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File: 6f5a44e742506f9⋯.png (32.56 KB, 876x236, 219:59, ClipboardImage.png)

19072f  No.190405

Votes & Names are Gay

I never used Voat, but I followed the voat shutdown news which is how I found out about poal. Tried it for three days.

What a load of shit. Anything with upvotes and names becomes a circlejerk immediately. In fact, I believe that lack of full anonymity (i.e. people have a visible username) and the ability to upvote IS the essence of circlejerk, or circlejerkonium.

The imageboard format really is the best format for this kind of discusson. It's just a shame there is no-one here.

I'm never going back to cuckchan. I never bothered to reasearch all the squillions of alt-chans and bunkers. This is really the last place left on the interenet, and it's dead.

More and more I curse BT. Christchurch was the beginning of the end of the chans.

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098ee8  No.190431


And? So? Couldn’t have put it in one of the threads already dedicated to this? Really think that shilling for “sitting back and doing nothing” is something that we give a shit about?

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699499  No.190556

File: fb516531aed3364⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 946x532, 473:266, SBQ_Spam_Name_946x532.jpg)


shill this place and some might return. easy as that.

avoid 9chan it's part of a kiwifarms doxxing campaign.

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19072f  No.190585


> shill this place and some might return

Yeah I guess I could put ten minutes into this every day.

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