Daily reminder that the schizos were unironically right.
The future that awaits us if we don't put a stop to this is straight out of half-life 2.
>Drugged drinking water supply that makes you stupid. (Flouride)
>Your DNA is owned.
>Your DNA connects you with every essential service.
>Mass surveillance
>Live in cramped pod housing.
>Extremely limited movement
>5G reproductive suppression field.
>Any form wrongthink will make the elite block you out of their system, starving you.
>If not they send you off to the gulags.
>Populations shipped around creating mixed non-homogenous slave populations
>Transhumanist military units under their complete control
>AI Overwatch
I used to be skeptic, but with Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 & The Great Reset and everything. This is unironically what the elite plans for us. I wish I was kidding. Say hello to your new Combine overlords.