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File: ab2d22664c00d80⋯.png (302.17 KB, 828x811, 828:811, ClipboardImage.png)

be2af4  No.183026

Get in here faggots

Livestream > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyQFmV00RYM&feature=emb_title


No confirmed dead yet

Shooter still at large

Creating separate bread because not sure if this is election related or not

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c5884d  No.183028

File: ab38e30639b48bb⋯.jpg (88.19 KB, 620x518, 310:259, 1439671735768.jpg)

>inb4 it's another kike stooge like Brenton Tarrant

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be2af4  No.183030

File: 1febb06e5ae5f57⋯.png (571.85 KB, 759x549, 253:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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be2af4  No.183031

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d23207  No.183051

My money is on nog vs nog rage, not a mass shooting event.

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02407c  No.183057

He's with they jew york times. Call him on Skype

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bc76c5  No.183069


Turns out it was the Half in the Bag guys.

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be2af4  No.183081


They sayin it was a white boi

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213ccd  No.183133

Still no photo of the suspect? This "white man" must be really black.

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c020d5  No.183391

File: 0f6aa87707ea503⋯.jpg (127.74 KB, 2220x1248, 185:104, moonman.jpg)

They still haven't found him.

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682443  No.183407

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df48cd  No.183439

l bet my ass on another somali migrant.

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f6d20d  No.183441

File: c8b9f14fc976c78⋯.jpg (106.41 KB, 346x318, 173:159, yogi_violated.jpg)


Has anyone called the Jew York Times reporter's cell to fuck with him?

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f6d20d  No.183442

File: fc12cb95902d41a⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 640x360, 16:9, redletter_oh_no_no_no.mp4)


>the Half in the Bag guys.

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431eef  No.183462


At least one of their staff must be a jew, and at least one of them must be a legitimate queer. It’s the only thing that explains their attitudes on many things.

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bc76c5  No.183465


Yeah … Mike Stoklasa and Rich Evans went on a rampage because of Discovery season 3. Milwaukee is just that dull.

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