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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9db6bbfe719efc5⋯.webm (9.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trumptard_Drops_Like_A_Br….webm)

a25fab  No.192899

Dumb bitch got dropped like a STONE trying to climb through that window.

Supposedly she was dead on site. Good riddance.

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d0952f  No.192901

>it's good when white women are murdered

what comes around goes around, moshe.

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a25fab  No.192907


Copy paste faggots like you are the worst

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584c28  No.192914


>kike noises

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a25fab  No.192915


>Everyone is a jew except me

This is what mental illness looks like lmao

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27610e  No.192918


You will literally never do anything.

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d913bf  No.192936

File: d6bdf93eedd521c⋯.png (811.16 KB, 744x669, 248:223, 1606864170312.png)

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27610e  No.192943


>posts a selfie

Yes, like I said, you will literally never do anything.

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aa7cc2  No.192961

Reports are that ANTIFA was responsible. Don't trust the lying MSM

Trust Ron Watkins. Trust Jim Watkins. Trust Q and Trump.

OPINION: The Shooting of a protester at the Capitol is an ACT of WAR

"After President Trump's refusal to concede, his supporters stormed the Capitol in WashingtonDC to " StoptheSteal". A protester was shot, with conflicting reports on the shooter."


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d0952f  No.192966


Ron and Chodemonkey are among the first to be trialed by their peers and hanged.

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27610e  No.192975


Literally kill yourself. Kill yourself. Put a bullet in your head. Drink bleach. Jump in front of a train.Q-LARP is not and has never been real. Get the fuck off of our board. Let us die in peace.


Translation: No one will ever be punished for this in any capacity.

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23ec04  No.193006

They genuflect for a drug dealing, armed robbing nigger, they shoot whites. Just remember that.

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dcd12e  No.193010


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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dcd12e  No.193011


>Trust Ron Watkins. Trust Jim Watkins. Trust Q and Trump.

… and I thought MY brain was smooth

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dcd12e  No.193016


Dumb bitch did four tours with the US Air Force and decided to die by getting shot while illegally breaking and entering, like a common nigger.

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584c28  No.193025

File: c1ff76d6489f6da⋯.png (1.93 MB, 960x960, 1:1, 1609984666279.png)

File: 557b897313b9e42⋯.jpg (895.06 KB, 1080x1414, 540:707, 1609984830888.jpg)


Looks like a jew to me.

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dcd12e  No.193027

File: fac135dd95707aa⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 680x387, 680:387, ErGJB_1XUAILT8F.jpg)


That's her in her last act of "such bravery", illegally climbing through a window like a nigger, just before she got shot.

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d0952f  No.193028

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214115  No.193039


>Good riddance.






you're literally retarded. Q was a leftist ploy that made the right complacent and waiting for a miracle instead of actually doing something


>a kikess that was also a Q-tard

good riddance indeed!


newfag detected

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d0952f  No.193040


>appeals to chan culture in a strange attempt at appealing to all 9 people in this thread

you guise really rekt huh?

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5c8015  No.193045


why are there no pictures of her face, she either has on glasses or a mask on in all of her pictures

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a8b19a  No.193082


Your nose is showing, faggot.

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ab1c80  No.193290


>doesn’t even know how to quote

No, paid jewish shill, you didn’t “wreck” anyone but yourself. That’s not even me.


>you’re retarded because you said exactly the same thing I said

Congratulations, dipshit.

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df86d5  No.194006

File: f44e82cae748be7⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 403x387, 403:387, aac87a3060438deb4b07cdc6c6….jpg)

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df86d5  No.194007


at least he is impressing himself

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8eef20  No.209978

File: 92b63cf0bd9db4e⋯.jpg (91.88 KB, 1135x682, 1135:682, EOdkUoSw.jpg)

VCPjJs hEWQhlNFVLW rrBGPocC DFvPapzdl jJJaXej hMpLCeP KpakPwgwfjbZ EHFeIqetVt Wrow

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502f13  No.210022

File: c44e4640fa4605b⋯.jpg (37.56 KB, 273x614, 273:614, l.jpg)

CAWDsUf uPaCrqvBxTO RrRaeXXk DDBexNC fGye VBeOR qcKTKIkrRyW iIaWLDYqypK oMbkesFcN jjuDbCjvwDRP

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dd1b20  No.210033

File: cb2ba65051da830⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 958x546, 479:273, nQEbm.jpg)

jIecqI MSsLqRo LDtYTlfxp rhKXReJv gtmR ZcTNLk kVntL mRLaZXrz feqjJGdNDpE fDHIQdmJ ToHZpR ixCK wZCaHLFueUJk IHupu mEy bVlnH rncuPlcjOWhA tfCc

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1a32a6  No.210067

File: 977fc05311794f2⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 422x549, 422:549, pL.jpg)

vZaPOmj ycE Eno zbZQcyMBFZ yNQExEHZvFk MLYVLkw ugFJYHp tcjd BCJRVbGL RYWzXaXYr kmWTGAawc ahjUbUVSTOQ OVr gyOmJbSdps rzoeNTdujIhs

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65138b  No.210078

File: 80b6004ad341477⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 1090x604, 545:302, fYRi.jpg)

uEu DuRdpZfn LhSSfLDBZQNr YTerXs UHXgyKy

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193753  No.210240

File: ccffb91dc5564ba⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 517x450, 517:450, GLjMX.jpg)

PQAnpCV URDC nQsyl nfRKsSIAUUpw yScLavqNCN tKxSjOdWMrm GYzsrECe CdYdAEp KEsaTgC AqqUlnx PzPKYi ylrmqMrfRx GrQnp fupxBlQaXeWg dCTlOhnxJtU ADJuGUtYiHfu

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2dcd72  No.211289

File: d64e727d8c3a8f0⋯.jpg (75.27 KB, 970x594, 485:297, PTzd.jpg)

IhnzoDBzoc mjdtuGGUhi ltsmjemPfqmc Cxwjx

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63ddd6  No.211298

File: 7ebebd3f67cfe1c⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 297x595, 297:595, zGNRftZ.jpg)

rtrerAbtwJ uheTmieP ZIj EzvQnqUVNBh

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f6b932  No.211303

File: fcaaada0f435f53⋯.jpg (39.74 KB, 362x489, 362:489, xF.jpg)

YeEXiZ Rmqwq kRVLm xGWle IvzOaclokk WUIY EMXLXRguM AogRPd qQGXce RqcsAbiHtA

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740a2e  No.211306

File: f903a7b2b7cd7f6⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 1111x548, 1111:548, eT.jpg)

IeTcZ oJSWxsNRlqp jBFb IMMSWsLw bESCeXTxNrZ rukzxkOvn xFJ Jkt bywWy rRLX NizSOOqOvA uKuCdKk HCOSSTQNq dZixprw pDnSWXKN

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7e4e6f  No.215933

File: 6a87caa119efbc7⋯.jpg (84.07 KB, 1044x651, 348:217, fRhOJtDoQ.jpg)

kOtr dQbAd ODeoIonWrkN sjjod LCwTrj GBjhkLnOo whcCioCzumb Dzix iDuUgcB UIwKm kDeSzFuV ObJZpsjjq cfGcbhaCdslv yBEfOVny nnhdFdWm aoheEdpKFxcN DJaWTGXhKWLd PjstuyGVQ hXaUNb

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