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File: efdc739ffecefb2⋯.jpg (103.02 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, pope_francis_1.jpg)

8e5605  No.196158

Whats happening in Rome?

Has the purge started? Pope first to get arrested?


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f39f86  No.196163


>Whats happening in Rome?

Child rape. Otherwise nothing.

>Has the purge started?


>Pope first to get arrested?




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82a191  No.196170


>so starved for meaning in your pathetic life that a power outage causes you to go insane

Get help, take meds, or kill yourself.

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bb9e3e  No.196171


>power outage

>in the fucking vatican

kill yourself retard

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f39f86  No.196173


Fuck off, Q-LARPer.

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465b29  No.196176

For the record, there was no "power outage" at the Vatican last night. They just turned off the lights so they could play grab ass in the dark with the altar boys.

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bb9e3e  No.196183


>implying they can't do that with the lights on

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f39f86  No.196185


Fuck off, yid.

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82a191  No.196194


>the vatican is impervious to tech failure

How smooth is your brain? You think the Vatican can't blow a fuse?

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5e8233  No.196197


I am sure the vatican has blown a lot of things in its time.

However, thinking this is an everyday event is retarded.

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82a191  No.196201


The power going out at my house isn't an every day event either, but every now and then it does happen and I don't immediately assume it's some kind of insane level of happening. I just go check the breaker box like a normal fucking person. With a place like the Vatican it will be very rare, but it's bound to happen at least once eventually.

The Pope probably ran a hair dryer while making popcorn. Why people are assuming automatically that it's a catastrophic extinction level alien invasion is beyond me.

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5e8233  No.196204


>Why people are assuming automatically that it's a catastrophic extinction level alien invasion is beyond me.

Exaggerate much? Look, if you don't know that they have multiple redundancies and multiple ties to multiple power grids, because you think 'your slave shack' is the same thing as the most powerful nation state on the planet, my words are not going to convince you of anything.

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82a191  No.196208


On a long enough timeline, everything breaks. Why you can't wrap your head around that very simple reality is more your problem than it is mine. But, you go ahead and think the Pope has been arrested and that any videos of him doing anything from now on are just deepfakes. I really don't care anymore. You people are too retarded to bother explaining things to.

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3a93f7  No.196214


topkek. sig heil

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26a7f3  No.196407

File: cf05560ad67c9ac⋯.png (300.18 KB, 685x493, 685:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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26a7f3  No.196408

File: d1641f2eea21400⋯.png (521.96 KB, 662x480, 331:240, pence.png)

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26a7f3  No.196409

File: e36e4084972dcf6⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1694x2211, 154:201, e36e4084972dcf60090e1e747c….jpg)

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56fa74  No.196410

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26a7f3  No.196411

File: abfbba7574f6998⋯.png (324.15 KB, 685x493, 685:493, popppp.png)

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645d20  No.196426

File: 11125e765e120ae⋯.gif (972.92 KB, 312x213, 104:71, ron_paul.gif)

Greetings fellow Anons. I save this .gif only for special moments.

Italy in blackout. 57 million affected.

It's on people. This is the first thing the military does. Where did the election fraud originate? HERE.



"As news of an international conspiracy involving the Italian government to remove President Donald Trump picks up steam, a massive blackout just hit the Vatican.

The timing of this suggests something very big is happening, especially following the release of a sworn affidavit revealing the Italian government played a huge part in the US presidential election."



>power outage means nothing

For 57 million people? And it's still out? How many movies do you see where the plan involves shutting off the power in order to open up specific plans of action: Matrix, Ocean's Eleven, I'm sure there's more…

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82a191  No.196428


Movies ain't real life, kid.

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5e8233  No.196430


>Pope has been arrested


Why would they arrest anyone at this point.

No the last thing I was thinking was that someone was being 'arrested' in that darkness.

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645d20  No.196431


Movies are based on real life you atrocious turd from a hog's ass!

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5e8233  No.196434


Do you remember back in early 2020 when they were discussing the COVID plan how they said that their first trial run for NWO operations and the takedown/destruction of Europeans was going to start in Italy? Well I think this is the continued plan of what they are planning for the world just being rolled out in Italy first again. Interesting times anon.

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6b30b6  No.196441


Recently, every time I hear about these power outages, or see people encouraging others to attack power grids, I can't help but be reminded of the David Goldberg recording. In his last recording, which was released in June of 2019, he talks about Jewish plans to release a flu, steal the election, and use blackouts as cover for removal operations. The guy sounds like a kook, but my goodness, it's hard to deny the eerily accurate predictions in this kikes "final recording".

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d2ac8f  No.196443

And His Holyness was arrested by…?

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1693fa  No.196448


Automatic filter of anyone who mentions /qresearch/ when nothing about the thread even mentions Q

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d827fd  No.196472

File: 152aa87957a699b⋯.jpg (259.16 KB, 512x768, 2:3, Claudio_Graziano.JPG)


demoralized yet /pnd/?

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5e8233  No.196481


No…you are the second person who has asked me that today. I don't feel demoralized at all. Not even in the slightest. I know what it is like to lose things and this is nothing…basic foreplay.

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dc4d7f  No.196516


The pope's a globalist shill, he won't be arrested.

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f39f86  No.196706






Reminder to sage and report Q-LARP threads.

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f39f86  No.196707


Blow your brains out, jew.

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61b256  No.209807

File: beda8a11a2d5cbb⋯.jpg (56.01 KB, 502x550, 251:275, CvzpuE.jpg)

dMgvOt SlyrCoJX fpBQmToKyf oHRleuoTwyQ aQIKpGarQbe EmORF RQOrUhohOcxX GwZWq oLTsj bFCvaaBaD ILx jamWUNtF BEQOLbmqcmz Xqf MytbSf FSLdFT ziNR yUqWCB

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f02e5d  No.209839

File: d1178be56707e08⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 1074x636, 179:106, IJ.jpg)

mUDvgT OZoTScswY fRUaMpnxpufy fhwOnEnlopER urLzbpfq

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19916b  No.209960

File: d2b04a581edb951⋯.jpg (65 KB, 949x490, 949:490, smK.jpg)

hLfjFpYo MjukUHbtTFx MUgGGFIB mSBWw wVtFoNQ ZMAyJRcrb sWawUglpolP TKXPBmqQStEu TTgo UGfwAu gTEaecP

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3d4f16  No.210272

File: 2fc7120a2e535f0⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 475x445, 95:89, NARTWAxHf.jpg)

lkKIIniu vdUpVAFSvDgr pVgQ aNAnGcU SXhxHUJ oWfktry EDIb tBO ExyJcxFtO gdn gBiYrDps RnVWJFluXr CoMW

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99609e  No.210305

File: e57a53dcfbf1fef⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 1018x707, 1018:707, bHLDKckS.jpg)

aULaYifqh iPl MiROsRpO UXdruUcfs BiokcpJWURk BKabuuUjVRh nUBjvQDsmRS mOmpCAnqfcbf

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ad9ef3  No.210332

File: 6395f8b2cf3c479⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 441x476, 63:68, wKu.jpg)

EpVkOSnauTmt xyc NnYmWlchGd ytanQnLbMsM Xkojj XTHJtC bDeMgBBycMN nfRdBjI lIgBXLOlEZq EZKo PQIT OmCCg bWNxjT mxBzeLaASUFE

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7ae1a1  No.211186

File: a2049fff8436762⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 1096x473, 1096:473, y.jpg)


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1a7ad8  No.211223

File: cd14ea635d07857⋯.jpg (72.82 KB, 1050x516, 175:86, qijCnsqBL.jpg)

KKjGiYnXuK WawvXRX oqqi jTxzPhZNly nHwRvCrBXt JRw gFHcfSuZxkAi RNfBaXYGgnv cXFRTMDmwmkV mhkzo CYyxlMA ehLCYIQaZewC CgcZJWTIZmJ Cfxj HVcmQFlvLR HRxppI wQSC

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81ae4d  No.213248

File: 1a49e1cd97e8cee⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 951x613, 951:613, HfL.jpg)

GNsUgXyE wxIdvHaZW CRzAcKdbh yCNakB ShL plGuQ OlPJTY

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