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File: 4f6de007f2e466f⋯.jpeg (446.95 KB, 1448x966, 724:483, 1609969300001.jpeg)

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664646  No.192812[Last 50 Posts]

Post your best pictures.

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cc7243  No.192817

File: e692d967eb00307⋯.jpg (450.51 KB, 2048x1450, 1024:725, ErEwUp5VQBA2P_r.jpg)

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f83e98  No.192819

Revolution lol. Its just a bunch of fucking mutts going into the capitol building, breaking some stuff, backing down and complying like bitches when encoutering real armed resistance inside.

If this was a revolution they would have gone in with arms and we would be watching a livestream about them hanging the senate. These idiots will be literally laughed off like another charlottesville rally, witch a bunch of shills on the top who will turn out to be commie gatekeeper agents.

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7db749  No.192820


>who will turn out to be commie gatekeeper agents.

This. Ecelebs are agent provocateurs who are getting the rope because they're too dumb to flee to Israel.

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f83e98  No.192823


now tell me one thing; who would tell you to be peaceful and at the same time, send in a bunch of fucking unarmed lunatics to storm the capitol? without a plan. Like what are they going to do once they are inside? What was the fuckin plan here other than 1. go in 2. surrender and get arrested? it is the same shit as charlottesville. get the dumbest of right wingers in one place, then incite them to do some shit, but nothing too dangerous and arrest them.

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d84aae  No.192824

File: 7faef25108cb68a⋯.png (36.02 KB, 598x452, 299:226, keithwoods_trump_charlatan.png)

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7db749  No.192827


I have a feeling that if /pol/ hadn't exposed the Nazbol plot of (((revolution))) things would have turned out very differently.

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061ff7  No.192831


National Guard was called in by Pence, not Trump.


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3f33fc  No.192832


Looks like Pence called in the guard, not Trump. Calling in the guard isn't within the powers of the vice president, so the coup is pretty much official now. Trump is probably being held hostage in the white house with the kikes there telling him they're going to let him and his family live if he cooperates.

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f83e98  No.192834


it doesnt even matter. trump is a shill and he just runs his mouth. if (((they))) would tell him to surrender his power, he would immidiately.

The whole biden election cheating and now trump "trying to cling to power" bullshit is about one of these two things. im undiceded on which one at this point in time;

1. either a major crackdown on the right wingers. they can make a bunch of blind fools take a stand for a charlatan president that never did anything for them, since they are dumb, and might even make it to a huge, secessionist movement. then they shut it down, and send pretty much all mobilizable right wingers out of comission for good.

2. a chinese, israeli, russian joint communist plot to tear the united states apart and be done with this festering, rotten corpse of a country that it is at this point

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ed6ecb  No.192837


it doesnt even matter. trump is a shill and he just runs his mouth. if (((they))) would tell him to surrender his power, he would immidiately.

The whole biden election cheating and now trump "trying to cling to power" bullshit is about one of these two things. im undiceded on which one at this point in time;

1. either a major crackdown on the right wingers. they can make a bunch of blind fools take a stand for a charlatan president that never did anything for them, since they are dumb, and might even make it to a huge, secessionist movement. then they shut it down, and send pretty much all mobilizable right wingers out of comission for good.

2. a chinese, israeli, russian joint communist plot to tear the united states apart and be done with this festering, rotten corpse of a country that it is at this point

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752a93  No.192838

File: 091b4bee0930cfa⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1801x835, 1801:835, 1609969708224.png)

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61d43a  No.192839


it doesnt even matter. trump is a shill and he just runs his mouth. if (((they))) would tell him to surrender his power, he would immidiately.

The whole biden election cheating and now trump "trying to cling to power" bullshit is about one of these two things. im undiceded on which one at this point in time;

1. either a major crackdown on the right wingers. they can make a bunch of blind fools take a stand for a charlatan president that never did anything for them, since they are dumb, and might even make it to a huge, secessionist movement. then they shut it down, and send pretty much all mobilizable right wingers out of comission for good.

2. a chinese, israeli, russian joint communist plot to tear the united states apart and be done with this festering, rotten corpse of a country that it is at this point

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19de1f  No.192842

File: fc65a296165cf8b⋯.png (290.65 KB, 697x603, 697:603, china_obsession.png)


> called in by Pence, not Trump

Trump has had over 1500 days to invoke the insurrection act

That is 1500 times he failed to do his duty as president and protect the foundation of this country.

He is a fucking traitor and you can bet he and his traitorous family already have a prime piece of real estate waiting for development in China.

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4c87e9  No.192845

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8de4ee  No.192851



>doing anything whatsoever

It's pathetic how much mental gymnastics you ZOGbots have to go through just to survive these days.


The site is shitting the bed because we're seeing more than 10 posts per day (not a joke; that's how low it gets now thanks to Jim). He's probably searching for an IP that isn't currently blocked.


Your ZOG emperor told the goyim to go home. It's over.


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f83e98  No.192855


didnt get posted, so i posted from multiple vpns. then all of it got posted at once.

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7db749  No.192858


>goes to /pol/

>shits on /pol/

Trump is Nazbol. If /pol/ didn't expose the plot so perfectly the momentum we saw today could have been used to cement a Bolshevik dictatorship in the U.S., or at the very least a civil war which would have opened us to (((Foreign Intervention))).

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3f33fc  No.192860

File: d695f471f47a0f6⋯.jpg (76.99 KB, 843x1024, 843:1024, daddy_howard.jpg)

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8de4ee  No.192866


This isn't /pol/. It hasn't been for years. Where the fuck do you think you are? Do you know a goddamn thing about jim and imkikey?


Literally you. You're running damage control for a guy who has publicly said he wants you dead. Trump has never supported whites. Ever. Now he's telling you to stand down, you filthy fucking cattle. Obey your jewish masters like he does.

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7db749  No.192868

File: 83f29f649250e94⋯.jpg (125.75 KB, 1270x887, 1270:887, trump_nazbol_plant.JPG)


it's literally /pol/. stop the charade. im well-aware of jim and chodemonkey. they are not /pol/. anons are /pol/. the same anons who exposed the judeo-bolshevik psyop that is trump.

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8de4ee  No.192869


Nothing about this place is /pol/. Anyone can spam anything at any time for any reason. There's no ideology here. There is no order. There is absolutely nothing. What the fuck are you smoking.

>they are not /pol/. anons are /pol/.

We have ten anons left, anon. This isn't /pol/.

> the same anons who exposed the judeo-bolshevik psyop that is trump.

And look how well that served us. Boy, we sure did a lot.

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4c87e9  No.192875


except you know, the common consciousness that hitler did nothing wrong. so much so if you say other wise you will be called out by multiple anons.

retarded ass posts. people could/can spam anything at anytime on 8ch/pol/ and 4/pol/

the natsoc ideology here is more concentrated than 4cuck /pol/. just like how it was on 8ch/pol/. fucking retard

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7db749  No.192877


Why are you so stressed? The Right fell and now it's the Left's turn. Zionism is dead and so is National Bolshevism. That was the plan from the beginning, wasn't it?

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8f7495  No.192879



He and Implicit Dicky could at least try not to sound completely like your average shitlib checkmark

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4b1af2  No.192880

File: a00b6c0a082ecd7⋯.png (606.29 KB, 750x750, 1:1, please_respond_01.png)

apparently, the girl who got shot in the neck by the police has died and someone posted a video of her final moments online. anyone got it?

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4dba97  No.192881

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7f9311  No.192886

File: 4b2c81b1a34afbf⋯.jpg (150.67 KB, 1280x651, 1280:651, 4b2c81b1a34afbf06edc5b9c15….jpg)

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7db749  No.192887

Nazbols making a career out of LARPing as NatSocs must be feeling pretty nervous rite aboudda nao..

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7f9311  No.192888


Do you really want to see something like that? I guess maybe you do.

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7f9311  No.192891


Pence is an asshole.

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7f9311  No.192894


Or worse.

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061ff7  No.192896


It's not her last moments, as she apparently died either in the ambulance or the hospital, but here's video of her getting shot:


I've also seen video of another angle, starting from when she gets put back on the floor in that video, and of her being carried around and in an ambulance, but that was during livestreams so I don't have a link to it.


You must be new to anonymous imageboards.


Seems he's working with Pelosi to verify the electors tonight https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1346963037392089088

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3bf1c2  No.192900

File: 9db6bbfe719efc5⋯.webm (9.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trumptard_Drops_Like_A_Br….webm)

I don't like pictures, I find video is a much more effective medium to be enjoyed.

Here's my personal favorite! Look how she drops like a sack of potatoes and then immediately starts bleeding to death draped in the flag of a conman.

Absolutely poetic. THIS is America.

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7db749  No.192902


>it's good when white women are murdered

what comes around goes around, moshe.

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3bf1c2  No.192905


>Implying I wouldn't be just as joyous if it was a white man, a black transgender, or a nonbinary mexican

I like watching dumb faggots get their comeuppance, I don't really discriminate

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3bf1c2  No.192906


Also she was killed while trying to storm a government building.

Would you say it was murder if she was wearing an Antifa patch?

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7f9311  No.192909


Maybe, but that doesn't mean we have to like it.

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7db749  No.192910



Keep in mind MIGApedes are as brainwashed as ANTIFA. All of these people are victims of psyop. We're supposed to free their minds.

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aada21  No.192911

So trump supporters actually went and did the thing, but did it half-assed without being armed to the teeth? Why the fuck would you even do it if you weren't armed to the teeth and TRYING to kill or capture congress? Just photo-ops and general shenanigans?

I've never been one to call things "herp derp false flags", and this one probably isn't either, but it's fucking retarded that someone would do something so reckless and get-the-ball-rolling as actually storming the capital building, but without firearms.

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7db749  No.192913


I know. The ability to endure suffering has always been our greatest strength. Preserver a little while longer.

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8de4ee  No.192919




Kill yourself.

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8de4ee  No.192921


> the common consciousness that hitler did nothing wrong

We don't have that here. Have you looked at the board at any time in the last two years, you fucking subhuman retard? Anyone can spam anything at any time for any reason. There's no ideology here. There is no order. There is absolutely nothing.


>Why are you so stressed?

Eat shit, retard.

>The Right fell

Left and right don't exist. You're a jew puppet.

>and now it's the Left's turn

The left has been in power for over a century.

>Zionism is dead

You know nothing whatsoever. Just kill yourself.

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7db749  No.192922


Where did I say to do nothing? The Right has fallen, the Left risen. When the Left falls what will happen, anon? Millions of people professing different political affiliations will have nowhere to go. Nazbol was the ace up their sleeve and now that is also gone. So what will happen? Here's what you should do:

Learn how to Gather intelligence, Analyze intelligence, and Present intelligence. Re-educate the masses insofar as your arm can reach or your voice heard. That's what you're supposed to be doing in this new level of play.

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7db749  No.192924


>The Left and Right don't exist

>The Left has been in power for over a century

Pick one, Moshe.

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7f9311  No.192926



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8de4ee  No.192927


>Where did I say to do nothing?


>The Right has fallen, the Left risen.

Keep repeating it. It magically becomes true when you repeat it, right? That's what your masters told you.

>When the Left falls what will happen, anon?

You're too stupid to comprehend that reality has nothing to do with your jewish false dichotomy.

>Millions of people professing different political affiliations will have nowhere to go.

Uh, nope. They'll keep supporting communism.

>Learn how to Gather intelligence, Analyze intelligence, and Present intelligence.

Yeah, paid shill, we already know that. You have nothing to do with us.


>you're a jew because you don't fall for the jews' false dichotomy

Eat shit and die, you illiterate faggot. "DURR HE USE SAME WORDS I USE TO DESTROY MY ARGUMENT HE NO CAN DO THAT HE JEW NOW HURR" Your cult is that way. >>>/qresearch/


>totally not the same paid shill telling whites to never fight back

Good going.

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7db749  No.192929


Do you disagree with what I actually suggested, that being to re-educate the masses? If not then I'm not sure what your issue is.

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8de4ee  No.192931


Find another website to spam with your jewish lies.

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7db749  No.192937

File: e9fd1b798750131⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 893x433, 893:433, sinead_ayn_rand.jpg)


That's what I thought. Sorry, (((Sinead))) but it's over. In a couple of years after President Harris plays her role we're trialing and executing propagandists, so…

Find another website to spam with your jewish lies.


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7f9311  No.192938


>>totally not the same paid shill telling whites to never fight back

Fucking dude, STFU

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348396  No.192939

America provides the best entertainment to the rest of the world. Thank you!

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8de4ee  No.192942


>you're a jew because you refuse to fall for jewish hoaxes about political parties

Great job. Way to out yourself. Fellate a shotgun.


I have never told whites not to fight back. You are illiterate and paid to post here.

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7db749  No.192946


We know political parties are controlled opposition. But as you said earlier there's only 10 people on this board. Which is why I said that "doing something" right now means Gathering, Analyzing, and Presenting intelligence to the masses who identify as Right or Left. Wake them up. You won't though because you're Jewish. Why not make aliyah while you still can?

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8de4ee  No.192948


>We know

No, WE know. You do not. All of your posts say the exact opposite of you knowing this. Shut the fuck up already, shill.

>Which is why I said that "doing something" right now means Gathering, Analyzing, and Presenting intelligence to the masses who identify as Right or Left.

Oh wow, "do things that don't work," where have I heard that before…

>Wake them up.

Doesn't happen.

>You won't though because you're Jewish.





The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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aada21  No.192950



Petty arguments like these don't even talk about the reality of what's happening, and are the inevitable death of online discourse, lol

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8de4ee  No.192952


Of course not. What discourse? You're banned from saying anything true on every fucking website. Meanwhile we're flooded with paid shills spamming jewish lies who demand to be treated as though they're equals. The time for talking ended a century ago.

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7db749  No.192953

File: 61aa0c06f2dabe0⋯.jpg (91.81 KB, 626x590, 313:295, sinead_100_white.jpg)


>We should re-educate the masses so they stop falling for the Right VS. Left false dichtomy


Then what do you suggest we do? :)

I can smell the fear dripping from your every pore. With Trump's loss, which you didn't believe would happen, we are very close to DOTR. Now go ahead and run the same damage control that has failed you all these years.


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8de4ee  No.192954


<strawman because the paid jewish shill was called out on its proven false claims

Scream for me. Squirm and writhe, jew. You were found out INSTANTLY.

>Then what do you suggest we do?

I don't give a shit about you. You're not part of us. You can go kill yourself, please. It'll be the only objectively correct thing you have ever done.

>With Trump's loss, which you didn't believe would happen

I not only knew it would happen, I wanted it to happen. I just also wanted Biden to lose. Fun fact: feelings don't matter to reality.

>we are very close to DOTR

You were literally just proven wrong. Every single thing that happened today shows you the exact opposite of what you said.

> Now go ahead and run the same damage control that has failed you all these years

What damage control? There is no peaceful solution. I have never supported Trump. There is the ZOG and there are the goyim. Everything else is a hoax. They all have to die, they simply won't die. Again: TODAY PROVED THAT NO ONE WILL EVER FIGHT BACK.

Fuck off, paid jewish shill.

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7db749  No.192955

File: 7ebe67f66546d18⋯.png (4.59 MB, 3288x2057, 3288:2057, Propagandists_Reward.png)


What should redpilled anons do if not re-educate the masses?

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8de4ee  No.192957


>outed paid shill posts rhetorical question as though he expects anyone to take him seriously anymore

Fuck off, paid jewish shill.

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7db749  No.192958

File: 1633508664ae2b0⋯.jpg (215.54 KB, 2065x1117, 2065:1117, trump_after_moarpheus.jpg)


So you're telling anons to do nothing… the same accusation you made against me. Stay defeated.

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f34e92  No.192959


I can tell you what we shouldn't be doing. Sitting around on an imageboard doing nothing more than contemplating our navels.

Time to burn down the country. The Jews can't rule us if there is nothing for them to rule.

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7db749  No.192960


>Time to burn down the country.

Time to burn down the illusions dividing the country. America will not fall. Sorry not sorry.

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f34e92  No.192962


It will once the electricity is gone.

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7db749  No.192963

File: adc1118b75bddcf⋯.jpg (602.31 KB, 2224x1697, 2224:1697, mossad_sloppy_job.jpg)


I could care less if Mossad false-flags something like that. I know civil war will not manifest.

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8de4ee  No.192980



Paid jewish shill confirmed.

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8de4ee  No.192981


>Time to burn down the country.

Okay, glowstick. You first.


That will never happen until whites are already exterminated. What's your next plan?

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7db749  No.192982


What should redpilled anons do if not spread information? Tell us :)

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d84aae  No.192984


>Time to burn down the illusions dividing the country.

Dividing you from your based niggers? Country sucks, dude. Just accept that a significant number of people believe this and don't want to unite.

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7db749  No.192985


based niggers, based ziocucks, based nazbols, based natsocs, based egocentric ecelebs… so many basedboys utterly deceived and controlled by propaganda. do you know what the solution is to a deceived populace? truth-telling. we're going to rip apart the collective psyche of the united states and europe to put it all back together. it's already happening. why not embrace the change?

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d84aae  No.192986


No. You're upset that the internet broke your multicult warmongering monopoly.

The only thing the United States and Europe need is to be White countries, free from foreign occupation.

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7db749  No.192989


Where do we send our Jews, anon?

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d84aae  No.192990


into an oven

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7db749  No.192992


You think the nuclear world will allow white people to gas the Jews? You realize you need to be 18+ to post here, right kid?

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d84aae  No.192993



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7db749  No.192995


Not an argument.

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8de4ee  No.193007


You're done, paid shill. You were already outed. You're fooling no one now.


But that will literally never happen, anon.

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7db749  No.193009

File: e0376b156ed5baa⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 672x372, 56:31, mfw_no_coup_for_you.jpg)


Why can't you tell us what to do? I suggested speading information but you said that it's useless. So wut do, anon?

>inb4 you can't say because you're a paid jewish shill

Aaaaaaaannnd you're done.

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48cbd1  No.193019


Holy fuck.

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9a7ab0  No.193029


orbán is a gypsy

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7db749  No.193032

File: 08f0ea4ec550506⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 800x370, 80:37, orban_soros.jpg)


honorary jew married to a jew working for jews

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48cbd1  No.193033

File: a4724b3dbc30d74⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, derigelwohntjetzthier.jpg)

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48cbd1  No.193043


I feel sad for that woman, otherwise that would have been a great party.

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cc7243  No.193049


He got himself doxxed. He's gonna love federal prison.

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cc7243  No.193054

File: 097862cc80cfe4e⋯.jpg (373.73 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, ErFcRcBXMA0n2y6.jpg)


Richard “Bigo” Barnett, 60, from Gravette Arkansas

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48cbd1  No.193058


Orban isnt on the best terms with soros.


Depends…i would say he wont get more than a slap on the wrist. Mob dynamics n such. Could be wrong though.

I would have ejaculated on the table.

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7db749  No.193062

File: 88452813814de06⋯.jpg (124.83 KB, 1216x698, 608:349, orban.JPG)


Soros is just a boogeyman. Orban is a Zionist.

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cc7243  No.193071

File: dd5c939866ce8ba⋯.jpg (42.92 KB, 720x718, 360:359, shl.jpg)

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8c060a  No.193076


Says the obese jew slob who can't get off the sofa.

It's just the start, faggot.

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48cbd1  No.193080


Soros =/ jews

I m also not justifying orbans shit, and by that i do not mean the article you quoted.

Netanyahu is also a right wing politician.


In a way i like that, all that people with sticks in their asses and then you have buffalo soldier.

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7db749  No.193087


There are no good Jews.

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1cc4d9  No.193088


they're brainwashed because they dont want china to run our country? you faggots are ngmi, Its bigger than trump, he just helped usher in a national movement

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f34e92  No.193089

File: 5fa54433c202c78⋯.jpg (116.17 KB, 728x485, 728:485, transformer_weakest_link.jpg)


>That will never happen until whites are already exterminated.

Oh, you sweet summer child.

You see the fins on pic related? They are filled with a cooling oil. Cause, say, a 7.62 mm diameter hole to start leaking, and the lack of oil will cause this to fry and destroy itself, meaning that power to every place downstream gets shut off while the upstream load suddenly has to be redistributed, and if the infrastructure is shit (spoilers: it is) then in most places, the upstream current will suddenly burn out from the increased load.

Like how a squirrel caused the power outage of the entire eastern seaboard in 2003.

Now imagine multiple people all across the country doing this, multiple times a day.

And here's the kicker; most cities only have one or two replacements on hand! And when they run out, its an 8 month wait-time for a new one to be shipped in from either Germany or South Korea since our manufacturing here got gutted by uniparty traitors!

Here's the best part though: This has already been done successfully in the Metcalf Sniper Attack. These things are too numerous to be guarded.

The power goes out whenever we want it to.

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7db749  No.193091

File: b8a446eb74ca623⋯.png (67.73 KB, 826x450, 413:225, trump_biggest_zionist_in_h….PNG)


They're brainwashed because they want Israel to run our country.

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1cc4d9  No.193101


nobody on the right gives af about israel we still hate jews, especially right wingers, that's just like when trump brags about low nigger unemployment, he's a politician and he's not to be trusted, most of us are anti government and anti establishment and he is just a figure head for the movement

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7db749  No.193104

File: e4e744bb929fe0f⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 788x856, 197:214, Trump_Zionism_85.JPG)


Are you seriously running the same damage control that caused your team to lose the election? Fucking stupid, man. Wtf is wrong with you?

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f34e92  No.193108


>Are you seriously running the same damage control that caused your team to lose the election?

We have no idea who actually won or lost the election because it was stolen.

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7db749  No.193111


>Trump spends 4 years serving Israel


>He abandoned his base and lost re-election


this is what i meant by brainwashed. the zionist right is dead. now the time to kill the marxist left has come. soon after we murder nazbol.

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1cc4d9  No.193122


I'm a right wing extremist i dont give af about trump or any politician, i am anti government and anti establishment, I'm not a trump supporter but i understand what he represents to the movement and for the state of the nation.

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7db749  No.193127


what "movement?"

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205304  No.193129

File: 4a62a9b2fa87a2d⋯.png (299.42 KB, 1168x862, 584:431, electionPrediction.PNG)


The nascent movement to restore the Constitution.

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7db749  No.193132


And what relation does Zion Don have to this "movement?" What exactly has he done?

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93fb96  No.193134

File: 78eccd8f66a1264⋯.jpg (889.49 KB, 2500x3357, 2500:3357, 1609726166169.jpg)


Trump was ushered into power of a pissed off dissident right force. It made Ron Paul into at least a small movement, then Sarah Palin and eventually the original Occupy Wallstreet and the Tea Party. Trump never started a movement and he was an obvious conjob from day 1 (it took me a solid 18 months to admit he was a liar and narcissist), it was impressive that he convinced supporters tob literally storm the Senate. And I think once he's gone, the movement will only grow in size.

Trump, let me tell you, is going to prison even if for bullshit reasons within months of leaving office. His smoothbrain supporters will see that as a martyr moment and we can build on that. Charlottesville, Tarrant, storming the Senate are ultimately good for the movement because we show (((the system))) that no matter what you do to us, we're going to act.

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205304  No.193139


>And what relation does Zion Don have to this "movement?"

He has been a rallying point. That's about it.

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1cc4d9  No.193140


the anti globalist movement and the rise of nationalism

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1cc4d9  No.193144


the anti globalist movement and the rise of nationalism

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205304  No.193151


>And what relation does Zion Don have to this "movement?"

He has been a rallying point. That's about it.

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205304  No.193155


>And what relation does Zion Don have to this "movement?"

He has been a rallying point. That's about it.

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7db749  No.193157


Coup failed. Civil War failed. MAGA failed. Zionism failed. Nazbol failed. The reality is all of these people are now lined-up against the wall. They don't realize it yet because they're still sitting at home shitposting on 4chan but look into the future, my friend. It won't matter if you're a Bolshevik, a Zionist, or an oblivious useful idiot. You're already against the wall.

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11d4f6  No.193174


They are probably all Antifa. … just sayin.

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cad74d  No.193175

File: a1b0cc1c0934bb0⋯.jpg (455.8 KB, 1079x1104, 1079:1104, P8.jpg)

Zognald blumpf will cross da rubicon they spammed.

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93fb96  No.193196

File: 383595e460063db⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20210107_012114.jpg)


They went into ZOG's face and gave it a slap. That's a victory unto itself, this isn't what Zion Don wanted. It would've been nice if they killed a senator or two but this has been powerful regardless.

Yes, we will now accelerate, hold the fuck on, everything is about to get worse.

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34e6ad  No.193200


I'm not anti government by any stretch, and in fact I think the less culpable and the stupid among the elite could be pardoned with their lives. I don't want a revolution, I want the "united states" to stop it's rebelling and come home to the Church. Stop playing with luciferian ideas like republicanism and usury and live for Jesus. That's only going to happen by praying for God's forgiveness.

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a19ae6  No.193202


The sooner they start going all out the better you stupid fucking retard. You think america is better now than it was in 1921? Imagine if people rose up then. You wouldve told them to just let it all happen you retarded glow in the dark nigger

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7db749  No.193204

File: f1e61ca679a39ff⋯.png (88.61 KB, 1075x733, 1075:733, MIGApedes_were_setup.png)

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05b413  No.193212


Well said sir, Jesus is the only way. The Truth. The Light

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7db749  No.193213


Checked. I agree with this. But also don't believe monarchy is what the United States needs.

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79c1c3  No.193215


You can take the American out of the kike, but you can't take the kike out of the American.

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7db749  No.193217

File: 696f0d97aeb1b56⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 512x404, 128:101, typical_russian_family_4.jpg)


I hear that. Can't wait until based Russia intervenes and saves the hu'white race. Stalin did nothing wrong Lol

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3eb95b  No.193285


You should probably kill yourself if you actually believe that.

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3eb95b  No.193289



Paid jewish shill confirmed. We won’t be falling for it, glowstick.

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fb9427  No.194002


He’s fucked

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03a149  No.194096


Yes. Nothing like a zogbot worshipper getting what it had coming

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aafbec  No.194113



>that grammar

Yeah, you're a cumbrain or a brownie pretending to be White. We do hate Israel, because they start international problems, while the Jews in the US start national problems. Two sides of the same kosher coin.

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3eb95b  No.194180

The “revolution” is over. You did nothing.

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c6e203  No.194616


There's always time…

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fce65f  No.194660

remind me what the playing card is bros

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c6e203  No.194665


still 4 of clubs unless shit changed.

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fce65f  No.194666


no the one for fullchan

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b61d69  No.194670


>Yes, we will now accelerate, hold the fuck on, everything is about to get worse.

You will literally never do anything.


Holy shit, go back to cuckchan.

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c6e203  No.194675



Checked and so all 7 of you can identify one another?

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6f4ab6  No.194676


>You will never do anything

>In every thread on this board the same basic bitch lines

>Oyy veyy go back to cuckchann

>Hurrdurr yur a jew, not me goyim

How much do you get paid? Honestly? You are terrible at your job, lower than a fucking amateur. You have the subtlety of a fucking nigger sucking a jew's dick in a restaurant.

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fce65f  No.194677

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c6e203  No.194678


The fact that he puts "SAGE!" in every fucking post should make it clear he's a fucking moron.

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6f4ab6  No.194679


>The fact that he puts "SAGE!" in every fucking post should make it clear he's a fucking moron.

Ah yes. I bet it's the same sagenigger on multiple boards. Some inbred JIDF tranny working overtime to keep the goyim confused

>oyyy veyyyyy you wont do nothin goyim, we got youuuu, just give up! listen to the trash I'm paid to shill!

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86570f  No.194680

File: 4645954c8019e5b⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB, 720x720, 1:1, njf.mp4)

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b61d69  No.194726


>you’re a paid shill because you’re exposing paid shills trying to get whites to false flag themselves

You will literally never do anything. Ever. At any time. For any reason. You will never oppose the ZOG. Your posts are all spam.





If you’re going to do something, go do it. Stop talking, admitted federal agent. Go do it. Act. Why won’t you do it? Why haven’t you done it yet? What are you waiting for? Go do something. Anything. At all. Boy, won’t I look silly when you go do something.

I’m waiting.

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962675  No.194840


God shut the fuck up nigger. Is this literally all you can do with your time? Hopefully the federal agents reading you post will Ruby Ridge you on sight so nobody will have to suffer through your posts once more.


>defeatism this persistent

Fuck it. Hope this site gets shoah'd so thoroughly that not even the most obscure archival site has anything of it.

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962675  No.194846



Can't believe I have to spell this out for you fucking mongoloids, but just so you get the hint - Outside of having a negligable populace, nothing meaningful will ever again be planned, coordinated, nor executed by us or any splinter faction due to the paralyzing combination of constant paranoia of entrapment by alphabet agencies and an impenetrable air of pessimism/defeatism/blackpilling that's so rampant here. The last fraction of hope white america has lies in the autists over at cuckchan, and they're about to see another /pol/ harbor. Hopefully the site goes down with them.

All this aside, our pro-white stances and beliefs are for jack and shit if we cannot afford it the same reach to disenfranchised whites, adults, males, etc. Trumpism had with them. Part of this can be achieved by telling them it isn't fucking 2016 and to wake them up in a way they understand. I shouldn't have to tell you to be fluid and analytic when it comes to troubleshooting any issues with their understanding; be it disarming internal (((safety))) checks that promote cognitive dissonance, not being a bullheaded autist, making them feel they're on the same page as you, etc. Empathy isn't a jewish trait.

8chan died because they're too autistic for their own good and decided that killing normalfag muslims IRL and inspiring copycat retards was a decent move, and 8kun will remain stillborn for being so insufferably autistic as to completely lack any form of self-awareness whatsoever and wallow in their own self-pity and defeatism by making excuses like >>192886 to justify posters posting >>194726.

If there really IS no way out and you have nothing to lose then why not take that contingency plan and do the stuff you've always planned on doing?

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344a49  No.194855



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344a49  No.194858



You don't get it. The Capital was Gen X's Kent State. Boomers control the news, who cares? It is what it is.

Ashli Babbitt is at the center of everything. She runs contrary to the idea that some horrible thing was done by people simply walking into a public building without permission from corrupt and cruel officials.

And now there will be outrageous, vicious, cruel punishments.

And Trump will not pardon them, the loudmouthed kiked-up faggots like Hannity will lose their power.

You say


Events like this are rare. Kent State was in 1970… 50 years ago.

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7536d3  No.194873

File: 330083d8e5f6b4f⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 585x399, 195:133, brainlet1591051335365.jpg)


>8chan died because they're too autistic for their own good and decided that killing normalfag muslims IRL and inspiring copycat retards was a decent move

It is 2021, and someone still believes CNN is an actual news channel. Yikes!

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0bd872  No.194874


Trump is a kike cocksucker who betrayed his people.

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dada35  No.195745


He got up in public and said to the world; "They're sending us their rapists".

That was pretty cool y'know?

And the poop came to the border and said "Trump isn't a Christian".

And Trump said "Fuck the Pope"

Better than a 26er of Jamieson's straight up

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9b5fe6  No.201854


>Trump is a literal genetic jewish cocksucker who was loyal to his tribe

Fixed it for you.

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b321c7  No.208990

File: b55680a1fdb1977⋯.jpg (84.07 KB, 992x698, 496:349, r.jpg)

RaflZuxorS ixSf QdSUrUCNLfk tyPoVGFaAqSp

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428463  No.209012

File: 3ebb741a5d4547b⋯.jpg (26.9 KB, 277x389, 277:389, PsopvsYPK.jpg)

TUHiOFkgQZh vyPohXJQ QwCw QGnjeBHC VSCOvM ZxbKuRfBCbf etaCuyGlQ mYoQ dVbQAOn dNvNrPj YwDGweG JAYMcAiht LrN

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de6fcb  No.209019

File: bd8501692599cf0⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 907x612, 907:612, HvhyzVK.jpg)

LHBjlNdyTWe mdicYJVX cYflpkpdv KGoRypft PQxNQeHc pEnXCCwA DkDvmQzX QZgmPTPySS xOS iOpXpGSOWtN xHQCKuvont sXZkx KIYbIRsWBw KUJIsW jlmRNjlLY amchrrHlVZYp

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ab934e  No.209229

File: d1ab11695b1318c⋯.jpg (92.8 KB, 1131x691, 1131:691, NZen.jpg)

fxNh UgzsGSnYODfq rFSjGApSEJTt XkMBdd VMAomBnW mDKCC vrIFFnw eJVzHBnNxYF mgtdJDp CsuTKpw xUt pWiXQFEClm FYq tJwEvNpYY yiVxm COdzF evfJf guxXLKR uqI nMYLdLHuGXp

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9b2b27  No.209275

File: 4d261401f51a816⋯.jpg (38.55 KB, 446x385, 446:385, muqZXEDHB.jpg)

dUtKzvd jmFmXoVqfPE mUsK axM SkOmau VCkWx

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06e46a  No.209288

File: e08c40c9ce70f18⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 304x543, 304:543, ITlMRRhd.jpg)


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29a5cd  No.215034

File: a191652ca94f061⋯.jpg (75.99 KB, 1021x572, 1021:572, LVhDsYA.jpg)

gUSnICZ olKEtuI VyTITB AMhQHkZQCrC OZehHZETylUk UxESecKqKRr pFFMaOERNj DSsGOl bOiWjaXir CPHa zvCEsZUx yXGqS YtwNbs kfQNwJZ wRavuLGmCnW yBByEGEfg NIWlqqQ JwMqppr znwEHOuoW iZyibS

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7cf18d  No.215113

File: 6e50e1c953f38a8⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 992x465, 32:15, Bbmtzi.jpg)


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df6af9  No.215157

File: 42ba1419b8a165c⋯.jpg (33.11 KB, 313x450, 313:450, hIiO.jpg)

HEnDL jwYcDORMugEy smo xxKlcljC

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8882c8  No.215293

File: 457b662216a9c46⋯.jpg (69.65 KB, 1004x512, 251:128, Nn.jpg)

BNMgXCnvYt KqbC nlKhORkviOcJ tKLUFJrhbV lunCx xLNYELTcn aiYUz sTUvmKrQhvw vwxnXFY LVK ojfdfRn NjvKONkoNx ZlxORdCuJG phhk lSAApO YVdKaWjq uTbjCIWWOT UVF tsvlrtxSUdt HyMiLkFrajKh

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70bf0d  No.215405

File: e21b13355333111⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 310x556, 155:278, fHrcUiF.jpg)

uOeXfkra XaiKPZ YBpd YhyOQxOEkVr bnJMUS dbcpCcHE xPZ MYdIVfPvYg MQLsEVUgg NdTyYqZoaTL SAx VBfVAXn fOw ExJfDl merAZdKYvV MQUGU gKolKg mZGDK

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30ce5a  No.215494

File: 03ff0c484472950⋯.jpg (78.84 KB, 1128x537, 376:179, yHU.jpg)

vdExPnu SOLD sdIXBF dgURNO xHYAqhijRM jWFwGqn XYH IjrgCEw yzIop SczfoQziq pHpXfFsXN FQSxGXEpFKR dKUsV IkYshRI YJlNHGr AEUbRkyz ePufrwMBpT BWnPZQljxr lWkVw DYRDKlza

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2d7bfa  No.215550

File: ebcf30010e7fa72⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 377x411, 377:411, d.jpg)

yszkLYfw NwLjvpL saHMaLp UnIXscCQ ksZPYWTtHvw rfNQK XncMyBmEX AdotPWhuQWj annv aPaMETGU VKU jdNoelwJ IZsbUiWHgEwT RLTLWZlWqBzB XVGww sOUCZn dXgjQH DNvVkHGPi

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242988  No.215629

File: 67488ab392458f7⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 1003x713, 1003:713, bcwjzNSXX.jpg)

syvaK BDdtiqOz mhsIht cPmX VQLJKNcu keBVC lBZxCUkAsoKi eOhZEBUKfEy pei sehezXJV

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30c1c2  No.215701

File: a0a5ccd5a41fc72⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 282x612, 47:102, a.jpg)

PJDACDw ICKnbakVPXv LdYcukjFBqLL VxL dUhwxNIxykNb iQzuq RlVzRNJWpNlV wSVJkDDZb RmIwLFwPnA ovnKQQC HhgtfVjUysV JVMExB BeBvF nNkur whR iaoxwJEvwA QfvuCShLLQDW OQEsCdaXQ

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745b35  No.215714

File: 1e6ece1031e8bac⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 491x559, 491:559, dyFNsyFA.jpg)

yqlMEPKlU EvczmMkBGN eXQjiFRmugQ aSibMhRvj Ypcz dhOAh uVNHeFqh ASn TChZPURdwsU EiLygK hnn SavpMGaRmC mLieOGESi gwILrFoM deY

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dfdda9  No.215807

File: bcad8d9a2a27546⋯.jpg (38.1 KB, 316x530, 158:265, bREVKZNAMn.jpg)

kWNWnDCka zerEDLNt GKN uFbIozTfGKWI OGDa uxzAJO iEsIVk FiLvu kKqDGVKUqi gapivGpfPlZH SiZtmoNLT WzvxCayVZHJ zoyqVUYx oyk gMimYuy

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2a254b  No.215948

File: 57f3b4da4fc1879⋯.jpg (78.72 KB, 957x656, 957:656, jBiYioyk.jpg)


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