Votes & Names are Gay
I never used Voat, but I followed the voat shutdown news which is how I found out about poal. Tried it for three days.
What a load of shit. Anything with upvotes and names becomes a circlejerk immediately. In fact, I believe that lack of full anonymity (i.e. people have a visible username) and the ability to upvote IS the essence of circlejerk, or circlejerkonium.
The imageboard format really is the best format for this kind of discusson. It's just a shame there is no-one here.
I'm never going back to cuckchan. I never bothered to reasearch all the squillions of alt-chans and bunkers. This is really the last place left on the interenet, and it's dead.
More and more I curse BT. Christchurch was the beginning of the end of the chans.