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File: a942826d5f53c54⋯.jpeg (34.31 KB, 350x350, 1:1, C287D30F_0518_493F_A48D_9….jpeg)

10de55  No.188425

What is going on over there at OANN? Seems like scandal after scandal. Now they’re deleting content?


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e6cc79  No.188429


>What is going on over there at OANN?

Kike grifting. You'll fit right in.

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769671  No.188430

Go the fuck away, Q-LARPer.

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c82ff1  No.188438

File: 984186a17605e08⋯.jpg (13.66 KB, 274x184, 137:92, images.jpg)

Isn't that Chink billionaire over at War Room Pandemic just a big shot Chicom himself who represents a faction of Chicoms that have broken off from the party to fight Xi's dictatorship that puts him above the CCP?

His music videos are terrible intolerable cringe.

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330a53  No.188440


I mean all of these figures are quite shady.

I always wonder why they do this kind of shit, must be a really deep need to fuck things up am i right?

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330a53  No.188441


Or someone has him by the balls, doenst really make sense to me.

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4deb70  No.188458


No, he's tied in with the Falun Gong glowniggers, GNews (or whatever his outlet is), Epoch Times, etc. are just faux alternative media versions of Radio Free Asia. And then you get to things like Goldman Sachs Bannon's War Room or modern Jonestein, there's a major intersection of anti-China and fervent zionism, and we can also see this from the neo-cohens like Bill Gertz.

The current anti-China narrative is 100% kosher. It's really bizarre how fast it took over, but I guess that's the magic of people buying into vague not-the-jews bogeymen like the "globalists", whichever judas goat they follow can just plug in a different enemy when the time's right, and they'll follow them to slaughter. A common belief on cuckchan is that BLM is actually a Chinese operation, despite it being openly jewish, and financed by kikes like Soros, who is of course anti-China.

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0ca90a  No.188623


He's corrupt and in China they actually kill you for corruption.

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92d3af  No.188641


Who are you to tell anyone to get out?

YOU don’t own ANYTHING!

Your mother OWNS EVERYTHING you possess!

You fucking Parasite!

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769671  No.188646




You have a containment board. Your spam is not allowed here.

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68e6f8  No.188837

File: 897bd0b76914e99⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 704x502, 352:251, 897bd0b76914e992f335f56f8e….jpg)


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275810  No.188838

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9fa9b6  No.205971


$$\color{purple}{You are gay}$$

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9fa9b6  No.205972


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9fa9b6  No.205974


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