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Gut your local congressman today!

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ccc36b  No.194495

How can they get away with this?

Police just stood aside and watched as the protesters went into the Capitol, doors open, it was a total farce.


also https://thefederalist.com/2021/01/06/dc-mayor-told-federal-law-enforcement-to-stand-down-day-before-violent-us-capitol-riot

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ac8440  No.194554


>How can they get away with this?

Because you will never do anything about it. You won’t kill them. You won’t burn their homes down. You won’t destroy media outlets’ broadcasting centers. No one will ever fight back, so they get away with anything they want. It’s literally that simple. Now call me a fed because you’re illiterate.

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ca6a72  No.194557


over throwing the government is illegal :((((

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ac8440  No.194568


That’s literally the entire argument. No joke.

1. Fighting back is illegal.

2. Whites don’t break the law.

This is the reason that white genocide is already complete.

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d553dc  No.194619

Try to understand what they want? What do they want? …They don’t know at all! The radicals? The monarchy? The return to “the way it was”? Socialism? Fourierism?Electoral civil war? Alexandre Dumas as dictator?The Mascuraud committee?Léon Blum? Reynaud? The Jesuits? The proportional electoral system? The lotteries? The Great Moghul? What do they want? They have no idea …They have mucked up, rotted, puked up everything through and through, everything that they touch will be the same, vomit, excrement, in two days. They want to remain old horses, unkempt, paddlers, drunkards, that’s all. They don’t have any other plan. They want to make claims everywhere,totally and on everything, and then that’s more than one can bear. A country is destroyed with “rights”, with supreme rights, with rights to nothing, with rights to everything, with rights of the jealous, with rights of famine, of storms. Between us!

Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s A Fine Mess – Les Beaux Draps

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ccc36b  No.195065

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4fecc2  No.195174


That is why we will kill everyone who is not white and who is a leftard too, and rewrite the law to attend only to white men's (women aren't people) will.

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c15574  No.195244


stfu schizo kike

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2f8188  No.195250


You will never do anything.




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