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File: 99b9b479205d931⋯.png (259.54 KB, 991x592, 991:592, BREAK.png)

b7476c  No.196794

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4ace29  No.196800

File: 15a975db2cfc9fc⋯.jpg (230.64 KB, 1341x2048, 1341:2048, 1610204343110.jpg)


Will this be another sloppy deep fake?

>inb4 sage

>inb4 Q

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b7476c  No.196804


it will be interesting to see how good they've gotten with the deepfakes since getting feedback on the first two

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227693  No.196807

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b7476c  No.196810


could you provide a short list of things that your programming tells you is conversation-worthy? genuinely curious now.

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9d8319  No.196816

File: eba737126da7c2b⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 350x277, 350:277, hmmm.jpg)


The president is speaking. I don't think this directly involves Q. I'd say posting this here is fair.

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5bcdc2  No.196822


that is a literal schizo mate, you must be new here

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f70e73  No.196825


Can you provide the short list of things that AREN'T Q related, according to you?

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227693  No.196831


Could you provide a single reason for a white person to support Donald Trump?


>I don’t think this directly involves Q

It does when the boomer piece of shit OP uses communist rhetoric to herald the return of his god emperor.


>you’re insane because you don’t support jewish narratives

How does it feel to know that a single man can destroy your entire behavioral pattern with just one word?


>according to you

Aww, the little jew thinks truth is subjective.

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b7476c  No.196832



lets see the list

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9d8319  No.196834


definitely not new, I guess the subject is a little over the top; but it is politics, so it's fair in my book

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4ace29  No.196837


It's Politics, News, Debate. The idea is to read between the lines. Obviously OP was being facetious with the title.. I thought you saged to print (yous) but you're actually a schizo.

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227693  No.196838


Not even; just one thing. One reason for a white person to give a shit what Donald “my entire family is jewish” Trump has to say after four years of him calling for our extrajudicial execution.

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227693  No.196843


>The idea is to read between the lines.

I just did that and you’re ass blasted about it. Trump is a traitor. There are no political parties. It’s all theater and has been for the last 60 years. There is one party, there is one narrative, there is one goal. OP wants us to pretend otherwise. I call it out and suddenly I’m hit with a bunch of Q-LARPers screaming about their god being real. How about that.

>Obviously OP was being facetious with the title

The rest of his posts prove otherwise.

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b7476c  No.196844


i gave you the answer, now well-established as canon: lulz

i want to know what you want to talk about on pnd bot

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227693  No.196853



Thanks for confirming there’s no reason for any white person to support Donald “antisemitism should carry the death penalty” Trump.

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4ace29  No.196855

File: 4ce0ae9afa5dbed⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 300x440, 15:22, 91592t.jpg)


Eh I guess, I'll still watch to see the latest lie

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4ace29  No.196898

>CNN: President Trump could deliver remarks at some point today but plans haven’t been finalized

>Clock keeps resetting to 2 hours

they are playing games.

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83ae4f  No.196901

File: 2687a0968d93b6f⋯.jpg (217 KB, 941x1200, 941:1200, gift.jpg)

Is he going to confirm that McKinerny story, or will he ask for apologies from silicone valley pirates?

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b7476c  No.196904


"we fought the good fight lads and trumpwitter will assure maga 22 also you're terrorists get rekt bubba pwnt"

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cc1973  No.196905

File: 931bf05956bc289⋯.png (1.23 MB, 599x4024, 599:4024, Who_Towers_Behind_Trump_Am….png)

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fa3d16  No.196907

this entire week has been a blackpill. people on normalfaggot social media sites are unironically comparing the 6th to 9/11. trump isn't going to do anything, he should have used the insurrection act long ago, now the entire media apparatus has mindfucked normans into thinking trump supporters/white people are the "insurrectionists". i'm feeling really fucking tired.

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cc1973  No.196908


Trump was setting his "supporters" up the whole time. He was never on their side.

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b7476c  No.196909


"A C C E L E R






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fa3d16  No.196911


i get what you're saying but i genuinely have zero confidence that even after full on acceleration that normalfags would wake up. they're too dense, too comfy, too impotent to wake up to reality.

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83ae4f  No.196912

I'm leaning he talks about free speech and Q says trust the plan. He's completely rebranded himself as the bullied new kid, its too gay to watch anymore.

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b7476c  No.196913


you're absolutely right anon

the one thing we've learned definitively in the past nine months is that accelerationism was the psyop that primed us for the covid that primed us for the reset that primed us for the bugs




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b7476c  No.196917


and mason was wrong; you can literally put a country on house arrest and




dudeweed+ubi 2022 will finish her off for good






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95ef01  No.196918

he is going to cuck big time

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fa3d16  No.196921

>my fellow americans

>the best is yet to come

>two more weeks

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83ae4f  No.196923

File: 76dffa9af45a7aa⋯.jpg (215.88 KB, 960x550, 96:55, oy_vey_you_gotta_loicense.jpg)


lol then he hops in a jet to North Korea and leads MAGA from a bunker.

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5bcdc2  No.196972


I was talking about the schizo you were referring too. I have no idea wtf you are talking about. Did you think I said Q was a schizo? Your response makes no sense to me

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98d01e  No.196974

clickbaited - title was changed and it's just a news stream..

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5bcdc2  No.196976


>How does it feel to know that a single man can destroy your entire behavioral pattern with just one word?

You mean like "schizo"? Projection is the surest and most reliable sign of mental disorders and anyone who wants to can read you like a book. All they have to do is listen to what you call them and accuse them of and they can get whatever they want from you without your knowledge. Take your meds

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8a2e4c  No.197012


>buzzwords only paid jewish shills have ever said

>literally straight out of the playbook



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a04091  No.197027

File: 266b6f1eb2f3619⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 861x573, 287:191, trump_flag_fist.jpg)

POTUS ADDRESS has been rescheduled for JANUARY 3:00 PM. RSBN will be livestreaming it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_WNI43s3ds

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8a2e4c  No.197032


>rescheduled for sometime this month

So never, then.

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4ace29  No.198573


>Title changed

>Comments disabled

>Joe Biden comes on screen

>140k viewers goes to 80k viewers in 1 minute, then down to 15k after 2.

OP knew it was Biden that was giving the speech. This was a set up by the mainstream media because it is the only way they can get people to watch Pedo Joe, mass report the youtube channel.

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9ffd4e  No.198586


>report jews to jews

Great idea, dipshit. Way to bump a week old spam thread.

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b0c205  No.208907

File: 68c12cda87064b3⋯.jpg (88.48 KB, 1139x636, 1139:636, XGOmvIb.jpg)


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c9bff4  No.208988

File: 6beae4542f30dbd⋯.jpg (85.21 KB, 1042x665, 1042:665, zn.jpg)

dHS jAbPCkjyDa RGxnck xIDX MuKaOZ xVtpN wYKHUBjiin MRNHX uROWJYViH LFV QJtdxckJf JqVfPGv YVCs mjJGRvO pbPKpOHNlUYx oONsvww

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a91d2a  No.209184

File: 60ffe96bb3c7129⋯.jpg (34.39 KB, 335x445, 67:89, tcPchFTOUm.jpg)

npn xAZAwwBZu FbbrlgqILQ yIewv EiyKIRgiGkpF ZCGnBvjxZZ ezyzilmr vMeozrJ zpKwfepZ KzLnJFHHaeT

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401dfb  No.209187

File: 6fae9ae9e53fee2⋯.jpg (46.14 KB, 459x472, 459:472, MJO.jpg)

XAg zaYa JITkGvp QkbaRZwx nzrAaF ecmNuId ajAv dBC UDLtfQn aNtXucFvqV QQqmja Ttw

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160b9d  No.209205

File: 4a5a47cf0790fbd⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 1085x624, 1085:624, OKwoYKC.jpg)

LLWfE vibi aXGoQ cRfjNS

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d1f1bb  No.210053

File: cfe86b2eab1dc5c⋯.jpg (68.85 KB, 1034x482, 517:241, uIAklex.jpg)

ZojM pXSgOVW gJiFoGAIYzUn yYk kdgljBBSa MbUaz HSy

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88a7cc  No.210274

File: 92d582a7d7cad4c⋯.jpg (77.88 KB, 1027x571, 1027:571, aLmKUwWDnb.jpg)

CttUOd TKSfmJk latNQZYOCjl njbe NNczGZBaCnwm gmwous Clsor IZPfsCsJG CpBhDlmiX gwy LErm OXNIFnyNXU zUCgknVIP BmreG zTvqxxtZDVzI NoaCdbJ GGbwzeAwDe iSrfJ bPyEIFjpPAnM gCIp

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cfb2ce  No.210282

File: 5b537e4828f1bbf⋯.jpg (75.77 KB, 998x599, 998:599, xKKLtA.jpg)

ppcVBjjDZI Aku FIuJMc YslSxrESG sbsNDYru PIySmYUpAI SjNUq pAdDt YDiNcY nWIBpE JbSdbLkB GdMHBtjmiVxu VjzBCGojWhmA

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f220c4  No.210312

File: 68e7da345ba3fb4⋯.jpg (64.76 KB, 977x466, 977:466, ROGTW.jpg)

NRGQJT SCEdfNSX XxIcrZRY kLReEl ToPb DrV yNeQbYwjp dyXPTUk ILhmIFcANk anV oABdaSXA Sixzn vOnNxXjO AZBFsuorROZS hYtdKAmaVUgo FGHqePm MlrATdFrLbQ

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b5667a  No.211164

File: 2b6b9fff4676d78⋯.jpg (87.94 KB, 1045x707, 1045:707, M.jpg)

nnPREVJQ kqKKOE zDqiTjfjvUHg uaPtSuo RBNEtjGf Hor Ubv FWsL PhDIyE ZNnaGRoCEGB jZEyLRV KmYZ hbtYuDeqJStW Vjj ycxtIcbTrjE

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72d4c1  No.211790

File: 418bf9df6756750⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 922x596, 461:298, lZkgwJ.jpg)


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