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38c637  No.186581[Last 50 Posts]

>Copied from another chan:

According to Mackinder's theory, whatever state is able to dominate Eastern Europe will dominate the Heartland of the World Island (Eurasia). Whatever state manages to accomplish this will command the World Island and thus, command the greater power on the earth.

>Who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland

>Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island

>Who rules the World Island commands the world

Yet the conclusion of WW2 saw the total conquest of Eastern Europe by the USSR. Ironically, Mackinder, who died in 1947, got to see his worst nightmare come true. According to his theory, the USSR should have moved on to dominate the earth. Yet, of course, Mackinder theorized that a coalition of states who occupy the Rimland could contend with the Heartland. Yet they would (according to this theory) surely be at a massive disadvantage, particularly since increases in military technology increasingly renders sea-power inferior to land power. And shortly after his own death, the former Great Empires of France and the UK relinquished their own imperial possessions in India, the Middle East, and Africa (less important than the other two).

So while the USA was heading a "Rimland coalition," it was significantly weaker than it could have been.

Yet, despite the USSR controlling Eastern Europe, the Heartland, and possessing increasingly sophisticated technology, it is the Rimland which won the Cold war. Why? Now, one could point to the inefficiencies of communist ideology as the culprit. And I'd say that this is a fair critique, yet "communism" as it existed in the USSR was not as impossible as the post 1991 narrative makes it out to be. Remember that the USSR did not implode in 1941 despite being under more pressure than they were in 1991. Few states have experienced the kind of external pressure they endured and survived.

And of course, there is the deft diplomacy of Nixon, who turned China and the USSR against each other (though this is a little overrated but whatever). Mackinder did mention that a Chinese-Russian/Soviet alliance would make the Heartland much more powerful.

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ca5f71  No.186583


No, it confirms it. The West was at a massive disadvantage compared to the USSR on paper and should it have come to a shooting war, would have had real problems. The USSR's problems were internal, but also very much exaggerated by a highly concentrated and advanced US media that could carefully shape its message to the Eastern bloc.

However, despite that "victory" the Rimland is in full-on collapse. Its sanctions against Russia and China achieve nothing. Selling out its own people to curry favor with China has bought them no lasting good will or strategic benefit.

Tellulocracy always wins. Thassalocracy always loses. You can see the Rimland is now turning on "Heartland America" or "Middle America" as it is increasingly running out of places it can successfully subjugate. And most of the Heartlanders are too stupid to figure out what it going on in real times [patriotard exists as a term for a reason].

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38c637  No.186585


>should it have come to a shooting war, would have had real problems

Then why didn't this happen?

>You can see the Rimland is now turning on "Heartland America" or "Middle America"

I agree, Biden's"victory" aligns with this, but I srill can't grasp EUs role on this

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ca5f71  No.186590


>Then why didn't this happen?

Because the Soviets weren't retarded warmongers.

>I agree, Biden's victory

Biden? It really predates that by much longer. I suspect you're some kind of "conservative" Trumpnigger who has difficulty really grasping long views of geopolitics.

>but I still can't grasp EUs role on this

The EU is an occupied vassal of the United States and its levers of power are controlled by people who still have a general Atlanticist bent. However, with the concentration of power for Germany industry, the quasi-expulsion of the UK [so it can join with the US in a much truer, negrojew dominated Rimland Anglosphere], anti-European genocidal tendencies in Tel Aviv-on-the-Potomac, and the practically unlimited resources in Russia, the EU has come to be regarded with suspicion in Washington and London. They suspect, correctly, that the EU has the greatest potential for revolutionary fascism.

The EU, much like "Heartland America" is not really a natural extension of the Rimland. It can exist on its own or connect to larger civilizational blocs [a theoretical "Eurasia" or "Eurosiberia"]. What's more, it also has the ability to possibly poach segments of the cross-Atlantic Rimland away, like Quebec, "Heartland America", or possibly even places like Uruguay or Argentina.

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38c637  No.186591


>Because the Soviets weren't retarded warmongers.

Yes but still, why not do it if its easy to win?


Chill I'm well aware of kikes, but part of me still thinks that some of them want to keep America running a bit longer, and used Trump's victory for that

>the EU has come to be regarded with suspicion in Washington and London

Yeah, do u think the recent conflict over fishing between France and UK could be a prelude to an armed conflict between the Anglos and the EU?

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ca5f71  No.186594


>Yes but still, why not do it if its easy to win?

Nuclear war is unpredictable. They weren't retards. Leonid Brezhnev even made a direct racial appeal to Richard Nixon in 70s for closer cooperation between the two countries.

>Chill I'm well aware of kikes, but part of me still thinks that some of them want to keep America running a bit longer, and used Trump's victory for that

Yes, of course they want to keep it going. Why wouldn't they? They don't have a future in China, no matter how much treasure they expended thinking they could buy one. And what makes you think Biden is somehow less committed to the continuation of "America"? Once again, conservatives showing they have zero conception of the world and systems they actually live in and what motivates and sustains them.

>Yeah, do u think the recent conflict over fishing between France and UK could be a prelude to an armed conflict between the Anglos and the EU?

Who knows? The mass population of France with niggers is already the shooting war. That's the Anglosphere's fifth column in Europe and France was targeted very specifically by the Atlanticist-aligned jewish faction burrowed into the Republican state.

For the EU to reach its true potential, race war is inevitable. For the Anglosphere to cling to its parasitic existence, race war is inevitable. Hail Europe.

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38c637  No.186598


>And what makes you think Biden is somehow less committed to the continuation of "America"?

Because I think Biden's policies will lead to its collapse much faster: firstly we have the race and demographics issue. While Trump did not stop illegal immigration or miscegenation, I could see him doing things to keep the racial status quo of the USA. 1. Building the wall, albeit slowly. 2. Taking advantage of the fact that most latinos end up identifying as white after 3 or 4 generation. Remember that they come as 50/50 euro/precolumbian, and that most breed with thite poeple after coming to the US. This happens specially between latino men and white women, and since hispanics are christian, they can easily connect with the large white christian population fo the US. In American no one is questioning other racial purity if the look whitr anyways. The latinos that don't mix would end up in a permanent cheap labor underclass. 3. Economically and demographically collapse Europe to bring the skilled white immigrants from there, for this immigration requirements would be made stricter. Those things would keep the US majority white. Then, there's also Trump doing a commercial war with China and relocating industry to India. Finally him withdrawing from the Paris agreement so that the US doesnt have to become a net energy importer.

>The mass population of France with niggers is already the shooting war.

Yes but what are the Jacobins currently running France going to do now? Stop importing niggers? I find it hard to belive they dont have a plan for this

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38c637  No.186602


Picrel is what neoimperialists at the US would be aiming for with its new imigrationg policy, but narrowing down to white Europeans only as much as possible. No i dont believe in Q btw

>Leonid Brezhnev even made a direct racial appeal to Richard Nixon

So does this mean that the USSR wasnt ran by kikes anymore after Stalin rose to power? Or am I mistaken here?

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38c637  No.186603

File: 55363f8740d8134⋯.jpg (848.29 KB, 2775x1500, 37:20, 845EF4011D62F1FEE5BBAD22D8….jpg)


Forgot pic lmao

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ca5f71  No.186607


>Because I think Biden's policies will lead to its collapse much faster:


>While Trump did not stop illegal immigration or miscegenation, I could see him doing things to keep the racial status quo of the USA.

The racial status quo of the USA is White genocide and jewish rule.

>Building the wall

He didn't build the wall. Why would you build the wall "slowly" when you know you could have only 4 years to do it? Because you're not serious, that's why. Besides, Biden isn't going to dismantle anything Trump did manage to spruce up.

>Taking advantage of the fact that most latinos end up identifying as white after 3 or 4 generation

Oh, god. We can just stop right here. Just another wetback beaner hopped up on conservatism. It's all making sense now why you keep skirting around the 100% jewish neocon agenda while trying to pass your ideas or thinking off as something else.

>Economically and demographically collapse Europe

America is a disease.

>Then Trump doing a commercial war with China

China doesn't need America.

>relocating industry to India

Yes, India. Not America. Not the Heartland. To a compliant Rimland satrap. You are a very bad shill.

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ca5f71  No.186608



I don't care what neoimperialists in the US think about anything. The entire leadership class of the US needs to be wholesale exterminated.

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38c637  No.186610


Ah so u mean that jews are gonna keep america running, except in a completely reshaped and different thing from what it is nowadays? If America collapses I only see them moving to Russia/ rimland Israel but I'm not sure how well they could run current Russia

>Just another wetback beaner hopped up on conservatism

Lmao no, I'm just trying to get a grasp into the ruling class' minds i knwo what I said about keeping America white is a pipedream but I dont see any other way to see the contry going

>Yes, India. Not America. Not the Heartland.

Yes but that industry was already in China, which is already in the rimland itself, but no controlled by kikes (dunno about india)

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38c637  No.186611

File: a00210c20fe5b49⋯.png (777 KB, 945x1741, 945:1741, 391D59F82196DB5DA6C48D223B….png)

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Also, SCOTUS jus rejected Texas case, what do you think of this tweet, just Q tier nonsense?

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ca5f71  No.186612


China is not the Rimland. In Mackinder's day, maybe, but China is its own racial civilization state and it is land-based. And that industry was not in China until it was deliberately off-shored there by the Rimland/thalassocracy to hopefully disrupt cooperation between the land-based civilization states of Asia/Eurasia. The initial off-shoring was the initial attack on Heartland America/Heritage America.

>but I don't see any other way to keep the country going

Why would you want to keep the country going? Because you're a conservative moron, that's why.

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38c637  No.186614


>to hopefully disrupt cooperation between the land-based civilization states of Asia/Eurasia.

Ah I see, and of course it failed

>but I don't see any other way to keep the country going

You prevously said that Jews wanna keep running America, but how are they going to do that if it is headed towards collapse?

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ca5f71  No.186615


>You prevously said that Jews wanna keep running America, but how are they going to do that if it is headed towards collapse?

Of course jews want to keep it running – it's their power center. That doesn't mean anyone unfortunate to be trapped inside of it needs to oblige.

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38c637  No.186616


Here you first say:

>And that industry was not in China until it was deliberately off-shored there by the Rimland/thalassocracy to hopefully disrupt cooperation between the land-based civilization states of Asia/Eurasia.

But then:

>The initial off-shoring was the initial attack on Heartland America/Heritage America.

Which seems contradictory, was it an attack or a deliberate move?

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38c637  No.186618


Yes, but I cant see how they plan to successfully do that

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ca5f71  No.186619


It's not contradictory at all. You're about to be filtered for being an obtuse datamining military spic.

Industry was sent to China for two reasons: 1) an attempted bribe to drive a further wedge between the two land-based communist Asian powers [that had already split over their border clashes in the 60s] and 2) to attack the domestic Heartland America/Heritage America by dismantling their industry. Remember, just because Heartland America is occupied by the Rimland/thalassocracy and it gets drawn on a map as part of "America", doesn't mean the actual power structure sees it that way.

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38c637  No.186620


>obtuse datamining military spic.

This made me laugh

>Remember, just because Heartland America is occupied by the Rimland/thalassocracy and it gets drawn on a map as part of "America", doesn't mean the actual power structure sees it that way.

Interesting, how is it seen the?

Also anon, thanks for ur time answering me. No im not a beaner or a glownigger, just a newfag.

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850a05  No.186636


Whether there's a longer term plan is another argument, but the EU is banking on what I also believe, that China (like the US) is being set up as the fall guy for a future conflict, and are thus strengthening their trade with Russia. This becomes clear when you notice that only a few years ago they were planning a 'European army' *with* the US to oppose Russia - so now allowing Russia to build Nord Stream 2 into Germany is unfathomable within that model.

That's the European Union itself though, Macron is the best example of the future of European national leadership, and Germany one again basically holds all the cards for what the future will look like - whether they join Eurasia or an Anglo Empire will make or break both.

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38c637  No.186639


>China (like the US) is being set up as the fall guy for a future conflict,

Yes, I wonder what the outcome of it will be. The US military is way stronger but the country is a wreck right now

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97ea2d  No.186714


>particularly since increases in military technology increasingly renders sea-power inferior to land power

I don't see how this follows. Britain could wipe China off the map tomorrow thanks to its Trident program.

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4528d6  No.186731


>The US military is way stronger

It's not.

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011d62  No.186763


It still is though. China relies on US milotary secrets stolen by Israel and whatever the Russians give them. But the country still needs time to build a better army, specially a functional blue water navy. And lets not forget about the usual chink fashion of cutting corners 1000 times.

For China to win against the US it needs a few more years of preparation. But I think the kikes don't want this. They already control muttland, but the same can't be said about chinkland. I think they are going to break up China in smaller, more manageable parts. All of this after the One Belt One Road is complete of course. The US would be easy for them to break anyways.

Yes anons I know that the US army is filled with nigger and women, but the chinks are subhumans in their own unique way, specially when it comes to losing wars.

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a178f8  No.186782


>It still is though.

It's not.

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011d62  No.186785


>one liner

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a178f8  No.186788


Your wishful thinking and daydreaming doesn't deserve anything more.

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011d62  No.186789


>still doesn't provide a counter argument

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a178f8  No.186790


You don't have an argument. It's a fantasy of bizarre copes created on 4chan. The US is in deep, deep decline. It is so far behind China it's not even funny. There are no options outside of nuclear weapons and that is a two way street. There are no wonder weapons waiting to bail the US out at the last second like a Hollywood movie. Just a shitty nigger country that can't summon men and material.

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011d62  No.186795


>The US is in deep, deep decline

Yes but its army is still functional

>There are no options outside of nuclear weapons and that is a two way street

No, all the US would need to do is 1) cut the OBOR project (preferably in Iran) and 2) cause inestability in China by means of food shortages and typical CIA guerrillas and ops (see HK). Simply no ketting China expand on its western front blocking it with its superior navy while putting a stranglehold around it with a crippled ME and India from the south, Chinese would have seroiud food and economical problems. Simpli cutting it off from Europe its enough to ruin its still export based economy. There isnt enough infraestructure in Russia to replace the OBOR, plus Easter Europe and Russia are still hostile to each other.

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a178f8  No.186796


>No, all the US would need to do is 1) cut the OBOR project (preferably in Iran) and 2) cause inestability in China by means of food shortages and typical CIA guerrillas and ops (see HK).

You already failed on all fronts. Keep up and stop living in a dream world.

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2c954b  No.186797


>jews don’t control china

Argument instantly ignored. Lurk more, newfag.

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a178f8  No.186802


They don't. That's why China is in conflict with the US. They thought they could buy their way in. The deterioration in the relationship over the last 5-10 years is reality setting in.

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011d62  No.186808


Iran would be easy for thr US to cripple, and China is not as strong as it seems, appearances play a big role on its strenght , as with most things the chinks do. Yes the CCPs programming on its population is very strong, but chinks dont have oxytocine receptors and thus dont have emphaty. They will eat eachother for profit.


I think China is a classical case of Jews running the economy and having great influence on the goverment, without controlling it completely. What happened in China is imo similar to what happened in the USSR under Stalin. Simply a bunch of Chinks took over and are running the country now. Kikes are still powerful but as mich as before. If not, prove me wrong.

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a178f8  No.186810


>I think China is a classical case of Jews running the economy and having great influence on the goverment

No. This is just Anglosphere conservative cope. They build this fiction in their heads so they can pretend they aren't the peak jew tool.

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011d62  No.186811


And how did they lose all the control? And why are jews still in the Chinese goverment (parliament etc)?

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a178f8  No.186814



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03e5f5  No.186830


>but chinks dont have oxytocine receptors and thus dont have emphaty

I took oxys once and it didnt do shit to me, am I a psycho?

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a3f65d  No.186832


Ignore this faggot >>186796. Yeah kikes don't China like they used to, but China is simply going to pay the price of going against jews. They haven't been able to retake it with money so they will do it with violence. They are putting everyone against China. Even Russia wants to get rid of the bugmen, otherwise their nation will be looted by chinese finished goods. Oh and stop being a faggot and making so many questions like in here >>186811 ok?

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2c954b  No.186833


>they don’t

They do. You have lost.


Thank you for conceding the argument.Jews control China.They have since the commies took over. You have nothing. You are worthless.

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2c954b  No.186834


Explain the ways in which China is “going against” the jews.

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a3f65d  No.186837


Sure. They main crime the chinks have done is trying to be the next jews. Buying up the real state and all the companies they could in the west, and overall scamming the western kikes with "give ur your means of production and we will let you in", only to use all the money to slowly infiltrate and buy the west. They are continuation the damage the soviet infiltration did. Yes they are advancing degeneracy and white genocide but for their won profit, not for the jews. Basically they are trying to copy and be the next kikes.

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a178f8  No.186838


>tallest shill

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2c954b  No.186840


Jews control China.You have nothing. You are worthless. You are a shill for jewish narratives.

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a178f8  No.186844

i already filtered you, so you don't need to go through the motions.

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2c954b  No.186849


Jews control China.No one cares about you. No one cares about your cowardice. No one cares that you’re too afraid of the truth to even see it. Only someone who is paid to post on white nationalist spaces would say the things you are saying. You have conceded the argument.

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a3f65d  No.186852


They don't anymore. They didn't mix with the chinese population and thus their infiltration and subersion failed. They however have learnt their mistake and are doing it now.

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2c954b  No.186878


>I just keep saying it despite all evidence to the contrary

Jews control China.They didn’t have to mix. They didn’t mix in the West. They didn’t mix in the Muslim world. They still control China. They didn’t infiltrate; they created modern China. They didn’t subvert; they created modern China. For fuck’s sake.

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a3f65d  No.186885


>They didn’t mix in the West. They didn’t mix in the Muslim world.

They didn't need to, both are caucasoids. Chinks are mongoloids.

>they created modern China

Same story as USSR, they simply got booted.

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b819fc  No.187346


>Leonid Brezhnev even made a direct racial appeal to Richard Nixon in 70s for closer cooperation between the two countries.

Source on this?

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b819fc  No.187348


>While Trump did not stop illegal immigration or miscegenation, I could see him doing things to keep the racial status quo of the USA

There was more legal immigration under Trump than under Obama. And what the other poster said, there hasn't been a racial status quo in the US besides third worldization and white decline since the late 60s.


>Yes but its army is still functional

>stranglehold around China with a crippled ME

The American army is currently in the proccess of finally getting BTFO by the Taliban and the Mideast is more united in being hostile to American interests than it has been since the Second Gulf War. The Syrian Civil War was America's last chance to contain Iran and it was a total failure. The Shia Crescent was only strengthened, the Sunni bloc has utterly fractured and now Russia has a major role in the region antagonistic to American interests.


>Iran would be easy for thr US to cripple

The yids hate Iran more than literally any other foreign power. If it was so easy for the US to topple them then that would have been done long ago.

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a178f8  No.187350


It's from (((CL Sulzberger's))) book [of the NY Times family] "The World and Richard Nixon". It comes up again with Thatcher.

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b819fc  No.187356



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8f6d22  No.187916


>China doesn't need America

nothing to say about the other stuff but this one just isn't true

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288ae3  No.187929

File: f054dc438c0d04d⋯.jpg (8.18 KB, 220x220, 1:1, FB_IMG_1601413412673.jpg)


The jews of russia were friends with the jews of USA so they created the Cold War to exponentially develop their military and network capabilities at the expense of massive debts that are unpayable to this day.


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8ab746  No.187934

File: 0f3f17246372c9c⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 386x500, 193:250, Alfred_mahan.jpg)

File: d24cd360597ed5c⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 600x817, 600:817, thediplomat_2014_12_30_09_….jpg)

The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660–1783 is a history of naval warfare published in 1890 by Alfred Thayer Mahan. It details the role of sea power during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and discussed the various factors needed to support and achieve sea power, with emphasis on having the largest and most powerful fleet. Scholars considered it the single most influential book in naval strategy. Its policies were quickly adopted by most major navies,[1][2][3][4] ultimately leading to the World War I naval arms race. It is also cited as one of the contributing factors of the United States becoming a great power.

Controlling eastern Europe is the function of a land power. But land is economically inferior to the seas; transport has always been much cheaper by water than by land. Thus controlling sea lanes is the secret to world power, not land lines.

Mahan formulated his concept of sea power while reading a history book in Lima, Peru.[5][6]

The book was published by Mahan while president of the US Naval War College, and was a culmination of his ideas regarding naval warfare.

Mahan began the book with an examination of what factors led to a supremacy of the seas, especially how Great Britain was able to rise to its near dominance. He identified such features as geography, population, and government, and expanded the definition of sea power as comprising a strong navy and commercial fleet. Mahan also promoted the belief that any army would succumb to a strong naval blockade.[7]

The book then goes on to describe a series of European and American wars and how naval power was used in each.

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8ab746  No.187936


The increase in non white immigration under Trump was the result of the refusal of sanctuary cities to obey federal authority in immigration, which they didn't do under Obama.

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2c954b  No.187944


No, it’s the result of Trump allowing it.

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8ab746  No.187956


No he was blocked with vociferous opposition at every turn but you're a pro Biden/CCP shill so it's your task to demoralize the right here. Trump is the first man in 30 years, since Buchanan basicallyl to put up any nationalistic oppostion to the plundering of the US economy by foreign globalist forces and your job is to quench any fires of resistance to those globalists. Trump ain't perfect but he's all we've got.

Oh and fuck you.

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2c954b  No.187959

File: 81bba07e669bd22⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 5000x4748, 1250:1187, RaEqXxr.jpg)

File: 0b44481715fd9c0⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 5320x6872, 665:859, 2vNXWha.jpg)

File: 601053fd3084c97⋯.jpg (3.58 MB, 4432x5072, 277:317, Dk1zgjF.jpg)


>No he was blocked

No, he personally allowed it. Images related. You want to play this game, shlomo, you can do it on the Q-LARP board. Your ZOG emperor has publicly said anyone who doesn’t support jews should be murdered by the US military, and has said all white nationalists should be killed or jailed. You have nothing. You’re worthless.

>you're a pro Biden/CCP shill









You’re worthless. You’re humiliating your coworkers.

>it's your task to demoralize

Said the jewish puppet shilling for jewish puppets.

>Trump is the first man in 30 years, since Buchanan basicallyl to put up any nationalistic oppostion to the plundering of the US economy by foreign globalist forces

He has done no such thing. Literally nothing you said is happening. He openly supports white genocide. He has publicly called for universal basic income. There’s no fucking nationalism in Trump. What, you want to worship the USMCA? It’s literally the TPP with a different title. What has he done about the trade imbalance with China? Nothing. They’re not punished in any way. You have NOTHING. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, Q-LARPer.








>and your job is to quench any fires of resistance to those globalists

I’m literally calling on people to abandon jewish puppets working for the ZOG and physically fight back. You, being a paid jewish shill who worships the ZOG, don’t want this.

>Trump ain't perfect but he's all we've got.

You aren’t part of us. You’re not we. You are ✡we✡. Commit suicide. Don’t bother replying again. You were blown the fuck out already and you have nothing to cite your claims.

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08cec1  No.187964


I actually was just reflecting on this very idea a few days ago when I realized the most powerful colonial empires all had access to the ocean (and when I say direct I mean direct, not having to go through the mediterranean seemed to really boost them.)

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eb779d  No.187966

Some “pick me up music” before the storm sets in.


To all 17s

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2c954b  No.187968



You have a containment board. Get the fuck out, jew.

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ffb340  No.187985


>but this one just isn't true

Yes, it is.

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aae753  No.187986

I live underneath the bright pink line, and I don't know whether that makes me heartland or rimland.

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ffb340  No.187987

File: 3f6c6c2a4fb0b65⋯.png (907.17 KB, 934x6142, 467:3071, Screenshot_2020_04_30_Amer….png)


>The increase in non white immigration under Trump was the result

Of the Trump administration wanting more non-White immigrants because White Americans are capital's enemy.

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8ab746  No.188000


As long as the Mediterranean was the center of the known world it's command was central, to the Romans, the Carthagenians, and the Venetians and the Turks.

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15dd1d  No.188005


Wow…we Whites are so lucky to have to 'carry' an entire planet of parasites. Can chinese labor and indian labor really count as 'skilled' when all they do is fuck everything up?

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