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File: f3c6c35c7519bbe⋯.jpg (156.44 KB, 686x1586, 343:793, WHO_president.JPG)

File: 75146632ee55668⋯.jpg (157.32 KB, 1124x1074, 562:537, asymtomatic_spread_who.jpg)

File: 5ee769dc6262ab7⋯.png (531.37 KB, 639x762, 213:254, WHO_shitstain.png)

File: a5b55231036192c⋯.png (131.98 KB, 568x663, 568:663, who_lies.png)

File: 3f1b4ea0a782b38⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 720x715, 144:143, WHO_corruption2.jpg)

d805c6  No.183352

Turns out he was an international arms trafficker who sponsored a tribal war in Ethiopia. Adhanom Ghebreyesus is a leader of the TPLF, the Tigray People's Liberation Front, a Marxist Leninist terrorist organization.

You know, Pat Buchanan said if he became president, he'd order 10,000 US marines to march into the UN building in New York and just packe them all up and move them right out of the country. Like welfare for single mothers raising demon spawn to afflict society, the UN and all it's tentacles is one of those specious institutions that should be utterly done away with immediately.

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4c5f37  No.183359


I can't believe this Jonestein/Bannon kikery is being spread here of all places.

Also, the UN obsession is a throwback to the B'nai Bircher faggotry. Yes, there was a time when the UN was a major issue, but that changed. After third-world nations that were less sympathetic to jews and Israel joined, and a resolution declaring that zionism was racism was passed, the golem began being phased out. Now, the top critics of the UN aren't those who oppose the global jewish agenda, but Israel-first neo-cohens.

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5527f0  No.183360

>muh China

Fuck off Ari.

jewflu is israel's failure of a bio-weapon.

Ask (((Charles Lieber)))

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d805c6  No.183362

File: 6f4209d9734fb18⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, jewish_faces_in_Communist_….png)

File: 33a4ea044dd3d64⋯.jpg (402.71 KB, 898x1400, 449:700, celine.JPG)


You know I'm totally down with antisemitism, but the idea that the Chicoms are somehow innocent and should never be taken note of for their evil because it distracts from the evil of the jews is a bizarre embellishment. Give it a rest. You're a fucking joke .

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96e6fd  No.183384

File: 3e304206f8ed722⋯.jpg (84.16 KB, 600x480, 5:4, 3e304206f8ed7226580ad4b9b8….jpg)

File: 84bb3a12b02f4a6⋯.png (445.27 KB, 630x640, 63:64, Bolton_China.png)

File: 654b853c87b41cb⋯.png (20.33 KB, 659x273, 659:273, Bolton_China_Corona.png)

File: 67b2620d5a78f27⋯.png (73.48 KB, 708x592, 177:148, Soros_China1.png)

File: d2b75c531399176⋯.png (390.7 KB, 703x685, 703:685, Soros_China2.png)


>You know I'm totally down with antisemitism


You kikes sure love posting that image. At one point, there was heavy jewish influence on China, but that's the past. China is a golem that's now seen as a threat to global jewish hegemony, and jews (and glowniggers) are at the source of all the anti-China rhetoric.

No chink ever called me "goy".

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6711c7  No.183400

File: 59e5cd266e624e8⋯.png (846.21 KB, 1227x5507, 1227:5507, Who_hoax_2010.png)

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9d7bda  No.183402

The left would let China invade us just because trump doesn't want them to

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d805c6  No.183409


>At one point, there was heavy jewish influence on China, but that's the past.


When have the jews ever let go of one of their possessions ever? An absurd statement on the face of it. Jews love wars, they love making nations fight one another at their behest and to their profit. The Chicoms are fucking evil jew pawns. The Americans are jew pawns.

So STFU with your deflection of any blame agaisnt a government that dutifully murdered 70 million of it's best citizens.

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96e6fd  No.183413


Nigger, the jews don't just want war for the sake of war, they want to destabilize China. It's the same reason they're pushing the Hong Kong Antifa, who a bunch of people who claim to be redpilled also embrace.

>murdered 70 million of it's best citizens

>never forget the 70 million!

Who the fuck cares? I care about White survival and the end of jewish power, not some dead chinamen. I'm also 100% in favor of turning Uyghurs into soap and lampshades, or whatever they're doing.

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468c99  No.183427

File: 81b2dcabad30712⋯.jpg (512.63 KB, 768x917, 768:917, WHOTRANS.jpg)

File: cd8d3956f0d684e⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 2194x3064, 1097:1532, _American_lies_about_Jews_….jpg)




>how do you do fellow nazi antisemites

>remember that kosher glownigger larp I have been shilling unsuccessully before?

>sure I totally "hate them joos" and Im a degenerate shilling kosher diverting disinfo and d&c, but…

>remember the 60 gorillion

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97a9f1  No.183434


>jews don’t control china

>anyone who says they do is a jewish shill

How are you even alive.

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d805c6  No.183474

File: c7c41a29affb7d5⋯.jpg (284.8 KB, 689x1552, 689:1552, china_israel.JPG)

File: e0772995f2856bd⋯.jpg (147.84 KB, 1020x778, 510:389, Israel_china.JPG)


whoa so in your pure Aryan future you're planning the Chinese communist are good guys then? And we're not allowed to assign any blame to them because otherwise we're jewtools? Hmm intradasting.

Funny I can remember when the jews reduced China to the utmost poverty approaching stone age levels of imbecility. And then suddenly like magic all the jews on Wall St started sending our technology, our factories and our pension fund money to investments in slave labor driven Communist China. But that's all OK because muh jooze. Gotcha commisar. Please post your directives of the day so we can keep up to date with the latest in 8kun/pnd/ right thinking.

Of course Michael Pollard stole all the US Navy's military secrets for Israel and Israel sold/gave those secrets to the Chicoms…but that's not permitted here…REEEEEEEEEE MODS SHUT IT DOWN DON'T LET THIS GLOWNIGGER SPREAD HIS LIES@.

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