619db0 No.188257[Last 50 Posts]
China is on track to match or surpass virtually all of America's grand achievements in space in the next 10 years.
* Orbiter, lander and rover are currently en route to Mars (1)
* Large, permanent space station in 2021-22 (2)
* Large space telescope (2) rumored for 2024 (3)
* Solar observatory (4) rumored for 2024 (3)
* Venus probe (1, p8) rumored for 2021 (3)
* Asteroid sample return (1, p8) rumored for 2024 (3)
* Mars sample return (1, p8) rumored for 2028 (3)
* Jupiter probe (5)
* 500 meter diameter radio telescope was finished in 2016 (6). Incidentally, the 300 meter diameter American equivalent collapsed on itself in 2020. (7)
* Reusable first stage rocket is in development by a state-owned contractor (17). Expendable test launch in 2020 Dec 20. (3)
* Several private companies are working on reusable first stage rockets. (18, 19, 20)
* Reusable spaceplane launched in 2020 (21)
China does not officially have a manned lunar landing program. An official said they might land around 2031-36 (8). However, looking at what they are actually doing, it seems they intend to land by around ~2026 and those statements are just a misdirection to keep Americans complacent.
* Deep space manned spacecraft test in 2020 (9)
* Super-heavy-lift moon rocket started development in 2018. It will use existing engines and tank diameter to expedite development (9, 10). The engine configuration suggests it will have reusable first stage and boosters.
* A research station on the lunar south pole will be constructed before 2030. (11)
* In 2020 China conducted a robotic miniature Apollo-style mission to raise a small flag on the moon and bring home 2kg of moon rocks (12). This constituted an integrated test of almost all technologies needed for a manned landing.
* 150m^2 mock moonbase (Yuegong-1) built in 2017 to test technologies for recycling crew excretions into food and water. (13)
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619db0 No.188258
NASA has been working on a moon rocket for a long time. In 2005 they started with active shuttle tank production line, an active booster production line, a pile of shuttle main engines, and a mission to build a big moon/mars rocket out of shuttle parts. (14, 15) 15 years and tens of billions of dollars later, still no rocket. They are now saying the rocket won't fly until the end of 2021 at the earliest. US government spaceflight isn't exactly a high speed endeavour these days. In 2017, Trump told NASA to hurry up and get back to the moon by 2024 (15). However, the House and Senate appropriations bills for fiscal year 2021 allocate 18% and 29% respectively of the funding NASA requested for a moon lander (16). At this rate, there won't be any landing until the 2030s.
Do you think progress by China will incite Congress to fund some grand space stunts? Or will they just expect Elon or Jeff to cobble something together on their own dime?
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619db0 No.188259
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619db0 No.188261
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619db0 No.188262
China's next generation crewed spacecraft for deep space missions
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619db0 No.188263
next generation manned rocket thrust transmission structure test article
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619db0 No.188264
Render of robotic moon lander used in the Chang'e 5 lunar sample return mission
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619db0 No.188266
manned moon landing mission architecture
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619db0 No.188270
Render of new space station to be constructed in 2021-2022
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e4798a No.188275
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619db0 No.188277
this is the space station core module undergoing testing in preparation for launch
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783316 No.188279
I suppose I should find this interesting. But it's kind of nothing, especially compared to the AI race.
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c9aedc No.188300
Tell us about SpaceX. I know it's a gareway to make US tech Israel steals acceptable. I'm also sure the Feds are in bed with Musk from all the funding he gets.
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e4798a No.188301
Biology is the only frontier that matters. All this crap is just theft from public coffers.
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619db0 No.188392
I'd agree that in the long term AI will probably be the single most impactful area of technology. Still, in the less-long term space technology will be very important. Reusable rockets means you can afford more spacecraft. This has important commercial and military applications.
The horizon of a spacecraft is dependent on its height above the Earth. If a space communications system has more spacecraft, then global coverage can be maintained with each spacecraft in a lower orbit while, which reduces latency. This is the idea behind SpaceX's Starlink system.
Maritime surveillance by spacecraft is used by China to target their anti-ship missiles. A larger space surveillance constellation can survey more area and at a faster update rate, making it much harder for ships to evade detection. Larger constellations also makes the system more resilient to attack.
Spectacular space stunts are important for international prestige and national self-image. By precedent, space station and moon rocks are a rite of passage for any aspiring superpower. By completing it, China will prove they have the engineering power to play in the big league. And if China surpasses America in space, it will convince a lot of people that China has surpassed America on Earth as well. This matters for China's ability to make alliances.
Another consideration is that many weapons have a lot of technology in common with space vehicles. So space stunts are big advertisements for weapons.
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619db0 No.188394
I'd agree that biology is a kind of "end-goal science", particularly as pertaining to immortality, eternal youth and enhanced intelligence. However, I wouldn't crown it as the "only frontier that matters". Biology has a lot of synergy with other fields. For example, computers are used to model chemical reactions. And biology is interdisciplinary by its own nature; advanced biology is really chemistry, and advanced chemistry is really quantum physics.
Anyway, measuring space missions by opportunity costs in science seems a bit like comparing apples to oranges. The primary goals of space stunts are political; science is a secondary goal.
That is not to say there isn't worthy science to do in space. For example, radiometric dating of extraterrestrial material is useful for creating a more exact timeline of the formation of the solar system. Exposing materials to the extreme atmospheric and thermal environment of space can inform the design of future spacecraft. While that has been done to death on the ISS by now, I'm sure the Chinese want to try for themselves.
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619db0 No.188399
> Tell us about SpaceX
In a space race with China, SpaceX's Raptor engine is America's ace card. It is a methalox full-flow staged combustion engine. That is the holy grail of reusability. It is also highly efficient. Such engines require advanced metallurgy and it will take years for the Chinese to catch up.
> I'm also sure the Feds are in bed with Musk from all the funding he gets
SpaceX hasn't received all that much money, relatively speaking.
* By 2017, NASA had awarded SpaceX $7.7bn to develop a family of space capsules and rockets and send to the ISS astronauts and cargo over 20 times. (1, p42)
* SpaceX charges about $150m for a Falcon Heavy launch. (4)
For comparison:
* By the time they first blast off in 2021, NASA will already have paid $19bn for Lockheed Martin's Orion capsule (2), $17.4bn for Boeing's SLS (3), and several more billions for the Constellation program predecessor.
* ULA, which is a joint venture by Lockheed Martin and Boeing, charges about $400m for a Delta IV Heavy launch (4). ULA is so uncompetetive on price that they mostly just launches for the US federal government.
A cynic would suspect that SLS and Orion are money laundering operations to send taxpayer money through federal contractors to activist groups, political action committees and re-election campaigns. Now that would be "in bed with the Feds". Of course as time passes by, SpaceX might be drawn into that kind of relationship with the government as well.
> I know it's a gareway to make US tech Israel steals acceptable
I don't think SpaceX transfers any technology to Israel. SpaceX's big thing is reusable rockets. To my knowledge Israel hasn't done anything in that area.
(1) https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-18-016.pdf
(2) https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-20-018.pdf
(3) https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-20-012.pdf
(4) https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/12/elon-musk-spacex-falcon-heavy-costs-150-million-at-most.html
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619db0 No.188400
An image of the Mars orbiter-lander-rover spacecraft Tianwen-1, taken while en route to Mars by a detachable camera.
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e4798a No.188402
Riiiiighhhht. So the bullshit about 'detachable cameras' is now addressed by just saying that it is not a prop on a dark set but that it has 'a detachable camera'…this reminds me of the Moon mission camera that 'panned up' as the lander took off back to earth…ummmhmmm…as I said, all bullshit. Biochem is the only real end goal for all science.
Sometimes a narrower more refined view can tell you everything you need to understand.
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e37eef No.188403
Get out, fuckstick. Go whack yourself off with the other brain damaged cultists.
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783316 No.188443
>Biology is the only frontier that matters
Yeah.. but that frontier will be explored by AI, not by us - it's already happening in biotech (1). Algorithms do the research and make the discoveries.
>'detachable cameras'
It's fairly easy to tell if an object like a space probe is there or not.. I mean you could probably observe it yourself with a telescope. If it wasn't real it would be called out immediately - (by people with telescopes I mean - not by internet screechers). There were many independent observations made of the Apollo program, including by the Soviets who had a very big insentive to call bullshit on it (2)
Also, I love how out of all the pieces of technology required for a mission like this the one you call out is "detachable camera". Like the thing they would have a problem with is "a camera - but one that we can detatch". It wouldn't even have to be recoverable - they could just jettison the thing and transmit photos back for as long as it was in range. Fuck they could even just put a regular smartphone out of the airlock and use the WiFi radio to send photos back.
>So space stunts are big advertisements for weapons.
Perhaps. China already has global ICBM coverage (3). I would imagine people who matter know this already… but maybe having it in their face is worth it to the chinks.
(1) https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/deepmind-ai-speeds-up-the-time-to-determine-proteins-structures-68221
(2) https://archive.org/details/twosidesofmoon00scot
(3) https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/china/
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e37eef No.188454
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619db0 No.188674
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619db0 No.188677
It's not just about ICBMs. For example the Chang'e 5 moon mission. The lander detached from the orbiter and landed on the lunar surface. The ascender then docked with the orbiter again to transfer the sample. This demonstrates Chinese proficiency in avionics.
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619db0 No.188678
This is a model of China's new super-heavy-lift moon rocket currently in development. It is yet unnamed and has interim name "next generation manned rocket" or informally the "921 rocket". It will use existing engines and tank diameter to expedite development. It will be able to send 25 ton into trans-lunar injection, slightly more than the weight of China's new deep space crewed spacecraft. For manned lunar landings, the lander and crew would be launched separately and rendezvous in lunar orbit.
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619db0 No.188679
I figured the image needs more context. This is a thrust transmission structure test article for China's new super-heavy-lift moon rocket. The engine configuration of six engines radially surrounding one engine on the central axis suggests that the first stage will be reusable. When a rocket is landing, it has expended almost all its fuel and weighs <5% of liftoff weight. At least 7 engines with one mounted on the central axis are needed so that the single central engine at minimum thrust will only produce slightly more lift than needed for a hover. I figured the image needed more context.
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619db0 No.188682
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619db0 No.188689
"Biden space advisers urge cooperation with China"
"Top advisers to Joe Biden have argued that it's important to cooperate with China on space exploration"
"Most of the nearly two dozen former astronauts, government officials and space experts interviewed by POLITICO agreed that America could lose its position as the global space leader if it shuts Beijing out entirely."
"Cooperate with China on space exploration" sounds like code for "surrender and let China win, because we don't want to spend what it takes to outdo them". Apparently the new admin has no appetite for a costly space race and is ready to wave the white flag already.
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5cfd1b No.188691
Isnt it pretty common that nations work together in such a manner?
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5cfd1b No.188692
Lmao i knew that stealing would be in that article.
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79ab31 No.188698
Good references
>"Top advisers to Joe Biden have argued that it's important to cooperate with China on space exploration"
>"Cooperate with China on space exploration" sounds like code for "surrender and let China win,
Nah it's code for forcing US companies to give their IP over to chinks, Biden and his cronies will receive large "consultancy fees" from said chinks to arrange this. I have no sources for this, I just heard that thats what obama's crew did with military contracts. I'll look for a source.
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619db0 No.188722
Joint projects only work when the partners aren't trying to one-up another, because you can't claim sole credit for a joint project. Apollo-Soyuz and ISS only happened after the Russians gave up on Space Race 1.0. "Let's cooperate on space exploration" is the kind of rhetoric you resort to when you've given up on competing and want to pretend it isn't a competition.
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79ab31 No.188727
I bet chinks would be lot cooler if they hadn't become commies. I just see them as some kind of hivemind now… I guess that's cool too in a way.
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5cfd1b No.188728
Competion means no cooperation.
That is a non sequitur.
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79ab31 No.188729
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5cfd1b No.188734
Seems impotant in every way.
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5cfd1b No.188735
Oh those are the guys with the kiddie logo.
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79ab31 No.188736
>kiddie logo.
>Seems impotant in every way.
Yeah doesn't seem amazing compared to a group of longbowmen. I have no way of assessing the shock effect of a thing like this though. Remember that you win battles by causing your enemy to flee.
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5cfd1b No.188738
It is like telegraphed punch all at the same time.
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5cfd1b No.188739
Also a longbow man can shoot an arrow with much greater precision. It is a gimmick.
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79ab31 No.188741
 | Rolled 4, 3 = 7 (2d6) |
> It is a gimmick.
Maybe one that makes a medieval chong shit his pants though?
What were cavalry elephants for? To deal damage or force a morale roll.
(Rolling 2d6 vs Elephant)
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5cfd1b No.188748
Yeah but a war elephant is really terrifying. Can calculate how many men you can feed for one elephant. You can also do that with that fireworks thingy, because i assume arrows are very expensive. I would take the elephant.
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79ab31 No.188751
Yeah if I could chose between adding a firework to my army or a fucking elephant I would chose the elephant. I heard horses hate elephants (1) and try to get away from them.
So you are right - the ancient chink rocket launcher was a gimmick.
(1) https://history.stackexchange.com/a/6100
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df5fb6 No.188769
O so China has been stealing Western Technology again like always and then making shitty crude versions of what the West did 70 years ago, well China is collapsing already anyway and will be be starving in mass. You realize the chinese never even invented the wheel and had to be given bronze age technology by Europeans and thats never stopped the chinks just try to steal it now but its their own demise, because china is too incompetent to survive or to handle technology invented by White Men. Like a drowning horse China is clinging to its last few seconds of air before Chinas Total Collapse and starvation.
Faggot Chink bot detected ,fuck China.
Chinese people are mutt goblins and no they were always soul less bug people,they already are collapsing and by far the most incompetent group ,see above post.
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619db0 No.189412
The White House has released a memorandum that calls for the development of nuclear spacecraft propulsion and better radioisotope power systems. While it doesn't call for a full-on NERVA 2.0 program, the fact that positive noises in that regard are coming from the White House is interesting.
"(a) Develop uranium fuel processing capabilities that enable production of fuel that is suitable to lunar and planetary surface and in-space power, nuclear electric propulsion (NEP), and nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) applications, as needed."
"(iii) Technology development. DoD, in coordination with DOE and other agencies, and with private-sector partners, as appropriate, should develop reactor and propulsion system technologies that will resolve the key technical challenges in areas such as reactor design and production, propulsion system and spacecraft design, and [space nuclear power and propulsion ] system integration. "
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973873 No.189432
>Chinks never invented anything
Sources please
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0506e9 No.189553
It is like you have never spent any time around the bug people. They are third worst race after the nigger and the jew. They outbreed the nigger. Think about that for a while.
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b865a9 No.189627
space travel is fucking gay, lmao
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022540 No.190156
China's new spaceplane underslung bomber for glide tests (image from 2012). Similar to American X-37B. Launched into space in 2020.
(link from OP) https://www.npr.org/2020/09/09/911113352/new-chinese-space-plane-landed-at-mysterious-air-base-evidence-suggests?t=1608393758101
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973873 No.190182
I think the one thing that is notable is that China is engaged in "Great Works" whereas the USA is not.
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247390 No.190248
Remember the moon crash shitshow? Isreal is sending 3 more satellites to the moon
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f91a06 No.191011
The US still does some big things in space. This year they launched the Mars 2020 rover. They launched a space probe that will enter the outer fringes of the sun. They are part of the ISS. In 2026 they plan to launch a Mars sample return mission. I think the difference between the US and China is that the US government no longer thinks about how to do bigger and better. Nowadays that only occurs in the US private sector, which doesn't have the same resources as the federal government. Meanwhile, the government in China is full of ambition with regards to spaceflight.
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c755ea No.191013
>Breakthrough Starshot
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e37eef No.191016
>Mars 2020 rover
OH BOY! YET ANOTHER FUCKING ROVER! Not a miniature ISRU testbed platform to manufacture rocket fuel and distill water and breathing O2 from Martian resources, oh no. Not a sample return mission based on that platform using Martian fuel to get back, thereby lowering the initial cost of the launch and allowing the payload to be even bigger. Not any other future human habitability testbeds, oh no, ANOTHER ROVER! GOLLY GEE, WHAT WILL THIS ONE DO THAT THE OTHERS DIDN'T? What's that? Nothing? DAAAAAAAAAAYUMN, SON. Pathetic.
>a space probe that will enter the outer fringes of the sun
Neat, sure, but it's not profitable.
>They are part of the ISS
Most expensive boondoggle in history. We should have gone with the original plan to use Shuttle ETs to build a space station. Would've had 100x the living space and it would have made the shuttle not a worthless design by committee failure.
>In 2026 they plan to launch a Mars sample return mission.
Just in time for white genocide to begin openly.
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c755ea No.191017
Maybe evolution is like a kite in the space, sometimes the little edges and roughnessness that arent round push it further till a new equilbirim is met and found, when the kite is so light that only the light pushes or retracts it and not gravity, in that case the "lazyness" of the molecules. Because the kite is already there.
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c755ea No.191019
The CIA uses their partnership marketplace otherwise their agents go snappeddisnap.
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973873 No.191030
Well, the USA could instead work on some other collective "Great Work".
I don't know what would be appropriate for the age though? I giant KFC bucket made of cum that is visible from space?
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c0f72a No.196878
>Most expensive boondoggle in history. We should have gone with the original plan to use Shuttle ETs to build a space station
While lamenting past decisions, I'd say it would have been even better would to just continue the Saturn I/V series and Apollo CSM. Overall, the Space Shuttle program was a disaster. It was less capable, more expensive, and less safe.
The Saturn V could launch a payload of 144,000kg to low earth orbit or a payload of 48,600kg to trans-lunar injection. The Space Shuttle could launch a payload of 80,000kg to low earth orbit, yet only 27,700kg of it was useful cargo. The Space Shuttle could not go any further than low earth orbit.
Saturn V was optionally manned if paired with the Apollo CSM, which had a launch escape system. The Space Shuttle was an inherently unreliable design as demonstrated in the Challenger and Columbia disasters, yet could not be launched unmanned and had no launch escape system.
Space Shuttle program had a total cost of $209bn in 2011 dollars, which averages to ~$1.55bn for each launch. Saturn V had a program cost of ~$44.6bn for 13 launches in 2011 dollars, yet the R&D and infrastructure was already paid for. The marginal cost of a launch vehicle was $185m, which is ~$1,284m in 2011 dollars, although there was of course also the cost of ground facilities. The per kilogram to low earth orbit with the Saturn V cost ~$14,000 in 2011 dollars. With the decision to replace it with the Space Shuttle, it instead cost ~$56,000.
Source on Saturn V cost:
Source on Space Shuttle cost:
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684913 No.196926
>I'd say it would have been even better would to just continue the Saturn I/V series and Apollo CSM.
Fuck yes it would have. Saturn V had the benefit of being sexy as hell, too.
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11d09e No.196931
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afe91f No.196950
why did he chose that bible passage to post on his grave stone?
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11d09e No.196991
Maybe because the heavens declare the glory of God, and he gave his life's work to showing us, what could have been. Maybe because when he looked up at the clear, night sky, he knew Christ had made everything in order for good.
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afe91f No.196994
>The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
t. KJV
it makes reference to the firmament and he was a lead rocket scientist. flat earth is retarded but this was always interesting
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619db0 No.208053
Now Tianwen-1 has successfully entered Martian orbit, and will attempt a landing in about three months.
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84b253 No.208116
Wernher Von Braun wasn't the only rocket scientist in the world you know. Robert Goddard and his team in New Mexico were launching crude rockets when Von Braun was only a child. NASA named a few buildings after him in his honor
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ad8251 No.209778
RPNnCNWu DQZypb zcLzT IgweRxir CIJTznmUJAxN cxAeWNtGGaj YWxnEPi uypbzSRsrmfP fUN
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add1aa No.209875
pxsxAM RYyUs nFhnFikzZ eTbmxDUPzcF aFvCCHZW pAXxhIcK hyDVTPKYWJsQ vxvO PvWZMAS dlYW sgtxe hwOTfZCKR rTJihuowX LfkV broRLsafW seNFWyRWQd WXaOaPvrvcM HJQCOgwIu
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a5df5e No.210323
irZjmuKN GNkZBQUWSfo BcCdMbGUxcc eFiimQGqXX hJVxdXUHts
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5d0c00 No.210371
tIBWAraMns UMtURMs QvIqrflu lhk cqVDwieI FtmfJ awiWthUMlI FaUDeYYZp uttWrFgpgc uYfOq LOsdfOOnrR Bxdkh oeKTfBrp bRFTscdW KdL
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5e87ac No.211114
QdxGKdhsekMw HzFFlEKPP uvK tetT TpwgS gIQGrvbzMJ
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31b844 No.212236
wSsGDYkUeRME WEnKtdEHtJz yGScGF BCBvSHZlRG glbIp fjDXtTGgsWxR wlZkRVFH gmtx zOhuGaN YkPwzbQ zEUtuLnvWMHJ IjiUtGTGXsA sdid
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2215de No.214361
QlgXjYUt QwUtuLe SPX CKNOxL AQnbqESQjh pLfPDReMQE PGjHs LLqR qCIQmwubr xCkvHjQh wWfiyOS vxQ HaSMyQidL neTDx dbVN SPQ wVUTCC sOfRM
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