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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 7683b5d41ccdff7⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB, 335x133, 335:133, 99E711E3_FC49_4A04_8852_5….jpeg)

d9e1de  No.196510[Last 50 Posts]

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a25d22  No.196513

That link isn't working…try again

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13d957  No.196525

>muh honeypot!

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69b80e  No.196531


I don't trust any site that makes you use your real phone number.

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dc2f6b  No.196535



Fuck off shill.


No number required.

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1db6b3  No.196545


It's an israeli site.

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a25d22  No.196546


>No number required.

You can register without a number but if you want to post you have to give them a real verifiable name, a real phone number and a photo ID. Then you are a "badged" user.

Now fuck off.

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4dd703  No.196560


I do wonder if a bunch of other countries are looking at this Night of Dead Pixels that the Left is doing and reconsidering their nation's relationship with facebook, twitter, google, and AWS.

Its not a huge leap of logic for say… the Japanese Diet to think, "Hey, if they can do this to the American President and all 74 million of his supporters, they can do that to US too," and then immediately ban all those social media services from their country, or nationalize the servers that are located in their country.

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2c3c49  No.196569

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608ee1  No.196589


i think it's time we consider buying linux smartphones.

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18843f  No.196708


>having a smartphone

You are literally the problem, retard.

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23c2ea  No.196721


reported for spam and site wide disruption


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18843f  No.196727

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df63d2  No.196755

File: 3a8a9bd3ea1608f⋯.jpg (55.68 KB, 1242x752, 621:376, 138065264_1015953922939950….jpg)

File: c87d1ea133a7d74⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 750x687, 250:229, 137610498_1015894832110929….jpg)

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df63d2  No.196760

File: f8f8a653983f17d⋯.jpg (524.1 KB, 751x1280, 751:1280, 20210111_093658.jpg)

your epic series of sequential failures is so embarrassing

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016b4a  No.196766


It's so easy to get a fake number.

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df63d2  No.196772

File: bd46332ff6c3cd8⋯.png (799.82 KB, 1613x1080, 1613:1080, PicsArt_01_11_11_17_17.png)

I've never seen a more FAILED bunch of mouthbreathers in my life.

you guys can't do ANYTHING right

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df63d2  No.196779

File: 4f5d0cbdb2bb43d⋯.jpg (427.38 KB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, PicsArt_01_11_08_46_48.jpg)

The Crybaby Clownshow Sore Loser Sorority Sisters of CONTINUAL FAILURE

you guys simply CAN'T stop losing, can you?

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18843f  No.196792


No one here supports Trump. You’re on the wrong website, dipshit.

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b3bdcc  No.196796

America is sick and tired of your salty whining…

We are NOT intimidated by your pathetic temper tantrums….

Now, you areterrorists

and we know exactly how to deal with terrorists

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b3bdcc  No.196797

You're THE most embarrassingly inept ineffectual bunch of worthless uneducated white trash vandals, thieves and cowards in history

almost all of the 'badasses' ended upbegging forgiveness, actually thinking they could apologize their way out of being arrested

…..things didn't work out quite the way you planned, did they?

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23c2ea  No.196799







reported for spam and site wide disruption


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b3bdcc  No.196802

File: 4f28cc8ef83feb7⋯.jpg (27.03 KB, 540x304, 135:76, 010721_podium_smaller_chea….jpg)

WWE Jerry Springer Trailer Park Illiterate Uneducated White Trash NASCAR Toothless Unbathed Inbred Human Garbage….

I hope a few selfies, a podium, an envelope & a laptop were worth FEDERAL PRISON SENTENCES

even the stupidest niggers are more intelligent thieves

none of your stated goals was accomplished, and now you'll NEVER be allowed to sit at the table again



you failed AGAIN

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b3bdcc  No.196803


be sure to report my nuts against your diminutive chin, Mortimer

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18843f  No.196805

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64f1b0  No.196806


>You're THE most embarrassingly inept ineffectual bunch of worthless uneducated white trash vandals, thieves and cowards in history

When in two hundred years kids learn about history the see buffalo man, bigo, the lecturne thief, may they live on in all eternity.

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64f1b0  No.196808

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b3bdcc  No.196815

File: f63037c695a674b⋯.jpg (176.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1610133092236_n_mtpd_clip_….jpg)

File: 87ac992db2d68e4⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 137003987_1015819417285275….jpg)



almostALLof the Big Tough Badass Terrorists begged not to be arrested…..

They quite literally thought that they could APOLOGIZE THEIR WAY OUT OF AN ARREST

sniveling cowardly white trash

they can't even read or spell

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b3bdcc  No.196821


lol what planet did you grow up on?

You must not be very familiar with the human race. We consume and chew things up and spit them out so fast it will make your head spin

None of those people will even be remembered next week

In 6 months nobody will even remember your failed domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol

…………. Because you are irrelevant

you LOST


and just like TRUMP

all soon forgotten………………….

You've really got to hand it to the left yes… We did an amazing job of getting rid of trump and all of you little Trump turd bed bug parasite people

You Blue Collar greasy mediocre low class unsophisticated white trash trailer park insects

We really worked you guys over good !!

We quite literally took EVERYTHING from you

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b3bdcc  No.196826


We took the oval office from you

We took the Senate from you

We're taking the Supreme Court from you as well

But that wasn't enough failure for you idiots

You wanted more failure

You begged for it

And now you shot yourselves in the foot

Limping and hopping around like fools

Trying to blame antifa

No accountability whatsoever

You never learned how to lose like a man with dignity (probably because you were raised by your mothers with no male role models)

It's that same lack of masculinity and dignity that prevents you from simply being accountable, and admitting you self-destructed in Washington, it had nothing to do with antifa, nothing to do with BLM, it wasn't a false flag event, and there's nobody to blame but yourselves….

Yep… We pulled the rug out from underneath you

You were very cocky there for a while, somehow convinced there was no way you could lose…

We taught you a lesson you're unlikely to forget

we took EVERYTHING from you

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4dd703  No.196827


Sounds like you want a civil war to happen.

I am happy to oblige.

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b3bdcc  No.196829


Nobody gives a fuck what you think or say or do

Haven't you noticed lately?

You guys are completely impotent

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b3bdcc  No.196830


There's only a small handful of you idiots who are willing to engage in violence whatsoever… If you think you represent a majority of Americans, you're a fucking idiot

And after the event in Washington, now there are MUCH LESS people who support the idea

And now you're finding out what's going to happen… You're not going to accomplish anything, nobody's going to change any laws just because you're angry, nobody's going to negotiate with redneck Trailer Park terrorists, nobody's going to overthrow the election or overthrow the government….

That's not what's going to happen at all

what IS going to happen is the criminal justice system…. It still works just fine

And life continues moving forward……….

And now you are completely discredited

And the world is laughing in your faces

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b3bdcc  No.196833

File: 70e2e7c535aef55⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 620x349, 620:349, image_1_.jpg)


lol @ your FAILED attempt to appear intimidating

Failure seems to be the only thing you're successful at…. You guys couldn't even last more than 4 years….

Failure is your specialty

Nobody's intimidated by you… TRUST ME….

We're laughing in your fucking face

Nobody's intimidated or afraid that you're going to come steal our podium

You had your big chance

And the world saw what you're capable of


The only thing you're capable of is failure

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ee7cc3  No.196835


>change any laws

The mind of a commie, everyone.

Also care with the drugs,

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b3bdcc  No.196836

You guys make me embarrassed for the entire human race

You make it embarrassing to be a human

You're the most incompetent losers I've ever seen

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18843f  No.196839


You will literally never do anything.

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64f1b0  No.196842


I m the red man, i take chances for better or worse, for life or death, but i will take chances.

That is our nature, when there is no chance the only option is death. That isnt a choice but at least it is our nature.

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ee7cc3  No.196845


>human race

Thanks for making my day, kiddo.

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b3bdcc  No.196846


seriously, dipshit…….

Let's drop the false pretense, and you can stop trying to be perceived as some kind of 'constitutional scholar'….

Exactly WHAT did you closeted homosexual angry trailer park hicks expect to accomplish?

exactly WHAT was the 'plan'??……..

Did you think you would break windows and force your way into the building, wipe feces on the marble walls, vandalize the building that symbolizes the freedom and American ideals you claim to defend, steal podiums and mail, steal a laptop like a trailer park meth addict, kill police officers, kidnap elected officials…. AND WE WOULD SIMPLY SAY "OKAY YOU WON THE ELECTION" ????


are you really THAT stupid?

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b3d684  No.196847


Let us compare, we lost one of ours … in the process of breaking some windows and grabs some shwag, from people who send trillions of dollars of YOUR money to other countries.

Mean while we have forgotten this summer when you cocksuckers desired to SET FIRE TO EVERY CITY IN THE COUNTRY!

Please take your sanctimoniousness and please fuck off!

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b3bdcc  No.196849



you self destructed

thanks to your STUPID PLAN :

now 'patriot' = terrorist

you cut both legs off and both arms, too

brilliant strategy

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73bf4e  No.196850



we're white supremacist fascists and theyre zognald blumpf supporters, a bit of a stretch there

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b3bdcc  No.196858


….who ?……. ME ?…….

I didn't have anything to do with any protests last year or any other year

I'm certainly not a BLM nigger or an ANTIFA faggot

lol nope sorry !!!!…………

I'm also not a Democrat nor am I a Republican

Nor do I identify as an independent or green party or libertarian or any of that other bullshit

I don't even consider myself to be left wing

I don't really believe in left and right concepts

I only use those terms so other people

Will understand what I'm trying to say

Because other people rely on labels

Nope…. Technically speaking I'm none of those things

I'm just a human being who happened to have been born on a certain section of a sphere… I was born in America…

I'm just an American citizen…

And I'm not being mean and I'm not being unfair and I'm not trying to be a troll or anything like that

I'm simply giving you my honest opinion

From my perspective

You guys can't seem to stop failing

It's really quite remarkable

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b3d684  No.196860


You haven't stolen shit. You are barely hanging on to what little you have. And everyone can see that. If Epstein is alive for example. Or Osman (you left Osman alive, you are fucking morons, that brings down the entire house of cards, you nitwit)

To Gitmo They will Go –

Too Many Videos —

You should have read those damn emails —


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b3bdcc  No.196861


I don't think that you would be very good in the marketing industry or advertising industry…

I don't think you understand that everybody lumps all of you losers together now

Nobody cares about your personal agenda

Not anymore

You REBRANDED yourselves last week

That damage can't be reversed

You're completely unmarketable now

Nobody will touch you with a ten-foot pole

The entire world has already ostracized you

I'm afraid you're going to have to regroup

And try to figure out how to SUCCEED….

Because up to this point

The only thing you're successful at


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64f1b0  No.196862


Wasnt the capitol like an "unwilling" woman, she got raped and defiled. With the force of a thousand ugly dicks. All her dignity was taken, her filth exposed by more filth. Made so unclean that not even a sponge can clean her, for all eternity, was taken away from her, and in a manner that wasnt even justice or right or for procreation, just for the sake of fucking.

And they came into her divine orfice, from the highest authority on earth. He brought the male and the female and the tension. And then there is only an unholy act.

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b3bdcc  No.196866


What part of nobody gives a flying fuck what you say or think or do did you not understand?

Your conspiracy theories have become equally as laughable as your empty threats, failed strategies, inability to understand how things actually work, and complete lack of self-awareness.

It's all boring…

you guys had the exact opposite effect than the one you wanted….

You thought you were going to change things

And you DID

And now you'll never ever be acknowledged or respected again


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73bf4e  No.196867


>I don't think you understand that everybody lumps all of you losers together now

i guess youre right in a sense, we're all terrorists now

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b3bdcc  No.196868


It's really not surprising you never learn how to LOSE LIKE A MAN, with even the tiniest shred of dignity

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b3d684  No.196873


Then let us call a spade a spade? Several thousand people KNOW the election was rigged and several hundred million more believe it was rigged based on evidence they seen with their own eyes. Additionally every single one in that joint session of congress held up OUR MONEY FROM US to give TRILLIONS to other countries? Every other mother fucker in that room is compromised on some level. BOUGHT AND SOLD TO OTHER COUNTRIES!

Quite frankly I am shocked that place is not STILL on fire and the cops where getting the gas because Trump exposed their corruption too!

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b3bdcc  No.196874


Anybody associated with Trump is going to be perceived as a radical domestic terrorist from now on

Nobody negotiates with terrorists

Now nobody respects you….

Nobody's intimidated

Let's just be honest, make believe badass on a computer…. okay?

The average 12 year old black girl could EASY beat you down into the pavement… You wouldn't stand a chance against a 12 year old black girl… They know how to FIGHT !!!

You might be surprised if you knew how many black people have been shot and survived… A large percentage of young black males can show you bullet wounds on their bodies… They truly do live and die by the gun (something you pretend to do, hoping it makes you seem edgy and tough and attractive to females, but it doesn't)

The average 16 year old black kid would be more than happy to shoot you in the face… and you wouldn't have a chance to even reach for your weapon

The only thing you're good at is failing

So don't try to suddenly pretend like you're some kind of victorious badass… You're not fooling anybody

If you losers were capable of doing anything, you would have already done it… Instead, it's still nothing but hot air, begging and whining, pouting and stomping your feet, then begging the police to "please just accept your apology and let you go home"

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b3bdcc  No.196880


Several thousand people haven't been able to show even ONE piece of tangible evidence to support their claims

And nobody cares what's several million people think, because obviously none of them has any evidence either

Sorry…. if you could produce real evidence I would be more than happy to consider it

So would any judge in any courtroom

But nobody's been able to produce any evidence

Just empty claims

Grasping for straws

but not even one teeny tiny miniscule piece of real evidence

I'm sorry your team lost…..

It's happened to all of us before

Men learn how to accept a loss and move forward

Better luck next time

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b3bdcc  No.196881

on November 3rd, the majority of American voters disliked Trump


It's called damage control

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b3bdcc  No.196884

You really ought to try it sometime

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64f1b0  No.196886


>Let's just be honest, make believe badass on a computer…. okay?

Obviously not to that extent in RL. But more like amplified traits.

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b3bdcc  No.196888

here's a gem :

there wasn't any 'widespread voter fraud', AND YOU KNOW IT

see?…. see how easy that was?

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73bf4e  No.196889

File: 922f773ef417eaa⋯.png (13.79 KB, 587x728, 587:728, 1607119379424.png)


>If you losers were capable of doing anything, you would have already done it

70+ shitskins dead so far, what have you acomplished?

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33f3a5  No.196891


>70+ dead

And 500+ born within 24 hours. You accomplished nothing.

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b3d684  No.196892

File: 85fff4921a7440d⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 720x819, 80:91, 127978843_668751524004439_….jpg)

File: b8e1980a1604950⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 782x540, 391:270, 129077225_2797128357272714….jpg)

File: 50298d9cce1c724⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 480x456, 20:19, 129275162_399224611278530_….jpg)

File: 52102c10c71cf72⋯.jpg (47.7 KB, 370x634, 185:317, 129361461_1020742494881916….jpg)

File: 4803d565a55c684⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 526x514, 263:257, 131892030_1011173974753371….jpg)


Nope none No evidence what so ever!

Along with this we have 8/10 hour testimonies in SIX STATES and a CONFESSION


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b3bdcc  No.196895


like I said, man…..

I hate the term 'troll' or 'trolling'

I swear to God I'm not trying to be a troll

Whatever that means in the first place

I'm giving you a little hell and poking a little fun at you, because I'm confident you're a big enough man to handle having a little bit of fun poked at you

But let's just be honest man….

Trump announced he was going to claim fake votes several months before the election

In his axios HBO interview, he confirmed he was going to insist it was voter fraud and then try to litigate his way into a second term

So let's not play any games here, okay?

You can drop the 'innocent gullible guy' act

and just be honest at this point……………….

There was no conspiracy

There was no widespread voter fraud

They didn't need to be a conspiracy

Trump is the most unlikable president in history

Trust me… He's had the lowest approval rating of any president…. He never even reached 50% approval rating

He's extremely EXTREMELY unlikeable……………

So there's no conspiracy and no false flag and no voter fraud and no 5G chemtrail Qanon bullshit required…. People simply don't like him

Let me repeat that…

Pay close attention


He's not likeable…

That's why he lost

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b3bdcc  No.196897


"WAAAAHHHHH!!" the post?

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b3bdcc  No.196900


all your downloaded memes and PARROTED REDUNDANT CATCHPHRASES have already vanished into the collective ether of obscurity

(you and every grandmother conspiracy parrot on Facebook)

you've become a parody

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b3d684  No.196902

File: 644527af3f3231b⋯.jpg (31.96 KB, 480x684, 40:57, 66368581_2309706132679450_….jpg)

File: c2a9fb7a11fdce8⋯.jpg (98.7 KB, 512x640, 4:5, 80655538_10156343364110793….jpg)

File: d0b6a1bc2da33d0⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 529x626, 529:626, 118942602_2621977034721748….jpg)

File: 96fab4e453db227⋯.jpg (170.63 KB, 1123x1027, 1123:1027, 118995815_2621977224721729….jpg)

File: 0b32930f96e9849⋯.jpg (46.27 KB, 640x1351, 640:1351, 120264417_3319027971510071….jpg)

>>196895 <- And that is because you are not really paying attention. And because YOU WERE TOLD TO by every level of our media (And they were all Satanic Pedovores) (Yea, I know are you fucking kidding me!)


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b3bdcc  No.196903


it actually WAS possible for him to lose without voter fraud

……..very VERY possible…..

in fact, it was a PROBABILITY

and that's why he began claiming voter fraud


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b3bdcc  No.196906

it's really THIS SIMPLE :

your team lost

it happens, Champ !!

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64f1b0  No.196910

File: 02e8c0a0732d87b⋯.jpg (3.64 MB, 3456x5184, 2:3, meat3.jpg)


In my opinion he lost because of the kung flu. Because it put a stop to his gears. He can tell all the shit stories but they became unreasonable unrealistic. That is why he lost that election, you could see that in the debate vs biden. Biden is too old he would have fallen apart wouldnt it be for the epidemic. And then first true thing he said was that we will have a vaccination in a few weeks.

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b3d684  No.196916

File: ebaabfb9b179ee1⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 701x540, 701:540, 104952971_1021652336353905….jpg)

File: 95cd58eec1bcb35⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 510x640, 51:64, 121513925_1015719654809187….jpg)

File: 43619d2952e62fe⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 1080x1198, 540:599, 125255517_710888489539817_….jpg)

File: 5edc6f512a1137d⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 720x515, 144:103, 129581271_866681970771374_….jpg)

File: b0f4905f4b1315a⋯.jpg (27.54 KB, 480x461, 480:461, FB_IMG_1596657585275.jpg)


From a guy who campaigned in his basement?

From a guy who used little circles to social distance and separate his six living constituents!

NO ONE VOTED FOR JOE! No one! At least not anyone living or at home.

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64f1b0  No.196922


I mean i have sympathy for joe biden, his struggle and his expertise. But he is just a fucking old man right now. I m not even disrespectful saying this.

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b3bdcc  No.196927


I agree with you that the coronavirus played a role in his loss at the election ballot boxes….

But it would be crazy to overlook all of the other reasons why he lost:

For example, "injecting disinfectant" represents the repeated embarrassing idiotic clown show of incompetence

then there's the fact that he never actually accomplished anything he promised, like the STUPID WALL

Then there's thebipartisanSenate Intelligence Subcommittee final report, which concluded that there INDEED WAS AT LEAST ONE PISS VIDEO (perhaps up to three of them)

then there's the fact that he's illiterate because of severe lifelong dyslexia, unable to read, and due to his embarrassment about being illiterate, is White House staff stopped giving him presidential daily briefings a long long time ago

And then there's the fact that he actually hates his job, only interested in getting attention and 'being liked' (even though he HATES his followers, because in his eyes, they are all embarrassing low class white trash)

so Jared and Ivanka have actually been in charge, because Trump doesn't want to be bothered with the presidency, and he hands everything off to Jared and Ivanka.

THEN there's the part about him being the stupidest most disgusting and embarrassing vulgar subprimate brain-injured orangutan sack of shit white trash scumbag lying thief failed businessman WWE level cheesy washed up half-assed wannabe TV celebrity on Earth



Nobody ever liked him when he was a kid

His father never even liked him

Nobody ever liked him in college

Nobody ever liked him as an adult

He's a disgusting unlikable human being

and THAT'S why he lost

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18843f  No.196929


What are you going to do about this?

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b3bdcc  No.196930

I don't care if you're right-wing or left-wing or anywhere in between


Because his staff are worried about embarrassing him, BECAUSE HE CAN'T READ

I don't care if your right-wing or left-wing or somewhere in between or none of those things:

if you think it's a good idea for our president to not receive any presidential daily intelligence briefings because he cannot read but he's easily embarrassed so they walk on eggshells around him, then may I suggest you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself what went wrong in your life

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b3d684  No.196932

File: 0e64ca24efc3505⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 567x850, 567:850, 118667826_3234797143266488….jpg)

File: 6f2ccc1c8506c17⋯.jpg (27.47 KB, 480x526, 240:263, FB_IMG_1597026755659.jpg)

File: ab922824a599be1⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 960x590, 96:59, HillaryandCompanies.jpg)

File: bbdbce7aac3b3db⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 500x375, 4:3, i0000z3r_13l8elijpg.jpg)

File: 270b9cbf858b34a⋯.jpg (56.55 KB, 540x640, 27:32, andnooneknew.jpg)


It is fake - it was used for an election! Too many people were getting popped for child trafficking and TRUMP HAD TO GO NOW! People were no longer protected. People now had their blocks removed and people started to talk. You see you believe that we see him as an almighty savior, But we NEVER seen him that way, we seen him as the tip of a spear, because we could see what they have hidden from us for so long. People were actually going to jail and in mass numbers! THE RIGHT PEOPLE! Because these bastards were always in the way!

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b3bdcc  No.196935

File: a0716651ab80244⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1080x1593, 40:59, PicsArt_01_11_01_41_32.png)

If you're stupid enough to believe it was impossible for Trump to lose without voter fraud then I'm guessing you'll be surprised that I don't invite this guy to my house to eat dinner and sit on my sofa…..

Believe it or not, there's no conspiracy necessary

Nobody wants this piece of shit on their sofa eating their food

And the majority of Americans didn't want Trump embarrassing us and creating destructive chaos from the White House anymore

It's really simple

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b3d684  No.196936

File: 5119ccc0d36e7c2⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 2xct2w.jpg)

File: 0f08cafbd548352⋯.jpg (49.08 KB, 500x637, 500:637, 121500399_1015713248434079….jpg)

File: 07177229ed26ccd⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 320x328, 40:41, BullshitSorted.jpg)

File: c8ee579d0ee4bff⋯.jpg (22.12 KB, 473x355, 473:355, DailyStupid.jpg)

Man does 300 tweets a day, can't read?

Has made billions of dollars, Can't read?

And I am the one who is brainwashed?

…. You have reached a level of stupidity I can no longer calculate! Good luck with the whole eating and drinking thing!


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b3bdcc  No.196937

File: ca3e14622d5e402⋯.png (689.04 KB, 992x1280, 31:40, 20201219_155508.png)

File: 02ae218ab7e034a⋯.png (887.28 KB, 971x1280, 971:1280, 20201219_155536.png)

File: 201f259bdf5b107⋯.png (998.85 KB, 987x1280, 987:1280, 20201219_155608.png)


If Only You knew how ridiculous you sound right now

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b3bdcc  No.196940


A surprisingly large number of his idiotic tweets are riddled with misspelled words

And he didn't MAKE billions……

he LOST billions…….

billions of other ppl's dollars

None of his business ventures succeeded

The only thing he ever succeeded at was filing bankruptcy and defaulting in failure

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b3bdcc  No.196941


But hey, I get it… I get it…..

YOUlike him…..

So that means he won the election

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b3bdcc  No.196942

When he was elected he had less than three hundred million dollars

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b3bdcc  No.196943

Congratulations on the 'being just as gullible as the average WWE fanatic' life accomplishment

You did a very good job of buying it Hook line & sinker

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73bf4e  No.196944


who are you talking to nigger? we're not thedonald.win no one here supports him since 2017

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b3d684  No.196945

File: 2c470454f4610d8⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 502x540, 251:270, 121369970_1022061010225481….jpg)

File: 3c623975d91ef96⋯.jpg (44.27 KB, 506x540, 253:270, 130057990_166704738485798_….jpg)

File: 9687be389e3d308⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 240x255, 16:17, c3bc816feadddc186d342f59e6….jpg)

File: 52ac1f8f362c05d⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 480x701, 480:701, FB_IMG_1594701070173.jpg)

File: 8598d3b5ebb8ea6⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 458x600, 229:300, FB_IMG_1594701372483.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d5)


You haven't figured out how many people are in on it! AND WHY THEY WANT TRUMP TO GO AWAY! People all over the world are going to GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA

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b3bdcc  No.196946

His real estate ventures actually cost him money, never actually profiting from them… He had the only casino where the house lost….

When Mark Burnett originally developed the idea for the celebrity apprentice, it was intended to Star Vladimir Putin (100% true, research it)

Putin and Trump and Mark Burnett are all friends in real life….

Putin told Mark Burnett "no. go do your show with Trump instead"

When Mark Burnett signed Trump onto the show, Trump had already burned through the four hundred million dollars his father gave him… He was actually BROKE when he signed the contract.

(he is NOT a 'savvy businessman')

Soon after signing The Apprentice contract, Trump gave an interview in which he said, "I'm an actor who plays the role of a successful businessman"

and YOU believed it ?!!!!

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b3bdcc  No.196947


Trust me, Bozo……………

There are plenty of people on this board who are butt hurt about Trump losing

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b3bdcc  No.196948


are you suggesting that >>196945 isn't a trump turd?

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73bf4e  No.196951


hes a q nigger spillover, and theyre always promptly told to fuck off from /pnd/

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b3bdcc  No.196952


So I'm guessing it's safe to assume you're completely unaware of how gay you just made yourself look?

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b3bdcc  No.196954


good !!!

I'm actually glad we're having this conversation. I normally don't come into this board, so I'm not completely familiar with your clientele

My buddy Jon and I both want to find the Pro-Trump losers on 8kun, and rub their failures in their faces….

Which board would you suggest?

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73bf4e  No.196957

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b3bdcc  No.196959


Hahaha!!! SCHWEEEET !!!

thanks, man

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b3d684  No.196961

File: 53265940ae40d43⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 676x960, 169:240, whytheydonttalk.jpg)

File: c6272fed7392ab7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 65.57 KB, 480x719, 480:719, IMG_20190911_061437.jpg)

File: 8c41e244af9abf7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.5 KB, 960x728, 120:91, Jetfuelcantcutsteel.jpg)

File: 5b1d099b2f8df9d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 54.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, RudyDentAndBuilding7.jpg)

File: e2f38e9f41ef7ca⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 165.03 KB, 960x960, 1:1, RudyDentAndBuilding7smokin….jpg)


You mean Perceived by the Mainstream Media, did you used to like Rosanne? How about Judge Joe Brown, I miss Judge Joe Brown. You don't see them any more do ya, Not on the television. Rosanne got KICKED off her OWN show! (WTF?) She spoke out FOR Trump WOW - Ever heard of Ben Swann? No? Independent Journalist who did a story on Hillary's Emails. HIS CAREER IS TRASHED, For publishing a TRUE story about Hillary's Emails. His investigations now focus on a number of issues like the Federal Reserve, Child Sex Trafficking and all the while begging for donations. And that is just one dude, thousands more with stories like his. Thousands more. MANY ARE NOW DEAD - This little peek is all we really needed! Because without THIS - No one would have ever believed this, and no one would have figured out how to control this many people to keep this big of a secret!

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b3bdcc  No.196963


Oh… My… Fucking… GOD !!!

wow!! that board SUCKS BALLS SO BAD !!!

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b3bdcc  No.196967


I'm glad I had this opportunity to educate you a little bit….

See, humans animals are very predictable. Their behavioral patterns and psychology are not quite as advanced as you might think…

For example, when somebody has low self-esteem, and perceives himself as being 'powerless', having no control or authority in their life, they become control freaks, obsessed with exerting unnecessary control over things they can't control….

Similarly, there's a deep hidden reason why you are so obsessed with child molestation

Don't you think you should work on resolving your unresolved issues instead of manifesting a transparent and obvious obsession with child molestation?

right now I think you would find it more rewarding to simply put your problems behind you instead of pretending like you're some kind of 'hero'

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b3bdcc  No.196969


You might have succeeded in fooling yourself, but you're sure as fuck not fooling us…..

you didn't just 'inadvertantly' end up becoming fixated on CHILD MOLESTATION

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b3bdcc  No.196970



you've become a cheap imitation of an impersonation of a satire of a parody of yourself

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b3d684  No.196977

File: ee4515396047680⋯.jpg (52.91 KB, 720x865, 144:173, 67087434_1314408602042617_….jpg)

File: a03747d752559f8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 28.63 KB, 389x767, 389:767, 67898677_10156654400976713….jpg)

File: 03451408b855086⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 105.58 KB, 767x960, 767:960, 84602188_10157992415612838….jpg)

File: f069cb7449e53f0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.35 KB, 700x724, 175:181, 95271379_668241823957164_7….jpg)

File: f3c5ed39bd97aa8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.48 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 118230333_3634061156627552….jpg)


You nimrods haven't figured Q out either. It is always good to pay attention - But when you get blacked out of social networks you begin to realize YOU MIGHT BE OVER THE TARGET!

It isn't because he doesn't say the right things, IT BECAUSE TRUMP DOES THE RIGHT THINGS AT THE RIGHT TIME! And makes almost just as good illusions at they do!

Silent Wars SUCK! Can't see the playboard!

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77cf0c  No.196987


RE: playboard

adults say BATTLEFIELD

you're easily fooled, aren't you?

I bet you actually believe in God

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b3d684  No.196988

File: 937b4204ba5bf97⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 609x600, 203:200, IMG_20190919_012140.jpg)



Did Doctor Phil shove his dick into your ass? Educated ME? My World is ruled by Satanic Pedovores and you wanna educate ME?

Please get off the channel you are not doing anything useful! BTW you did read that part in the meme where Q is a military operation, right? You do know what happens to people who face the military right?

Really dude, WISE UP FAST -

Just how many documents do you think Trump would have to declassify in front of rank and file members of our military before they think that it might be a good idea to clean fucking house? MY GUESS IS NOT THAT MANY, and MORE THAN HE PROBABLY HAD TO! Because if you haven't been paying attention for the last forty years, our military has not been the good guys in a lot of situations, and in a number of instances left out in the cold! But more often than not, NOT TOLD THE WHOLE STORY!

I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that changed under the Trump administration!

And I am willing to bet that if This military knows about the election fraud or could prove it in a court of law, THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!

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77cf0c  No.196989


I wish I knew you in real life… It would be SO EASY to con you and scam you out of money all the time

I'm not being mean, and I'm not insulting you. I'm just making an observation……

you would be AWESOME as a friend, because I could give you THE MOST IMPLAUSIBLE FAR-FETCHED STORIES, and you would buy it all Hook line & sinker, and I could scam a ton of money from you.

Come to think of it…. How would you like a real-life friend?

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77cf0c  No.196992


I can't help but notice that you keep mentioning the lowest tier of television shows from the past

Judge Judy and dr. Phil and Roseanne?

Weird as shit… I've never watched any of those shows, but I know their demographic target audience is uneducated complete white trash

It's like a Rorschach inkblot

You can't help but to present Freudian slips because the content had to come from between your ears somewhere

The fact that you would even list THOSE low class television shows speaks volumes

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77cf0c  No.196993


I would really like to be your friend. I would like to come visit you and learn from you

Of course, I'm in a bit of a financial pinch right now, so I'm going to need you to wire me some money for Greyhound bus ticket and a new wardrobe, plus there's a few bills backed up I need to pay

Let's be friends

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77cf0c  No.196995


Ooops!!! Did I say backed up bills?

My bad……….. I meant to say I m a high-ranking member of the military with 4V33-R SECURITY CLEARANCE, and I'm in possession of some very important documents, and the deep State agents are on my tail…

They chased me through a visually thrilling maze of alleys and fire escapes in exciting Chinatown, but I dropped my wallet 8 stories up on a fire escape… I no longer have my $100k or Photo ID

If they catch me, they will kill me and take these secret documents, and Evil Will Win !!

I'm just looking for an honest Patriot who can wire me $1,200 so I can jump on a flight to Washington DC

and of course once I hand these documents over to my friend (who may even be POTUS, but if I told you I'd have to kill you) I will have hundreds of thousands of dollars, so I can repay the $1,200 immediately

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77cf0c  No.196997

File: e92d19fd1b8d7a3⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 254x231, 254:231, patton2.jpg)


Don't do it for me…..

Do it for God and Country, Patriot!!!

I will see to it that you receive the medal of Honor

you're a good man……

When will you wire me the money?

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77cf0c  No.196999

-obsessed with Child Molestation

-used to watch Judge Judy, Roseanne & Dr. Phil

-believes 'jesus' ever existed

-believes there's an all-knowing Sasquatch in the clouds

Yeah…. I'm beginning to understand why you support Trump

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cbb452  No.197010


>I do wonder if a bunch of other countries are looking at this Night of Dead Pixels that the Left is doing and reconsidering their nation's relationship with facebook, twitter, google, and AWS.

Germany and France are "shocked" according to jonestiens site

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8eb5bd  No.197014


Why didn't you answer my question? What are you going to do about any of this?

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b3d684  No.197018




And not one of you answered the question before you - THE REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION!

"How many documents would Trump have to declassify to rank and file Soldiers of OUR US Military before they think going threw and cleaning out the fucking swamp at gunpoint, coast to coast, federal, state, and local is a damn good idea?"

The first thing you should be thinking right now is: Could there be an answer to this question he poses? Because if there is, what would be the amount and what would it be, and when? And then think carefully about all the dirty dealings we have made which on their face looked dirty as hell! Like Fast and Furious, like Uranium One, Like 9/11 (Osman couldn't stand down NORAD you dumb mother fucker) - What could possibly happen?

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ee9a53  No.197019

File: 5f798d216d02142⋯.jpg (474.76 KB, 933x1280, 933:1280, 20210111_152131.jpg)

New York State Bar Association Launches Historic Inquiry Into Removing Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani From Membership

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) strongly condemned the violent uprising that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, orchestrated by individuals bent on subverting the will of the voters by disrupting the certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

Thankfully, Congress overcame this assault and fulfilled its constitutional responsibility in certifying the Biden-Harris victory. However, we must address the root cause of this abhorrent incident, the blame for which lies first and foremost with President Donald Trump.

But the president did not act alone. Hours before the angry mob stormed the Capitol walls, Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, addressed a crowd of thousands at the White House, reiterating baseless claims of widespread election fraud in the presidential election and the Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs.

“If we’re wrong, we will be made fools of, but if we’re right a lot of them will go to jail,” Mr. Giuliani said. “Let’s have trial by combat.”

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b3d684  No.197023




And not one of you answered the question before you - THE REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION!

"How many documents would Trump have to declassify to rank and file Soldiers of OUR US Military before they think going threw and cleaning out the fucking swamp at gunpoint, coast to coast, federal, state, and local is a damn good idea?"

The first thing you should be thinking right now is: Could there be an answer to this question he poses? Because if there is, what would be the amount and what would it be, and when? And then think carefully about all the dirty dealings we have made which on their face looked dirty as hell! Like Fast and Furious, like Uranium One, Like 9/11 (Osman couldn't stand down NORAD you dumb mother fucker) - What could possibly happen?>>196989

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28b46e  No.197038


>says OSMAN

>instantly Discredited

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8eb5bd  No.197039


>"How many documents would Trump have to declassify to rank and file Soldiers

Zero, because they take an oath to die for Israel and they literally do not give a single flying fuck about you or your Q-LARP hoax. Kill yourself.


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2735d1  No.197045


I got banned on halfchan for the idea to turn hebrew into hatespeech


first it said I got 15 minute detention and when I wanted to message in the evening it said 2 days and 15 hours (so I think a 3 day ban)

that really scares them lol.

why would they be so scared?

Also their official reason is: "because its offtopic"

is it such a bad thing to troll hebrew? lol

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df63d2  No.197056

File: 941174f6237efaa⋯.jpeg (28.5 KB, 680x363, 680:363, ErefOOTXUAAxvwn.jpeg)

The US State Dept Website suddenly says Trump's presidency ends tonight at 7:40 p.m. Eastern standard Time

(read the fine print at the bottom)

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df63d2  No.197057

File: b13af9c5e92f3e8⋯.jpeg (35.99 KB, 440x680, 11:17, EreiuluUcAAvtth.jpeg)

It also says pence's vice presidency ends tonight at 7:40 p.m. as well

But it gives no explanations

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414553  No.209092

File: 778c62dd496f889⋯.jpg (82.77 KB, 1124x579, 1124:579, PBYDcQ.jpg)


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418c89  No.209239

File: 096a7c4ad8b465e⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 279x595, 279:595, hUWEfedjqd.jpg)

NpUHzLlQdXE JSX dzkPSqbTWUxH rWGmwHVgBAU YervvYe lPcsRHBPcCIN uAJfJvkpbJx ZmtQrq HmYotPQXOsKo hRCt RHAsSCFTxoMo HiW gUXQPQ yVhyharBOlM

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0fe6a8  No.209244

File: 048cbaafac76c05⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 983x514, 983:514, twe.jpg)

agk VUe tag WkvPus fkODlAwb sKcY UYVujWxoohYh nlJEJwV

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56551f  No.209369

File: e1c2550a07059ce⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 985x520, 197:104, UOYNfeGtR.jpg)

CcerPPmzfyVK mYAN BamOn wgkCYv

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3f5e69  No.210823

File: 5fd5a4d3755323b⋯.jpg (76.13 KB, 1034x563, 1034:563, wGbR.jpg)

gjLRdFZgS dSmqnXR RmkRy XiMgbQe LRWlvjiVU ianpjIP XEKJnxBxG DdRCGyEdc OGXaKL HbRgqQfmTj TMMSKoYCfiro qGX xOl KyrBXYYsMwh lfVrPU vHP ocuWwVTFUjIq

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0f62ec  No.211368

File: 632ce8f05245ea0⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 398x495, 398:495, aZjAvnmGfq.jpg)

hcCjDC zZESSJRdybYn MrA Gmjln izciZuTUKFql

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26887f  No.211419

File: 09463376e8a13bc⋯.jpg (76.68 KB, 946x638, 43:29, ZoGswZG.jpg)

Vcjr UflKdyUWn obriiEFmnx BeRzjesYfyOo soqF LpIJ uoej JYXsm ftCCTya jdPSwQ yKyRSHNBF lPsPipZ uGprfpw NKScaKs GGXxhKYtmL

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533751  No.211444

File: fff8665c9478a0f⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 1098x607, 1098:607, BGnxa.jpg)

kCHHOWzn tsaXRmlcv fhLrPWo eGs WGJmbtYP RPdIYTX sDTE QpUmD iSIzV KTKGaQKnf HtFrPZxVHZRj sjzzZsXRwrR TtjF RmvDHR rDKkHco mxevXdJVqkwi JSjyIaa AIY vjGCcXhZOspt

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2bc3bb  No.212390

File: b346850909613a9⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 472x393, 472:393, zKqOCNTPww.jpg)

dwmxFKHelUlR UzfY pkauZdOVkdBg ktkzxc HQgcfATonhM iPZiDcV ehT OSmAq iwRO eqaHOnojCa XswZ eJWYTUNmGEnJ tbBysxfrQ nHb ujobQ nDDckJor

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70ec9b  No.212524

File: eaf9c66ce0877de⋯.jpg (79.69 KB, 1013x621, 1013:621, MxkW.jpg)

sVtNaEYHrk ZKgswQB wUC eZUWiAF KDddcj fozY ncFOOg NJnUWl QielbRx OyzUpUB NWEsjWsGHZmv

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e35bbe  No.212563

File: acf3ff0eb01ca39⋯.jpg (78.26 KB, 980x626, 490:313, lsXrmU.jpg)

hhaMlX aiGq oaldm jhMwQGg lvyvf

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5c7639  No.212634

File: 5b02f499c5b74b4⋯.jpg (56.04 KB, 443x625, 443:625, H.jpg)

ZihcZdXRveZ qbPGmlrMdaSo IxiwHDgNVJ beGQiPZ DmZ tEHV YgfXO wcKD inOR YIq IPQdJj gywqinwOxe UnFn sLxvtrOaHa rQpNQEI VYDIFWdm TvwrapPKJBzw hgQs

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a74225  No.212770

File: c14e11127227253⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 502x383, 502:383, E.jpg)

wipmkgcJeBgB RBVUmUj UaTEZMAd gCYkMSidlrb xFqqgbGfkuA PvrvhSPeA XXkYqW dfkTDmhX cTejparK FJFdmEW Acv qaD gEqpVnL ekbbIYXHs LUYGXt nrThaykOxnr jVkCAq LkUTmAaA KQuQS

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8fe675  No.213003

File: f75e44217368549⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 330x405, 22:27, eXjYkwPFL.jpg)

Qtl yFcWHPAJTvz CEqOE kTVHgw LKXBdZ jqeOALaezNXj VlyApWdiwA TGPzghpgG iwuszW yQJIzqs pGXGbmRBLHf eljw mZI bxKgGF OUKdO WBCqsCKix

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