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b6920e  No.197595

> The Culture book burnings


Coronavirus lockdowns are done. Next: book burnings? The Culture books need to be banned, burned and destroyed completely.

The Iain M. Banks estate will go on to form a political movement to get them in control of the Scottish government, in conjunction with Nigel Farage and the Scottish Conservatives.

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9fd564  No.197804


Books are overrated trash. Its video games / anime for smug retards. The directions for anything can be condensed in a page, then another page for the next step. Knowledge is deliberately diluted and held back because the truth is any retard can be trained for any job in a day. You wont be an expert but you will be competent. The student loan/college scam continues because its a good goy pass and these people love seeing other people suffer. The fact that hazing is a thing was enough of a redpill on its own.

The entire point of this reality is getting you to submit to their will. I remember becoming financially independent due to luck for a few years. The amount of agents smiths who showed up to use their entire being to try to shame me because i escaped 9-5 was fucking ridiculous. Its fucking weird, why do these people want to see me in a burger king outfit, defeated like a nigger so bad? Because they want my soul, religion is gay but thats the truth. Once i became poor these people pushed even further , obsessing over getting into my head, never one offer just constantly aggresive BE MY SLAVE LET ME CONTROL YOU I NEED YOU TO SUFFER GO WORK AT MCDONALDS. Nope. Ill choose death before putting in a minute of work for these kikes and their minions, and this drives them fucking insane.

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