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Fuck Jews

File: a20da274b14dd27⋯.png (45.22 KB, 711x211, 711:211, tre2.png)

a38209  No.191740

does this shit work?

also, are demonic-satanic occult priests attacking me(not necessarily personally, just wypipo in general) - > causing all this anxiety and shit my whole life? I don't wanna imagine things that arn't real, but this one time on omegle this grubby looking trader joe kind of guy whipped out a knife and made a stabby motion and i felt it in my side. That was the last time I got on omegle on video.

Are there spiritual defense/psychic defense exercises for the non-religious?

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36960f  No.191746


Evil magical arts are weak against logic. I'm not saying logic says they don't exist but logic (and humor) genuinely disarm such techniques. This also applies to other evil movements like leftism in general. Simple knowledge of the logical fallacies can tear them to shreds. Keep yer wits about ya.

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117437  No.191767


Truth is eternal

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80679b  No.191907


I found an audio by Barry Long called "how to stop thinking", I think it's worth a try but I don't have experience with this dark magic-looking stuff.

Did you search more what happened with the knife thing? Did they look a certain ethnicity? Did you show your face on camera? Were there things on his screen like a symbol or something that you can look at clearly (because might be related to how remote viewing works)?

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