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File: 953cd8bc58beef4⋯.jpg (281.42 KB, 1920x1088, 30:17, kenneth_branagh_wild_wild_….jpg)

8fa4a2  No.188109

17 centuries, since the Papal Lafayette Order established in the 3rd century, the witch hunts, of cultism, the combination of religion and medicine. A doctor could consult a priest, and a priest could consult a doctor, but together, they are a psychiatrist. Since eugenics (undesirables), now we have forensics (antisocial), all of it a doctrine system out of Babylon, rings of poor starving for a donut.

The combined leadership figure is gay (literal interpretation of text in advantage of maneuver, a misogynist), a homosexual (consumption of defecation, female), and a doctrinist cultist (combination of the terms of gay and homosexual, a medical scientist with no sense of context, a hazed individual).

Hear my words, 8chan. Dr. Loveless, Colella's grocery staff, will you not help James Bond? Blofeld, Barack Obama, had a legendary psychotic break, in front of Israel, because of Gotham, a television fun-time show, while hunting 007.

Come on, man. The Queen needs this wrapped up, it's No Time to Die.

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