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There's a nigger on the port bow!

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b04088  No.184362

But you wouldn't know it by watching the the MSM.

Now that we know the rest of the story, whatever happened between him and Viacom had to of been intentionally instigated by Viacom.

After they pissed him off or poisoned him or whatever and he was in Africa they came out and claimed they were willing to pay him some huge amount.

Like MJ said, they do it on purpose. Check out how suppressed this video and story are.

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dd64f7  No.184418

As he gets old, he's turning into Louis Satchmo Armstrong.

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b04088  No.184470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Farakhan speaks on the Jewish takeover of BET and black comediennes. Ironically 50 cent has dclared bankruptcy since this aired.

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4a6293  No.184495


Based on his recent stand-up special, he has learned nothing. Clearly he just wanted to get paid and Netflix delivered…So now he's just someone else's bitch.

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a11b93  No.184554

File: 3039f11b561271f⋯.png (983.94 KB, 716x678, 358:339, niggers_588838.png)


who cares he is a anti-White stupid useless sjw nigger, you jew tabloid waving faggot. Back to reddit you faggot.

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13edca  No.185275


Dave Chapelle vexes me, sometimes. I mostly enjoy his work. In some ways he's the most based black dude out there, but in others he's completely "woke" and it repels me. His monologue about the pimp is pretty obviously about the jews that flood entertainment, but he thinks that jewnog Colin Kapper-nig is fighting for black rights and dignity when really it was just some attention-whoring with an eye on a bigger payday.

I guess we all have our blind spots, but he seems like he should be too smart to fall for that one.

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dd64f7  No.185390

File: 35307091b8d1fda⋯.jpg (58.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1dd7725b6ea5d6db24bf3d77ad….jpg)

File: cb787e57faa9306⋯.jpg (28.77 KB, 318x317, 318:317, 12374443.jpg)

File: 832d8f0daf07c2f⋯.jpg (253.9 KB, 945x1032, 315:344, friedmann.JPG)

File: 10ca20b9f83fa12⋯.jpg (58.73 KB, 423x470, 9:10, 3a19ab9570879051f15e40777a….jpg)

Stand up comedy is pretty much a jewish creation. It's awful. It's the antithesis of everything this site stands for.

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dd64f7  No.185418

File: e5d0699a60fc41f⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 396x640, 99:160, dust.jpg)

File: 32f0ba5e0c96dc1⋯.jpg (72.93 KB, 494x800, 247:400, 1951_evelyn_waugh_when_the….jpg)

File: 242193f033ed60d⋯.jpg (802.15 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, waugh_sword_of_honour_old_….jpg)

File: 5d4c8e875d67476⋯.jpg (24.73 KB, 307x500, 307:500, scoop.jpg)

File: cb3b0638ce785f8⋯.jpg (502.06 KB, 1280x1907, 1280:1907, tumblr_nkwqu0On091rp1q8wo2….jpg)

So you might say; "Oh but the jews are naturally funny, they're so clever and they have this incredible sense of humor". Right. It's trash, swill out of the gutter.

Evelyn Waugh was an Anglo Catholic, very devout. You want really funny intelligent humor sharp as a surgeon's scalpel? Go read Evelyn's early novels, or any of his novels for that matter.

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dd64f7  No.185419

File: 54362f0619b235b⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 306x500, 153:250, selassie.jpg)

File: 931fc1fe4c9d82f⋯.jpg (8.12 KB, 178x283, 178:283, df.jpg)

File: 74601bc772dd089⋯.jpg (16.37 KB, 300x474, 50:79, md30649694425.jpg)

Vile Bodies was his first best seller, the novel that gave him his initial fame. It is his nastiest satire. George Orwell felt that nobody wrote the English language as well as Evelyn did in the 20th century and he was correct.

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dd64f7  No.185421


"his work" kek

Some low IQ shitskin standing around with a mic in his hand telling elementary schoolyard level jokes that depend on using naughty words to get the audience to titter with amusement at hearing such shocking stuff on stage. And now he no longer even does that apparently; he simply sits slumped in defeat mumbling plaintively at his all to sympathetic audience of bleeding fart gliberals. Seriously if Putin wiped out Hollywood and it's bedroom suburb, Malibu with a couple small tactical nukes he'd be doing the entire human race an immense favor.

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e645a8  No.185515


chappell is a hoe of the jews just like ice cube and nick cannon. his recent SNL was gay

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1403ce  No.185520

File: 944c0b3dde74a1c⋯.png (39.09 KB, 261x358, 261:358, 1463951075519.png)


calm down

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dd64f7  No.185539


wooooh…nigger lover posts pic of limey communist faggot. We're in big trouble now.

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7d1f97  No.185548

File: ccdcefe3e1186f1⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, autism_my_liiiife.webm)

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dd64f7  No.185575


I see why you like him so much now; your mom videotaped his visit to your home when he came to talk to you in your bedroom…

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