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Fuck Jews

File: 9bd11d6e3f2477f⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 500x494, 250:247, 1584938978770.jpg)

4b4c4a  No.192130

Anyone know what the deal is with predictit? They already closed out the bets for the presidential race yet it looks like Trump still has a chance. If they refuse to pay out when Trump wins do we have any recourse? Will we be forced into a class action lawsuit or what is the procedure we will have to take to get the money they owe us? Any help much appreciated!

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e504e7  No.193064

The betting is over with now. I had two positions. Whatever. It was a good bet, until the counting was stopped and the fake ballots introduced.

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4b4c4a  No.194027

File: ab1ad00244bd322⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 267x400, 267:400, 78459290_XS.jpg)


I'm with you I lost $750 due to the kikes the calling it early, trump won

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7487f1  No.194047

File: fa96c371cbbdda7⋯.jpeg (84.53 KB, 1055x703, 1055:703, EF3235C7_6DCA_4A77_9D68_E….jpeg)

Why are 100% of your threads promoting jews? All you talk about is jew topics. Fucking handicapped jew. Nice legs . Why dont you walk over here cripple?

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