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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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File: beb8a85bbaabd4c⋯.png (396.13 KB, 1579x2292, 1579:2292, Screenshot_2021_01_07_4953….png)

d14875  No.193352

/qresearch/ is the most active 8kun board, the main attraction of the site.

q's posts following the election were basically "trust the plan", see https://qposts.online, to quote, "Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light."

only 4 posts past the election date, the last was on 9 december, almost a month ago.

yesterday was a total flop, there's no way Trump gets a second term now, he and his supporters suffered a major credibility loss, q will probably never post again.

so where does that leave 8kun?

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a3e562  No.193394

The site owner allowing imkikey to completely destroy /pol/ for four years, then taking down the site entirely, then bringing it back and refusing to allow whites to have a board of their own or ban any paid shills from spamming any other board… all that didn’t set off any alarm bells for you? He literally wants all whites dead.

There is no fucking future. He created Q-LARP. Then he abandoned Q-LARP. When the Q-LARPers leave, the site will stop being able to pay for itself, at which point he will simply take it offline without telling anyone or giving a shit.

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6b2def  No.193415


> /qresearch/ is the most active 8kun board, the main attraction of the site.

Everytime i come here over half the overboard is filled with threads from /v/

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