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c47cbc  No.190350

I've been keeping an eye on the situation ever since they opted out of the forced third world invasion. Orban booted George Soros University and took control of the media eliminating the two main ways Jews destroy white countries. Plus he supports Israel so they can't play the anti antisemitism card.

If there was no conspiracy against whites this wouldn't be a big deal, since there is a conspiracy they're going to have to go mask off and force them in to compliance.

But how?

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9fdd98  No.190359

File: 69317d80a96a05d⋯.gif (603.35 KB, 320x240, 4:3, burn_it_all.gif)


>Plus he supports Israel

Of course he does. White Genocide is extortion. You want to exist, goyim? Then you'll support Israel. And if they're not selling Zionism then it's Bolshevism. But we aren't so easily moved.

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c47cbc  No.190361

Trust me they've tried all kinds of other schemes and tricks before this one.

Here's how from a gay Jew from the influential AEU


"The tide might be turning, however. In the 2022 parliamentary election, Hungary’s six leading opposition parties are planning to agree on a common manifesto, to draw a single electoral list—running one joint candidate to oppose Fidesz in each district, and to present a shared candidate for prime minister."

With the backing of the Biden admin. This is how Biden made it close enough to rig it against Bernie. All the other candidates dropped out at the same time and announced support for Biden.

Biden's so unlikable that it wasn't enough, they still had to fudge the numbers and a few other tricks.

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e4d2cf  No.190560

File: 1920510a5f1ff9a⋯.jpg (59.45 KB, 1165x715, 233:143, orbanflori.jpg)

Orbán is a gypsy and so are most of his voters. what's even worse, gypsy babies outnumber Hungarian babies at least 10 to 1.

nothing more than neoliberalism under the guise of nationalism.

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a3aab7  No.190841

Government of kikes and gypsies made by a party whose propaganda machine is the same as Netanyahu's.

Controlled opposition, same as LePen, same as Salvini.

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