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c9cee5  No.187881

1. Use the word "Us/We" a lot

2. Connect everything dissident right to Adolf Hitler and the 3rd reich

3. Demonise alt-right sources of information for being "too soft", "israel friendly", "larpers" etc. the reason doesn't matter, the result - information network breakdown - does

4. Commence psywar tactics, create unproductive threads centred around demoralisation, especially regarding demographics or women, make heavy use of "Us, we" language to emulate the feeling of friends or allies deserting the movement, to trigger tribal instincts

5. Work hard to derail and slide constructive threads (through the bumping of the demoralisation threads), even get into the website administration and 404 threads you dislike.

6. If 1-5 fail, contact ISP and pressure them to shut down the website.

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178ad1  No.187883

>muh altright

stahp. nazbol is dead. zionism is dead. it's all dead, man.

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c9cee5  No.187884


The "third reich" shit is to essentially paint a target on your enemy's head. If you call them evil nazis and then try to associate their politics solely with evil nazis then you can sculpt a community to resemble the stereotype of evil nazis.


Your skeleton is male. Your hands are male. Your brain, skull structure, face, stench and behaviour is all male. Estrogen tablets won't change that, cutting off your penis won't change that. Everyone who sees you in the street is silently disgusted. When they smile at you, they are lying. You are an abomination and you willingly chose to delude yourself into believing you were the opposite sex. Maybe there is an afterlife that will grant you your wish but there is only one way to find out, and that is the tight grip of the noose, as you will never ever be a woman in this world.

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c9cee5  No.187885

You see these kikes, who are genetically diseased retarded niggers, they know they can't actually win in the realm of debate. Pretty much any open debate they've ever had they get destroyed and lose public opinion. They need control over the moderation of the debate to ever win. They need to make speech illegal, demonise their opponents as satanists, deplatform their opponents places of congregation and misdirect and demoralise their opponents in the few that are left. But the big Gold Pill is that it's all built upon a house of cards. It is all essentially compound taboo and divide et impera. But the dissident right has the moral and logical high ground - it always has essentially, and free discussion and the free sharing of information sends this house of cards tumbling to the ground. Millions upon millions of people were redpilled in the 2015 migrant crisis alone, despite multiculti degenerate propaganda lasting half a century, Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. The house of cards collapses. It's so utterly fragile. It requires the combined censorious might of all of big tech, acting like a big brother 1984 surveillance state, and the equally threatening force of cancel culture, to stop the entire society from being redpilled off the deep end.

They can't compete with the dissident right in the realm of ideas - our politics are both morally and rationally superior to theirs, which are at first glance rationally bankrupt, and at deeper inspection at their underlying globalist purpose, completely morally bankrupt. Demoralisation should motivate you, because it means someone out there thinks your beliefs are dangerous, and they want to stop you spreading them. Don't stop spreading them. Peace out and live long.

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c9cee5  No.187888




A Palestinian man balls deep in a Jewess, Hail Hamas!

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