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171a52  No.197327

Guys, I can't shut the politics down in my brain. This past week has just put me into overload. I hate this. I hate this world. I hate the constant worry of censorship, and civil war.

What can I do to get relief? How do I find peace?

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171a52  No.197328

>inb4 kill yourself

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12581b  No.197329


We will only get relief on the DOTR

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f2c3de  No.197331



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693fd3  No.197332

Get in shape. Soon you will need to be able to fight or run. Are you able to do both now?

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dbf3de  No.197335


>What can I do to get relief? How do I find peace?

A couple of things might do the trick. Try making something. It could be anything, music, food, art, programming, games, short stories, DIY projects, models, etc. Being able to see something you made is very therapeutic in my opinion.

You can also just try the route of totally ignoring everything, but thats probably harder for most people than it is for me.

You might try reading certain specific books or genera. In particular, I would look at science fiction written by Arthur C. Clarke. If I had to recommend any one specifically, I would point you towards "Rendezvous with Rama", "Fountains of Paradise", and "2001: A Space Odyssey" in that order. These are what I consider to be true science fiction. They are not about the science fiction elements, they are about Humanity, and these novels bring out the best in us. They dont tell us the story about what we are now and where we came from. We already get that in the news all day long. These tell the story of where we can go, what we strive for. They give us hope. They fill us with wonder. Hope and wonder are really what identify us as a species. Trust me, read them, you will like them.

If you are looking for something shorter, try "The Last Question" By Isaac Asimov. https://www.multivax.com/last_question.html

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f2c3de  No.197338


>just anaesthetize yourself with fiction bro

They're coming for your head, dude

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dbf3de  No.197339


its not anesthesia, its a guide book. Its an example to follow. Its a challenge. Its society saying "I bet you can't do better" and looking society in the eye and saying "you wanna bet?". Hope is the fuel of change and progress. Paton once said "My men can eat their belts, but my tanks gotta have gas". Hope is Humanities gas.

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bd3155  No.197342


Look to Jesus Christ my friend. He is The way, the Truth and, the Life. The light of the world. He brings solemnness to ones heart in times of grief and turmoil, such as these.

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13b2e0  No.197523


Then kill yourself, you fucking worthless piece of shit.



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