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File: f9486c2b054240e⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 640x512, 5:4, Half_Life_2.jpg)

File: 6247f3be2f82e71⋯.jpg (105.91 KB, 1000x565, 200:113, 070919124549_003_Jf3ZXz3g_….jpg)

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613e01  No.187233

Daily reminder that the schizos were unironically right.

The future that awaits us if we don't put a stop to this is straight out of half-life 2.

>Drugged drinking water supply that makes you stupid. (Flouride)

>Your DNA is owned.

>Your DNA connects you with every essential service.

>Mass surveillance

>Live in cramped pod housing.

>Extremely limited movement

>5G reproductive suppression field.

>Any form wrongthink will make the elite block you out of their system, starving you.

>If not they send you off to the gulags.

>Populations shipped around creating mixed non-homogenous slave populations

>Transhumanist military units under their complete control

>AI Overwatch

I used to be skeptic, but with Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 & The Great Reset and everything. This is unironically what the elite plans for us. I wish I was kidding. Say hello to your new Combine overlords.

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7a0d39  No.187255

File: 84a93f9b0a69477⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

If half life 2 is unironically our future then Deus Ex is our present.

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eba237  No.187263


>Say hello to your new Combine overlords.

nah. i'm going out like a fuckin unit. the sky father will be proud.

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1d71f6  No.187329


I agree HL2 showed what life would become after a technocratic takeover.


>Weaponized drones

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1f8a72  No.187362


What if the aliens that former Isreal space security chief is talking about joined forces with palestine to get rid of Trump to not expose them so they can remain hidden so they can rule over everything here without people knowing its aliens that's controlling everything and they just looked and said their friendly to the countries that would closer reveal them so that they could say they are friendly to the people that wouldn't uncover them (palestine and (maybe china) and friends). Valve r cool if true

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4c67bc  No.187364

File: 3109e956955e12e⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2568x2384, 321:298, 1386383138475.jpg)

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863792  No.187637

Valve tried to warn us. Half life Alyx teaches us to aim for the head.

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