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File: 57385f8975d89d0⋯.jpg (736.88 KB, 1927x1530, 1927:1530, 9081.jpg)

a171de  No.204523


A scene in the city in the film

At first there were a few people in the middle of the road

Suddenly fell to the ground

Nuclear bomb is terrible

Can you see it?

AI Restoration 4K upscaled video of RDS-37 Soviet hydrogen bomb test.

On November 22, 1955, the Soviet Union conducted the first test of a hydrogen bomb, codenamed RDS-37, at the Semipalatinsk test site in what is now Kazakhstan. The RDS-37 was the Soviet Union's first two-stage thermonuclear weapon test. The Soviet Union had announced as early as August 12, 1953 that it had conducted a thermonuclear test, the RDS-6 test, which was in fact an enhanced fission bomb.

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ce91e4  No.204525


Sorry, but on this board we don't believe anything ever happens. Everything is a false flag with crisis actors and Hollywood special effects. Nuclear bombs don't exist.

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7ebecf  No.204529


It depends; did SAGE! jew approve this thread?Enquiring minds need to know.

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39de44  No.204530


>Sorry, but on this board we don't believe anything ever happens. Everything is a false flag with crisis actors and Hollywood special effects. Nuclear bombs don't exist.

Hang on, I need to know what the MSM says about it first, so I can believe the opposite. It's only fake if the MSM says it's real. Things they say are fake are actually real.

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b0d9a9  No.204533


>you’re a jew if you sage spam threads

Paid shill confirmed. Commit suicide for supporting the destruction of this board.

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39de44  No.204536


>Paid shill confirmed. Commit suicide for supporting the destruction of this board.

thanks for outing yourself sagefag. You are getting clever and avoiding the stock phrases you use that I filter you with.

At least I can filter you for the rest of this one.

Bye bye fuckwit.

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b0d9a9  No.204541


>thanks for outing yourself

No one was hiding, paid jewish shill.

>You are getting clever and avoiding the stock phrases you use

Nope. Not even remotely trying to bypass a paid shill’s filters.

>At least I can filter you for the rest of this one.


>Bye bye fuckwit.

Reported for continuing to spam every single thread.

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7ebecf  No.204548


>>you’re a jew if you sage spam threads

>Paid shill confirmed. Commit suicide for supporting the destruction of this board.

You're not a jew if you s age spam threads. The black guys fucking teen white girls is still up I see and nobody's taking that shit down.

But you are a jew for being a 24/7 control freak and I thank you kindly for proving that point. I study around the clock and take two hour naps intermittently. Been doing it for years. Doesn't matter what day what hour of the clock I come here you are on any post I make like a fly on shit within a minute or two. Seriously you need to go for walks, study mathematics, learn to read Italian so you can study Dante or something. You're as fucked up as any West Bank settler with ringlet forelocks sporting a phylactery.

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b0d9a9  No.204554


>The black guys fucking teen white girls is still up I see and nobody's taking that shit down.

Hence why sage is our only point of power left.

>But you are a jew for being a 24/7 control freak and I thank you kindly for proving that point.




You’re clinically insane.

>Doesn't matter what day what hour of the clock I come here you are on any post I make like a fly on shit within a minute or two.










You’re clinically insane.

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39de44  No.204563

File: 31aac858fd36deb⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1500x960, 25:16, ClipboardImage.png)


Use 'em

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b0d9a9  No.204566


Reminder that this is a paid shill who now publicly supports white genocide thanks to his autistic, subhuman hatred of the word sage.

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ce91e4  No.204583


>waiting for sagebro


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b0d9a9  No.204597


>has no argument

>thinks white genocide is funny

I wasn’t even planning to sage the thread, but you paid shills decided to destroy it. Oh well.

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39de44  No.204599

File: 7e3e13397f626b3⋯.jpg (290.61 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, sagefag.jpg)


I give you: sagefag

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b0d9a9  No.204607


>admitted paid shill posts a selfie

It’s that easy, ladies and gents. You can get them to do anything. All you have to do is denounce the spam threads they post.

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98aae5  No.204612

File: bd52669fcd776a5⋯.jpg (70.51 KB, 670x440, 67:44, science_vs_fiction_world_w….jpg)

no idea I'm just here to piss off sagebro

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39de44  No.204638

File: 6908eeb9731d9a6⋯.png (356.92 KB, 447x559, 447:559, f78716_20070906_huntersarg….png)

transparent bg

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b7cf34  No.204639


Nice Poe's Law instance.

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c0eedf  No.204752

nukes don't real

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4b9f26  No.205797


no one appears to die. A few fall over in some shots, but the main shockwave never hits those sites

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b9dd61  No.205942

File: acc0535f1856d35⋯.jpg (90.16 KB, 685x567, 685:567, interesting_retard.jpg)

its still a very real possibility that nuclear bombs do not exist, but are an illusion of brainwashing, to control the people through fear.

especially in the 50s, it was so much easier to do a psyop. things like just setting off a bunch of TNT, and video editing afterward to exaggerate. possibly to cover up a genocide by conventional means. the possibilities are endless within the technological innocence of the mid 1900's.


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c7f7c7  No.205944


Global report for sliding every on-topic thread on the board and bumping every spam thread.

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39de44  No.205960


Fuck you namefag

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877ad8  No.209787

File: 34056e56be87537⋯.jpg (82.6 KB, 981x690, 327:230, VNNP.jpg)


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22e155  No.209833

File: b3f147f47459649⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 515x512, 515:512, eFa.jpg)

aftUXK SAQdMGKM GkcOSqXm unNgBlFn xGveWdVe HstH WBrP uNcWpgey TPdhJpBMC cduoFDjpbqwh gJNRNmlrHJ ypqzMgSlgm IKVngglyKGu jxsQbfxpb pEQWjaRfpPyS OSfYserKgKM DrJgZCMi IBlT PZuPxHFMPVSM

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a82dc0  No.210326

File: de87ad5c909b339⋯.jpg (76.78 KB, 972x618, 162:103, EfHCzhKak.jpg)


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c0211d  No.210445

File: e4b89f3576c25cb⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 995x693, 995:693, rjWxnek.jpg)

Zfh IZMeGIXi ePeaNbfM ycz kpSQ KbEi MqCxe xRKuf oaDbO eEOZ Gooh YtFfpf ckSp byKyLVHyQ NnWHPAA KwioaPKTpk uhEA DBWqCXu

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2cea68  No.211061

File: 57233d3ae6fd6f8⋯.jpg (39.1 KB, 417x416, 417:416, h.jpg)

vHwbGlkVz GRUAc BimXNKusrYU hUiqZTuM DcyEcWaZ pSn aUh kvoFVckeTYM bjePrZgklST xJLTgmV oZddb hdSwMVMZxIeD IpNuw BYYZYT onFzgGxCn

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c2f8b2  No.211068

File: 82bcc85842b6d3d⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 1074x625, 1074:625, tVILGhpA.jpg)

ezCupGq ccYvnJmDssO CQgzAmETs nnrNOruVhO yEfFuUtNp ZiLCRUpbH kiOHmw tkHVLdQuNJQz VwhMnQGl

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e3cf61  No.211141

File: 668c80830a21463⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 1097x573, 1097:573, kzCG.jpg)

LlP FKFBFVeIg pdmc sPRIrQYvPafS NHq wJkxG

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fe4a24  No.212230

File: c1439292b27a0e5⋯.jpg (53.57 KB, 511x514, 511:514, MldCRIbSG.jpg)

vhF HBR pWSom oZIEJhx fFnujGZHHPd RjS xoqVp jTzr DfPlEX Erjtru Vxj boVk

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fa68c8  No.213780

File: 4ca0e2a43003d8b⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 483x476, 69:68, wGavY.jpg)

VHEGoyONq WvLdPaxpnUR jiMTwVGSgl SWQSyQmg HGlnqgWrYNK chTNbIiwKGZQ xWoshiWbgqCO QqcZ PnUlhrrq oncXkKegilAy

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ee3dd1  No.214617

File: ed71b2777228c97⋯.jpg (35.48 KB, 295x524, 295:524, loT.jpg)


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