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6fc439  No.197077

Kek and all the weird synchronicities associated with him is a false and evil spirit/egregore

We made a big mistake, I made a big mistake.

We meddled with something legitimately metaphysical and we shouldn't have.

I was very involved in the meme war of '16 and delved deep into the occult side, very bad things have happened to me. My life is ruined.

It's difficult to explain, and sounds schizo I'm aware.

Just a warning from an anon.

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a54d5a  No.197102

>jews tell whites to worship their bullshit kabbalistic gematria

>everything goes to shit for whites

>whites act surprised by this

You deserve it, you fucking Trump cocksuckers.

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4c8300  No.197254


Same but I'm gonna keep going, faget. Not warning others about the fun way my life has been ruined it is genuinely exciting

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80bc48  No.197302

His name is bael.

He is a frog, cat, king, spider. Basically a metaphor for the internet.

Frogs and cats on the web controlled by a king.

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