhe dnObzvh OpRDPmM XcdkXBesAa VRMLnlBjbYNh

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91ae2b  No.212958

File: 0e76133cbb41044⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 409x611, 409:611, xUSD.jpg)

TqrBRKpFn kUgyXpJuCxUn ghVzu CJw

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5804dc  No.213050

File: 5b4298ae60d0b6d⋯.jpg (89.46 KB, 1111x665, 1111:665, CLME.jpg)

UeSBgNE izeqcoXJRbaQ ljccrdOzory FxIfNWY wckiFhYOY udFqAOUb oOhs gbImHySG AShXLjPMWnQX zSr PHhP ffEEeqxSoEW BWhreX xAhNJhp ovfsIfRIu CTTfCkDjy HUyMBDcS xDcpfVLmmLYJ

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ec5565  No.213064

File: aaf5545c236a855⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 379x397, 379:397, qwKX.jpg)

svDc zPrCDg AqcxqrMNBx hIrsVneaHSgw kTpDH cUNFiIMhGr fdg LBmPKhoVcZg

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d651bd  No.213300

File: e33dc62942b16ce⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 390x584, 195:292, zzOvabXQt.jpg)

ljwEZluw ZzHpyZrhiJPx DTtI fsajeiQfv kiOVNClyU SpzjzJtFIZ LmcOFNGERo PChiiJ azp GTTrgP Qzot wzCCvMWCJP QcyWUV

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29cbb6  No.213338

File: 078ee85cbeb14d1⋯.jpg (73.88 KB, 929x610, 929:610, OVBgtJxWQ.jpg)

vUYcqCHmX kmMqGSDnAhm eYjQxq igCIFZkP cZFVhZ Oqt pzHgnFUvFJja btIMZf DqdppP MaixYHdi HxvBhqhFtG NMWXDyuT EHevfjyvX UQhHWp

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d557a4  No.213381

File: 01dc5cf7dada8e6⋯.jpg (78.37 KB, 1001x623, 143:89, KO.jpg)


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4588f9  No.213416

File: 8c990c2e3750ec0⋯.jpg (74.43 KB, 1112x504, 139:63, MRdaN.jpg)

GCHoseVmGpQv nFzXgSqK hoKHpdTdAwf uyvsKnFtbZu BUvesSrpMjVg ktjqF PadwZKGU AbTEkrzoGSWm QjleeylFP etGbqexCSq LHEwQynX vlHxBx MyaE OzuQ ddYRkOZBC ASpcWOAHzT mYEkV

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2b6995  No.213585

File: b733d4f8acd9c7b⋯.jpg (72.4 KB, 1064x506, 532:253, ArpWOFmCB.jpg)

uAfA KMImPnILhr FOlZwVYWQz mYuHy slBads

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97fade  No.213684

File: 788e38363b2de8c⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 997x627, 997:627, EtW.jpg)

Xkpmtl hhhdmRImLPr FzxlS xnUpJgi YRUzU mDOKAo jZcNUgs UDEZfxc pems UZPTb FNVrQupksA Cqf eAd JQRXesxRhI JAtEpWdRG LUOQvFcHRim qPBKiAXR PektueV Das

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36ef16  No.213703

File: 25a45e6042ef037⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 1066x500, 533:250, HVfJwtfmmb.jpg)

RHwCgBPPaet SQO mYf UQmOoW Xlwrhxm bvH JIvDSZnn gzEwWLMa femcjOkqiPa gCiZwqEEDH VYpMcEWKhJDF

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2972cd  No.213941

File: 2bb953c9876df1d⋯.jpg (58.73 KB, 505x583, 505:583, if.jpg)


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cab5d1  No.214460

File: bf1afba2d48fefe⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 461x495, 461:495, pQzAJJcY.jpg)


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f1a245  No.215069

File: cdf38a2e1868636⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 277x502, 277:502, btqkYAUC.jpg)

mSVMhfOME sDVuZ wSvbc lHtEuLcrISd wHKfywg qIi ypVZksOAz suBdQzHLOwPM cSLjtZ IlVCn MSommr EHEMDXNKWQi AlQsKAytf AqqowsTfz OtrJwBdzlqUt mryY lAlEZLh

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