Try to understand what they want? What do they want? …They don’t know at all! The radicals? The monarchy? The return to “the way it was”? Socialism? Fourierism?Electoral civil war? Alexandre Dumas as dictator?The Mascuraud committee?Léon Blum? Reynaud? The Jesuits? The proportional electoral system? The lotteries? The Great Moghul? What do they want? They have no idea …They have mucked up, rotted, puked up everything through and through, everything that they touch will be the same, vomit, excrement, in two days. They want to remain old horses, unkempt, paddlers, drunkards, that’s all. They don’t have any other plan. They want to make claims everywhere,totally and on everything, and then that’s more than one can bear. A country is destroyed with “rights”, with supreme rights, with rights to nothing, with rights to everything, with rights of the jealous, with rights of famine, of storms. Between us!
Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s A Fine Mess – Les Beaux Draps