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a71684  No.197081



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d85d9c  No.197087

You americans are more bark then bite, except when the jews push you to do something. That is how I know the kikes had planned for you to do some "limited violence" after which they will shut down all free speech. And will probably take away the guns too.

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a71684  No.197088


seethe more europoor at least we have guns and free speech instead of sleeping with a slingshot under our pillow like you. How muslims raped your cousins and got it covered up by ya mates down at scotland yard? Faggot You only have any freedom at all because we provide it for you, never forget it cuck

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acd7b8  No.197093

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011a4d  No.197312

More fed gayops.

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2e3eef  No.197313


>we have our guns

Yeah, but you're too afraid to use them. The elites let you have them because they know you're too much of a pussy to do thing with it. Americans are precisely like Trump.

All talk and no action.

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a71684  No.197394

File: 29786ba2a9d15ed⋯.png (33.86 KB, 120x300, 2:5, nack.png)


>this level of cope

go and get ya wee slingshot guv and show us what you gon do with it.

You have been cucked for 1000's of years, you wont do shit but sit there hoping and parying to god that we will do it for you like always. You are a cuck and have zero manhood, you have no way top defend yourself or even speak your mind. You are nothing, you are nobody, you are not even a man. You are a cuck on the sidelines watching the murica show, now stfu faggot and stop barking like a little chihuahua rofl

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d0b721  No.197413



so this is the bullshit story for the semi-auto ban then.

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d0b721  No.197415


this, Trump could have literally black-bagged anyone he wanted, he chose to fight Iran and fund YPG (Antifa) instead

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