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File: 209a6c3d41bf479⋯.gif (434.28 KB, 245x240, 49:48, 1576203974115.gif)

7bffce  No.188830

Don't hate me, American here. I am worried about the kikes and chinks wanting to kill off white race. I would like to learn Russian and becvome a naturalized Russian. Both sides of my family are Russian and we're not kikes, are their any good educational videos or memes about learning Russian language that you can share with me? Thanks! P.S. My parents are no longer alive and I have no kids or siblings so moving would not be problem. It's the language barrier I am mostly worried about.

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abf9f3  No.188831

File: 79d81e0a9ccf10d⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, typical_russian_couple_5.jpg)

File: c545bfe8da89457⋯.jpg (249.48 KB, 1908x1146, 318:191, typical_russian_couple_3.jpg)

File: 06d54eab8f79213⋯.jpg (145.52 KB, 673x405, 673:405, typical_russian_dinner.jpg)

File: 402f4a5fff4ea6e⋯.jpg (45.96 KB, 444x669, 148:223, typical_russian_bride.jpg)

File: 0b41a0b5a629185⋯.jpg (18.11 KB, 480x360, 4:3, typical_russian_blonde_gir….jpg)

Are you guise still pretending like Russia is based and pro-white?

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7bffce  No.188832

File: 6978182475b72fa⋯.gif (2.36 MB, 500x440, 25:22, smug.gif)


lels, we can still make it so it is not too late

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7bffce  No.188834

Look I understand Putin is offering foreigners a homesteading opportunity in Siberia. I have no problem with harsh winters and ravishing grimness, I grew up in Buffalo. We get a lot of harsh winters in western NY I will be fine. The language barrier however, are Cyrillic languages difficult to learn? My parents onl;y spoke them when they were very young and learned english when they were 6 or 7. They never taught me much about it. :(

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