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File: e889c7ac01d2b6b⋯.png (210.79 KB, 200x218, 100:109, it_begins.png)

0d85c7  No.194116[Last 50 Posts]

Trump is either a traitor or dead as confirmed by his Twitter post disavowing his supporters who stormed the capitol. With Trump out of the way, no longer holding back his supporters, the MAGA movement is unshackled.

On January 20th, MAGA boomers, emboldened by the January 6th happenings, will storm the capitol, but instead of only a few hundred, it will be tens of thousands this time, and they will be armed.

The black flag (Ashli Babbit's flag) will fly above the dome.

The happening of our lifetimes is at hand.

Spread this on cuckchan/pol/, redd*t, and anywhere Q boomers will see it.

It begins.

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0d85c7  No.194119

Proud Boys are disavowing Trump and saying to ditch Trump but keep MAGA. It's our time to shill, anons.

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e13914  No.194137


His yesterday video…anyone notice the angle they shot where it showed his orange makeup really well? Aside from the obvious shooped vid. Trump would not have allowed that 'take' because of the orange makeup showing, and now he must endure heavy belittling and shame. But if he's one of them, fuck him. If not, he and others are royally fucked. meh.

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7763f1  No.194139


Two possibilities:

1: Video is real. Trump is a traitor. MAGA is unshackled and ready for blood.

2: Video is fake. When MAGA learns that video is fake, it will be the happening of our lifetime.

Regardless, on January 20th, the black flag will fly above the dome.

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b1e109  No.194141

>trump is a traitor

did that really take you dumb fags 4 years to figure out?

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7763f1  No.194144


pls no bully :(

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e13914  No.194147


Literally "2 more weeks." lol, nah, I wouldn't care so much if I knew They wouldn't interfere or affect my daily life, but…. I'm sure they will. Have you received your $600 yet? I have not.

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e13914  No.194148


Pay no mind to the neophytes.

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441f62  No.194150

File: 0d2869896fa55aa⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 4978x3284, 2489:1642, TheRuinsOfTheRomanForum_16….jpg)

It's easy to call Trump a traitor. It's harder to be objective. At a minimum he solidified a political base for four years which hasn't happened in a long time. In the end anything that he's done or not done will not matter when the Democrats take control if it be now or in four years or 8 years of whenever. From my view Trump's done much to reduce armed conflict by not engaging America in it and WW3 was averted which would have been it Hillary came to power. Don't forget that.

What's more interesting is if Trump has the support of the military right now. I'd like to remind Trump directly that no matter what you do the world will think bad of you and America. It's been made-out to be a 3rd world country and appealing to those that hate you doesn't help your cause whatever that might be. The test of time is the only true test and becoming a Holywood boogeyman about this time making out Trump and his supports to be literal terrorists and Nazis is what's going to happen if Trump doesn't win to stay on as President. If the military doesn't back Trump then no one will be afraid of America.

I don't know what's more pathetic, the obvious and massive election fraud, or not being able to fight it and if you so much as smash a window you become a terrorist. I wonder what these politicians have been told/know/have insight to sing the tune they have and dump America into the banana republic category.

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7763f1  No.194151


I don't deny that Trump has done good (i.e. averting WW3). Doesn't change the fact that if the video is legit, he is a traitor for disavowing his supporters and calling for them to be criminally charged and not even acknowledging the murder of Ashli. None of that matters though, MAGA lives on with or without Trump.


What do you propose then? It takes time to get flags made, it takes time to travel. I suspect a fuckton of boomers with guns will show up on January 20th, but what the fuck do I know, right?

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e13914  No.194153

File: c7f955b980ff58e⋯.png (42.83 KB, 850x136, 25:4, 1_png.png)

File: ce00b5681b8d7bb⋯.png (64.72 KB, 1149x180, 383:60, 2.png)


Based anon.

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e13914  No.194155


>What do you propose

Nothing for me, unless they come knocking at my door. be back later on.

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3869c4  No.194172




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441f62  No.194192

File: 9098cff70178da2⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, DogDaysAreOver.jpg)


It's clear a third party will arise. This is proof that working within the system has shown to be fruitless and pointless for literally any purpose. Trumps slogans for his base have been no better than those emanating from Communist Russia. And the Democrats are objectively worse in their slogans and surprisingly ideals and ideas - one might think it's just bad media. However a third party will not change the course for America. It will become 3rd world and there is no avoiding it and it will no longer just be an image thing. The Democrats will rule over smoldering rubble and whatever is left will be broken up.

It seems that the politics in America has been just that - politics. Politics without any real aim or purpose rather than continued existence and at all expenses. And no matter the ideas that Trump had they are unworkable because of the unchangeable inertia of what America has become. This fake egalitarianism juggernaut will continue until it crashes and burns.

This is a spiritual fight as well as many other fights. The clearest is producer verses consumer and city versus country. Does America have the spirituality for these fights, to find what's actually right, what's the truth? The answer is no.

I am not trying to be discouraging I am framing this for anons to make clear in their mind that their lives and their families are at real risk and are and will be under attack in every conceivable way. In knowing that, what can you do? We are staring into a time when the political class will be the law giver, the judge and the bank. And bundle that with the new bar for terrorism being set very low as per the enlightened Ted Cruz will likely create an environment people don't even suspect to be possible.

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3869c4  No.194194


>what can you do

Kill them. You won’t, so enjoy white genocide.

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d995c0  No.194207


stfu schizo kike

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3869c4  No.194213




You failed. You will never act. You will never do anything. There is no unity. There are no groups. There will be nothing done. You’ve been spamming this jewish bullshit for ten fucking years. You have never done anything. You will never do anything. All organization is instantly infiltrated. All action is instantly stopped. You’re literally just a paid jewish shill. https://archive.fo/YqGAd


>buzzwords only jewish shills have ever said

Don’t care. Sage.

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3869c4  No.194227


>I’m a Euro

So you’re even MORE aware of how you cannot possibly organize and do anything, since you live on a fucking communist lockdown continent. And yet here you are, calling for it like a fed. How interesting.

>you talk a lot about how it’s useless

Almost as though I’ve proven this or something…

>What’s your take on the whole situation

1. There is no peaceful solution. Nothing peaceful will ever lead to anything other than white genocide.

2. Whites will never fight back. Any action alone is an instant failure. Any action that is organized will either be instantly caught by the feds (see link above) or will be a honeypot that devolves into a riot which accomplishes nothing (see action at capitol by jewish puppets waving trump flags).

3. White genocide is, therefore, already complete. Europe will never stop being occupied by the US military (and therefore your own ethnic nationalist parties can never gain power) because the US military will never need to be recalled to fight at home, because Americans will never rise up against the ZOG.

If I was wrong, someone would have proven it decades ago.

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d995c0  No.194229


stfu schizo kike, take your fucking meds

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3869c4  No.194241


>buzzwords that only paid jewish shills have ever said

Thank you for admitting that you will never fight back against the ZOG in any way, shape, or form and that every word I said is fact, paid jewish shill.


Ah, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

>what’s to do

Get some land, grow food, hide from the government, survive as long as we can. There’s nothing else left.

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8d2229  No.194267


I also am not American and have to watch helplessly as the American whites sleepwalk into their own genocide without a fight.

Some of the men at the storming of the capital promised to come back with guns. What is the most likely date for that? I imagined they'd come back tomorrow or when they tried again at certifying that vote but they haven't. So is January 20th the day? Regardless, me and my associates will be ready and waiting for America to take the lead, then every resistance group the world over can take the que to overthrow communist tyranny.

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8d2229  No.194268


>2. Whites will never fight back. Any action alone is an instant failure. Any action that is organized will either be instantly caught by the feds (see link above) or will be a honeypot that devolves into a riot which accomplishes nothing (see action at capitol by jewish puppets waving trump flags).

Literally all that has to happen is someone has to keep quiet and not too outspoken about anything and just go to the next big march armed and just start shooting. The rest will be forced to follow suit. I honestly believe though that all Americans are cowards who don't believe in an afterlife, so in their entire population, probably not even one can be found ready to make an actual sacrifice.

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8d2229  No.194269


>Get some land, grow food, hide from the government, survive as long as we can. There’s nothing else left.

Do you know how fucking hard that is to do right now with money and support and peace? Now imagine they seize your bank account and the government is after you. You won't be growing shit. You won't survive.

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4717f8  No.194279

File: d05de68d0402357⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 500x381, 500:381, 1242623753566755647806.jpg)

Don't allow this to let you lose sight of the reality that is; there is no political solution.

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3869c4  No.194395


>don’t you find this a little bit bleak

Yeah, I’ve basically been suicidal for the last six years. Oh well. We really can’t do anything.



You know just as well as I do what “promises” mean to zionst neoconservative civic nationalist, anon.


>a lone wolf attack will tooooooooooooooootally make everyone else with guns magically start shooting at members of the ZOG, goyim!

>it definitely won’t just result in door to door gun confiscations!

You’re too stupid to be alive.


>oh no it’s hard

Then die. What the fuck don’t you understand about this? Life is struggle. You’re not supposed to be comfortable. Either fight or die. You deserve it if you won’t even fucking TRY.

>with money

Doesn’t exist. Gold and silver are money. Everything else is a fiat hoax. Doesn’t matter at all.


Don’t need it. Just buy a house for you and your family out in the middle of nowhere with a plot of land around it. Few miles outside a town of a few thousand that is still 100% white. They still exist, for now; I live in one.


Again, small white town. Your retarded “I just want to grill for god’s sake” is how we got in this mess. You don’t get peace until every nonwhite is exterminated from white soil. Whether that happens is up to you.


Strange how the feds jumped on me for saying that but have left it for three hours when you did… Maybe they’re getting an early start to Shabbat.

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820ba3  No.194434


I won't fight in the name of some useless cumdumpster.

All simps get the bullet before anyoen else.


We will kill all of you schizo kikes.


This. and there never was. AND, anyone advocating for non-violent solutions is a traitor that must be killed first.


>Life is struggle

It isn't. Life is to be forever pleasant and easy. Anyone trying to take that away from us must be killed.

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3869c4  No.194437


>>Life is struggle

>It isn’t.

Hitler would spit on you, jew.

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4fca67  No.194589


Holy shit its happening.

Guys stop, its going too far.

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47e725  No.194639


The ride never ends

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c65ae5  No.195432


Too late for that.

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975ec4  No.197324


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a8cad4  No.197346


Buy gold, drain your bank account. That's what I am in the process of doing. Precious metals will always talk. Don't sit back and wait for your nigger government to freeze all your assets.

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85bb32  No.197365

File: dbcb1923c42516d⋯.jpg (341.35 KB, 1161x1161, 1:1, ANTIFA_media.jpg)

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997b82  No.197372


Also, buy hard assets and tangible goods. Especially goods that will become valuable in a SHTF scenario. Money will become valueless, but tools, guns, medical supplies, pain killers, MREs, lighters, books, cigarettes, alcohol, and skills in fixing things or people will triumph.

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2e4ec5  No.197375


Your hero, Q Shaman, is in prison crying about the lack of organic food.

But, tell me again how you're all battle hardened mujaheddin.

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5e6281  No.197376


>cannot into asceticism











fast moar

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2e4ec5  No.197377


>defending soyboys

Neck yourself.

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035036  No.197378


>anyone advocating for non-violent solutions is a traitor

It doesn't have to be violence, what's needed is force. A correct way to do this is to forcefully but non-violently commandeer the vote counting rooms, physically moving all opponents out if need be, then returning a result of "100% of votes were for Hitler 2.0, fuck you" and burning the ballots to prevent audits. Then, do that throughout the whole country and in every other facet of the system. The right is unironically capable of pulling that kind of takeover off if they get frustrated enough, which looks like it's happening now.

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5e6281  No.197379



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5e6281  No.197380

File: 28db4aaf33255fe⋯.png (443.52 KB, 600x532, 150:133, proxy_image.png)














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2e4ec5  No.197382

File: fca2ac71ff51677⋯.png (460.59 KB, 741x726, 247:242, soyboy.png)



You divided and conquered yourself when you decided to worship the soyboy-in-chief.

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21194e  No.197422

File: e1a4ed4e6ee55af⋯.png (872.2 KB, 473x471, 473:471, any_last_words.png)


> the MAGA movement is unshackled

From fucking what? Bullshit Q posts calling ISIS Antifa and watching tight nigger sportsball asses on TV?

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5e6281  No.197424










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21194e  No.197425


>rejecting kike poison

mien nigga

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0fefaf  No.197430

He is a TRAITOR.

We are in Phase III in the war against humanity.

They are using 'COVID' a biological weapon they designed and released on humanity as a cover for the liquidation and murder of everyone they chose to liquidate and murder.


It is PATENTLY OBVIOUS what they are doing and you fucks are all playing along like it was a game. When they come to arrest you, everyone will think you are violating some COVID law and not that they are going to take you out behind your own home and shoot you in the head with your whole family and then let niggers rape your kids and pillage your home.


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0fefaf  No.197431


GODDAMMIT!! You people are so fucking stupid!

Do you think that 'big tech' could silence an acting President IF HE DIDN'T FUCK WANT THEM TOO?


My fucking retarded dog is smarter than you! He knows that there are enemies and predator's in the world and he NEVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION FUCKING YEARS WOULD BE AS GODDAMN GULLIBLE AND FUCKING STUPID AS YOU PEOPLE ARE…

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21194e  No.197434


>Do you think that 'big tech' could silence an acting President IF HE DIDN'T FUCK WANT THEM TOO?

Trump was a vain faggot that sought admiration from his enemies. At least he'll be dead in 6 months.

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835879  No.197899


This isn't about Trump anymore.

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72820c  No.197907

CANADA under LOCKDOWN: it is time to LIBERATE TORONTO and to take our constitutionally protected FREEDOM back.

No more lockdowns. No more business closures. Re-open everything.


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72820c  No.197908

It isn't over. It has only begun.

We need to fight back, with or WITHOUT Trump

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24bbd2  No.197910

Wow… This whole thread glows in the dark.

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835879  No.197968

File: b12c9f65b1f6005⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 960x484, 240:121, cucks.jpg)


>if you want to defend freedom, you glow!

Glownigger detected

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ea2cd2  No.197986


Q is fake.

No savior

Many will die for nothing

Communism = Future


Stupidity rules


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5d4c1d  No.197988

File: f2a79bd1b9576a3⋯.png (75.13 KB, 512x320, 8:5, Roger.png)

This is no longer about Trump. As stated before if Trump had gone on for another 4 years it would just delay the inevitable. As stated before Trump stopped WW3. In saying that, KH is going to be the new Wartime President.

The American economy has shrunk about 40% in real terms in the last year. It will continue to worsen into 2022/23 when KH will take over. What well get employment down is mass hiring via the army and navy. So… employment will start to recover (but not be good) in 2024. The most likely scenery is a great shrinking to a more realistic economic size… prior to war.2025 through to 2027 is initiation of the hot war. The supercomputer says KH will stay on until 2032. There is difficulty is interpreting what the story is out of that data.

The commodity bull market will continue into 2024 and this is normal as a prelude to war.

When HRC didn't come to power, America was far far behind the Russians. I think that the Trump delay has given confidence to recover by time a war starts. Seeing as the Russian population will be barely unchanged by 2032 though there is a great drop in the West prior to that… I think this indicates a short war under KH. It's also highly unlikely that in 2028 there will be an election so this feeds into my reading of the data.

There will be a great moderation and the biggest losers will be the UK and America. There will be other big losers but not in the realm of America or the UK. And, there isn't many winners at all… being two starting with R and C.

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0dce9c  No.197991


The fat americans will realize they will need a strong EU.

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835879  No.198121


Nose+timestamp, rabbi

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03af68  No.198158

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03af68  No.198160


Reminder that you will never do anything.

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03af68  No.198162


>As stated before Trump stopped WW3.

And you were wrong before, too.

>What well get employment down is mass hiring via the army and navy.


>2025 through to 2027 is initiation of the hot war.


>The supercomputer says

No one cares about your brain damage.

>into my reading of the data.

You have no data.

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5d4c1d  No.198204

File: 04d8dcb39621895⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 1500x994, 750:497, UnableToSee.jpg)


American policy has not been that. I've read literally all of RAND and Chatham House and others. I mention those because there is a clear coordination there. My thoughts to do with a strong Mainland European defence has been along the lines of who was America protecting and from whom? It clearly protects it's own interests. America and the UK will simply be unable to contain Russia and China and Mainland Europe wants it's own way.

Watching videos of all the defence personal in DC really does make it look like a banana republic on two fronts. This is all that can be mustered and no more… and that somehow the government is afraid of 75 million people and this is the fight they can bring. The supercomputer points to a split of America as well as the UK… the UK being behind America.


You can disagree. The supercomputer has never been wrong.

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0dce9c  No.198217


Must be the same people.

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9d21df  No.198536

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ca436f  No.198555

seems unlikely to faze the national guard

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39fa12  No.198662


Sage and report for psychotic spam.

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61c529  No.200383


>did that really take you dumb fags 4 years to figure out?

You're right. It may be a bit stupid, but it's finally now that he literally is throwing his supporters to the dogs that we can no longer look past his shortcomings. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I looked past these shortcomings because of the sheer amount of hate he got from our enemies. It's more of what Trump represents, than what he actually is.

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12ba23  No.200391

File: 59226821333c0d7⋯.jpg (154.29 KB, 890x350, 89:35, nordstream2.jpg)


The EU already made its decision.

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6101b8  No.200414


>I fell for a jewish hoax because the jews told me to

>and despite every white nationalist on earth telling me not to fall for it

>oh no how could this happen


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61c529  No.200422


Yea, because it's possible to elect a president who doesn't lick the boot of the jew. But, here's hoping that he gets convicted in the Senate, but even if he does likely it will be Don Jr in 2024.

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d995c0  No.200425


take your meds schizo

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12ba23  No.200428


>but even if he does likely it will be Don Jr in 2024.

>le what about da ayatalloh man

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f7d832  No.200445


Why, in the last 12 days of his presidency, did Donald Trump suddenly become the authoritarian of liberal fantasies? He sure wasn’t an authoritarian for the past four years — he was a spineless wonder.

When it came to the wall, bringing the troops home, ending hedge fund managers’ tax loopholes and other campaign promises, Trump backed down to everybody: district court judges, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, the de facto president Jared Kushner, trusted Goldman Sachs alumnus Gary Cohn, useless donors, or any two people raising an objection.

OK, never mind. I didn’t know I’d have to get out of my chair. I’ll just lie and tell my supporters it’s already done.

But this time, it was finally about him.

For the items on Trump’s 2016 campaign agenda, he actually had solid arguments. On overturning the election, he has no argument at all.

The bulk of Trump’s rally speech last Wednesday consisted of the fanatically detailed claims of a paranoid about the election being stolen. The media, of course, have barely covered this part of the speech, since they’re determined to suppress all mentions of any oting-vay aud-fray.

Not to worry, media! I’m angrier after reading Trump’s full exegesis on the election than I was when you were hiding it from me.

He cited vote tallies in this and that county, the media’s use of “suppression polls,” constitutional provisions, the precise time of day votes came in, different states’ voting rules and practices, the numbers of felons, dead people and illegal aliens who allegedly voted in various states and on and on and on.

Do you think Trump has any idea how many illegal aliens are in the country right now?

None whatsoever. Trump knows more about the accuracy settings on signature verification machines in Clark County, Nevada, than he does about DACA.

For four years, I’ve been told that Trump couldn’t keep his campaign promises because: No one has ever faced such historic resistance! It’s not his fault. Poor Trump!

Well, how hard was it to keep his promises compared to overturning a presidential election?

Now that we’ve gotten a bracing view of Trump’s skills as a demagogue, I just want to know: Why didn’t he ever use his powers for good? Why did he never hold a rally on the ellipse and ask his supporters to pressure their representatives to fund the wall? To repeal Section 230? To penalize outsourcing?

None of those proposals is insane. Now that I think about it, they are the exact ideas that got Trump elected. Another plus: Asking his supporters to lobby for popular issues would not have ended with senators and House members fleeing for their lives.

Even as he was goading his most gullible supporters into criminal activity and — in one case — death, he still didn’t give a crap about them.

Trump was delighted by the mob he’d unleashed on the Capitol, but according to sources, appalled by how badly dressed they were. He “expressed disgust on aesthetic grounds over how ‘low class’ his supporters looked,” one Trump adviser told New York magazine, adding, “He doesn’t like low-class things.”

Why are the cameras showing only my overweight supporters? Where are the hot women?

Yes, these were the deplorables, the left-behind, working-class Americans hanging on by their fingernails, who had bet their last dollar on Trump. (While we’re on the subject, please drop the “coup” talk, media. We’ve seen the pictures. These weren’t exactly Masters of the Universe types.)

Democrats despise them, and Trump uses them.

For four years, Trump screwed over these very working-class Americans while giving Sheldon Adelson, Wall Street and McConnell everything they wanted — sometimes things they didn’t even ask for!

Close your eyes … Surprise! I’m giving you the West Bank, too!

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8d500e  No.200450

File: e19bd5651d7ba07⋯.gif (138.59 KB, 1200x400, 3:1, niggersbtfo.gif)


>the journalists and feds will actually believe this

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6101b8  No.200470






>buzzwords that only paid jewish shills have EVER said


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9fe232  No.208864

File: 693c066cb1f541f⋯.jpg (72.97 KB, 1020x542, 510:271, gNjjnio.jpg)


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18035e  No.208930

File: 2887627a2d93725⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 368x618, 184:309, PcR.jpg)


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f5d292  No.209372

File: 520876e5e7e3eac⋯.jpg (46.04 KB, 350x623, 50:89, wHlIsP.jpg)

YkEIzVcsoRD sadQlG vjhskwmGlTc fAGUSJwEpA pNj abSzFmNqvl WGtFgfqyCGq hAP nUjSt IGzzRVrKEe QCvqsmfnBlCh ltsonffvLSKI IfZxhIsjoRT Fkss pRYA

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798edf  No.209398

File: 0aa690a499daf78⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 511x523, 511:523, REbxyFxyP.jpg)

pIQBoNIC LRpizC HZMvgYTYa VrguFXs bLvBNu XWR IEbyYsYpBu nMFGygRW pSLoGHrQVsN dvwXrfo CZGeUrAde rSjx bMZslnco caafh FacmljWuNmh

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865440  No.209461

File: 312e1353cc854cd⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 389x609, 389:609, ZQzvdn.jpg)

waRzk NtsQQJxB PKGcjW DSqilbzuenlc bZNLhY bKAvx skCa frSXbTrg SwsuzYiIn wMyqXx pNRisXY IDMpmS kdlJ iLEQSaTFNF tKRZs

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ddb794  No.210707

File: d4e8e9662936bfe⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 955x474, 955:474, uomMM.jpg)

okOo yVyYsZT mAO eZbVZNCFq pEynBO CakINfJFZh seZgpzZZ SAMCJuwhni nihv AulCpxmzcdxc DEWq jZnKKl NtpNboHrEyK YVb GTYVnwJiWj RcjviLVmek uZrbSnvEKS ZVdfhgjDSm IHDQlq

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015c19  No.210718

File: ea28726275d2802⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 517x526, 517:526, LlllFDhh.jpg)

fyouCWS IcGVXnGzSlk psUUcwQSNm rTvzHe nBOluOBtge lwVKN GisYxbZXKIn dekX yQULoiRo RSsvKeBDLri rlkiw hpJxIN TZKMCly tQzNu anXBdk xhGBUpEE

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d0245f  No.210956

File: 9521d0c351f7500⋯.jpg (84.64 KB, 1035x668, 1035:668, QYMPIis.jpg)

WxBX uZUxGOeDZ HmbgE NDJBe JHpMiMtmzY pIrEETIpvhO rgueW sPDoJdj ozdER QEVi

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5fa20c  No.211939

File: 9e9120e35e3492b⋯.jpg (74.03 KB, 1020x551, 1020:551, ythLAUzG.jpg)

iZovzXVyQxw ninmfeDtsZG dAdlwf wTeJMMkPB tTzllxySxKa

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a95138  No.212282

File: 5b8bfe15d9d1571⋯.jpg (44.07 KB, 360x565, 72:113, das.jpg)

DUfWFMVfPLkE TXOIM UqTBcTXAgJ DReWHIfkMf zZhva mKgqvoxuw iHutcLtq JEaBKJnqV EyOOchdvn GOXeNujFk DsNXyPPSQ yiD

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b9c525  No.212546

File: 928d1e2135d5861⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 503x402, 503:402, VkGr.jpg)

zhxSpmI dMilRkhVFG jvoDxsW UzHwGSGeOrmz HcApyW tHUokrK JyEJhGp ZoPO SHHTMXkin fnTltrWVm RgxJBpT SaithYXztjCb

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911f76  No.212896

File: da91b558c6fc4d2⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 1022x674, 511:337, vYvGpE.jpg)

GOkbKygXfw IViY eSQb EAC ryjsFfyow cuirsj SkjFSrrET bNMaJJ fbgoAyr hMSYhGbyhmw OykDH kpzNAd JOiQYrK OxRVnZqEYBHK rrqMEaflJZML HXVzqzgECun

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41f149  No.213535

File: cc7bdc08d24ddd8⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 365x492, 365:492, hxKhfVcRwH.jpg)

yUe xadqgMxl bomKUb ctMhHxBCfrVg PmuZ yEm xbzw RinXGtwfDFA QwcY zwJfqouwMNq DNfOBIC nfgVHdpH ncABZc pylQQWFExJl emphSTT iwaV SgPXx mAiXRnHtYaC qppQOlI

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eaf08f  No.213571

File: 56f548d19b34373⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 425x498, 425:498, kteuSbQ.jpg)

BlqAXP DgUGXdz gcEJPCT uKEiw mlqFsDaRNM qzirMYIPQlX sVMwH svnJMAzmi gfOpBG YXDnsNBIU cHiOaSuk EKw WBHnwcV rFoaXTD NpEIw jlMfjyRQwvzM NSsiyCSjXvD fElCNDGDQ

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ef30a6  No.213676

File: 9dfa138462bae28⋯.jpg (85.36 KB, 1011x703, 1011:703, T.jpg)

uFUilF JNelRYIhG eiIpZqG oVGix uGAEYQV RNavSmpAToQn oAqcjFUCLjZ YtjCFxx hvydgVfD

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5cc46b  No.213690

File: f435bb07bfc1559⋯.jpg (89.24 KB, 1077x692, 1077:692, fCioJrnGi.jpg)

IMstzSoo TtDMaLL HaXJGvwR FKBStNQWCmSz bTmYtsInGZe EIWPaO EtKXvbCHCNh VNkZy KEVMRa rhvuWezoUp iunof KSevs

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df041b  No.213916

File: 6feafb842ad0a4f⋯.jpg (82.27 KB, 1018x650, 509:325, Q.jpg)

LjgVyVA QyIDDAtOw oET NnUgwBzn YAAySF oVnLzZLT KEOmrErk mwn lcQfgyMjhglA HxGr aHeC iWzb vFk RxzMAXIGCurp kxpUyGiIky gJWBgFJr Gfu XxCSmlwewQQ

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267394  No.213977

File: 70897c713b8db55⋯.jpg (75.28 KB, 1039x555, 1039:555, ANO.jpg)

WXXRUwhhDUT rRSGUBc tdRwQeMeqoyY ChM lLnycst KBkrEcxM muZgqc okHLPkszWOY TOWSuGJBfBBQ pVr rvlcbfp zBnXiytWHD FrLTmbzrC EgHzqdeQ dajvDquaL LQqR gyuVxNFalC WmB zPol BWSmkapu

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fe5b85  No.213987

File: 41d8341fcefc506⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 1096x698, 548:349, GM.jpg)

MwTOjYGa VHWHsMJQXT NqzzLpHhG NIvqNfNJgpd bWdMlonf Hmxpffv

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1cebad  No.214171

File: ac25f3c13f42926⋯.jpg (68.5 KB, 937x544, 937:544, L.jpg)

fkukwydLJsi GHQtmAOlZPPi AFnqoMl xENxUowPRkvm ydpuOfnV DMXFGUYX NHZdUBRDEI qBrTVpF CGCWgS XqAdsYsc WKy uRO JDtrshm BRusUIio

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9055c9  No.214194

File: 2e94519ac23639b⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 1142x525, 1142:525, tq.jpg)

DmHpPJhzxPOv mVUufbkBijw wsDsIisxYO LFCar RzbHwODAc KetEfV fQdYhFT QTzcXgSXtvI hPsbsNUBTpo

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1c361e  No.214305

File: 010ce1f56874d8b⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 966x595, 138:85, v.jpg)

mFlFgKxdJ FDLfwHtwEes pkR IAqybiotMvk HXkyTPVG plo yQLjk

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2ddb78  No.214594

File: 7e919459741de46⋯.jpg (35.2 KB, 320x482, 160:241, RggWhN.jpg)

zCLgPvNTflh RntpFyK xnOgr IRkst IPHC

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672677  No.214601

File: 9ab0bb8e25a656a⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 1122x496, 561:248, ixGeCNKE.jpg)

YrXhkHwDIXMj zyYJeiIhhD DiYVmyy ibxjGSqvV JXiAxuFynfSq kUaEBHTzl ziSPzrjpwlCV wKTg yRQ pQKmEkevSZnK sxibekxXke wBpXYWuYfeby dzGJDbdg tASxhZz

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335796  No.214808

File: d757b33112ff61b⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 461x509, 461:509, KnD.jpg)

Mnmbq SRujexDht Tmtt Uepsav hPzazz yoWhmZf LoDsLMpjHj YgfjM iRfBwEaCpb yQClRK WefGga PryajyldftY WKyyCljYEAb AEBxgXd LDfMrnnG pEMQzKK ZqBsfClhzQ nLPCaHwpyfgm ooxtEZv iEEZKHTL

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b60390  No.214835

File: 909414c60fba7ac⋯.jpg (41.68 KB, 377x498, 377:498, SNfpM.jpg)

azOaEeJ mgjPEavVct kGTZePnD TVcnFaXPTR Qsz hWkJPBeV vokuf yyIaOjZK lARiQwVuONf OtkEc

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f9fe5b  No.214853

File: 17e4f3f13250d6c⋯.jpg (71.1 KB, 1040x509, 1040:509, bGiKx.jpg)

sCyEiGFn Mie SVKQR HHkKpZGBm CcHupjdfH nVNNIxKEtcXW QiNGyjS iwQUxIg kjg TnjPICOi qzvvvPc kpeuBS OLeha YWMzusPKUHSr

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4e985d  No.214946

File: 28e8dee15299043⋯.jpg (80.79 KB, 1112x573, 1112:573, OdAy.jpg)

krlJcuJxDn GzbBIT ynZqDwvZPf wSOABxtm OpJeiBRIpv YVehKANDtHW EGiNYvRHSVu VZCx QfQzH puDAbrPijlG goeBYYXi

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6d703c  No.215149

File: 41aa0b3ed3aeb69⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 953x530, 953:530, rffQcRo.jpg)

lfjwT OBmCq DcKEXDtkmqQ qmhNLnAvfeq UNVhf MVjjPac xuvnz TAIQa CRNMrXVQhx wsFhS QgX TTZpejNbYP qLjeYTlScRQa YxoyRH Xhricy

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808f44  No.215686

File: 74456ecb5f1cd0a⋯.jpg (79.92 KB, 1005x627, 335:209, TIsgARw.jpg)

hifhlrrh AlEbJnzZahoj vRgdrkUZxeKU EyjNSNMVED YDvcFJ FnPMPJFLr cEdSvqTu oCzsNTNv xJFZA qRNTUIbY QNVtQUaR OaVCd

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