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cc9594  No.196964

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e3502d  No.196981










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45e8cf  No.197119

What will you do about this?

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d7a556  No.197291


who tf is facebook even for?

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cc9594  No.197294


>>who tf is facebook even for?

From what I've seen it's for married women and their portly soft boobied cuck husbands to post cute pictures of their children and pets and their vacays and their houses and all the cool toys they pack into their garages (motorboats, snow blowers, snow machines, quads, motorcycles, bicycles and other sundry articles of conspicuous consumption that they work and intrigue and live for). In the parlance of suburban Facebook it's Momlife and Dadlife. Few people that come here have any idea of this shit and really don't worry it's not worth knowing about. I worked in this place full of women and they were constantly updating their facebook photos with the kids in the pool and pup curled up in a blankey and baby's first belch and so on and exchanging this shit with their fellow workers and relatives. I had one, one of the cutest ones in fact that became friends with me. When I paid off my apt. mortgage she rejoiced with me. Then she came trucking into work one day and showed me her roll of blueprints for the baronial hall she and her hubby were erecting on a half acre of land. They sold the old house which was paid off and went deep into mortgage to get the new brick and stone mega mansion monster house. Her husband was taller than me, Cary Grant good looks, way nicer job with more pay. They had some cute little kids.

The RE market crashed and they lost their equity in the monster house just as Cary Grant perfect handsome hubby's sweet job was evaporating in the recession. They day they were moving to a humble old house from mega mansion hubby got into the car drove down to the railroad tracks and parked in front of an oncoming speeding freight train, a really long one. Goodbye cruel world. She had a new husband within 8 months.

Instagram by contrast is for hotass wannabes pre marriage shopping themselves around looking for perfect handsome hubby with dream job so they too can have kids and pets and post it all on Facebook before the middle aged thing sets in on them.

It's a tough row to hoe. This is the fabled "western civilization" the entire world aspires to.

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