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File: 6976c78e1d4cdae⋯.png (1 MB, 1024x2604, 256:651, 1523394491841.png)

a632df  No.197320

Why aren't you a vegan eco-fascist yet? Nasimism is the final redpill.

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95c054  No.197337

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38824c  No.197519




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2a2614  No.197900

File: e57f42b55812e9c⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 564x564, 1:1, vegans2.jpg)


All the claims she was trans are propaganda against her.



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2a2614  No.197970

File: 63906d9745fd091⋯.jpg (87.36 KB, 1024x580, 256:145, 1588301835556.jpg)


Fuck off kike

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6c2ace  No.197975


All of them on dat dere celltech

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dcabe2  No.197978


I doubt that, a known strongman once wrote on a german bodybuilding forum that the posterboy of german strongman did eat a shitload of steaks when they were at a meet.

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dcabe2  No.197979


And i saw that guy at a fibo, the guy is 1,90m and 140kg.

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2ad9f7  No.198064


>no argument



>you’re a jew if you do what jews want

Sage. And. Report.

<If there would come a voice from God saying, “I’m against vegetarianism!” I would say, “Well, I am for it!” That is how strongly I feel in this regard. – Isaac Bashevis Singer

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2a2614  No.198115

File: 2111feab735c1a2⋯.png (358.95 KB, 720x540, 4:3, vegan4.png)


This guy sure as hell didn't.

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2a2614  No.198117


>>you’re a jew if you do what jews want

Yes. Animal ag is kiked to hell.

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2ad9f7  No.198148


>oy vey I was literally just proven wrong

>but I’ll go ahead and spam the same hoax again because I’m paid to do so

We will never be vegan.

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eddf7f  No.198540


No one is going to get paid to take a stand against (((animal ag))) you absolute fucking retard.

The animal agriculture industry is heavily subsidized with tax money, and is one of the biggest employers of illegal immigrants. Meat, milk, and eggs would cost something like 3x their current prices if the government was not subsidizing them with tax money. (and said subsidies are almost exclusively for meat/milk/eggs; almost none go to crop farmers) Don't believe me? Look up the farm bill.

If you are against taxation (or want taxation to be low) and/or are against illegal immigration, why are you not focusing on fighting the animal agriculture industry? We should be focused on decreasing taxes, getting rid of the farm bill's animal agriculture subsidies, holding the animal agriculture industry accountable for illegally employing illegal immigrants, and we should be eating plants, not animals.

If the animal agriculture industry shuts down, that gets rid of a lot of illegal immigrants, because a lot of them are coming to the US just to work at factory farms and slaughterhouses because those places often hire illegal immigrants and felons since no one else wants to murder animals.

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06535f  No.198567



I live in the country and I get my dogs to chase foxes and kill them for fun. Does this trigger you?

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a4098c  No.198591


>No one is going to get paid to take a stand against (((animal ag)))

Are and do. You’re not fooling anyone. We will never be vegan.

>The animal agriculture industry is heavily subsidized with tax money, and is one of the biggest employers of illegal immigrants.

Okay, and?

> Don't believe me?

No, I just don’t give a shit since it’s not what we’re discussing.

>why are you not focusing on fighting the animal agriculture industry

Because we’re not discussing that, because it’s irrelevant to taxation and illegal immigration, and because we will never be vegan.

>and we should be eating plants, not animals.


>If the animal agriculture industry shuts down, that gets rid of a lot of illegal immigrants

Nope. They just go to different jobs. You are paid to post here.

Reminder that plants feel pain and are also alive.

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845858  No.198845


Fuck off kike.

>Okay, and?

If you don't have a problem with tax-funded corporate subsidies, you're too young to be posting here.

>Because we're not discussing that

We are.

>it's irrelevant to taxation and illegal immigration

It's clearly not.

>Nope. They just go to different jobs.

No, because other jobs won't hire them, because the owners of those companies will go to jail if they are caught hiring illegals. Most illegal slaughterhouse workers work at slaughterhouses because it is the only job they can get.

>You are paid to post here.

Nice projection, kike shill.

>plants feel pain

Do you really need to make it this obvious that you're sub-80 IQ?

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e151e5  No.198848


Just when I thought 8kun's sagebro couldn't get any more retarded …

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a04d03  No.198849


100% Vegan Gluten Free Roids.

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0df131  No.198903



Sage. We will never be vegan.

>If you don't have a problem with tax-funded corporate subsidies

Okay, and? We’re not discussing this.

>It's clearly not.

No meat industry ≠ no illegal immigration. You’re brain damaged.

>No, because other jobs won't hire them

They clearly will. You’re lying through your teeth. Spics are employed everywhere.

>because the owners of those companies will go to jail if they are caught hiring illegals

Yes, that’s the law. It applies to everyone. And yet NO ONE OBEYS IT AND IT ISN’T ENFORCED, so spics are visible EVERYWHERE and not just in one industry.

>Nice projection, kike shill.


Sage. We will never be vegan.

>Do you really need to make it this obvious

Plants are alive. Plants feel pain. You are a clinically insane leftist who thinks that we’re going to fall for a jewish hoax. Oops. You failed. Veganism has nothing to do with starving yourself of vital nutrients. It has everything to do with an egotistical belief that you are better than everyone else merely because of the molecules you shove down your food hole. As a biologist, I can tell you without a doubt that the food you are withholding is going to be your downfall. Joint pain, sterility, slow metabolism, lower body temperature, hair loss, severe muscular and skeletal deficiencies–not to mention the mental and emotional problems that will arise as a result. Upton Sinclair, author of The Jungle, had to abandon veganism because his mind and body were not able to function on a diet of mere fruits, vegetables, juice, nuts, and seeds. Gandhi, once a proud supporter of the vegan movement, declared their ideas were fraudulent, stating, “No wonder that mortality figures are on the increase and there is a lack of energy in the people. It would appear as if man is really unable to sustain life without either meat or milk products. Anyone who deceives people in this regard or countenances the fraud is an enemy of India.”



Sage. We will never be vegan.

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7cae70  No.199028

File: 0d00b719685b81c⋯.jpg (106 KB, 1050x913, 1050:913, 0d00b719685b81c8e8934f6dff….jpg)





we'll NEVER subscribe to bitch think. that's why that post wall empty egg carton having cock carousel riding brown feminazi CUNT killed herself. she was a failure, you're a failure, veganism is a failure, feminism will be a failure, and even the fucking great reset will be a failure. patriarchy will return, the carnivore diet will be mandatory, soyboys will be fed to mushrooms and foids will breed then discarded.

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bc5240  No.199042


I think it's shameful that the only person in the United States, that took the fight straight to your oligarchs, is a woman not from your lands.

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061024  No.199137


>We're not discussing this

Except we are, fucktard

>No meat industry ≠no illegal immigration

It means far less

>They clearly will

Most won't

>no one obeys it

Most do. No animal agriculture = far less job opportunities for illegals = far less illegals

>if you don't do what jews want

Kikes want a strong animal agriculture industry. Why the fuck else would they subsidize it so heavily? If you cannot understand this, you are severely brain damaged.

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bc5768  No.199140


>Why the fuck else would they subsidize it so heavily?

So that people have food to eat.

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cc78aa  No.199241


>Except we are, fucktard

No, you are. No one else gives a shit, because no one else is going to fall for your jewish hoaxes. We will never be vegan.

>It means far less

Eh, nah. They’re everywhere now. Oh, and they all get amnesty, so your entire argument is a hoax. We will never be vegan.

>Most won’t

Proven falsehood. Nothing you have said is even remotely accurate. We will never be vegan.

>Most do.

Most don’t. There are 40,000,000 illegals in the US. They don’t all work in meat. We will never be vegan.

>Kikes want a strong animal agriculture industry.

Nope. We will never be vegan.

>Why the fuck else would they subsidize it so heavily?

Same reason they subsidize corn and soy, you subhuman piece of shit.We will never be vegan.

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6e0261  No.199548


>being an actual legitimate retard

>implying people can't just buy food with their own money

Then why the fuck do they only subsidize animal agriculture, not crop farmers?

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07b76e  No.202644


Fuck off kike

The only reason for the existence of prey animals, is to be killed and eaten by predators. If you are human being, embrace your position as such, a spirit being with a body, having dominion over animals and the earth.

Otherwise you a a schizo in denial of your own existential reality.


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07b76e  No.202645


>murder animals

It is not possible to murder an animal. freak.

Murder involves a person.

An animal is not a person.

Now sure, you are an animal, the inferior race, and you don't your brothers and sisters killed an eaten. But you need an asylum, you sick kike.

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07b76e  No.202646


Sonny Bill Williams (NZ All Blacks rugby star) fell for the jew propaganda, and went vegan. Big publicity. Lasted a whole year. Lost his form. Went back to meat. Regained his form. No publicity.

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5b3fb7  No.202652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Muh ecology

>Being a literal goy

Sorry Chaim, I don't follow Noahide laws

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3bca5d  No.202904

File: 647419dd54639e6⋯.png (64.63 KB, 1022x1022, 1:1, 1768_shrimpthinking.png)



Don't be gullible. You don't look like that from eating plants. You look like that from using steroids and most likely cheating with your diet.


The system wants you to go vegan, you apocalyptic retard. I hope no anon is stupid enough to fall for this. Veganism leads to malnutrition, infertility, premature aging and mental issues. Think: who would gain from a population completely dependent on processed, vegan shit food and supplements?

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3f7f88  No.206088

File: e5f1090d87a454b⋯.png (69.46 KB, 763x453, 763:453, Rabbi_Animal_Compassion.PNG)


Jews actually did tried to teach their fellows compassion for animals, this episode is found in Talmud. But it didn't worked out because of all the sacrifice and kosher laws.

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2958a9  No.206090

You vegan faggots should go to hell.

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38bc09  No.206286

File: d8ad38f27106c1d⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 768x408, 32:17, rome_italy_bas_relief_of_g….jpg)

Gladiators were vegan. Meatcucks moobs are quaking in anger.

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1ef305  No.209714

File: 484afc8f7c468ea⋯.jpg (32.97 KB, 307x455, 307:455, uUylxRCbKX.jpg)

TMBSxeuX GgFPTjiKOV ThHrYp OIAuujYsOWE xPamrNhCN vZiQcspvOWJM HgX vig

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ed331e  No.209753

File: 5b8dadc384ee350⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 338x533, 26:41, jDrNOqgo.jpg)


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d6371e  No.210405

File: de865c0c548ac99⋯.jpg (67.33 KB, 916x544, 229:136, GrPPTc.jpg)


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920c46  No.210412

File: 29458154fef7771⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 1102x570, 29:15, GfL.jpg)

gKpnHnAP gpqtiAIrTxGd cmdCAX VQYEDA rLLKoOyPGt nPf TcgRjP AuQcCAbU XJFp oEZSCCa qKEbKrwSA DBTOPDdAi vDsz ADupnyeKhj gtKTed HvPtvjW ErsJzKEOtc OiiO CfXfkieFA

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5444b5  No.211191

File: f915a5825c51bdd⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 423x404, 423:404, oaWwTcFyhX.jpg)

AmfnUA bOdxEgRDzzwL TEfqoVpdvqgn pbbNFwGVFRj dJvxpL iEkIYSe KfOSjP NgPZckxT

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fa4f4c  No.213562

File: f21e77d98341b43⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 338x612, 169:306, rjgAa.jpg)

WIfQCbDw lazmBuzbw wcHen QxmQGZsaohW wmdP MZsYRxvxTz giILIN kwLXeywa hZYK KFVuJdbvPFDN mNeQPZ TxvMFAKvlZct VAeSZXvlQi pzGkLsZS

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b77a70  No.221452

File: 4a0a3d8178bc130⋯.jpg (146.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1553061286029.jpg)

Omnivores themselves finance the industry, which takes 60% of plant food from them (and gives out 3 times fewer calories in return), takes away water resources, pollutes their land and streams with emissions and releases tons of methane into the atmosphere due to the specifics of animal feed.

They finance the killing of wild flora and fauna to expand the boundaries of agriculture, which will provide even more fodder for meat and deplete their land even more. They will pay their last money for a piece of corpse splintered with antibiotics and steroids instead of eating grown food or even sending the fuck out of a techno-industrial society and growing food on their own. Omnivorous bastards are only consumers, nothing more.

The meat eater cannot love either his race or his land (wild flora and fauna), because he destroys the wildlife of his country with his consumerism.


>>197900, "The Game Changers" (2018)

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0de91e  No.221454

File: 046e6301e1fa6e1⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2281x1425, 2281:1425, hitler.jpg)

>Why aren't you a vegan eco-fascist yet?

I am.

If you have an IQ above 100, you can eat a plant based diet while making sure you attain all the vitamins you need to function at optimal performance. It works for me, but I do not believe that human diets are one size fits all. Abstaining from meat and dairy does however, free me from funding the kosher slaughter house businesses, an added bonus. In my area, the slaughter houses are run by kikes and staffed by niggers they import on the cheap. Truly disgusting.

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69a976  No.221477



For a second there I thought this board was infested with soyboys all of a sudden but then I remembered its april fools, you got me.

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d85ad2  No.221481



Duhh jews are nazis durr.

Incredible stupidity.

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c4a73e  No.221482


April 2nd, still vegan.

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a24ec3  No.221497

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fb31fb  No.223357

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ce4646  No.223362

Vegetarianism outside of great feasts is the way. Veganism is ridiculous, however. Animals are our friends and we are all in this together as comrades.

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a015fc  No.223377


>Animals are our friends

nah, they're too tasty, I'll platezone animals thanks

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ce4646  No.223381


You have the ethic and self-control of a niggerbaby shoat.

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a7ff4e  No.223402

File: ff5557d59d63c4c⋯.webm (5.8 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Vegans_The_Epitome_of_Mal….webm)

File: 712de9b1543727f⋯.webm (9.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Vegans_The_Epitome_of_Mal….webm)


>Checked triple dubs



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