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d40be3  No.190294

This seems to be significant to a retard like me. Anyone looking at the USMC tWit posts and timestamps? Why would he be pointing at USMC?

Are they to be utilized soon? I've been trying to learn more about the "red lines" but can't find much info

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2d1f3e  No.190297


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d40be3  No.190300


I keep seeing alluding to these pics on Twitter but not seeing anything beyond the simplest speculation thought here might be more helpful.

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d40be3  No.190314

Kinda posted thinking it'd be like 4 Chan but this site is totally different is there a way to delete

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d40be3  No.190315


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a4e147  No.190576


Literally fucking kill yourself. Q-LARP is a hoax. You’re not allowed to post your spam here. Go suck off the ZOG emperor somewhere else.

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a4e147  No.190577




Reported for bumping spam threads.

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