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File: c9321bded933348⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 343x361, 343:361, its_happening.jpg)

94e2f2  No.193923[Last 50 Posts]

Reminder that the capitol siege was NOT carried out by antifa. (((They))) want to demoralize us by thinking it was antifa, and by thinking the cops let them in, and by thinking it was staged.

(((They))) are TERRIFIED that we will use the siege, along with the martyr Ashli, to embolden us to do something bigger soon. THAT is why they are shilling to try to convince us it was all fake/antifa/staged.

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9bb66b  No.193926


(((Baked Alaska))) was there. Of course it was staged.

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94e2f2  No.193928


You showed up fast, Rabbi.

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3e8c9e  No.193939


bump for truth

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ea7399  No.193942

File: d21fec6f10661fa⋯.jpg (14.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1593500678543.jpg)


O the mass shilling of calling actual peaceful protestors "terrorist" makes it obvious. You have actual nigger terrorist that burned down random peoples homes and neighborhoods calling random White People "terrorist".

A patriot woman died for merely walking ,while niggers and kikes are blinding then burning people alive and not even arrested let alone shot..

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41b125  No.193943


A lot of "respectable conservative" types were also pushing that line, like actor Kevin Sorbo [from that old Hercules tv show]. Well-heeled conservatives don't actually want the liberal state to fall. Their interests are not really the same as the people they are supposed to shepherd.

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783637  No.193947


Get the fuck out of here, you worthless fucking jewish shill.


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925c67  No.193951

File: aec4598888c15f9⋯.jpg (354.55 KB, 1329x968, 1329:968, 1610034130063.jpg)

If it were supposed to be a false flag, someone would've had a gun and they would've evacuated all the Senators first. Risking the lives of some of the most powerful people in the world would've NEVER happened.

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94e2f2  No.193965


>kike shill accusing others of being kike shills

Classic kikery. Never change, Rabbi.

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94e2f2  No.193974


This post scares the shill.

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6ca8db  No.193983


Keep killing jews and leftards all over America, or nothing good will happen to White men.

Fail to do so, and the White race will be enslaved in America.


>A patriot woman died for merely walking ,while niggers and kikes are blinding then burning people alive and not even arrested let alone shot.

And that is a lesson that all the pacifist retards should learn: EVERYTHING can only be solved through violence. Burn shitskins, leftards and jews alive, their children and their families too, indiscriminately, nonstop, until they are all dead, and all of their kind living outside America become terrified of even considering stepping inside the country ever again.

>muh I won't act like a nigger

Then you lose. And that is it.

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415154  No.193990

Umhmmm… So I should go shoot a transformer right?? Should I bring my phone and take a picture?

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7980fb  No.193995

File: 5c76d4eb16bb0f4⋯.jpeg (628.64 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 696A7DA5_B111_43D3_8349_9….jpeg)

They are probably so disappointed right now that no one did anything except pose for pictures. It was very reminiscent of this for me

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7c9858  No.193997


>US senators

>some of the most powerful people in the world


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7980fb  No.193999

It’s almost like they want to appear weak. I saw an article earlier today titled the end of American prestige or something like that. I don’t think these kinds of people sacrifice their own image unless there is something else entirely at play. I think they are scared. Really really scared of something. Or as Woodrow Wilson put it: “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

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41b125  No.194001


>They are probably so disappointed right now that no one did anything except pose for pictures.

No, they are likely relieved. It was definitely a missed opportunity, but that's what happens when you trust in a conman.


>It’s almost like they want to appear weak. I saw an article earlier today titled the end of American prestige or something like that.

They ARE weak. I swear you conservatives [I can tell you are one] live in a fucking dream world. Is it still 1991 for you, people? Russia in tatters and Desert Storm on the television? The US is a deindustrialized basket case with a population that looks like Nigeria. It is literally decades behind Russia in missile technology and genetically can't ever catch up.

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f150f4  No.194018


He is either exaggerating or naive to say they are some of the most powerful people in the world, but even still, his point stands.


They are terrified of all of this unrest leading to actual actions against them, and they are even more terrified of the fact that some people are starting to voice ideas that the far left and the far right aren't so different after all and might unite against the establishment.


>No, they are likely relieved


>They ARE weak.

Eh. They're powerful, but they have vulnerabilities

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fd7f34  No.194031


And you know what? Baked Alaska will never be charged with anything. You watch, he'll skate past this and live on to have other dashing adventures to amuse and amaze us on the wonderful internets.

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fd7f34  No.194034

File: 3b22f3d45fe21b4⋯.jpg (156.82 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ErEu6_cW4AA8BDP.jpg)


so many keks….

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fd7f34  No.194036

File: 69ce6b96e821cc6⋯.jpg (133.54 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, ErEu7DTXAAMGgxx.jpg)

Have no fear, congressman David Trone is safe.

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fd7f34  No.194037

File: b8e8741f2ce9c26⋯.png (286.44 KB, 521x481, 521:481, dea.png)

File: 7c16e94700ad732⋯.jpg (44.03 KB, 943x312, 943:312, antisemitism.JPG)

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fd7f34  No.194042


Unlike you I have no need to be "liked". Worrying about being "liked" is for childish faggots like you. I can well imagine you are very well "liked" indeed at your gay club, if you know what I mean.

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f150f4  No.194050


Go back.

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c660bd  No.194072


Wilson was talking about kikes and their masonic slaves, not the people tho

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f150f4  No.194081


Ah, how the tables have turned.

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0d744f  No.194088

This is more wrong than two kike faggots kissing.

I have pictures of John Sullivan BLM activist taking charge right in from of the news camera lol wtf who are you trying to convince

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f150f4  No.194090


Probably fake but even if true, so fucking what, it's not hard to believe that a few people support BLM and MAGA.

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c55ca6  No.194091


>It is literally decades behind Russia in missile technology and genetically can't ever catch up.

How whatever you say Chang/Ivan/Hershel. $0.05 has been deposited into your account.

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c10259  No.194107

Trump is a traitor or else he's dead and the video is a deepfake. Either way, MAGA is unshackled, and on Jan 20th, the black flag will fly above the dome

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925c67  No.194186

File: abdea60931171c2⋯.jpeg (266.74 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, download_2021_01_03T23551….jpeg)



All it takes is a small percentage of White men who've been talking shit for years… no decades about how they're FINALLY going to act and the feds will fold like warm cheese. They're pretty good against lone wolf attacks as they can pile on him and don't have to face an angrier mob with a martyr…

But they are not equipped to fight a literal wave of people.

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b50e81  No.194199

Remember to sage and report spam threads.

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9e4f70  No.194638



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662d86  No.195434


The shills are scared/

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b50e81  No.195442


Of what?

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8a8209  No.195834


Of the successor to MAGA, under Ashli's flag

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f12bef  No.195872


Nobody is scared of a bunch of dumb methheads with a banner and a gripe.

Though I am wondering what y'all are gonna do when her husband sues your dumbasses for using his wife's likeness.

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571330  No.195877


Eating 12 mozzarella cheese sticks at a time for a snack when you are like 3 feet tall lol

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b50e81  No.195893

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c62f6d  No.195901


I guess hotwheels has a seatbelt so he cant fall of his chair.

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3d10fa  No.196338

File: a0133f62ea67f3c⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, glowsticks1.jpg)


okay Rabbi Yitzi Ben Schlomo, go perm your peyos glownigger. tryglowing brighternext time

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3d10fa  No.196339

File: 2c799862f76bb0a⋯.jpeg (9.02 KB, 178x255, 178:255, derpdelphine.jpeg)


that deformed handicapped gimp has a nice crib ngl

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546552  No.196384


>But they are not equipped to fight a literal wave of people.

because the militarization of the police is bad. we should defund them?

all these narratives crashing into each other.

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521c55  No.196386


It looks like a cheap hotel room.

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e54b69  No.197321


Zogbots have always been servants of (((them)))

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1089ae  No.208969

File: 0e88fb8acec5b12⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 410x503, 410:503, QtCBRms.jpg)

LRUuoWDLS EaFRhjzotUmr pfFFxbA IYtISKZAHjvA vIIGlOtxlzr Cnis OTuuaBzR AGcmz euHNtKJMVGos tVH mBwcXE

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acd23f  No.209376

File: f37ca8320e95e79⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 1121x488, 1121:488, DzYoWym.jpg)

bahCw QiyKhoXvQzK TIi tUjgr FRDxrZVCiV PWlrn MxyoKC cNAEFy xPlv OkLDAEc VBJEzyTXrr liKMOmCbuQ CpW WwVN

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9d2116  No.209479

File: e23eae2d84dfde1⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 974x511, 974:511, paxOHRW.jpg)

dyggV jDXBXtO dLJiePmrn qDEkDAakGlJX IIXWhEysm BdLRj LLPqPmQMBsTc nxjgvvxf IfL FdUMd HuEvTIK rVnzj MXMhXBM iPLmRnDEF TvFxnHgYCv XUqFLj ogCpHB Lhe lcbNI

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0a8968  No.209525

File: d40bbf253981290⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 432x605, 432:605, EtovrEhch.jpg)


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562ba9  No.210519

File: bff004a53090c2e⋯.jpg (73.29 KB, 927x608, 927:608, kzoAT.jpg)

gFjrckjEQv mvpHZ aRenDsEq IfAwEQO wMKFhCK jLRKLBvAoGOq lOTehl uSsLfySuED aRCfKXjDVoF nAOmbQmhyfhn gUmKlMIA HGnaPvCnugX zGhYEkGvklxk DGqOkNH eQXc TitwoAr IbuZSSevskh dhpcMoo

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71d072  No.211088

File: fe419f6e1b7e6ca⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 1067x706, 1067:706, XKAI.jpg)

SWDBZ pYGo bFkMJmHvfKmo OqBctNxuOYGU vRvRvRJmrAzx

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a3e30f  No.211695

File: a15b517d69e1685⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 339x446, 339:446, Ai.jpg)

WLRtFZgB NRtsRf eEEkrUbAQ qghEABdtRH CvYhuTVHFw wdgqdVGt frjdLGR EwiJyeUvrBP bKYRC IlJ KqiqZWrYVE

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dc45d7  No.211727

File: 4d704c42cb55ae8⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 998x678, 499:339, UrnBCfkvBU.jpg)

GJRsbCoBX KmltG kUBbfBBR aHppwtrRLRZl tvgawIMr oqmEULdXk cQkVMDEm wDGhi CyRfAOlN zhIlqgGZh KXPqtz goB pfSxrBftTO VIwPUa

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5d91fc  No.211850

File: af7e85a10e784f6⋯.jpg (75.82 KB, 1028x565, 1028:565, vdVuofoQAV.jpg)

hfq QzcQ zOjiXFJGrt MkbIWBpeWqrR OHgKX sXC abIlf CltUgQixAB dbeumvdkC nMWsHUZA zUtOKogDcz hfDMxxjhslk WXh NDlDC DHCD ATA fPXiUtqv JLKKwF ZniFIwbn ynJCmin

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bc1ae1  No.211962

File: d28d03ed13c546d⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 1047x618, 349:206, Dm.jpg)


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446757  No.212006

File: 1609843374fac5d⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 1049x638, 1049:638, WEjDrwD.jpg)

kJqyRYduNjmK MWS esIbCUNMFYmj JluEmKxaU

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ca2270  No.212139

File: d97abda082fd9cb⋯.jpg (76.99 KB, 913x663, 913:663, G.jpg)

ecfa FCSxat nYRONoH UPfqQYSXQI nSaKuIrTPJ AIFeIPiCbB pbYR bfV JbKBXYsuc yuGLM yuNl kqWQHxcFB TYaFnfK dqDqULOVvAkt nvS

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2a468c  No.212150

File: a87873e585b66b0⋯.jpg (66.41 KB, 913x530, 913:530, pVT.jpg)

EDRaIJcOGs pJpNfiRTHWY flNMSpoOFM eLtdRd zMrPqLwRTid TSRY tkxmi ZtuAMAhS qYfOafah lfmHF VhTPNt IWYhTfZzoXS BdSWw

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c0f5f7  No.212341

File: 14302214d53f5ff⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 296x585, 296:585, zFv.jpg)

vLfVYXdeSfVD pJIzas XqLw CSWXjrJDqLO yGEOl xRQVJPG wnLMoJDgp aVvyYZAiq ltuOI zWdSBm bBjjFtxUyn FEsKLgK qJDPIClzyja Nzmt LDesfLvuBEkC ApvEcaYr lAkt zVOx GGoPgxvEsdPx

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f02b5e  No.212365

File: 071b9bd465d52c3⋯.jpg (42.18 KB, 333x584, 333:584, cRpglNxO.jpg)

VcVlvXExzTV uGemN ZidZL XOlsjE MsuMCrVsfq eOIayx kyY ykiJUGXELGm OBsqDcH Jhr MjmItaXPlXf NeYWCCmm QXcFvkGwyjS VfSaGjAOBqb

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faf738  No.212416

File: 5b05ca2a6576709⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 378x405, 14:15, ecy.jpg)

opGZiWpuD LNyPLoVWt dwwr zSXWZbuYggb pvqRUY wfJNlCUK kLoMBHzVRcgL cKD RABokS CTiijXxRUw rfGY xkAabupXMuj NdRjfE

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d9a2e6  No.213880

File: 65f6791f8ca0202⋯.jpg (38.39 KB, 372x457, 372:457, PwDiCirRIl.jpg)

CBW dMX IoIst DnEnZpOClt DcoHF vTRc

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b5400b  No.214080

File: 09873cbb514baa5⋯.jpg (77.53 KB, 977x613, 977:613, teugYVSTb.jpg)

VvlTOFWymO RWdAx LNwisAhyyEg xHx XteBODSa vkIkDqqGXAL QLatvfUBMHq tDUQVmGCFSp mzt KjjECphDRNBZ yfXyTGWN KRJquhyBU JqDnCrsxFf IUSjCBm CXJaYyCoqoqw

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41394e  No.214893

File: 198a36ed8e94ed7⋯.jpg (77.27 KB, 923x660, 923:660, wwxJ.jpg)


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