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File: 920fc89d38c00d1⋯.jpg (7.12 KB, 300x168, 25:14, LHOHQ.jpg)

d4c2ae  No.187029

Hey, /pnd/, I'm retarded so I thought I'd come and ask some smart people what they think. Probably nothing, old and investigated, but is this perhaps more relevant now than ever before?

http://ww w.lhohq.info/container/how_to_steal_an_election.html

Perhaps we should do a re-dig into LHO?

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57d860  No.187030

What is that?

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f0894e  No.187034

File: 02daf97db31f751⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3834x2033, 3834:2033, web_design.JPG)

Normally I wouldn't reply to a fucked up thread like this but I can't resist; I haven't seen webpage design like this since oh…the late 90's.

Must be a real "web wizard".


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d4c2ae  No.187036


Not sure how old the site is, but I learned about it a year or two ago. It's… Just a weird rabbithole of shit. Not much other way to put it. It's probably just some wacky art project, but who knows?

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cba77a  No.187063


too mutch text. im too lazy to read that

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f0894e  No.187192


Government agents like to go out and make more or less pertinent accusations against themselves before anybody else does, couching them in absurd or visibly demented terms to make anyone justly accusing them of their crimes to be insane lunatics by association. After all, they created the internet.

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