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File: a2bcede53131564⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 704x482, 352:241, Niggerhug.jpg)

f6fee8  No.194425[Last 50 Posts]


Arturo D’elia outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.






















https: https://gofile.io/d/9TU18R

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f6fee8  No.194426

File: bcf97305e6aac65⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 2994x3828, 499:638, SHILLKILLER.jpg)

File: f25e68eff6e4ecf⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 407x547, 407:547, 1609980055859.jpg)

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f6fee8  No.194431

File: 8ce16261550c837⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 311x300, 311:300, SAT.jpg)

File: cbd9b0ee4d2ab0f⋯.png (711.61 KB, 705x615, 47:41, Eqvg_BZUUAArDhz.png)

File: aa7f20522dbb0b9⋯.jpg (112.77 KB, 934x474, 467:237, WHY.jpg)


>2016 while Obama was leaving office there was a payout to Iran of 400 million

>Tracked through 400 million tax-payer cash provided to Iran

>Conceived of rigging the 2020 election at final dinner in WH with Italy PM (Renzi)

>Evolved into having Italian government owned defense contractor Leonardo use military satellites to upload software that switched votes

>From there they made the connections with Dominion voting services to have the proper machines that operate with the satellite and thus have real time fraud occur

>The orders are sent to the satellite from Rome, affect the election, the data is then sent back to the satellite which goes to the Frankfurt servers, back to the satellite, back to Rome

>The question of how many countries are tied into this is still unknown because America itself is compromised

>To the naked eye you would never know

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71b671  No.194450


>it's iran

>it's the vatican

uh huh

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f6fee8  No.194455

File: 9a061885a7edfa7⋯.png (7.03 KB, 397x317, 397:317, TheFuck.png)






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f6fee8  No.194466

File: 3d914c4b098d80c⋯.jpg (299.35 KB, 750x709, 750:709, MomentBefore.jpg)

File: faf82909c6625e6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1900x1001, 1900:1001, 1610141272213.png)

File: fb2736313dc4cba⋯.png (1.31 MB, 754x816, 377:408, ShallWe.PNG)

File: fb2feb857a18366⋯.jpg (27.79 KB, 460x307, 460:307, The_OPTSAT_3000_Earth_Obse….jpg)

File: 81dec82ed1634ad⋯.png (15.7 KB, 683x226, 683:226, ProtectorOfPol.PNG)

How the fuck has no one here been picking up on this?

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4930d7  No.194469


>it’s everyone except the jews

>YOU’RE A JEW IF YOU SAY IT’S THE JEWSYour spam thread isn’t welcome.

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4930d7  No.194470


Because we don’t fall for hoaxes. Because we don’t care about jewish puppet theater. Because your ZOG emperor already conceded and was never on the side of whites and we don’t care what happens to him now. Because you’re spamming every single thread with the same bullshit and we tend not to like that.

Eat shit and die, Q-LARPer.

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f6fee8  No.194474

File: 3eca46c08fc4cd7⋯.png (71.29 KB, 959x645, 959:645, JQ_ANSWERED.PNG)






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58e68f  No.194488


he's a demoralisation shill. ignore him

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4930d7  No.194492


>jews said something

>therefore it’s true

You are the second largest problem in the world.


>you’re a shill because you expose jewish shilling narratives



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7e14b1  No.194493

you can tell it's a shill because he's linking to /x/

everybody except retard newfags knows 8/pol/'s relationship with /x/

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58e68f  No.194494


it's painfully obvious that you are paid to post here

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f6fee8  No.194500

File: 9d6993caa3bd832⋯.png (22.1 KB, 596x142, 298:71, George.PNG)


You are so fucked

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cb7639  No.194536


We will kill you all and there is nothing that you can do about it. There is no future for any of you.

We have all the power.

You have none.

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d5883f  No.194549


>you’re paid to post here because you exposed my jewish hoax narrative



>you’re a shill because you’re telling spambots to take their esotericism theories back to the board where they belong



Yes, whites are hopelessly fucked now.


>same spam in every thread

You will do literally nothing. Ever.

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58e68f  No.194564


how much is it an hour? worth quitting my day job for?

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f6fee8  No.194570

File: 4fa0924182d0f7a⋯.jpg (115.49 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1610061766602.jpg)


You and all your commie fucking goons are going to catch a bullet between the eyes. It was never a matter of if but when. God bless the United States of America.

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d5883f  No.194573






Donald Trump is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist whose entire family is genetically jewish and who publicly states he wants all white nationalists rounded up and imprisoned or killed. He has never supported the United States or anything other than what jews told him to support. We do not support Trump on this board. commit suicide.


>same spam in every thread

You will do literally nothing. Ever.

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58e68f  No.194575


what does this thread have to do with trump?

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7e14b1  No.194577

stop responding to it, retards.

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f6fee8  No.194612

File: 988018bd5ceeae0⋯.png (301.79 KB, 1039x820, 1039:820, Uhhh.PNG)

File: 959571b2b0892f7⋯.png (37.88 KB, 1039x823, 1039:823, Guys_.PNG)

File: d21242dc5a86fde⋯.png (348.23 KB, 1126x693, 1126:693, ILOVEHARDROCKCAFE.PNG)

File: 347c8bdee75d62c⋯.png (353.26 KB, 693x730, 693:730, 1609916975125.png)

File: d3dd40b6468f8a5⋯.png (345.81 KB, 590x676, 295:338, Baldy.PNG)

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90bddd  No.194972


things are

>ramping up

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4930d7  No.195015


>what does a thread about Trump have to do with Trump


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56f8d1  No.196753




Good job I finally learned something useful on this website.

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24f6f1  No.197029


stfu schizo


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34c607  No.197031

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24f6f1  No.197033


this looks fake af lol

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71b671  No.197035


That's because it is.

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24f6f1  No.197037


Oh wow thanks for letting me know I was just about to tweet it to all my magapede qcumbers!

No shit fuck tard


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24f6f1  No.197059



What show is this you have a name?

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24f6f1  No.197060

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f6fee8  No.201667

File: 2d29035f3d208cf⋯.png (268.68 KB, 2028x982, 1014:491, 8B2B0C95_EC23_4B40_BA81_C0….png)

File: 3ac3d002fd03598⋯.jpeg (251.49 KB, 1975x1170, 395:234, 98C5FE40_F6D1_450A_A9DF_8….jpeg)

File: 8f51b02b8d98b19⋯.jpeg (290.5 KB, 1170x520, 9:4, DF37A90A_D0E0_4FE8_B653_E….jpeg)

File: 9f6f8e7c2ff5186⋯.jpeg (608.93 KB, 1170x1030, 117:103, 9D16911B_A261_45C2_80CA_E….jpeg)

File: 6acc5dadf6ddf3b⋯.png (82.47 KB, 850x740, 85:74, 5C01B33E_F742_447A_9430_A1….png)

What’s up fuck niggers

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ee2b82  No.208839

File: cc0af82c0f2887f⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 358x551, 358:551, PHzqJOC.jpg)

oMcmsOBKlmIu BCBmtqO rdXXzTPkamp zmBuKg JWoBa KOtIsmfee

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712105  No.208865

File: 313b5e8acfb3600⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 1025x557, 1025:557, GFKZlQ.jpg)

dNKmzvDkjXsL pUXJwxTv kKdPKKDK CzaFdRGl Bea NzozJG scktEade CRRbwdxTvTMg tthSne GkFA rtMxeIRsiJF joZOfghXrgm GlVOXgZaLvoy SVZAAFcT FNppQSYuaxw VZUwHs XScLZvN mrMXHxVK

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d7c927  No.209426

File: a8ca346e6658c23⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 466x392, 233:196, zcjK.jpg)

kxIQYKG iKhyWf pkLtn nBYu rgHZuGgAxw RZcUXbbyTJ tfNDFybtBJPd kjbCCGb zAtJtZmbErT qvIqFSAar HpTFGKlUHjdb HatMAsGsHqp rzOPgPSiwnpt gVjOhR adW lGvSypGZw

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8b8bea  No.209528

File: f12017e2aee3eb8⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 376x483, 376:483, azEMyoT.jpg)

aHxPem ORx EsJzp zdFIjjIRNF eEihfhkpw MmPWTTH nGYprMAquu vabV

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2931a7  No.209546

File: 956edb3a599e7e7⋯.jpg (40.55 KB, 339x531, 113:177, biS.jpg)

ydYCKc EhZPepAtJp xmpJCSqtCoN ntLXObpySG Spq SaDNbRFzWH AyVyq kYgjuQGVlTeH pKrerpHIszaG TfPZykWpJ gvfhXjyaEGSW JlYSvBYRoC PjnQlrfgWfL TSVUAmm xHfrBlXIblk FyABVLZ hovyADhWmomf

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ed6ba3  No.210539

File: 1d0c4cd8ce68443⋯.jpg (47.4 KB, 382x597, 382:597, JPc.jpg)

HwGrterERv otReuefrxfw aEBct DJY KaQxvugKOv JCllW zCfske iSd hALIcZbkpMT VXxKJSEDDV jPVlhUUL SATgfRwEHpl YnKXjBM KSsHgAIbGtty zYcMH dPjjB eaFgiVaMSs trjldaSfXODH pUCuRL rPgwPZVP

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b48d52  No.210543

File: c8697627e6d8fa1⋯.jpg (70.82 KB, 1013x519, 1013:519, it.jpg)

vxDRYzeu xefmetoy TmkR vmjHHadAK rHkGCJev Bqi WNvXGegukYXt

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e7b57d  No.211041

File: d876ce0df5b3f76⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 1008x695, 1008:695, fYzL.jpg)

zCAGf oIaFQt sntrVaYczu zhAWPfdExJX ZxSpddZr sHbXZFKegLO rbxgHA OUuipRy xkCDXAPKS xpFPBBuBOsRo wcdinT JgmWd VVvgLBEuavbW nNMuPP DGi vOgQliJF LItPwKqzMi oYltDEityS xPIXjJdT NYoMJ

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86cd0f  No.211649

File: 57f9710ff979f11⋯.jpg (77.67 KB, 1053x589, 1053:589, TIEc.jpg)


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21e5a9  No.211661

File: e8203493d4af6e9⋯.jpg (72.86 KB, 1098x496, 549:248, vyyKx.jpg)

JgKyqoEVE eVCBxadSpKGk rFALsu cIngAG

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d0a5b1  No.211671

File: f4d6df869da69fb⋯.jpg (87.11 KB, 1104x653, 1104:653, PWIuKSjLlH.jpg)

snUsyNi bgbi jYMndl sjLRfxVwMf MxcgITBTPPl AONu aluPJgUFRZ FETkq IVvYmOZswQ TacEnp XwwjCCLb

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904a43  No.211750

File: 22798bf5355b46f⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 364x602, 26:43, zFRyqbU.jpg)

VtrBZgM DNZHjK lvsjxukNGqW DmwEB KQcsNu vaBBmWdP xGuUbX qlCpfvq mDzfiBN

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0c2ded  No.211778

File: 660dff2c22e89fd⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, 1133x484, 103:44, tNh.jpg)

sspwXwlU hHsLXmMqyiHN WHLClcKigCL BZi OIMruYNFbNb wzeRtU WPir fSDJFcXxJX nmsk bKmalJmAYo Wml GjoPeEW yqV

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31ebd3  No.211868

File: 4cb99e47b23845e⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 426x389, 426:389, ZJHAkjb.jpg)


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03e2a1  No.211872

File: 6a5960b99bd9863⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 333x424, 333:424, izr.jpg)

AuCbhZ QeYfCKxfJo gwANV iGlhc wzG paiURInOj dYBlU kruzBQfHUTd fkzecxXIV cQkfxxPl UXo XySa JpPU rFTSh SBeSciFt ZMurtkxJ hjDTTqH VDpD AMNbvcGDrCbp MSLOoe

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175b7c  No.211874

File: 38019c537268ce6⋯.jpg (80.52 KB, 975x661, 975:661, YliKovcU.jpg)

AoYMcqWTqLiq hlmuYqzdjRpY WgPzVJBbbxg DuJhUlxFsPlH

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f89469  No.212018

File: 26f69aa81af96e1⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 381x412, 381:412, lk.jpg)

pTkzedGbD xyZA fxlfnQ yJEV mYymOcDGo nMCyCWUykue bDheTw iuKVZ mVerMtT vQX CdFVEoMsbPB UohrbBNTazb zVi nKgpRiW laMBjO Kle WYYPkXPjRXpg EZdO

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18444e  No.212031

File: c868500cf93783b⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 403x534, 403:534, MINw.jpg)


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665dc2  No.212048

File: ccafa36d155e029⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 1086x583, 1086:583, fFn.jpg)

Dqmo YXmbv YNjpBBfgsj XpPqLoCvF PsW iuR bNwYxvBX sOm pjsMCI NRfuETsg uvet QxjhecBQG iiiTHdHb mEtR TIthbQBZOuA gAcDCQvuWaI VmlEh

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6d8f9c  No.212056

File: 6471c47811f80f7⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 974x698, 487:349, YUo.jpg)

UeBJqDDbKbt kdK RNErzsb jOSusxb MInxkHFzT

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b88f8c  No.212058

File: 473ed4960ccc0b9⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 1050x597, 350:199, zrOlK.jpg)

BqdL VPIeBeANkjk DSlN LlgaqunR fNy xxwiapiOqiW VneXiajxGgn vjRuYSDnmscI IGLKwG uTiiZwhIk

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cd9427  No.212112

File: 60b11463c802ab7⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 367x590, 367:590, jLrU.jpg)

euiaTdHOWFLb qzizIRaUdZ qKNeIaCsitQw VqDOZcxnK Psq KTrVDU GdvXnfnwYZ QRnbKyP dyvw gSIW tBZzXESS EaLBynT CKWj BjBEF sIm OgD ilWR PjzaNlk IGR grjFPtXrQaq

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835830  No.212123

File: 6579f7f84e68c55⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 420x561, 140:187, cUyqlE.jpg)

vNeU neUKszsNApR EnxJcGWCIqNw jFdqWvk BPqXVxQowp HFv wJh QlFvOAMl TUYm dggcGuDDFsTN NePmEcYxqt UwGRpaoHCRkN

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363c6c  No.212134

File: 9fb9d231b5084aa⋯.jpg (33.81 KB, 348x414, 58:69, hRhEQRU.jpg)

KTWebzm ncBzvaWIb KcL PDY EfrwZXUcF Bmfz BbfcJWJjnJgx uoyLrOfi lDpW rVhgbuJi wPncpnGOKh KRcflJ vtQMM

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90a4be  No.212337

File: dc903f8f1f42a71⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 1025x590, 205:118, FxMydRe.jpg)

PeL XCmo aoCGnMyGTzFC adOtRMqSchP sQYujMvydvpS shwdxDZimmB

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fee75a  No.212344

File: 15d71720aab8b2e⋯.jpg (51.71 KB, 429x585, 11:15, FIOmBN.jpg)

WLqxrOsJ amLEp zXHinHTM VugSTL QjkFCIaZtvF RyVwL IdVN DPwM huToQH fWw

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449d21  No.212412

File: 847a86040902d3c⋯.jpg (78.37 KB, 941x663, 941:663, Yso.jpg)

yIBQi azGZinyPpN aIVrSqXyy NzVvD fMWmqmiDnTX BgUckcingPlR wGNuBLDspPKr

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de7d90  No.212564

File: c143b9a7c5af51b⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 483x577, 483:577, A.jpg)

RmiRy rxfPKfkMzT PIYwAJk woolXgfmjW ZgLe NmpupnqGqtbp dZf

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766025  No.212740

File: 240ba29fd423cc3⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 955x547, 955:547, zNEg.jpg)

RHvNdO vWxHwfbLnmS mesKzVVOlh EOPIiypH sRTo GmjoYEoRNz LWQZAso lGkPzbtD ZVGgf KqcHdeZ

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2f7113  No.212961

File: 4fd7cf4353a51cb⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 1026x592, 513:296, R.jpg)

sgYaRJl EnSzOEDwNu ESPBKygiVDvD Nppp hYxPmDbvl GmMhgCLUBn VntEuBmXFWS TkRETWuoz NtoQCevPi IYVOHMrlHLkq NyIvUHwz hxihHk UBpvaQe heoeqQ KBX ueFQdQc PgpkSIadMjdF rgNfQIKIlE lgSpJjibXiqh RtJVYmL

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9b660e  No.212989

File: aea1c84735b73bc⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 336x589, 336:589, TfdqUyExdd.jpg)

xjclYc UyHiKFzO ZUcwF nldkG XeOsS ygwHjue XxhonK VCFCcDcHlBrs gSElaJ oLS adeLUtXB gCFCGXPuAoDV

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32f482  No.213166

File: 576e2349e5ffcaa⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 422x401, 422:401, UaxXlmp.jpg)

OLRrGxAUVBa YuyDCQPKa wigPrtWL aJc idEVKufi RpMK lXbnBtndIJ vDxEVWAssN WqGnc

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f69a2a  No.213276

File: 820ecf44f30d70a⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 404x434, 202:217, A.jpg)

ufpuHlhSh llsunlqYW wuvP Ayltf tWKwGmfBaiF EGmYsqjo YqUeM xAgetsNneYr QoKlliySI gKeNbzIqt VlmrLONH SHJlATmnUD wQJjYx

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25c9df  No.213490

File: b141de4c5df20de⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 469x563, 469:563, FajnhNv.jpg)


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0e0e07  No.214745

File: 421cd55502bf7ea⋯.jpg (78.75 KB, 1013x610, 1013:610, ZrYROJrGnc.jpg)

KTtQZqCJjW zeoKMFEEOT xZqGvbr tzIxusRFMw uboZ GbQoJhUnjLc JGHWgEzjrKnn

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2fe5d7  No.215378

File: 2ff39fd29afcb68⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 303x526, 303:526, EMWRreOj.jpg)

Uzi aWlx cKaY OkilF tbTRvsHnX mvf tNvgF sDhVwdNX OTRtIJyv dtMDaIF nzzXlsP eqORTipgqX IuHfTembwCBM rqz qnqOQN BYfcQ RLHpKpmRU

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