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7b15d8  No.183259

Colonization was the worst fucking mistake that European nations have done in history. It drastically enriched European nations and set the world stage to focus on us, but the price it had on the future of some former colonies was not worth the price.

Note that when I say “colony,” I’m mainly referring to ones where the conquering people immigrated there in large numbers and maintain a dominating presence to this day. I’m not going to talk about India or pretty much any African country simply because they were merely raped for resources and the colonizing nations bailed whenever either they decided it wasn’t worth the effort or the natives won their independence back through a war. This is because these nations have always had a high indigenous population of sub humans, so the country was never going to be successful after the Europeans had had their way with them.

Look at the vast majority of the colonies of any euro country that involved working with the native population instead of outright genociding them. In burgerland, Brazil, Mexico, they are all complete shithole third world countries, the US is somewhat better, but is quickly collapsing. This is because if Euro's were to do colonization right, they would have killed off the native population instead of enslaving them and bringing them to their colonies. The good former colonies like Australia all had majority white populations and killed off the natives. Low and behold, they're doing pretty well for themselves nowadays. Gee, I wonder why? The biggest mistake the Brits made when managing the thirteen colonies was importing niggers onto the continent instead of having their own people do the hard work and manual labor that was needed to build the society. Now, the niggers have gotten out of control and the country is rapidly deteriorating. The same thing goes for the two big Spanish and Portuguese colonies, where the majority of the population were mixed race with the local natives/imported niggers. In Australia, the Brits made the right call in genociding the Natives as much as possible to make room for the prisoners. I believe that Canada is another example of colonization done right because most of the natives were killed from intentional genocide or disease, and never recovered after that.

If you’re white and live in a good place like Canada or Australia, good on you, it’s mostly white so you still have a chance to fight for it. If you’re white/Spanish/Portuguese and you live in one of the shit hole colonies I listed above, do yourself a favor and go back to your homeland and try to improve it, the place where you live now is doomed.

Thank you for reading my pointless essay,

>t.pissed off american

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eea425  No.183261

File: d3ed8b0c75345b1⋯.png (271.69 KB, 1674x854, 837:427, 3c2981127b96e1.png)

Do you think the jews wouldn't force EU countries to take on all these niggers even if colonization didn't work?


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f0fcd8  No.183278


> but the price it had on the future of some former colonies was not worth the price.

You can only make niggers so smart. South Korea was destroyed in the Korean war yet way more advanced than anything African who were ahead of Korea (thanks to colonialism…) in the early 1900's.

> colonizing nations bailed whenever either they decided it wasn’t worth the effort or the natives won their independence back through a war

This was engineered by USA post WW 2. This would lead western Europe to become more dependent upon the larger USA, rather than sustaining their own economies through colonialism (which is why France and UK were so powerful through 1700's, 1800's and early 1900's). Effectively putting an end to European hegemony.

> instead of outright genociding them

Western nations with a powerful navy just wanted to exploit them for resources, which worked successfully. If you kill all of them you don't have your slave labor for very long anymore.

> importing niggers into Europe

This was a post WW 2 thing, and again something USA heavily pushed for. The push for multiculturalism came out of USA since they know that it inevitably would weaken their nations relative to USA.

> Now, the niggers have gotten out of control and the country is rapidly deteriorating.

Because the niggers aren't being put in their place. It's also difficult to do this since the moment you will do this not only will western nations in EU cry about human rights, you will have the USA planning a 'democracy revolution' in your country.

> pissed off american

The doom of multiculturalism was mostly an USA idea. Country got in a position so strong after WW II they could take over half of Europe directly and most of the European colonies. Instead of doing that they decided to use their economical influence to just mix everything together in the entire world for God knows why. The only places left that aren't some kind of advanced race mix experiment are former soviet union countries.

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8ebfd8  No.183279


>raped for resources

I had to stop reading there due to red flag on your low education.

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4ed4e7  No.183328

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72f1c5  No.183337

Nigger, I'm from an European land that got colonised by other European powers and got assaulted to no avail by moors and their nigger infantry.

Do you really think these kikes and their golems care? I have to pay reparashuns cause I'm a white devil, their rethoric only goes one way.

The point of this demagoguery is to muttify white countries so they have a divided bunch of thralls to exploit or keep exploiting. Nothing more, nothing less.

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