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ebb573  No.183428

Ghaddafi had tents on his property.



Could his death explain why he is tough on UN and why he is nemesis with obama?

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d8a0ac  No.183443

inb4 you get called jewish for asking something interesting

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ffdeca  No.183476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hell no, In this vid Trump brags about how bad he ripped off Khadafi.

Goldman Sachs ripped off Khadafi and the Libyan people even worse, losing 98% of the billion dollars they invested from the Libyan sovereign wealth fund.

Sarkozy stabbed Khadafi in the back literally. Trump and a bunch of Jews robbed Khadafi then killed him so as not to have to pay it back.

Khadafi set up a sovereign wealth fund for the Libyan people. It had around $50 to $60 billion at the time khadafi was killed.

Guess who's representing the sovereign wealth fund now? Some of Trump's Jewish buddies.


Former Trump lobbyists will represent Libya’s sovereign wealth fund

FORMER TRUMP LOBBYISTS WILL REPRESENT LIBYAN SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND: The New York lobbyists Brad Gerstman and David Schwartz, who once counted President Donald Trump as one of their clients, have registered as foreign agents to represent Libya’s sovereign wealth fund. Gerstman, Schwartz and another partner at their firm, Shai Franklin, will work to “change the sanctions” affecting the Libyan Investment Authority, according to a Justice Department disclosure. They’ll also reach out to Congress, the State Department and the Treasury Department as well as the media and the “business and banking sectors,” according to the disclosure.

— Gerstman and Schwartz are already familiar with Libya. They opened a Washington office of their firm, Gotham Government Relations & Communications, after Trump’s election and lobbied the White House last year on behalf of a company looking to persuade Trump to back its plan to send private security forces to Libya to facilitate oil exploration, according to Gerstman. The company, MHRT International Oilfield Services, paid Gotham $200,000 but the plan ultimately went nowhere. Once the insurgency started in Libya earlier this year, the “possibility of American intervention became unrealistic,” Gerstman wrote in a text message to PI. Gotham is no longer working for MHRT."

Now a bunch of Jews are bilking the Libyan peoples money.

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ffdeca  No.183481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So yea, klhadafi had $50 billion set aside for a population under 7 million people. Not to the Jews or the Rothschilds, to his people.

This is why they have right wingers trained to flip out over muh Socialism.

Libya wasn't able to start their sovereign wealth fund til 2006 when the US lifted sanctions.

That's why we have sanctions on Venezuela, you can't have countries nationalizing resources and putting that money in a sovereign wealth fund for their people.

According to Judaism that fucking money belongs to the Jews as with all the worlds other money. Also you can enslave an uppity population.

Libya was a tiny glimpse at what's possible w/o a central bank and a bunch of Jews drinking your blood.

Btw every single day for the forseable future we pay well over a billion dollars in interest on our debt. The debt we accrued fighting Jewish wars and establishing the state of Israel and countless other Jewish schemes.

The video will show what's possible without. Jews drinking a countries blood.It's all true and tha's on top of the $50 billion.

Oh and Libya/Khadafi had shit ton of gold that I think is missing.

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3b7509  No.183507

File: 66a513032bac6a1⋯.png (105.7 KB, 743x107, 743:107, Capture.PNG)

we need another Hitler NOW

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0f0080  No.183509


Okay, go do it. What’s stopping you.

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8bb0a8  No.183514


>Was Trump Freinds with Ghaddafi?

The fact that Trump is a zionist heeb lover would probably negate that.

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