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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f962b0e624e1a93⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 454x441, 454:441, 1578479373335.jpg)

File: e7ecab0a4d2d0f5⋯.pdf (662.39 KB, 7DisAssimilationReclaiming….pdf)

5d8ada  No.18923[Last 50 Posts]

And, we all know what she said about Jewish roles in changing Europe.

She emigrated to Sweden in 1999 with her Rabbi husband. She received Swedish funding and became Director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies, training Jews for leadership positions in the renewal of Jewish culture in Europe.

She wrote "Educating Jewish Leaders in a Pan-European Perspective” but this seems more about getting European Jews to accept Israel, and European history with a Jewish leaning.

Since her viral video, she seems to have gone off radar. So, my question is How did she know about the Jewish Role in the Transformation of Europe into a multi-cultural cesspit? Did her Rabbi husband tell her? Do Elite Jews know and orchestrate this? Did her Institute train Jews to do this? Do all Jews know about this?

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aebac3  No.18930


6,500 years of documented history of jews being jewy. 100 years ago was 1920. The car was just catching on and becoming popular but was still quite unaffordable by the common citizen. Horses and buggies were still the most common form of travel throughout the US and the steam engine was a technological marvel. There was no air conditioning. Imagine horse shit and swealtering heat. That was 100 years ago.

Now, multiply that times 65!

6,500 years they've been doing this shit to us. Rolling through civilizations, raising one to collapse the next. Sumar = South People Suma being South and Aryan being people. Why is this important?

You see, about 4,000bc jews learned that if you lend out 1,000 dollars in gold coin and require 1,500 be paid back, there will be less coin in circulation that will be required to be paid back.

Think about that. Let it sink in what that means, lending at "interest."

Where is the money coming from to pay back a 1,000 dollar loan, if there's only 1,000 dollars in circulation and you're required to pay back 1,500 on the loan?

They're swindlers, they're shysters, they're crooks and they've been doing the same bullshit for 6,500 years. We've (Christians are the ONLY ONES!) decimated their population several times over the past but we always buy their bullshit about "OH NOT ALL JEWS!"

and look where we are now.

YES, all jews! Every last dirty rat jew!

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5d8ada  No.18938


I've read quite a bit about usery, protocols, and Jewery in general. What I can't grasp is the swiftness of the blackening of Europe, the insanity of the host willingly accepting this, and it is, it seems, every European nation doing this. I could understand maybe one or two that have been corrupted by the parasite, but it's virtually all nations waving welcome signs.

Is this because Jews are planning to go to Israel en-massse? Is this their end goal, or is the goal a police totalitarian state with segregated communities? I don't see a benefit to Jews with a muslim majority Europe.

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000000  No.18944


I will always have a soft spot for Babs. It is because of her that I first started noticing things.

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5d8ada  No.18962

File: 001b2ea6f7c2d88⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 600x387, 200:129, Barbara-e1520785768734.jpg)


>It is because of her that I first started noticing things.

Indeed. I think she woke quite a few that day, Here she is, smiling, receiving an award from the King of the country she openly confessed to trying to destroy and genocide. All smiles.

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4c5a42  No.18971


>Jews are planning to go to Israel en-massse?

This is exactly the reason.

notice the "antisemitic attacks" popping up all over at an alarming rate?

Look, right now their assets are held in a position against the US Dollar so their next move is to get the yids out of the US and collapse the dollar and let the Christians fight the Muslims, Blacks fight the Whites, Young fight the Old…

They controlled the media before it was called media. They held theater, made fun of kings/queens, got people to question their appointed leaders (who were literally, at the time, just the best of the people) stirred dissention, and feasted on the rot and decay of the corpses that their destructive path left.

They don't want to buy low / sell high. They want the seller to die.

Think about what i was saying with the money lending. If I create money and I only create 10,000 jewbucks but require 20,000 jewbucks paid in return… where does the money come frorm to pay me back?

Answer: It doesn't! I WANT the people to default. I don't want my loans paid back, I want the collateral! This is the fundamental premise of the jew. The very foundation their house is built upon. Understand this and understand everything you need to know about the jew. It is zero-sum and we have come up short for over 6 thousand years.

No more!

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5d8ada  No.18999


>notice the "antisemitic attacks" popping up all over at an alarming rate?

I noticed them with Charlie Hebdo onwards. Problem is can Jews know the difference between a "what ya doin' Rabbi' and a real attack?

They held theater, made fun of kings/queens, got people to question their appointed leaders (who were literally, at the time, just the best of the people) stirred dissention, and feasted on the rot and decay of the corpses that their destructive path left.

This is very accurate. I remember going over civil wars and revolutions and finding close ties to Masons. France, obviously, but other countries such as Brazil had revolutions almost straight after Lodges emerged there.

I'm not sure how the finance system can do anything but collapse. Of course this is intentional. I always considered it like a huge game of Monopoly, wherein the winner is the banker and the players are left with nothing.

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760e40  No.19009

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, Protocols of the learned e….png)

File: 83e9d54fac7adda⋯.pdf (63.38 KB, The Toronto Protocols by S….pdf)

File: adf29c304652136⋯.png (2.69 MB, 10000x10000, 1:1, Industrial society and its….png)

File: 5df3e827db0104a⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 980x552, 245:138, World jewish congress.jpg)

File: b69a9693824cfab⋯.jpg (69.59 KB, 580x322, 290:161, Jewish childhood.jpg)

Jews are the enemy of mankind. They hate everyone else.

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58d324  No.19173


>We've (Christians are the ONLY ONES!) decimated their population several times over the past

You don't know your history then.

Also Jesus didn't order to murder Jews, he simply displaced them out of a temple, into the street, where they'd continue doing their stuff.

Based? not so much.

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58d324  No.19174

>>18999 (absolute trips)

>I'm not sure how the finance system can do anything but collapse. Of course this is intentional.

There won't be the kind of salvaging collapse we think of and eventually hope for because Jews and their allies want a One World Government with One Currency. The provoked economical crisis will only be used to push for this agenda.

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55d07f  No.19185


They're not alone in this. They are working with Russia to further the destabilisation of the middle East and the US. Watch Vigilante Intelligence and he demonstrates this nicely. Look into Alexandr Dugin, the two faced marxist. Marxists are funding divide and conquer tactics in the US. BLM, Antifa, false opposition like Spencer, all work in the interest of Russia. The Chinese, allies of Russia, know how jewed the US is. They want to be like Jews. The technology is stolen by Mossad agents and that goes to Israel and ends in the hands of Russia. This is a very viscious game. It makes you realise that Kennedy was saying about the secret societies, perhaps.

Dugin is an advisor of Putin. Dugin wants an Eurasian state. He thinks the only saving grace of Russia is that they are not fully white. He hates white people.

We Europeans are fighting a two front battle and we don't even know it. But unlike previous times, there is nobody but ourselves to stand against this, so either we should start living like the Amish, Varg, do a anti-tech revolution like Ted Kaczynski proposes, or come up with something better.

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771dc7  No.19201


Nice claims, there might be some logic to that but is there any solid evidence?

To me this is just geopolitical BS between jewed groups (US v Russia). Yes, Dugin is a dangerous person, he wants a multiracial and multicultural Federation, he hates Ukrainians too.

Putin might have some (((blood))) in his veins (maternal grandmother right? would make his mother jewish too) and is found to sell tech to enemies of Whites (South Africa government).

>Varg, Ted

Not acceptable. If we go medieval, the enemy will not.

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55d07f  No.19260


As I said, Vigilante Intelligence.


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cd29e0  No.19271



Ok thx fren, will try to cram that in my overbooked schedule.

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9ad366  No.19313


off the radar? she was awarded the kings medal from swedens king for helping destroy them -


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5d8ada  No.19341

File: 03edcb4ea42a0f7⋯.jpeg (998.49 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, Economist.jpeg)


>Jews and their allies want a One World Government with One Currency.

I think they foretold this, picture related, although I think cash will transform from physical to purely electronic form. I think this will then be replaced with energy units. I don't think they will do this until all banks belong to the system though.

I do see the haves becoming richer and the have nots becoming poorer. Perhaps the ultimate goal is total possession, whereby the goyim own nothing but rent everything, which would also tie in with energy as a cash replacement.

I see Agenda 2030 as another piece of this jigsaw, whereby all land is owned by them, and permission to grow crops, patented seeds, travel, is controlled. There will be vast area of prohibited land that the poor can no longer access. Welcome to Dystopia.

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5d8ada  No.19343


>It makes you realise that Kennedy was saying about the secret societies, perhaps.

Don't misinterpret the Kennedy quote, as most do. It was given to a room full of journalists during the Cold War, and with both Cuba and Vietnam in play. Said Journalists had printed Military plans before they were executed, and gave Commies foreknowledge. He was saying, even though we abhor secrets, shut the fuck up, you're giving the Commies classified information.

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b61d84  No.19347


In effect the goal is a return to feudalism

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5d8ada  No.19379



I can see how you came to that conclusion, but didn't feudalism disappear with the emergence of centralized units of government? Surely they want an even bigger government: A planetary government with regional heads, similar to how the EU functions?

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323ee4  No.19970


>So, my question is How did she know about the Jewish Role in the Transformation of Europe into a multi-cultural cesspit?

Because if jews didn't know it, they wouldn't do it?

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7deeb6  No.19972


>Did her Rabbi husband tell her? Do Elite Jews know and orchestrate this? Did her Institute train Jews to do this? Do all Jews know about this?


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a5ee13  No.20011


You don't see how it benefits the kikes to either have Europeans mass murdered or mixed into subhuman mediocrity?

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c119d4  No.20013


Yes, the books, the myth, the magician. You mind telling me what The Giant did to Jack while we're here on the topic of informing others of fairy tales?

Or maybe, we want to come back into the real world, realize that Harod Antipater II had a grandson until a woman out of wedlock, banished that woman to a far off place, the woman, named Mary, was the daughter of an aristocratic line involved in Tin Mining and her son would have been the rightful heir to the seat of the kingdom of Jerusalem. He also would have been the first NON-JEW king of Jerusalem! I wonder what the jews would have thought about that?

Oh, well we don't have to wonder because they… Crucified him! Holy shit, it's almost, as if… Nah, couldn't be!

He was also LOVED by the people, moved the house of worship on grave sights so jews could not attend, stamped roman coins with Roman faces so jews couldn't put their filthy claws on it, removed all forms of usary from roman territory and really stirred shit up!

Kinda the type of guy would might get LIED about after his death and made out to be a fictitious figure, oh… 400 years later which just so happens to be about the time the bible was written!

But yeah, go on tell me more about what you know, Anon. I'm dying to hear your infinite wisdom spread upon us all!

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da2323  No.20787

File: 72853fda54da4f5⋯.png (637.52 KB, 561x650, 561:650, a2f5dde6fee2f84f3fc6388693….png)


agree anon, we need more jewesses to go on camera with their bullshit.

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da2323  No.20788


dont get how much of a faggot the european elites have become…. when the shit starts - they get the rope too. fuck it.

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e50d28  No.20986

File: ff57de95a90661c⋯.png (57.76 KB, 699x897, 233:299, clubs.PNG)

File: 2ecf4b98e5ce9c1⋯.jpg (96.34 KB, 682x436, 341:218, BernsteinBears.jpg)


I'm pretty sure she taught at Tel Aviv University. She started a Paideia School or something similar. I looked it up and there's a school in Atlanta.

Are they fucking trolling or what. Hover over (about Paideia) and a python snake pops up. Not a cartoon friendly snake, it's a cold and calculating snake like the ones used in Nazi propaganda lol. Their library is called python hall.

> https://www.paideiaschool.org/

Pic is their current clubs and it's about promoting racial cohesion of minorities, against whites.

It's a "fuck white people" school

It cost 15k to 25k a year

Here's a statement from Mrs Bernstein

Natalie Bernstein, Elementary Librarian

Several years ago, Newsweek published a story called “See Baby Discriminate” about young children’s awareness of race. The results of the research study were startling: children as young as six months notice skin color, and by age five, they have picked up the message that it is impolite to talk about skin color. White families were especially uncomfortable discussing race, preferring to talk about the subject with young children by simply saying “everybody’s equal” or “under the skin, we’re all the same.” A separate study has found that “75 percent of white families never or almost never talk about race with their children.” During this important developmental period in a child’s life, when we are teaching about sorting colors, encouraging compare/contrast activities with puzzles and games and encounters in the world, many parents avoid calling attention to any racial differences. Children are natural sorters: “green car, pink pig, brown shirt, yellow flower” but when the color is on skin, it becomes invisible. Worried about saying something that might be mangled and misquoted by their child, parents leave concepts of race and difference as mysteries for children to figure out on their own. One researcher even overheard a child under five say to another, “Parents don’t like us to talk about our skin, so don’t let them hear you.”

A disturbing consequence, the researchers found, is that very young white children showed preference for their own race. A researcher showed a group of three-year olds photographs of other children and asked which ones they would choose to be their friends. White children chose pictures of their own race 86 percent of the time. Another group of preschoolers were asked bluntly, “Do your parents like black people?” and 14 percent answered no, while 38 percent answered “I don’t know.” They are exhibiting what brain researchers such as Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard have documented: implicit bias in favor of people like ourselves. Their parents would be horrified."

Think of the arrogance, a Jewess teaching whites that sticking with their kind is bad.

The hypocrisy is astonishing.

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e50d28  No.20988


>my question is How did she know about the Jewish Role in the Transformation of Europe into a multi-cultural cesspit? Did her Rabbi husband tell her? Do Elite Jews know and orchestrate this? Did her Institute train Jews to do this? Do all Jews know about this?

I had these questions too, it's like wtf how are they all in on this. Here's the answer to everything they're doing. According to Judaism


Jewish traditions

"Davidster" (Star of David) by Dick Stins is a Holocaust memorial in The Hague. The text at the side (in Dutch and Hebrew) is from Deuteronomy 25:17, 19 – "Remember what Amalek has done to you … do not forget."

In Judaism, the Amalekites came to represent the archetypal enemy of the Jews. In Jewish folklore the Amalekites are considered to be the symbol of evil.

Nur Masalha, Elliot Horowitz and Josef Stern suggest that Amalekites have come to represent an "eternally irreconcilable enemy" that wants to murder Jews, and that Jews in post-biblical times sometimes associate contemporary enemies with Haman or Amalekites, and that some Jews believe that pre-emptive violence is acceptable against such enemies.[21] Groups identified with Amalek include the Romans, Nazis, Stalinists, and bellicose Iranian leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.[22]

Here's what they have in store for white people or Amalek. Don't fall for their bs that they don't know who is Amalek, it's whitey.

In Orthodox Judaism, three of the 613 mitzvot (commandments) involve Amalek: to remember what the Amalekites did to the Israelites, not to forget what the Amalekites did to Israelites, and to destroy the Amalekites utterly. The rabbis derived these from Deuteronomy 25:17–18, Exodus 17:14 and 1 Samuel 15:3. Rashi explains the third commandment:

From man unto woman, from infant unto suckling, from ox unto sheep, so that the name of Amalek not be mentioned even with reference to an animal by saying "This animal belonged to Amalek".

As enumerated by Maimonides, the three mitzvot state:

598 Deut. 25:17 – Remember what Amalek did to the Israelites

599 Deut. 25:19 – Wipe out the descendants of Amalek

600 Deut. 25:19 – Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desert

Some commentators have discussed the ethical deficiency of the commandment to exterminate all the Amalekites, especially including the command to kill children, and the presumption of collective punishment.[25][26][27][28]


The commandment to kill Amalekites is not practiced by contemporary Jews, based on the argument that Sennacherib deported and mixed the nations, so it is no longer possible to determine who is an Amalekite. For example, Rabbi Hayim Palaggi state

So they say those prayers all the time, never forget what white people did. Go destroy everything related to Amalek, kids and animals included and blot them out of existence. You can see it now, white people's is being scrubbed everywhere. Read up on it, there's more and it's evil what they have planned. Amalek better wake the fuck up, but even then it may be to late. There something about leaving Amalek broke, here we are 20 plus trillion in debt. No universal HC, nothing.

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4c480d  No.21029


Christians didnt do shit. Guess who expelled jews from around 1000 locations last thousands of years ,it was the LEADERS the ROYALS who removed them. NOT Christianity. Christianity was used as a mean to control the populace. The Royals, the monarch, the kings PROTECTED THE PEOPLE. NOT CHRISTIANITY. Christianity helped communities and morals. BUT DIDN'T PROTECT FROM SATAN AT ALL. KINGS PROTECTED THEIR NATIONS FROM SATAN. Get it straight.

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4c480d  No.21031


Jews removed the royals, the monarchs in all nations more or less or bought them. Look at Russia. Look at Europe. Look at what jews in in Soviet history to Royals.

Jewish Bolsheviks Slaughtered the Tsar's Family in Cold Blood 100 Years Ago - a Look Back


Look what the Jews did to the Russian Royals 1000 years ago. According to Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Jews managed to entice the Royals and those in power since they accumulated riches. The Royals usually picked the side of the jews since they were rich and wars happened. Between the Royals/Jews and the people usually. That has been ongoing conflict in Soviet area for thousand years!

I have no idea why they target the christians TBH. Look at the christians in USA they love Israel for most part and donate cash hundreds of millions. Yet they for some reason want to remove the christians completely and do. Maybe since there's a threat with christians ? It makes no sense. Since christians even 1000 years ago were the ones who invited the Jews into their societies when they arrived due to biblical references. Sure they regretted it afterwards and tried to fight them but didnt work.

I suppose Jews dont have use of christians any more. They served their purpose to help Jews to take over the world obviously.

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c2e209  No.21036

File: e7dfd0358876720⋯.jpeg (23.37 KB, 474x266, 237:133, martinluther.jpeg)


im sorry i was busy reading things that actually happened written by not jews.

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8f32d0  No.21148


hebrews were never like this you fucking retard

these modern "jews" are convernt and not related to hebrews at all

why do you keep believing thse people are semitic

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e50d28  No.21181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





What do they believe now, this yt channel is diamond in the rough. The racism in Israel is astonishing and so is their frank discussion on making us their slaves.

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e50d28  No.21193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one is mind blowing. The head of the AJC changes his name and organizes a Nazi rally. The goal is to get Jews to Israel.

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000000  No.21255


The world needs more great men like Robert Bowers and John Earnest.

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629496  No.22241


half jew here

I was raised in a Christian family, but Jew genes kick in here and there no matter how hard I try to suppress them and remain noble-hearted, so basically what >>18930 says:

> YES, all jews! Every last dirty rat jew!

I know I'm essentially calling for my own murder here but I honestly don't see any other way out of this shit that people are currently in as a whole.

The world is more connected than ever before, thanks to the internet. Jews have been successfully using porn as a weapon to pacify the masses for at least the last 50 years, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down; the people who know the true potential of semen retention – and how much a Jew fears a white man retaining semen – is hilariously small.

Forgive me for blackpilling here, but if white man wants to reconquer the world once again and save his future from being genocided/racemixed out of existence, then he needs to hop off Jew porn machine which is next to impossible given how much sex is being sold EVERYWHERE you look.

Maybe I'm wrong, I hope I'm wrong, and the world is finally waking up - this time for real, because this time I know for a fact: the internet will NEVER forget that jews are cancer this time. This is the age of information. If hitler was alive today, or if WWII happened during the information age of internet - he would win without a shred of doubt. He'd win the information war, he'd win by pushing his message of love and peace and fighting back usury that Jews pushed on white nations so when I say I'm glad that Sweden is in the situation it's in, I mean it because today's information technology will allow the second Hitler to not only rise up much much faster than Adolf did, but also allow his message and legacy to be preserved much much better than Germany's 1945 legacy.

Of course there's pornography to consider and how powerful it is at keeping the men pacified and effeminate, but then again this is the hardest test for mankind to overcome —

can you unplug from the Jew's porn machine and learn to retain to transmute your sexual energy to reconquer the world, goyim?

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629496  No.22242


half jew here

I was raised in a Christian family, but Jew genes kick in here and there no matter how hard I try to suppress them and remain noble-hearted, so basically what >>18930 says:

> YES, all jews! Every last dirty rat jew!

I know I'm essentially calling for my own murder here but I honestly don't see any other way out of this shit that people are currently in as a whole.

The world is more connected than ever before, thanks to the internet. Jews have been successfully using porn as a weapon to pacify the masses for at least the last 50 years, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down; the people who know the true potential of semen retention – and how much a Jew fears a white man retaining semen – is hilariously small.

Forgive me for blackpilling here, but if white man wants to reconquer the world once again and save his future from being genocided/racemixed out of existence, then he needs to hop off Jew porn machine which is next to impossible given how much sex is being sold EVERYWHERE you look.

Maybe I'm wrong, I hope I'm wrong, and the world is finally waking up - this time for real, because this time I know for a fact: the internet will NEVER forget that jews are cancer this time. This is the age of information. If hitler was alive today, or if WWII happened during the information age of internet - he would win without a shred of doubt. He'd win the information war, he'd win by pushing his message of love and peace and fighting back usury that Jews pushed on white nations so when I say I'm glad that Sweden is in the situation it's in, I mean it because today's information technology will allow the second Hitler to not only rise up much much faster than Adolf did, but also allow his message and legacy to be preserved much much better than Germany's 1945 legacy.

Of course there's pornography to consider and how powerful it is at keeping the men pacified and effeminate, but then again this is the hardest test for mankind to overcome —

can you unplug from the Jew's porn machine and learn to retain to transmute your sexual energy to reconquer the world, goyim?

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629496  No.22244

sorry for double post, got a glitch on my end

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be6f00  No.23513


>half jew here

>can you unplug from the Jew's porn machine and learn to retain to transmute your sexual energy to reconquer the world, goyim?

Strange, you seem to come over as a larping jew faggot - a no-fap faggot at that. You don't derve a YOU, and you clearly don't belong here.

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a7357f  No.23861


>the people who know the true potential of semen retention – and how much a Jew fears a white man retaining semen – is hilariously small.

care to elaborate?

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6279fb  No.23877

File: aecf9bd962178da⋯.png (325 KB, 660x504, 55:42, Jewish Expulsions.png)

File: e7cd5396d05370a⋯.webm (3.94 MB, 400x224, 25:14, define goyim.webm)

File: 23d680afc77dd46⋯.webm (3.86 MB, 320x564, 80:141, jewish rituals.webm)


>Do all Jews know about this?

If you mean do they remember Europe exiling them a thousand times, then yes, they remember. Their social deficiency is ingrained in their DNA at this point. Jewish culture IS feminine by nature. Jewish men are betas by nature. Every single one of them uses a genocide from 80 years ago to manipulate others and get a leg up in society, which is dastardly whether it happened or not. They are the people of Saturn, the God of wealth and liberation who eats his own children. They are nepotists. They are narcissistic conniving nepotists. Every society is created by Aryans and destroyed by the Jew. They love weakness and ugliness. They hate humanity. They put nature of people and seek to bring about the end times. They are liberators alright. They want to liberate the world of humanity. Behold the depth of their self-hate.

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ff5ded  No.23899


>Did Jews know?

Yes, because all they do is autistically plan metapolitical action.

Regardless, she is an ancient demon and not worth your attention.

Any and all racial animus should be aimed towards current actors. No one will rally behind the call, "this 200 year old subversive jewess, prepped sweden to get nigged out of existence" even if 100% ratified with evidence.

Attacking heroes and figures works against enemies who give a shit about individual points of excellence within their group.

Jews would let 99% of themselves die for 1% in a heartbeat. Not a single blip of spirit matters to them.

Pursuing grand actors and heroes is therefore useless. Win now, win here, win often, and never stop winning. Anything else is idiocy.

Trying to spook jews by poking a 97 year old mummy is meaningless when they would gladly give the lions share of their biomass for a new speech law in America alone.

This is how oily the snake you fight is. When concerned with matters of the spirit, only look to encourage your own. The insular expedient cruelty of the jewish faith is untouchable, it is vulnerable from every other angle but this one.

This is not to praise it. Take their stuff, and their voice. They have nothing else but lies and will blow away without these.

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edc1d1  No.50623

File: e2336c4c9eefb10⋯.png (466.02 KB, 702x826, 351:413, ClipboardImage.png)



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d4410d  No.83768


I hope she gets gutted by a Palestinian.

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4cfcfd  No.84357


>Jews would let 99% of themselves die for 1% in a heartbeat. Not a single blip of spirit matters to them.

Well…600,000 souls only. They have to be coalesced one day or another.

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585ce0  No.85471


Change "gutted by a Palestinian" to sexually dominated by multiple migrants with the footage recorded and uploaded to various outlets and that is a sentiment I can get behind.

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840ac8  No.85611


>Europe exiling [Jews] a thousand times

What is the latest verified, reliable listing on the interwebs these days? I read somewhere that we had collected well beyond some 309+ expulsion and actually found more than a thousand of them? Where is the historical accuracy?

>Saturn, the God of wealth and liberation who eats his own children.

He cannot be the God of liberation if he refuses to let his children grow and then claim his own wealth. He, on the contrary, keeps it all for himself.

Also, how did we go from a main tutelary deity of a very distant age to this piece or propaganda that is almost too Jewish in style that paints him as eating his own kin, his own flesh so to speak?

PS: fuck you kikes for IPoisoning!!

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1fbcee  No.88485

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ffe886  No.89924

File: cc394818e16dce0⋯.jpeg (198.01 KB, 721x497, 103:71, 44A31095_6A1F_4EF0_A158_E….jpeg)

File: 7c4aafaa4fd052f⋯.jpeg (124.04 KB, 682x354, 341:177, 85E73A75_EA64_4725_8ABE_1….jpeg)

Its been a plan for a very very long time-

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77e42b  No.89931


Thing is they don't ever want one side to win. They want to maximize/prolong tensions to keep us enslaved. There is nothing "immoral" about killing and eating a negroid for example.

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b3611e  No.90336








Just to play devil's advocate here…

Exactly why is Barbara Spectre important? From all accounts, she's just some mouthy self-important bitch in a garden variety non-profit. So she received the King's medal for "outstanding contributions to Jewish culture in Sweden and internationally," whatever that means. Big deal. Exactly how important is this distinction? Does it buy you power or influence? Does she have any pull outside of the Jewish community in Sweden?

Is there any evidence this woman had any sort of impact that leading politicians and bureaucrats don't already have? Did she have the ear of any influential policymaker? Did she provide research to some bureaucrat which informed the drafting of any particular piece of legislation? Does this woman have any influence to/from any NGOs and/or governments that include any financial and/or resource help? If so, what accounts for her influence and role as a spokesperson? Is she really that important or a complete nobody who likes the sound of her own voice?

There's this pervasive mindset that any public figure who expresses an opinion that has political currency must be the influencer rather than the influenced, especially if they're Jewish. That's kind of what you get when you fall in with a groupthink crew that believes all ideas except their own originate from Jewry.

I believe the Great Replacement of Europe is the side effect of the economic elites needing cheaper wageslaves. The various social movements and legal reforms made native Europeans too expensive and scarce due to low birthrates coupled with their increasing unwillingness to do shit work for shit pay in the information age where public education trains the average student to be some middle manager. The economic elite drinks the egalitarian liberal Kool-Aid and imports various types of non-white workers with values and religion straight out of the Bronze Age or 7th Century Arabia. Since the economic elite is made up of rootless cosmopolitan "mutts" with barely any national allegiance, they don't really care about the ethnic makeup of the country they leech off in the moment and the empty individualism, rampant anomie and complete degradation of societal trust they are creating, being degenerates themselves. The whole lib anti-white suicidal hedonistic horror show we see in the West is basically fallout from the sociological methods used by the elites to accommodate the new cheap wageslaves

Would anything change if you replaced all the Jews with Anglos or Germans? It's a basic fact of economics and financial interests at this point in this form of Capitalism. Flooding countries with immigrants isn't about demographic destruction any more than it is trying to undercut native workers by outsourcing all those tech support jobs to exotic locales. It's simply the nature of transnational Capitalism aka globalism. You're really not going to fix anything until you fix the economics.

Trouble is, if you want to try fixing the economics, you're going to come under the proverbial eye of Sauron. When Iran tried nationalizing their own oil reserves and using it to benefit the Iranian people, British Petroleum responded by encouraging the US to work with British intelligence in overthrowing their secular democracy and installing a puppet dictatorship. The same thing happened across the globe for decades, often for seemingly trivial concerns like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Fruit_Company#Aiding_and_abetting_a_terrorist_organization

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b3611e  No.90337

>>90336 (continued)

That is literally the company responsible for the term "banana republic" existing. One of the most recent examples of this was what they did to Libya. Gaddafi had also attempted resisting the world economic order, as had Saddam, in trying to get off the petrodollar and trying to use their own oil reserves as their own national property to benefit their own peoples. Transnational corporations and their puppets in command of global politics didn't like that. The result is you end up with shit like the EPA being headed by a complete idiot and corporate executive, FDA being run by Monsanto, and god knows what else in this country alone basically being the taxpayer funded enforcement arm of corporate policy.

Jews are more involved in "human rights" organizations than average because of how hard it is for Jews to assimilate anywhere and not get pogrom'd so obviously there is an interest there to live in a multicultural society because they are by default not monoethnic in European countries.

As to what benefit white elites get from fucking over their poorer co-ethnics, let's look at modern Germany. In the particular case of the Germans and refugee crisis, it was because they started trying to deport Syrians in trains and the world collectively shat on them for it because of obvious reasons, and so Merkel and company went as far to the opposite end of trying to prove they aren't Nazis anymore. I specifically remember that train deportation thing they had back then.

Otherwise it's unskilled low paid labor. You can play just about any most basic simulator game to see that. Convincing your own people to have kids takes time, it costs money, and they demand more rights and better pay and shit, not to mention how unwieldy it is managing population bottlenecks and spurts like that.

Meanwhile you can happily just import foreign labor as needed. The Turks in Germany are one such example, as are Mexicans in United States.

To further understand it it's really not even Capitalism per se but just modes of economic activity in imperialism. Rome did exactly the same thing. Black people are in America for the same reasons. Every empire built itself on a foundation of coerced labor and slavery. The Civil War was really just a battle between plantation owners who relied on slaves and the industrialized north which relied on Irish and German indentured servants, who by the way were often seen as below even Africans.

Literally none of this is new. In the 20th to early 21st centuries slavery is generally frowned on but you don't see as much civil unrest when you export everyone's jobs to sweatshops in India and China which might as well be slave labor camps. The difference is modes of transit reliant on fossil fuels have enabled this form of imperialist economic growth to be fueled largely by outsourcing, where the wages are even lower. In America, Mexicans are the ones doing agriculture, industrial slaughterhouses, landscaping and construction which not a single person here ever would want to do and they wouldn't tolerate it at or below minimum wage unless they're felons who need a legitimate job to mask their drug sales and other criminal profits.

It's entirely about economic modes of conduct which are literally older than the bronze age. It just looks slightly different now because everyone is supposed to have some measure of basic rights and get treated like Roman citizens, which is mainly what this argument is all about because the current Roman citizens in USA for example are confused about their slaves demanding rights and citizenship.

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e770b3  No.90352

File: 5b0cd0920d6a7a5⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 170x150, 17:15, get_out_jew.gif)



>jewish wordsalad

>its not the jews!

what you are doing like the ilk before you is to wrap up the jewishness in words other than jew to shift, or should i say misdirect, attention away from said jews. there exists a very solid reason as to why the jew gets named. you are either a jewish shill or completely new here and still believes the bullshit that you have been taught by the "system". it may seem like i'm evading your arguments and in a way i am, because they do not matter. your way of arguing has been used times and times again and is of no effect here

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5d38e2  No.90524


What it shows is that you're unable to engage in good faith because you have been inoculated in an echo chamber for far too long and have lost the ability to reason. People who point out flaws in a narrative aren't necessarily shills or controlled opposition. Is thinking this through that hard for you? It's impossible to grow if you can't test the strength of your arguments.

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5e8298  No.90558


According to Talmud, goyim are not permitted to own property. Everything the so called elites do points towards this. Shitksin invaders are used as a part of real estate scheme to kick whites out of their homes, manipulate prices and make sure they are never able to purchase them again. Copyright on GMO crops and destruction of all natural growth is another piece of the puzzle. Digital currency means that you won't be able to avoid (((banks))) or getting taxed to death. They don't even want goyim to eat meat (per noahide laws). Combine that with mass surveillance, good goy points (Chinese system), etc.

People have no idea what kind of nightmare awaits them.

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bdd7f8  No.91043


>It's a "fuck white people" school

>It cost 15k to 25k a year

Who can afford to go there and wants to go there?

I mean jews won't pay that amount of money. Is this just for the ultimate white cucks?

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bdd7f8  No.91053


>Does she have any pull outside of the Jewish community in Sweden?

She is just one of the 22 million jews. All the other jews are the same. For example George Soros. Of course not all of them talks about it so clearly in public.

>I believe the Great Replacement of Europe is the side effect of the economic elites needing cheaper wageslaves

It is called white genocide and those migrants don't work and live on welfare, retard

>Economic elites

There is a mafia called jewry who runs the world. They control all the other rich by blackmailing and by nepotism, simply because there are more jews in the top who act coordinated. A rich white can't trust another rich white, a rich jew however can trust another rich jew. They have sorted out already all the people who do not want to cooperate with them.

Whatever was the reason jews have made it their goal to make white people extinct.

What the elite does will not bring better economy for them or anything. The media is not pro-migrant. It is anti-white. It talks about destroying and killing whites, not making them able to have children. If it were just a side effect anti-whites would not exist. However the propaganda is simply anti-white.

Like CIA research already showed that it is feminism which brings birthrates down. In order to destroy a country from within supporting minority groups is a great way to destroy the country. It is exactly what jews are doing in the west. They are going to destroy the west and whites living in it. Nothing jews do is good for the economy, especially in the long term. They already own the economy and know that the only people suffering from shitty economy are goyim so they don't care.

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e770b3  No.91473


try and turn that argument against itself, who is inoculated into what kind of echo chamber? what if the world at large has become such a thing and the person who cant engage the real world is actually YOU

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bdd7f8  No.91486


There are no flaws in our logic. What you are doing now is simply a shill tactic called gaslighting here.

What he said was that Barbara didn't have much power (she does have significant level of influence though). But this is not supposed to be the argument about Barbara here. The argument about Barbara is that she is a jew and she admits what jews are obviously. We have enough evidence to say that jews want to kill whites and we have enough of evidence to say that jews control at least 90% of the world, if we exclude some countries like North Korea and Iran and say that not all goyim will do what jews want. But they do control government/finance and media in all the western world.

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c70b16  No.91490


>Jews are more involved in "human rights" organizations than average because of how hard it is for Jews to assimilate anywhere and not get pogrom'd so obviously there is an interest there to live in a multicultural society because they are by default not monoethnic in European countries.

You say this because you're a fucking jew. This couldn't be more simple. Imagine typing all this.

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39cda3  No.102778

File: e03aab0605a5888⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 300x300, 1:1, judeo_pomegranate.jpg)

Messy, blood stained pomegranate of kike terror.

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49bb09  No.109405


>We've (Christians are the ONLY ONES!) decimated their population several times over the past but we always buy their bullshit about "OH NOT ALL JEWS!"

You've done none of that. The biggest massacre was by Hadrian.


> I could understand maybe one or two that have been corrupted by the parasite, but it's virtually all nations waving welcome signs.

It actually took time, spreading from the contaminated Rome and trying to expand century after century.

Our christian friend above belongs to the group responsible for the jewish' spreading, also literally allowing them to practice usury at our doorsteps.


>They don't want to buy low / sell high. They want the seller to die.

>Think about what i was saying with the money lending. If I create money and I only create 10,000 jewbucks but require 20,000 jewbucks paid in return… where does the money come frorm to pay me back?

>Answer: It doesn't! I WANT the people to default. I don't want my loans paid back, I want the collateral! This is the fundamental premise of the jew.

There is some of that but the alternative is to lend you money so you can pay the interest you already owe me. It sounds insane, but that's our national debts in a nutshell.

Which they can keep going on until, as you said, they close on us and collect tangible goods and properties. But it's a move thing because whereas they might do that in local activities and remain unscathed (yet for that they were already getting ousted during medieval times), good luck trying to foreclose on entire nations without the people literally going after you. Because if they do this, they won't even be able to pay the traitors. You see that? They won't be able to pay the traitors, who by definition are people of low honor can be bought.

So the national debts are their favorite tools because they continue controlling people in this unending scheme. Nevertheless, they acquire resources in a derivative way that is getting blatant these days, through capitalism, by either acquiring companies or groups or putting tribe members inside, so they can quickly grab assets when there's a market crash or a sudden loss of employment *cough*covid-19*cough* .

It's really all about that, either they grab your assets or they keep you in slavery.

>>18999 (noice)

>This is very accurate. I remember going over civil wars and revolutions and finding close ties to Masons. France, obviously, but other countries such as Brazil had revolutions almost straight after Lodges emerged there.

Yeah by then France was extremely kiked but Napoleon was an oddball they didn't really predict. Guy had too much popular support so he could only be brought down from outside.

Let's not forget the British Revolution though, or generally all those troubles that appears a few decades before the Black Death out of nowhere when several European kingdoms were enjoying prosperity.

>I'm not sure how the finance system can do anything but collapse. Of course this is intentional. I always considered it like a huge game of Monopoly, wherein the winner is the banker and the players are left with nothing.

Eh? When you win at Monopoly the bank is usually left without cash. Because it actually operates pretty much in a non jewed way.

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015a8e  No.109416


Linkola was interesting but Ted is really boring. That's all about tech bad tech bad tech bad be caveman or close.

Shit to that.


Pic looks like it's shopped, with fake face kek.


>I think they foretold this, picture related, although I think cash will transform from physical to purely electronic form. I think this will then be replaced with energy units

Energy units would be used by Aryans, not Jews, since it requires work to extract and is in limited supply, with a given fixed output per unit of collection or production. But Jews would certainly attempt to attach a bond system to this though like they sell pollution bond today, but it's not very efficient and not suited for day to day use.


Talking about tales…

>He was also LOVED by the people

KEK no, he was at the head of a small group in a small sect.

>moved the house of worship on grave sights so jews could not attend

This is why he was touring synagogues?

>stamped roman coins with Roman faces so jews couldn't put their filthy claws on it

He would have never have had neither the infrastructure nor the legal power to do so.

>removed all forms of usary from roman territory

You're joking right?

>and really stirred shit up!

He pissed of Jews which in turn pissed of Pilates who wanted to keep the place sedated.

>Kinda the type of guy would might get LIED about after his death and made out to be a fictitious figure, oh… 400 years later which just so happens to be about the time the bible was written!

Yes, the Bible is a BS book made much later, but what's your point?


>Worried about saying something that might be mangled and misquoted by their child, parents leave concepts of race and difference as mysteries for children to figure out on their own.

>implicit bias in favor of people like ourselves. Their parents would be horrified.

Worried? Horrified?

This has to change!

>>20988 hailed


If this scares them shitless than ok, we are Amalek and we're going to kill them all.


Didn't do anything wrong. He merely wanted to protect his people.


>We are the true Djooz!!!!

Christian Identitard detected.


Perhaps try Julius Evola's work about tantrics and sex magic.

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277f29  No.109492

File: fbf7145b61c49d3⋯.jpeg (14.27 KB, 194x259, 194:259, download_2_.jpeg)

File: 0779350942cbaba⋯.jpg (93.69 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 40mk4y.jpg)


Lol. Dude was based when he was kid. Now … What a dummy. Falling for a quatroon jogress lol.

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327c90  No.109512

File: a4d895461e6390a⋯.jpg (172.15 KB, 489x466, 489:466, ji1i.jpg)

bump. this thread is purtty good.

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72d6af  No.109539

File: 09ca347a4565593⋯.jpeg (50.63 KB, 399x366, 133:122, 823ABF1E_F149_4872_B454_4….jpeg)

File: b53e207c5246ee2⋯.jpeg (859.49 KB, 1281x1499, 1281:1499, 4EECA676_97D8_4952_B432_3….jpeg)


I hear she is super sensitive about her chimpanzee feet. See how her feet display classic chimpanzee allele characteristics of the longer prehensile toes rather than human alleles and characteristics?


He might of been based when he was younger but now he is just a beast fucker and has offspring with one of the niggerpanzees.

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c941c2  No.109550

File: 0b9cc38c6f198e7⋯.png (31.32 KB, 376x230, 188:115, toes.png)

File: 0c7ebdf7b48a4df⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 730x260, 73:26, toes1.jpg)

File: e799010e7131eb7⋯.jpg (58.96 KB, 800x367, 800:367, toes2.jpg)


>What is Mortons toe?

>It was an idealized form in Greek sculpture, and this persisted as an aesthetic standard through Roman and Renaissance periods and later (the Statue of Liberty has toes of this proportion). There are also associations found within Celtic groups.

Are you suggesting the ancient Greeks, the Romans and the Celts are not human? Weird.

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7f51f7  No.109586


I think its hilarious when the media calls her a person of color as if she is some african goddess. She is half sandjew half gazoon at best tryring to imitate the looks of a white woman.

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9543c5  No.109589


'toes' is so stupid, I have 'greek' feet, but I have no sandniggers in my family

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a5bf3f  No.133892

Her cunt is so smelly it damn near killed everybody in Israel so she had to leave for Sweden where people were more tolerant of a rancid smelly cunt

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