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12b484  No.195738


It's the ((("american"))) government vs the people. Spooks will not help. Some militaries might. They will try to remove all the goyim. Im getting hit by dews as we speak. They have worshiped ha-satan since king solomon. They Use the hexagram and pentagram (tetragrammaton) good satan and The inverted pentagram bad satan. These people are crazy derange retards.

Their end goal is to have a mass rape, and baby eating assembly line to become god from adrenochrome.

The freemasons are the cryptogoyim who can blend in with most race groups.

Trump(Austrianjew) is currently locked away in bunker incase you are wondering. He left his "axis" powers as he called stranded. Theres also some rich european in on it looking for intellectual prostitutes. There is no escape from yah.

(They will wear black and raid your house in a blackout.)

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dbcc56  No.195742


Remove one and you got a clock.

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dbcc56  No.195744


It is just a matter of time.

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dbcc56  No.195747


ANd in war the scribe becames teh warrior and the warrior writes in blood.

Fold the bill and you give the scribe the weapons.

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12b484  No.195749


Its a spider web for a reason

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dbcc56  No.195756


Cut around the circles and you see clear.

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