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There is nothing you could have done to prevent this!

File: d21276ae24f5f26⋯.png (356.11 KB, 1080x453, 360:151, Nancey_Pelosi_Brother_Rape….png)

9af97f  No.197349

Read up bros:


>Pelosi's Dad was a Mayor of Baltimore

>Got her Brother off of a Gang Rape Charge on a 10 and 13 year old, was the only 1 of 13 perps who were acquitted because her dad was in with J Edgar Hoover.

>KKK Wanted Him Dead.


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9af97f  No.197350

File: 83c95ade3557beb⋯.png (608.58 KB, 1440x1861, 1440:1861, Nacey_Pelosi_Brother_Rapis….png)

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9af97f  No.197352

File: 8e3ea1a3bb7cebb⋯.png (79.56 KB, 558x348, 93:58, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_01….png)

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9af97f  No.197353

File: 1c409faa789cc7e⋯.png (119.23 KB, 545x453, 545:453, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_01….png)

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d9db78  No.197517


OH WOW MORE DOCUMENTS. THAT WILL SURELY MAGICALLY CHANGE EVERYTHING FOREVER! THIS MATTERS! AT ALL! In before paid jewish shills call me a shill for telling the truth about their retarded “peaceful solution” hoax.

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