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File: 3db77350d5ad7ac⋯.png (991.12 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 61673C2F_AAA5_4926_9C9A_92….png)

6400db  No.190128

Anyone have definitive proof Adam Schiff was indeed taken into FBI custody this weekend?

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eca7d5  No.190197


I have definitive proof that anyone who thinks congress traitors will face justice under the system is a retard.

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413d56  No.190198



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806473  No.190200


I heard from the g[rape]vine that proof is cooming in two weekerinos.

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ded6d1  No.190204

File: 11b85e4cb6d8035⋯.gif (2.66 MB, 294x220, 147:110, channies.gif)


Air blows through trees

Dirt gets wet in rain

Ankle bracelets

think, think, think

Look at your watch

The hands turn on the dial

Where are they going?

The elites wear watches

There are people working in government


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1df6cc  No.190206



You have a fucking containment board. Eat shit and die.

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bfa667  No.190256


He's a sitting US senator you dumb fuck if he got arrested you'd know about it and it would be on every major news network. The due is a lot less shit then Trump and republifags are at this point

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4a7d63  No.190268

File: 3d89a18ea31d453⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 760x726, 380:363, 1579489412820.jpg)

File: 76f58c154963751⋯.jpg (742.56 KB, 2000x1499, 2000:1499, 1579489747019.jpg)

File: fbb15e656e3a2c4⋯.jpg (122.06 KB, 720x741, 240:247, 1579562221957.jpg)

File: 231c790dfe3f1c1⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 720x799, 720:799, 1603136463105_Copy.jpg)

File: c6abe5941f6d06b⋯.jpg (464.23 KB, 1426x2750, 713:1375, biden_livestream.jpg)

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