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File: e3a68ce385bc200⋯.jpg (145.58 KB, 850x444, 425:222, dear_commies_.jpg)

f7af22  No.179868

We are at that moment where Germany found itself before it became Nazi Germany. We must do what they failed to do and that is to remove the Nazi element in our country and jail them before they can do anymore harm to our free republic.This is an extremely uncomfortable and unpopular idea but I assure it must be done to save the republic.

The reason this must be done is that we have 30% of the US population actively working to overthrow the US government and the American way of life. Either by participating in person by rioting or "protesting", giving money to terrorist organisations like BLM, ANTIFA, and the Democrat Party, or by cheering them on from the sidelines. By their own admission they hate freedom and the American way of life and wish to destroy it. They don't just want to take freedom from themselves but they wish to take freedom from everyone, everywhere, forever.

If we do not remove the criminal communist and socialist element from our society post haste we will suffer the same fate as Germany.

We can not allow them to continue their attack on freedom via the obvious election fraud. We must act now and begin to remove these people from society by any means. If the government wont act then the people must.

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6bc2a4  No.179870

Okay. Go do it.

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582968  No.179881

I need my Coca Cola sometimes they aren’t going to get away with this

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582968  No.179882

How many Weimar units are we at now, by the way?

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cdd48d  No.179908


125% Weimar

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72f134  No.179944


>If we do not remove the criminal communist and socialist element from our society post haste we will suffer the same fate as Germany.

I've been thinkg about this lately, and it seems to be impossible. I mean even if you could gas all the lefties now, and you can't, since you can't read people's minds, more will come. You will always have to live with lefties, just like they will have to live with us.

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706f23  No.180720


Pretty gay thread. If 30% (!) of the country wants it to die, then it will die, and it should die.

Something better would come out of it. Nation-states are born, they live, and they die. Cycle of history.

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38c02b  No.181381


Well, USA is already 40% non white. If the 30% dying are all non whites and leftists then it's a benefit.

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8c255d  No.181389


Why go for 30% when you can have it all. They all need to die.

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771091  No.181396


It’s already 60% nonwhite. The official numbers are lies.

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8c255d  No.181398


This. That doesn't mean anything tho…at one point the USA was 100% brown and we still manage the conquest of the entire nation. We have way more people here now than we did then. It would be easy to re-conquer but we need to be merciless.

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2d68d5  No.181406


The problem is that you have to structure society in such a way to prevent selection for lefties. IE, remove welfare programs, remove single motherhood incentives, remove divorce, make it easier to have single income families, and prevent R selection in general. Not to mention stopping 3rd world low iq immigration and removing der juden. But this stuff never happens until there is a collapse scenario since governments only grow and never shrink (of their own accord)

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01286f  No.181422


>This. That doesn't mean anything tho…at one point the USA was 100% brown and we still manage the conquest of the entire nation. We have way more people here now than we did then. It would be easy to re-conquer but we need to be merciless.

You aren't taking into account the weapons technology. Today a single soldier has the killing power of about 10, not to mention the bots and drones that will be deployed on us are far more concerning than a mass of stupid commieniggers.

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8c255d  No.181432


You are not taking into account that there is no civilization without us. You think the enemies ranks will hold as they have no fuel, no water, no food, no electricity, no internet, no 'drone repair'? No, we are the only thing that holds civilization together, the fewer of us their are the fewer enemy we have to fight because they will be too busy dying to focus on fighting anything.

I can't say it enough…right now…this instant, we need to totally withdraw our support from all brown people, including the kikes, and kick off the war with a whitestrike, reserving all of our energy time and resources ONLY for our own people

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01286f  No.181434


We also need to form alliances with like minded groups. This is a global war that effects all races and we don't have the numbers to act alone with success. Nips are also having their country destroyed by kikes and naturally make a good ally.

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771091  No.181437


You’re pretty damn well correct. No one will do anything. That’s the problem.

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8c255d  No.181439


You don't have to kill anon. Just stop patronizing brown people (jews and blacks). Is this too hard a thing to do to save your own life?

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8c255d  No.181440


I am not interested in any brown people anon.

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771091  No.181441


That’s what I mean; no one will do anything. We’ll continue to pay our taxes. We’ll continue to have deductions taken from our paychecks. We will never stop this.

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8c255d  No.181445


We can stop it anytime we like. We just don't want to yet. What will they 'govern' if we withdraw our consent? Niggers? Take a look at South Africa and let me know how that is working out for them, governing niggers…and that is with Whites still actively participating and upholding the system. 50% of the time they no longer have electricity sometimes there is no water because they have zero idea of what it means to conserve water. In the north, how would brown people live if there was no infrastructure supporting them? They would die in days, weeks or maybe months. No farms? No food.

It isn't that complex anon. Browns would return to their primitive state (all of them) almost instantly without our active participation in keeping them alive.

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01286f  No.181451


I am not either, but Asians could be a useful ally. Even Hitler knew that he needed to form alliances to have a chance (although he made alot of stupid mistakes lie Dunkirk)

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8c255d  No.181453


One of his stupider mistakes was thinking brown people have anything at all to offer anyone.

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01286f  No.181477


Like it or not we are all in this together, it's just that now brown people have no incentive to rebel against the jew when they are given everything at our expense, there are many who know though.

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2b61b4  No.181609

File: 8688a9dffb1d874⋯.png (537.08 KB, 550x563, 550:563, 69DC7459_DEC0_428C_87AC_12….png)


Unironically kill yourself, you massive faggot. You know damn well that the USA is not 30% National Socialist. If that were the case, scum like you would be hanging from a rope, as is your proper place.

Second of all, your amateurish attempt to equate National Socialism with communism is beyond ridiculous. No one in the history of the world has ever fought marxists as hard as the natsocs, period.

I realize that you think youre in a jewish movie, and that we are the villains, but your delusions have no power here.

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b08906  No.181612


>we just don’t want to yet

Ever. We don’t want to ever.

>let me know how that is working out for them

It’s working beyond their wildest dreams. Whites are completely exterminated in Zimbabwe, and will very shortly be in South Africa. They get everything they want. They literally do not care about the conditions in the rest of the world. They will have unimaginable luxury in Greater Israel, a massive wall and miles long shoot to kill zone surrounding it, and the rest of the world will be an undifferentiated brown mass that squats in ditches and dies of a toothache at 35. This is literally what they want. Jews do not give a fuck how their slaves live. It really is not that complex.

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aed70a  No.181634

>Nazis (Germany) compared to (((BLM))) and (((antifa)))

(((you))) tried

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