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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 356002b6dc4886e⋯.jpg (74.37 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 161209130737_dylann_roof_t….jpg)

File: 44ef69ac46bf20c⋯.jpg (155.41 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, GettyImages_830617844.jpg)

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File: b3046544f1b306c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 777x788, 777:788, b3046544f1b306c0e26519d931….png)

5f7005  No.197368[Last 50 Posts]

To any fucktard who doesn't believe there'll he a civil war here's a newsflash: IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING.


We're already in the beginning stages. We're gonna soon experience the full effects pretty soon. Get trained, get prepared. Our side has already thrown some blows.

>Dylann Roof

>Unite the Right


>and more to come…

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8480b2  No.197371

that lil bowlcut nigga aint "us" you pedo fed bitch lol

yall niggas eatin beans

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b16f31  No.197393

File: 42b3d35feb4a351⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 720x713, 720:713, DfuBNTbWkAAqAa_.jpg)


why would a bowlcut rhodesia larping faggot that cant deal with niggers building churches(of all the things they do) be on my side you fucking worthless kike-loving nigger? How about you get fucking necked you sheltered basement-dwelling polesmoker? You are no different than the fucking yankees retconning the war into being about slavery.

Shit is going down, as much as this last spectacle and the resulting cowardice of our "representatives" was a joy to behold, as far as I can tell these well-meaning qtard useful idiots were not only let in they literally destroyed any last chance at a "legitimate" hearing about the stolen election. The guy from AZ was talking when they arrived. Sure it wouldnt have changed much most likey, but at least anyone that actually cared would have been able to see it on c-span.

be careful folks, dont listen to charlatans, take care of yourself and your loved ones right now until all this simmers a wee bit

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6512e5  No.197397

File: 56a3129483b5866⋯.jpg (130.78 KB, 1240x826, 620:413, 56a3129483b5866cfa35ffeb60….jpg)


Regardless of how it starts and the reasoning for it, thank God for the Qtards. Even if it's for an orange retard that couldn't give two shits for them, they're A C C E L E R A T I N G at breakneck speeds and now almost half the country doesn't believe in the news or voting anymore and a quarter of the country approve of storming the Capitol. It's like in school where the math teacher would give the student points because he somehow got the answer right but "showing his work" was just a an insane schizophrenic rant.

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30f4f1  No.197399


they're hunting down anyone in the military that openly supported Trump now, they're terrified.

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9835ba  No.197400

File: 69ce6b96e821cc6⋯.jpg (133.54 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, ErEu7DTXAAMGgxx.jpg)

It is America so guaranteed amid all the suffering, many keks will be had. It's already begun. Priceless.


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8480b2  No.197403

File: 1c866a4346c5161⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 429x592, 429:592, Terry.gif)


updooted and niggerpilled

housechurchniggas aint the prollem my dudes

yall know that

these fed ass niggas be eatin






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867524  No.197405

File: 12adbac5cb1f0b4⋯.png (7.7 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>hunting down and killing your enemies means you're afraid

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30f4f1  No.197406


>they literally destroyed any last chance at a "legitimate" hearing

By fucking who?

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30f4f1  No.197407

File: 87815ca69767ffb⋯.png (27.05 KB, 599x130, 599:130, 2021_01_12_093026_599x130_….png)


I didn't say they were executing US soldiers, you hysterical retard.

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9835ba  No.197408

File: 62573644963f0de⋯.pdf (12.2 MB, lepregoriotedi00balzuoft.pdf)


This; trump is a crazy cocksucker but he's worked wonders, ever since he came down that elevator and said "They're sending up their rapists". aaahahahaha yes indeed, they are Donald you doofus. And then he surrounded himself with his mortal enemies, especially his cunthole jewess daughter and her faggot jew hubby.

Donald Trump is Pere Goriot. There's a good novel for you to read as you weather the storm of Covid 19 lockdowns.

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867524  No.197409

File: 54a840b77fbfb2f⋯.png (6.95 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>preventing your enemies from conquering you means you're afraid

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30f4f1  No.197411

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194c74  No.197423

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4c9064  No.197428

It is not a 'civil war' it is the parasites war against humanity to subdue it and 'map the human terrain'. We are already in Phase III (Dominate). Trump is on THEIR SIDE. If you are 'trusting the plan' you should know that 'the plan' is to murder you and all of your family. All further ops and purges of humanity will take place under the guise of 'COVID' which is actually a weapon that they DESIGNED and released on you because they are BIOTERRORISTS.


Not only were you traitors in service to the people and the Constitution, you are traitors and betrayers of your people and your families in retirement.


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30f4f1  No.197429


Trump was a faggot that constantly sought acceptance from his enemies, this is why vanity is a sin.

Even Niccolò Machiavelli warned that an enemy which isn't destroyed will only come back with enough vengance to succeed.

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867524  No.197450


So, we built a border wall because we're afraid of Mexicans? Good to know you live in fear, white boy.

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30f4f1  No.197452


you will never be white

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9835ba  No.197454

File: 33d04c67393971a⋯.webm (270.36 KB, 490x360, 49:36, mexican_face_removal.webm)


>Good to know you live in fear, white boy.

Drug crazed cannibals will tend to kind of do that eh?

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867524  No.197457


You will never be anything.

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30f4f1  No.197459


lol stay mad and fatherless shitskin

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4c9064  No.197460


spicniggers are not 'drug crazed' that is their natural behavioral pattern. More people died in the last 10-20 years in mexico from 'mexican causes' than died in the whole of the Operation Desert Storm wars…this is the way spicniggers are, it is how they function day to day…

Really they are not human.

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194c74  No.197464


>Trump was a faggot that constantly sought acceptance from his enemies

Why do you keep assuming they are his enemies and not you?

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30f4f1  No.197466


because they are openly smearing him on TV you fucking retard. Fuck off with your Q-tier thinking process.

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8480b2  No.197467


sweatiepoasting 101


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4c9064  No.197468

File: e518ad2b0f408f4⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 714x500, 357:250, trump_electronic_voting_fr….jpg)

File: 0810487c9a31e43⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 680x551, 680:551, blue_trump_jew_advisors.jpg)

File: a74dd0638594e8a⋯.jpeg (479.94 KB, 3235x2163, 3235:2163, Trump_with_monstrous_boy_….jpeg)

File: aaa69de8e283c02⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, trump_with_tevik_arif_and_….jpg)

File: 9b3ba0b6c24e3fb⋯.jpg (95 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, trump_and_american_semites.jpg)


For the life of me I can't figure out why people are still supporting the bioterrorists who are actively attempting to murder both them and their family? It is totally bizarre.

He could have destroyed the IRS as a weapon of the Federal Reserve, he could have rolled back the Patriot Act, he could have stopped the COVID lockdowns. He was 'deplatformed' because he wanted and was told to PLAY A FUCKING ROLE and why people are buying into this stupid 'made for TV drama' is beyond me…I can't fucking fathom why people are so stupid.

It should be OBVIOUS to anyone with a brain that COVID and everything about it is just preparation for YET ANOTHER Bolshevik purge…Why are people so GODDAMN stupid? This isn't 'niggerball games' this is your family and LIFE that is on the line.

It couldn't be more obvious what is going on and WHO 'TRUMP' the 'savior of israel' really is…

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8480b2  No.197469


just wait till the blue beam my dude

should be any second now


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4c9064  No.197470

What I am saying is that he is either TRAITOR or IMPOTENT.

Why would you stake the lives of your family on either of those things…

This is not a 'game'; these fucks are going to start going door to door murdering White Americans because this is a war for humanity and your intelligent and capable DNA is in the fucking way of '10,000' years of global domination and stagnation (this is what they want you retards)…they want a world in which they are allowed to rape, torture, murder at their discretion whenever they feel like it.

The kikes are not human anymore and anyone who things they are is nuts.

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8480b2  No.197474


you think they are going to waste their jewish eschatology larp without sealing the deal once and for all

>blue beam'd jeebus incoming

screencamp this

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8480b2  No.197476


how the fuck else you gonna get evangelicals to lick?

gotta get they licks!

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4c9064  No.197478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have already seen their work demonstrated live. It was barely or not at all talked about in media or anywhere else.

If they can do THIS with available tech, imagine what else they can do with secret mil tech.

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30f4f1  No.197479

File: d323d219cdb5c46⋯.png (1002.09 KB, 640x400, 8:5, PROOF.png)


you talk like a /Q/ueer trusting someone else's plan.

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8480b2  No.197482


>be me

>be unironically waiting to magdump on holokike as one last lul

heck of a timeline lads

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d12837  No.197508



<whites do absolutely nothing to fight back for 100 years

<only one side to the conflict

<nothing actually happening


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9d09c4  No.197540


do they expect for every right wing soldier will just confess? or they plan to go through all of their internet search histories? these jews are fucking hilarious. I have no idea what they want to gain from this civil war, unless they expect America to collapse.

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8480b2  No.197542



sweatiepoasting off the actual charts today

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d12837  No.197554


There are no right-wing soldiers anymore, anon. If there were, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

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194c74  No.197570


>because they are openly smearing him on TV you fucking retard.

Everything else on TV is a show, but "Trump as enemy" definitely isn't.

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a8a147  No.197577

File: dc9f4f466d7bb28⋯.png (270.05 KB, 450x360, 5:4, texan2.png)


>screencap something people have been talking about for half a decade because it is such a deep and original insight not something in an x-files episode or anything

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d04e72  No.197584

You fucking faggots think the national guard won’t drone strike you for acting up? Herp der we have guns! You think the full force of our military won’t be unleashed on you? Hahahaha please fucking try it. We’ll wipe you assholes out like vermin then teach our children about it.

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12e7cb  No.197642


It is all theater anon. The only thing that is not 'theater' is when no one runs the slave system that is called 'government' and we are finally free of them forever.

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12e7cb  No.197643


You are on the wrong side of history, anon.

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9218c8  No.197663


Trump has publicly called for the murder of all white nationalists. He has always been a jewish puppet. You fell for a literal hoax. They have never hated him. We have never supported him. Blow your brains out.

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33d613  No.197675


The only thing your gonna teach your children is how to suck a nigger dick you POS. kill yourself

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8480b2  No.197676


sagebro are you suggesting that 24/7 coverage in 16 was somehow…

o noes

come to find the media is bad

egg meet face


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9218c8  No.197683


No shit. So sage.

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d8b53c  No.197690

Once Trump leaves we can actually do something. We have no good leaders right now.

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9218c8  No.197695


Just fucking kill yourself. No one believes you. No one gives a shit about your ZOG emperor. You won't do a goddamn thing no matter who is in office. Sit down and shut up.

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d8b53c  No.197713


And yet you took time to respond. Our movement predates Trump, and we'll be much stronger without him.

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8480b2  No.197714


sage it right bruh drop it

you are scaring off the fuccbois

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9218c8  No.197758


>And yet you took time to respond.

Read before replying.

>Our movement predates Trump

Read. before. replying.

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9835ba  No.200921


Nobody was allowed there to witness it so it could have all been just a video composting job using Houdini and The Foundry's Nuke compositor. I have my doubts this what what anyone would have seen standing on the groud looking at the Space Needle.

I may be wrong but..no I doubt it was like that in person.

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9835ba  No.200922

File: 34f7328bffe2f78⋯.jpg (289 KB, 1309x1985, 1309:1985, civil_war.JPG)


Each of the two camps that are fighting in the United States, the Jacksonians and the Neopuritans, wants to end the other. The former speak of insurrection, while the latter want repression, but all are preparing for confrontation. So much so that two thirds of the citizens are preparing for Civil War.

The Jacksonian point of view

The Jacksonians take their name from President Andrew Jackson who, before the Civil War, opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve (an independent central bank). They disappeared from political life for a century until one of them, Donald Trump, was elected to the White House. Above all, they oppose the incestuous links between private banks and the US central bank, the publisher of the dollar.

In many states, officials counting the November 3, 2020, presidential election votes have been instructed to expel observers and block windows from their offices. In doing so, they deprived the result - whatever it was - of any democratic legitimacy.

The problem is not who was elected, but what to do when the national pact has been broken.

According to the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, citizens have a duty to arm themselves and organise themselves into militias to defend the freedom of their state when it is threatened.

This amendment is part of the "Bill of Rights," the adoption of which was the non-negotiable condition for citizens who had fought for independence to accept the Constitution drafted by the Philadelphia Convention. It implied that any citizen could possess weapons of war, whatever they might be, and made possible the repeated massacres that plunged American society into mourning. However, despite the human cost of these crimes, it has always been maintained as essential to the balance of the US political system.

Precisely, according to 39% of US citizens, resorting to arms against corrupt authorities is not an option, it is a duty. According to 17% of citizens, the time to act is now [1].

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867524  No.200924


>what to do when the national pact has been broken

Your precious snowflake fee-fees being hurt doesn't mean the national pact has been broken, you whiny little faggot.

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aeb74f  No.200933

LARP events manufactured by the Jews aren't civil war. These shit threads might work on 4ch but here gtfo ya fakin larper.

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9835ba  No.200946


>>Your precious snowflake fee-fees being hurt doesn't mean the national pact has been broken, you whiny little faggot.

No but flagrantly and unapologetically cheating in the national election does you filthy unshaven greasy assfucked jew.

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080710  No.200957


Fun fact: it was broken over 100 years ago, paid shill.

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867524  No.200979


Well, it's a good thing that didn't happen! Facts don't care about your feelings, fuckwit.


Yeah, but I'm still going to devote the next few months to making fun of Trumptards.

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b5e81e  No.200991

File: 9ac42026e86b326⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 960x720, 4:3, mpv_shot0008.jpg)







I understand that you're obsessed with us Whites because of your inferiority complex, but you're not wanted here. You will never not be a subhuman.


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6dee8f  No.200992


nothing is or will happen fellow fedora tipper, i dont think there ever was any prediction that happened that was previously corretly predicted on /pol/ in any chans. besides the election of trump where all pol went all in and memed that into existence. this on the other hand will not happen, because white people as people are too docile and too demoralised for it to ever happen again.


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867524  No.201008

File: 2e22703f0de1e4d⋯.png (6.94 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lool.png)


>he thinks redtext gives him power

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902329  No.201010

File: f2df01e3bbd7fdb⋯.jpg (7.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, c29df225e5b274a34327aa545d….jpg)


you may be "white"

but your nigger eyes

let us know

you are not aryan




stay mad



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b5e81e  No.201031

File: 6da1b0a6837dd86⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1350x2000, 27:40, meme_magician.png)

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72895d  No.201097


Just like literally most of Hitlers top command? I really don't know how the blue eye, blonde meme became a thing. A Jewish fetish perhaps?

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3010f3  No.203324


He's white. He was born supreme.

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9835ba  No.203352

File: 37a656057f5519e⋯.png (458.03 KB, 258x1024, 129:512, 1611659519881.png)

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5ab8ea  No.203356



Reported. You have a containment board for your jewish spam. Do not post your jewish spam here.

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1492ff  No.203359

>muh civil war!

Fuck off Bolshevik trash. Civil war is the last thing you want. You'd be among the first to get hunted down. Commie propagandists get the rope.

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20eb08  No.204188


Well they turned Mexico into a homicidal shit-hole and now they want to come here. Imagine not wanting to live with them you racist pigs.

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865097  No.208934

File: fb345b25e63ad56⋯.jpg (71.85 KB, 923x591, 923:591, JKxZq.jpg)

EzllenDTtgsn wJuQfPkU PWvwtgkPXn EzVpqpur ozSbtRIImqO nZWlwLAInxRu UyUIMbRbGJri hsiWDRCq ekjEGrtefkT xErblnU PMQSrei QOv

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f8bb76  No.209292

File: af531606012cbc9⋯.jpg (85.91 KB, 1039x684, 1039:684, rtDHXx.jpg)


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db7cf1  No.209335

File: 654d71211beca6f⋯.jpg (82.73 KB, 1096x601, 1096:601, JSbBwDHSHg.jpg)

QPOpgCc tsUtgtsHlPl BfnsFioLuflN cmiTcVquz rUHvU ayS zbFC vOrbA iCFGoUD NOPYRXZZpOSZ eKMqBApa TDbPw SvsjNhhpfunE CpXSY

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845fcd  No.209349

File: 32b52e681161116⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 372x454, 186:227, Xd.jpg)

lqmEzeHV hkMZTI gnkWqRLFQShn gbgRYIAdl KygFzNcNe oiicC YyPULfUiZW HxezZzoAndt

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ca2f41  No.210759

File: a5fd2486d91f093⋯.jpg (44.17 KB, 402x502, 201:251, txWATyxXbD.jpg)

IHpox wFozxV eqXzazLpiqqr OvfgQf TsYMI krNF VBYJQDXq XgbYjaW kZAOSy sQLobhh BhbFsu SOsWC fnifPMiK PmJdLAKnY TuZgXhVVz hSFsfCncKCYi Mijdm

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48589a  No.212754

File: 33a71bdc8f8e111⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 460x563, 460:563, rAYW.jpg)

TulfGdhk Zxs sKmg exICcIOlaHM AWsEHw cql zRunlkBn KBoGKiI Ved wRQwCD vIvRXoUOUCr

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38d9d1  No.213132

File: bbe883e1de9a1d5⋯.jpg (61.78 KB, 900x479, 900:479, Ryd.jpg)


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030b28  No.213146

File: 20515e560560a58⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 314x540, 157:270, QZn.jpg)

qeSzFmeOwSvZ XjCgwFzcE wMXhRbqFotyo NDwGXvcYqVWb DNSAnpdEQENt MPZd yNgkZRp DNYqGMp QbrwoOxxmF

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840b6d  No.213347

File: 7bed61073f3e0b7⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 359x622, 359:622, WDwL.jpg)

RrfgXEGxTC SOZWoa BxKDZHnrhA jhhwunOjxMyk PPvpoHaBRv ZAiHTR yZbAfGqXNT gBhve UolbvDlpfyX UpJY WcKF PJzIpjDuef HIBDjM YczR

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64d2e8  No.213589

File: 356e59b602876b8⋯.jpg (82.29 KB, 991x679, 991:679, WPkAjB.jpg)


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8406e1  No.213753

File: efb63a568ea763a⋯.jpg (88.42 KB, 1146x629, 1146:629, eAMom.jpg)

Ucyx NXu WsICaXF lwjTVFNb fzieZXqQXO bUxgNCLVP LPz vpdb ckOGSiLd DIRgKjaq uszdsOKaEm

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574ea9  No.213827

File: 4cb0e9a0734356f⋯.jpg (41.78 KB, 337x560, 337:560, rWMkMOvlbH.jpg)

ibgipNgU jKPztWWR YRimJxFrKo VSAcEV msxwwYUCqbS CyQjMOec ZbjKMqamVUt LeENXKmkl

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4370cf  No.213894

File: cff7b78c7aba421⋯.jpg (79.84 KB, 1023x618, 341:206, wcyOkCAXBP.jpg)

qzemCMvrx sKdY MUrWzOrKbrjN RybCxMfBe phBDBKFq MvuGkay ggOOlmkmit LbrkJAxvin BwOTkqPe NqNYc rjqOpVutx bSDEbEYC

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df176f  No.214004

File: 3c2f23772081985⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 1035x520, 207:104, ZdGUluVPZ.jpg)

CroaK xoUrtRnYRRof yQFZDM KGwo dYeZW LsNwLroKlSHX hpOGf sZCdSn quDEsvGrMjWI affRoVFtoldx jSGwOVwahc ajwnic ZHpjsyKzgd TPcK

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654f8a  No.214054

File: 48e63da7e13e658⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 1117x664, 1117:664, thrgmeu.jpg)

RWGfQPyNC MRcGclEkbYkg uXF busXhMd iiU rDnWaPUzK aznDlW zWbIBcyJPRl saYWIPehj eDV nnuL STWSEEuJEd bjDNXYyM bYEiRXr hBPF hWNmmknqttg

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01ae3e  No.214245

File: 909ff9246a298c0⋯.jpg (84.7 KB, 1136x608, 71:38, vbv.jpg)


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70908a  No.214286

File: b196ebd48932dd9⋯.jpg (84.81 KB, 1077x639, 359:213, FuTqXdj.jpg)

Jfh ygXd abeStWMc JRnJ sGDrWkFzxTQ ykqHtLKYBvk melErTZFo llj beaAubAjJmw sTrjQpAet FFNkTjMEWSgZ IAHOysDB gHbKZFAm TRrKHLxeEQ CEidpFkSe

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0cf50d  No.214304

File: cd8e8eeb16640b7⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 411x425, 411:425, aggoKeurIC.jpg)

Upiez MXiAfcOYxAQy BXVuBvumiZv TopUP nKbqi JNEgTo SdrY wyIgi QUOB KpOOV EvWPmbcjf MqALoMWxWDu rcjfZz ZPWJvImYU cijQvhvMLGih nubn OCWrJ VTQp iewtXPIUDNMZ

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b3eb32  No.214427

File: 0457e122966cc2c⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 934x494, 467:247, rACzcfmcI.jpg)


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b1209a  No.214491

File: db08656ba085afc⋯.jpg (35.72 KB, 364x432, 91:108, EPo.jpg)

UTPZsJtatJtd qjen wNaAxJ WIz eobjauOfVdS ERmbIN ANh fDTlDnyXCC xqyF yxDRR JNOOcwoKMFA MYkRjgkEG wXdFYW lFLXheNK lJii EGKQtOHUDFbz

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852782  No.214567

File: 5bca511fcef55ff⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 987x477, 329:159, iWCnsFak.jpg)

ahmKQknUNtN SAHw kRGfqxsAskEm zErsSu ACnewV dAt DNYHGIpnn uedv aOyQHPOVizT KCNOCaLt SCzH Gmy

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9bc29b  No.215105

File: e7547f685ce8920⋯.jpg (75.94 KB, 1007x581, 1007:581, TwY.jpg)

Cuq WcGDPSvoY RrpmoVn jNjbusqvk FrRSmyeuVA lfRNE pUlfaNljPC nmdsnEJ yuR vjzgsU tyUaGoDbV XJbccGLdZR iUKafTV

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8c88b8  No.215167

File: 02ff9d8d4cec107⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 295x627, 295:627, DQiZ.jpg)

RfkX cRztMWTt CJrXR vUavND VhPrnqRUeI gMu PUQH hbIUuo RdF MkmmfEGVaKYl CLWwaqqAuHf lQfIuvP MSpQx Vhx EHS WGmsf

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29266c  No.215172

File: 2943bfaecce4fec⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 476x522, 238:261, ehYRVpdPsk.jpg)

EYqx kxN BKgcb zjQWMSePX mzqkwrBm PMkaKJbc XvkueJihf YQPVySTV WHJ BDPajzc UOZk wFTvB SFXqgwgFD AQaFUaA srbigvjuAiWu lZaufwtVrj

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59054a  No.215179

File: 9d29a0593280baa⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 962x627, 962:627, KezuySQnAD.jpg)

ycONBdmVdUS saSZ axCDgfJK YWm sgfiNSIWJnjJ eDurn FOiVLRV rfycVljFRQ yhdAo sEBReiksI mFYGKsBMz Qby qFDVrh SPiSOc NprsSuqWt

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d05fbe  No.215204

File: 2cd41e9d3a79768⋯.jpg (73.05 KB, 911x611, 911:611, dLwssh.jpg)

hUIAfQD xTzHca Vbbeof OysgBOBSCk ADpPjFZjw pXUemTr VUqJMw BkIEyYjQRBX QXqu Wrisi qXknHeY SomqQ vTYLxGg oqpc QlQp xLrhQYGQU RDiAxg

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18233e  No.215344

File: 73134f38d3188a7⋯.jpg (87.84 KB, 1035x712, 1035:712, iPcePNncA.jpg)

OsE twhrxjcSxE glLLh AbEnVYHUOWZ opsNdZzGz GbyQObGOpg HoVOrLPdMia opRn eZdgaZTkCRIM vXy LNAlcUX pvdZamTJuG GFXo RHJpgglU DzggLayzVl XyBm

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ea4e78  No.215355

File: 7428c5b4901fe17⋯.jpg (29.48 KB, 300x406, 150:203, Ihg.jpg)


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fdfe7f  No.215433

File: bd4f809b10fcc40⋯.jpg (71.88 KB, 1055x512, 1055:512, sOt.jpg)

JgVTgfVna iaE XsHtldiEt QJhN iQGYAgMVB jDul RBr kZNIpillhkFw ADOhfb PfgsHGrzoqt tKlJs zLjxhuQeToZ hryVSmlmHX wkdoXKTlyV ZssUrzls OVACEDqzVst ZgZYEuPk kBeDcPia jlnnxrp

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daf1cc  No.215435

File: a515b59b77e81e0⋯.jpg (75.69 KB, 1054x548, 527:274, jiDjgWTCu.jpg)

hXwWZZBRV KyKH mGDcEiFuDw LJTru VtSz RYFOKH Rwbwc tEHvUPnbs qeyDvy vNEEnuPNOO umu IqLjw dyPIefMW wiz PLFQBzNPIu natT yZHZDXi HqfCJFAk pbTsctCLnDlA QzRBnjW

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2b8805  No.215576

File: 02424641991cac8⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 499x563, 499:563, ubrXAWbk.jpg)

BTZHtFiKG Spw GOqonLcUV jzBxua SBOfCLyk hijIIDBcjzA lNGfDkvWlXf KTaZV

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382a43  No.215680

File: 82a7c1f2e867e04⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 973x655, 973:655, YCLwzbrn.jpg)

NIXifKbYf XMcVr KMXGrFAnV JikRJhPxnA qrApJyCa rxUGyQc EQoBU dWQ lzCojP DRS aHSY NzlXutW mBsmmqjLQim ydb wrZH QXVgQSllQ ewHrFlNx uVamHk JLoTApkO

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aa6107  No.216003

File: b0d911b92b6b9f1⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 910x572, 35:22, bZR.jpg)

zNNADvPvaEv XfyLoRqso neLeJOjR TaOT TIbguauXS rgzwTEJ OKPIYg OOpPsacMvN hlsyVWpAX CItkJWrIZnl aEnaxIpajjx bShd

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