And another thing; is the coming American Civil War really just an appendix upon the brewing jewish civil war which we see unfolding in Israel?
It's not mentioned very often in the American press but Israel currently has two concurrently serving prime ministers, the result of a deadlock between two hostile camps in the Knesset.
>>The Decolonization of Israel has Begun
>>by Thierry Meyssan
>>For three quarters of a century, an Anglo-Saxon colony, now a US arsenal, has been trying to conquer all the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates (Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and part of Iraq). And for some years now, citizens of this same colony have been aspiring to transform it into a normal state. This conflict of another age has reached a stage with the appointment of a bicephalous government: two prime ministers representing the two political visions are going to paralyze each other. The only progress can only be made in social and health matters, further accelerating the modernisation of society and thus the end of the colonial fantasy.
>>For seventy-two years, Palestine has endured a perpetual war. After several successive waves of immigration, the State of Israel has invented from scratch a "culture" around an imaginary people (including ethnic groups from the Caucasus to Ethiopia), an artificial language (modern Hebrew has little to do with the ancient patois and is written in Aramaic characters) and a fictitious history (despite UNESCO’s objections, the ancient city-state of Jerusalem has been confused with the State of Israel). The assimilation of this intellectual creation to the Puritan colonial project was solidified around a sacralized interpretation of certain Nazi crimes, described as "holocaust" by the Puritans and "shoah" by the Jews.
>>Nothing in this fake construction resists analysis. Everything is done there to increase the continuity of a People and a State, even though it is only an Anglo-Saxon colony.
>>However, all the colonial states have disappeared today with the exception of Israel and, with time, the majority of today’s Israelis were born in Israel. Two conceptions of this state now coexist:
>>- on the one hand the supporters of Anglo-Saxon colonialism who claim sovereignty of the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates. They think they are an island of pirates, sheltering criminals from all over the world and refusing any extradition agreement. They claim to be a "chosen people", superior to other men, and consider Israel to be "The Jewish State".
>>- The other is people who want to live in peace with their neighbours, regardless of their religion or lack of religion and regardless of their ethnicity. They want nothing to do with the colonial fantasies of past centuries, but do not intend to give up anything they inherited from their fathers, even if they have stolen it. They would like to see the bewildering social problems of their homeland solved.
>>These are two irreconcilable visions embodied by two Prime Ministers, Benjamin Netanyahu and his "deputy" General Benny Gantz.
>>This tandem will never be able to resolve any conflict with the Arab peoples. At most, it will at last be able to consider the terrible injustices of the country. For example, nearly 50,000 citizens who passed through the Nazi death camps are today surviving in the country as best they can, without help from the State, which ignores them but has cashed in the compensation intended for them, claiming to save them.
>>By the simple pressure of Time and Demography, after three successive and useless legislative elections, the decolonization of Israel has begun.