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Can't help but swallow the bait!

File: 4effe6a9a1cb1dd⋯.jpg (139.86 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, tiger_faggot.jpg)

7890d3  No.186531

How do we go about genociding all of the meat eating animals on the planet Earth?

Look at this DISGUSTING fucking creature in the picture related. It survives by feasting off of the flesh of other living things. Innocent, pure, noble vegetarian animals, primarily. IT THRIVES OFF OF THE FLESH OF THE PURE AND NOBLE.

We must expunge all carnivorous animals from our planet. Only herbivores can remain and human CAN be herbivorous (all human carnists must also be culled).

How do we go about it, /pnd/?

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7890d3  No.186546

Also I'm sorry for naming that image "tiger_faggot.jpg". I was trying to pretend like I was "one of you" and be homophobic, but really I am not and now I feel bad for using such a hateful and marginalizing word in my OP.

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9dd283  No.186547

File: f97225bf62a561b⋯.jpg (210.21 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 1605843423651m.jpg)

File: f580ed9dc6af2c0⋯.jpg (290.36 KB, 1024x936, 128:117, 1605842719117m.jpg)

File: dee3a27908088fb⋯.jpg (229.2 KB, 1024x762, 512:381, 1605840391850m.jpg)

You contaminate their gene pool with human DNA.

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b90a81  No.186548



im sorry they have got to you anon, praying for you and you shouldnt apologise so much it'll slowly wear down your sense of self

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